Tweets Analysis - Keyword: @YukteshwarKumar
Total number of tweets analysed
Earliest tweet was on
Latest tweet was on
Tweets covering
9 days
Average age of authors' accounts
8 years
These tweets discuss various topics, primarily related to development in Bihar and Bath, England. In Bihar, it focuses on inspiring pride and development. In Bath, it focuses on construction, safety, and accessibility of roads with regards to cyclists, pedestrians, and emergency vehicles. Both public figures and citizens express their opinions in the tweets.
Topic Modeling
- Initiatives for Bihar
- Safety Standards for Bath
- Farming and Supporting Local Business
- Transportation Planning Issues
- Government Accountability
Emotional Analysis
The majority of these tweets express positive emotions such as joy, inspiration, and bliss. The first tweet in particular is an inspiring call to action to unite and rebuild the state of Bihar. Other tweets express feelings of pride and support for small businesses, while some express confusion and disbelief at decisions made by local authorities. Additionally, there are some tweets that express frustration, such as the lack of common sense when spending money, and anger towards those in power. Overall, the tweets in this sample express a range of emotions, but with a focus on positivity and inspiration.
Trend Analysis
- Promoting and celebrating the culture of Bihar
- Cycle lane safety issues in Bathwick
- Supporting small businesses in farming
- Public policy issues in Bath
- Councillors representing districts
Types of Tweets
Number of Retweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of Original tweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Mentions
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Replies
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Quotes
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Hashtags
Percentage of total tweets
Top 5 devices used to tweet
Source | Count |
Twitter for iPhone | 19 |
Twitter for Android | 15 |
Twitter Web App | 14 |
Twitter for iPad | 1 |
What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count
Username | Name | Bio | Followers count |
navneetanand | Dr Navneet Anand | PhD, JNU. Public Affairs, Political Communication, #SocialMedia. Columnist. Formerly TOI, Express, Pioneer. ✒️Editor | 5,410 |
Angiemut | Purplereign | Retwts not endorcements 💕dogs #spiritualist 💕#saynotobullies No list 👍 No DMs,The #LibDems have destroyed my City #TimeForChange #BullyingIsNotOk | 4,345 |
awjre | Adam Reynolds | Software Dev Manager. Passionate about @WalkRideBath. Transport Data & Policy Analyst. Changing the world one data set at a time. Views are my own. | 3,271 |
BathCA | Bath Local Conservatives | Working for a prosperous, safe, sustainable, levelled-up, non-LTN Bath. "A top Twitter account you need to follow": Bath Chronicle. Promoted: AGreen for BCA | 2,759 |
KatyCycles | Katy Rodda Still Wants 2m | It's a verb. She walks, too. Even more km than miles. Find me | 2,116 |
littlelouandMM | LittlelouandMissyMoo - #ProudToBeAWren ♀️ 🦕🦖 | If you see something that is not fair or not just, you have a MORAL OBLIGATION to do something about it. Yup! That's me. Rules are rules! Don't break them! | 1,889 |
udaypratapbuxar | Uday Pratap | Learner & Explorer ||Views expressed are purely personal || | 1,551 |
BathJoanna | BathDesigner | Fancy job titles mean nothing. I mainly colour things in. Living & working in the city of Bath. Personal account. | 1,079 |
MiddleStumpMich | Michelle O'Doherty | Mom. LD Cllr for Newbridge, Bath. Fat. Cricket & football lover. Face like a bostid bag of coins. Proud remoaner. Brummie. Bluenose. | 937 |
JackDeBath | Jack de Bath | “The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing” (Einstein). RT/follow/like isn’t endorsement | 831 |
Top 10 accounts with highest friends count
Username | Name | Bio | Followers count |
Angiemut | Purplereign | Retwts not endorcements 💕dogs #spiritualist 💕#saynotobullies No list 👍 No DMs,The #LibDems have destroyed my City #TimeForChange #BullyingIsNotOk | 4,785 |
BathCA | Bath Local Conservatives | Working for a prosperous, safe, sustainable, levelled-up, non-LTN Bath. "A top Twitter account you need to follow": Bath Chronicle. Promoted: AGreen for BCA | 3,168 |
ashutosh_ceg | ASHUTOSH KUMAR TIWARI आशुतोष कुमार तिवारी 🇮🇳 | राष्ट्र सर्वोपरि, Software Engineer,CEG - Anna University Alumna, Yogaenthusiasts | 2,858 |
MiddleStumpMich | Michelle O'Doherty | Mom. LD Cllr for Newbridge, Bath. Fat. Cricket & football lover. Face like a bostid bag of coins. Proud remoaner. Brummie. Bluenose. | 1,968 |
littlelouandMM | LittlelouandMissyMoo - #ProudToBeAWren ♀️ 🦕🦖 | If you see something that is not fair or not just, you have a MORAL OBLIGATION to do something about it. Yup! That's me. Rules are rules! Don't break them! | 1,962 |
navneetanand | Dr Navneet Anand | PhD, JNU. Public Affairs, Political Communication, #SocialMedia. Columnist. Formerly TOI, Express, Pioneer. ✒️Editor | 1,878 |
AdBhardwaj11 | Ad Bhardwaj | - | 1,359 |
WinstanN69 | WinstanN69 | - | 1,308 |
BathJoanna | BathDesigner | Fancy job titles mean nothing. I mainly colour things in. Living & working in the city of Bath. Personal account. | 1,102 |
awjre | Adam Reynolds | Software Dev Manager. Passionate about @WalkRideBath. Transport Data & Policy Analyst. Changing the world one data set at a time. Views are my own. | 1,071 |
Most active users
Username | Bio | Number of tweets |
TripathiParijat | Journalist, Film Director, Scriptor, Author, Poet, Motivator, Elocutor, Thinker, Philanthropist, ...and yes, a human being too ! | 5 |
awjre | Software Dev Manager. Passionate about @WalkRideBath. Transport Data & Policy Analyst. Changing the world one data set at a time. Views are my own. | 5 |
BathCA | Working for a prosperous, safe, sustainable, levelled-up, non-LTN Bath. "A top Twitter account you need to follow": Bath Chronicle. Promoted: AGreen for BCA | 4 |
littlelouandMM | If you see something that is not fair or not just, you have a MORAL OBLIGATION to do something about it. Yup! That's me. Rules are rules! Don't break them! | 4 |
sidcot | Since I moved to Bath in 2001, I’ve loved this city! Conservative campaigner for B&NES council, Newbridge Ward deserves better. Vote 4 change, Vote 4 Stricklin | 2 |
BathJoanna | Fancy job titles mean nothing. I mainly colour things in. Living & working in the city of Bath. Personal account. | 2 |
JackDeBath | “The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing” (Einstein). RT/follow/like isn’t endorsement | 2 |
AdBhardwaj11 | - | 1 |
allislost678 | Not a horse | 1 |
SeanTwerton | - | 1 |
Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count
ID | Text | Retweet count |
1625544823750139905 | आप भी बिहार के हैं, मैं भी बिहार का हूं। क्या आपने कभी किसी को बोलते हुए सुना है कि बिहार पिछड़ा राज्य है..? मन कचोटता है न...! आइए, मिलकर प्रेरित करें बिहार.!@YukteshwarKumar @DrRishikeshTalk@rajkumarjha #LetsInspireBihar #Bihar_With_Vikash_Vaibhav_IPS | 18 |
1626611419641786369 | BANES said they would use cycle lane splitter bollard on the new North Road cycle lane in #Bathwick.Instead they have used low-sitting, hard to see "orcas" which are proving a dangerous trip hazard for any unwary pedestrian.@YukteshwarKumar @john_wimperis | 8 |
1626785050330112005 | @sidcot @BathCA @YukteshwarKumar @john_wimperis Well @sidcot I just happened to be reading @bathnes Transport & Development Supplementary planning document earlier & look what it says about hills in the LTN 1/20, highlighted below!In their OWN policy! @BathCA | 3 |
1627535061435179008 | In Enfield the Council thought investing huge sums to block roads and build cycle lanes would boost numbers cycling.It hasn’t. And Enfield is flat compared to #Bath, We will #GetBathMovingAgain without this anti-motorists dogma.#LocalConservatives@YukteshwarKumar | 1 |
1624825117531336704 | Rochdale: where @Wera_Hobhouse was Councillor Telford: where @CllrKevinGuy was CouncillorDid either know? If so, what did they know? Did they do to try to help?@LordStras @CllrMandaRigby @CllrDineRomero @timothyball @joel_hirst @BathLabourParty @BathCA @YukteshwarKumar | 1 |
1625733169529126912 | @udaypratapbuxar @YukteshwarKumar @DrRishikeshTalk @rajkumarjha @vikasvaibhavips @darpananilsingh @anuranjanj @MaithilAnup @AdityaRajKaul @anishsingh21 @Bihar_se_hai @iPriyaSinha @anjanaomkashyap @shweta_shalini अपने अतीत को याद किजिए और समझिए की हम कितने समृद्ध और गौरवशाली थे उसी विरासत को हमे पुनः स्थापित करना है और यह हम सभी के सहयोग से ही होगा। आईए हम अपने बिहार को फिर से गौरवशाली बनाए। #LetsInspireBihar #Bihar_With_Vikash_Vaibhav_IPS | 1 |
1626992523817242626 | @awjre @YukteshwarKumar @BathCA @john_wimperis @AvonFireRescue @bathnes @WalkRideBath Very sympathetic response to news of a serious injury Adam. Well done. Can @AvonFireRescue confirm that they demanded this dangerous installation? | 1 |
1626682693420306435 | @BathCA @YukteshwarKumar @john_wimperis Lol come on really this is Beckford Rd get a grip or even a map | 0 |
1626741359078932480 | @awjre @YukteshwarKumar @BathCA @john_wimperis @AvonFireRescue @bathnes @WalkRideBath It’s also not even North Road. | 0 |
1626707053841448965 | @chappers0106 @BathCA @YukteshwarKumar @john_wimperis Yes, it has been rejected but almost everything going on around here has been rejected but they carry on regardless. | 0 |
Top 10 tweets with highest Like count
ID | Text | Like count |
1625544823750139905 | आप भी बिहार के हैं, मैं भी बिहार का हूं। क्या आपने कभी किसी को बोलते हुए सुना है कि बिहार पिछड़ा राज्य है..? मन कचोटता है न...! आइए, मिलकर प्रेरित करें बिहार.!@YukteshwarKumar @DrRishikeshTalk@rajkumarjha #LetsInspireBihar #Bihar_With_Vikash_Vaibhav_IPS | 65 |
1626611419641786369 | BANES said they would use cycle lane splitter bollard on the new North Road cycle lane in #Bathwick.Instead they have used low-sitting, hard to see "orcas" which are proving a dangerous trip hazard for any unwary pedestrian.@YukteshwarKumar @john_wimperis | 14 |
1627284924616114178 | On the auspicious occasion of #MahaShivaratri feeding cows at @dorasdairyraw at Purton was bliss. After feeding went and met Sarah at the kiosk. #supportsmallbusiness #farming @gary4ridgeway @gattapur_suresh @BazilSolomon @HariOm_UK @RobertBuckland @YukteshwarKumar @vinaymanro | 6 |
1626914229256171523 | It's weird how @BathCA @BANESConCllrs @YukteshwarKumar has committed to reverting Cheap Street/Westgate Street back to an economic desert that is inaccessible. Why?! @bathbid really need to put out a statement. | 6 |
1626785050330112005 | @sidcot @BathCA @YukteshwarKumar @john_wimperis Well @sidcot I just happened to be reading @bathnes Transport & Development Supplementary planning document earlier & look what it says about hills in the LTN 1/20, highlighted below!In their OWN policy! @BathCA | 5 |
1625733169529126912 | @udaypratapbuxar @YukteshwarKumar @DrRishikeshTalk @rajkumarjha @vikasvaibhavips @darpananilsingh @anuranjanj @MaithilAnup @AdityaRajKaul @anishsingh21 @Bihar_se_hai @iPriyaSinha @anjanaomkashyap @shweta_shalini अपने अतीत को याद किजिए और समझिए की हम कितने समृद्ध और गौरवशाली थे उसी विरासत को हमे पुनः स्थापित करना है और यह हम सभी के सहयोग से ही होगा। आईए हम अपने बिहार को फिर से गौरवशाली बनाए। #LetsInspireBihar #Bihar_With_Vikash_Vaibhav_IPS | 4 |
1626667878916161536 | @YukteshwarKumar @BathCA @john_wimperis That would be the orcas that @AvonFireRescue services demanded @bathnes install. Those? The orcas @WalkRideBath explicitly asked not to be used and only use wands. Those ones? Don't blame the council for a decision the emergency services made. | 3 |
1626707053841448965 | @chappers0106 @BathCA @YukteshwarKumar @john_wimperis Yes, it has been rejected but almost everything going on around here has been rejected but they carry on regardless. | 3 |
1627542668485201923 | @tiwarirsh @YukteshwarKumar सुन्दर विवेचन किया आपने, युक्तेश्वर !! | 2 |
1626741359078932480 | @awjre @YukteshwarKumar @BathCA @john_wimperis @AvonFireRescue @bathnes @WalkRideBath It’s also not even North Road. | 2 |
Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used
Hashtag | Count |
#letsinspirebihar | 3 |
#bihar_with_vikash_vaibhav_ips | 3 |
#bath | 2 |
#getbathmovingagain | 2 |
#localconservatives | 2 |
#bathwick | 2 |
#horrible | 1 |
#mahashivaratri | 1 |
#supportsmallbusiness | 1 |
#farming | 1 |
Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions
Mention | Count |
@yukteshwarkumar | 47 |
@bathca | 32 |
@john_wimperis | 26 |
@avonfirerescue | 10 |
@bathnes | 10 |
@walkridebath | 8 |
@sidcot | 7 |
@awjre | 6 |
@drrishikeshtalk | 4 |
@udaypratapbuxar | 3 |
Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Average number of emojis used per tweet
Emojis used in tweets
Emoji | Count | Emoji Text |
😬 | 1 | grimacing_face |
🙄 | 1 | face_with_rolling_eyes |
🛕 | 1 | hindu_temple |
👍 | 1 | thumbs_up |
Emojis groups
Emoji Group | Count |
Smileys & Emotion | 2 |
Travel & Places | 1 |
People & Body | 1 |