Account Summary
Waterkeeper Alliance strengthens and grows a global network of grassroots leaders protecting everyone’s right to clean water.
Followers Count
Friends Count
Tweets Count
List Count
New York, NY
Followers Analysis (based on followers sample)
Number of Verified accounts
Percentage of Verified accounts
Number of Protected accounts
Percentage of Protected accounts
Average Age of Twitter accounts
7 years
Number of users without a Bio
Number of users with a Bio
Percentage of users with a Bio
Percentage of users without a Bio
Worldcloud of Bios
Top 10 followers with the highest follower count
Username | Followers Count | Friends Count | Tweet Count |
jessicaalba | 8411388 | 1711 | 6691 |
StephanieAbrams | 1945930 | 2724 | 57861 |
JamesOKeefeIII | 1787821 | 1713 | 19337 |
JamesGunn | 1701070 | 1289 | 3729 |
MariaSTsehai | 1204286 | 7652 | 640487 |
RepRaskin | 808807 | 5980 | 11975 |
iownjd | 761820 | 437111 | 228242 |
JamesMelville | 437957 | 98816 | 63293 |
350 | 377989 | 18989 | 61326 |
ceoworld | 294820 | 142477 | 84531 |
Top 10 followers with the highest following count
Username | Friends Count | Followers Count | Tweet Count |
iownjd | 437111 | 761820 | 228242 |
GoogleExpertUK | 194543 | 263287 | 774517 |
collectibulldog | 178276 | 175370 | 865548 |
ceoworld | 142477 | 294820 | 84531 |
WeDontHaveTime | 140299 | 133241 | 35283 |
HallyuWebsite | 124244 | 122536 | 118942 |
mjgranger1 | 104283 | 96178 | 696582 |
JamesMelville | 98816 | 437957 | 63293 |
Visiongeo | 97698 | 88710 | 64573 |
Cruellaisdevine | 87466 | 79213 | 306667 |
Top 10 followers with the highest tweet count
Username | Tweets Count | Followers Count | Friends Count |
oregakitaworld | 992675 | 503 | 2272 |
brontyman | 908353 | 30806 | 26334 |
RTweetie5 | 899713 | 4273 | 4312 |
collectibulldog | 865548 | 175370 | 178276 |
GoogleExpertUK | 774517 | 263287 | 194543 |
IamRobertAlex | 727372 | 88196 | 4674 |
mjgranger1 | 696582 | 96178 | 104283 |
MariaSTsehai | 640487 | 1204286 | 7652 |
RaniLyons | 585739 | 5085 | 5013 |
redhed67 | 545042 | 12909 | 13192 |
Top 10 followers with the highest listed count
Username | Listed Count | Friends Count | Followers Count |
jessicaalba | 23428 | 1711 | 8411388 |
350 | 7344 | 18989 | 377989 |
GoogleExpertUK | 6512 | 194543 | 263287 |
JamesOKeefeIII | 6041 | 1713 | 1787821 |
JamesGunn | 5849 | 1289 | 1701070 |
AkwyZ | 5483 | 32432 | 76732 |
Water_Weights | 4179 | 582 | 41029 |
RepRaskin | 3873 | 5980 | 808807 |
OrganicConsumer | 3241 | 2295 | 271506 |
commondreams | 2968 | 3489 | 86904 |
Tweets Analysis
Total number of tweets analysed
Earliest tweet was on
Latest tweet was on
Tweets covering
1,620 days
Types of Tweets
Number of Retweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of Original tweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Mentions
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Replies
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Quotes
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Hashtags
Percentage of total tweets
Top 5 devices used to tweet
Source | Count |
Twitter Web App | 1369 |
Agorapulse app | 1247 |
TweetDeck | 344 |
Twitter Web Client | 229 |
Twitter for iPhone | 32 |
What devices were used to tweet
Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count
ID | Text | Retweet count |
1108043017112436736 | The Trump administration will not extend the comment period on a ruling to take protections away from MILLIONS of miles of waterways & TENS OF MILLIONS of acres of wetlands. The time is NOW to submit your comment! | 183 |
1093570388204888066 | #GreenNewDeal calls for: 💚100% clean & renewable energy by 2030 💚guaranteed living-wage job for anybody who needs one 💚just transition for workers & frontline communities Waterkeeper Alliance supports this ambitious environmental plan. @npr | 104 |
1497299262169927688 | HUGE VICTORY for rainforests & climate! In a rare move for a bank with a project this far down the pipeline, @BIDInvest is dropping its $43 million loan to @marfrig_mrfg3 — a beef giant known for illegal deforestation & Indigenous land rights abuse. #DivestFactoryFarming | 69 |
1299016571738664960 | The Trans Mountain pipeline puts Indigenous communities, drinking water, and our shared climate at grave risk. Insurance companies have until August 31 to drop the project. Sign now: #StopTMX | 64 |
1494315665766899716 | Plastic pollution has no place in America’s treasured national parks. Today, over 20 environmental organizations delivered nearly 70,000 petition signatures to @SecDebHaaland to have @NatlParkService ban single-use plastics in our national parks. #PlasticFreeParks #NationalParks | 55 |
1271849944278634496 | "Our nation’s drinking water is unacceptable, particularly in underserved communities and communities of color. This settlement is an important step towards modernizing our sorely outdated drinking water standards” - Sean Bothwell, @CA_Waterkeepers | 52 |
1297920498869796864 | #COVID19 waste is clogging our oceans & waterways with gloves, masks, hand sanitizer & all forms of vital PPE. Consider using a reusable mask & dispose of your PPE safely to create a healthier environment — not a more toxic one. More from @CA_Waterkeepers: | 47 |
1661749754118967299 | BREAKING: The U.S. Supreme Court just ruled in favor of corporate polluters over protecting communities & #cleanwater, ignoring decades of legal precedent, science, & Clean Water Act protections. SCOTUS failed us. @POTUS & Congress must step in to protect our nation’s… | 47 |
1293983514778451968 | We have ONE last chance to save Alaska’s Bristol Bay watershed, its world-renowned salmon runs & its Native communities. Take action today to stop #PebbleMine from destroying this vital & pristine landscape. @Inletkeeper @WildSalmon4Ever #StopPebbleMine | 40 |
1292854885927383040 | Hydropower is not part of the climate solution—it's part of the problem. Please urge Congress to oppose legislation that would fast-track the construction of more hydropower projects by falsely claiming they're clean & renewable energy. Take action: | 38 |
Top 10 tweets with highest Like count
ID | Text | Like count |
1108043017112436736 | The Trump administration will not extend the comment period on a ruling to take protections away from MILLIONS of miles of waterways & TENS OF MILLIONS of acres of wetlands. The time is NOW to submit your comment! | 516 |
1117455235792998400 | “This executive order shows the administration’s commitment to states’ rights is hollow; once again, the administration is putting profit above all else" - @marcyaggi in @truthout | 398 |
1093570388204888066 | #GreenNewDeal calls for: 💚100% clean & renewable energy by 2030 💚guaranteed living-wage job for anybody who needs one 💚just transition for workers & frontline communities Waterkeeper Alliance supports this ambitious environmental plan. @npr | 279 |
1299016571738664960 | The Trans Mountain pipeline puts Indigenous communities, drinking water, and our shared climate at grave risk. Insurance companies have until August 31 to drop the project. Sign now: #StopTMX | 234 |
1497299262169927688 | HUGE VICTORY for rainforests & climate! In a rare move for a bank with a project this far down the pipeline, @BIDInvest is dropping its $43 million loan to @marfrig_mrfg3 — a beef giant known for illegal deforestation & Indigenous land rights abuse. #DivestFactoryFarming | 174 |
1494315665766899716 | Plastic pollution has no place in America’s treasured national parks. Today, over 20 environmental organizations delivered nearly 70,000 petition signatures to @SecDebHaaland to have @NatlParkService ban single-use plastics in our national parks. #PlasticFreeParks #NationalParks | 171 |
1271849944278634496 | "Our nation’s drinking water is unacceptable, particularly in underserved communities and communities of color. This settlement is an important step towards modernizing our sorely outdated drinking water standards” - Sean Bothwell, @CA_Waterkeepers | 75 |
1279882761856221184 | California can lead the world to a more sustainable #agriculture industry. But it starts with @CAWaterBoards enforcing California’s #cleanwater laws. #CAWaterkeepers @TheOtterProject | 70 |
1293983514778451968 | We have ONE last chance to save Alaska’s Bristol Bay watershed, its world-renowned salmon runs & its Native communities. Take action today to stop #PebbleMine from destroying this vital & pristine landscape. @Inletkeeper @WildSalmon4Ever #StopPebbleMine | 63 |
1292854885927383040 | Hydropower is not part of the climate solution—it's part of the problem. Please urge Congress to oppose legislation that would fast-track the construction of more hydropower projects by falsely claiming they're clean & renewable energy. Take action: | 57 |
Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets
Top 10 Hashtags used
Hashtag | Count |
#savethecleanwateract | 43 |
#waterkeeperwarriors | 32 |
#cutmethane | 28 |
#climatecrisis | 26 |
#cop26 | 25 |
#waterkeepermagazine | 25 |
#plasticpollution | 24 |
#cawater | 23 |
#wka20 | 23 |
#cleanwateract | 22 |
Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets
Top 10 mentions
Hashtag | Count |
@marcyaggi | 59 |
@epa | 56 |
@ca_waterkeepers | 40 |
@242waterkeepers | 37 |
@glo_reuben | 28 |
@riverkeeper | 28 |
@epaawheeler | 28 |
@capefearriver | 27 |
@waterkeeperscp | 26 |
@maranonwk | 26 |
Top 10 mentions
Wordcloud of Tweets
Emojis used in tweets
Emoji | Count | Emoji Text |
💙 | 42 | blue_heart |
📸 | 37 | camera_with_flash |
© | 19 | copyright |
💧 | 16 | droplet |
📢 | 14 | loudspeaker |
👏 | 14 | clapping_hands |
✅ | 10 | check_mark_button |
📣 | 5 | megaphone |
🚨 | 5 | police_car_light |
🌎 | 5 | globe_showing_Americas |
Emojis groups
Emoji Group | Count |
Objects | 69 |
Smileys & Emotion | 52 |
Symbols | 41 |
Travel & Places | 39 |
People & Body | 27 |
Activities | 10 |
Animals & Nature | 9 |
Food & Drink | 2 |
Flags | 1 |