Tweets Analysis - Keyword: @Vestas


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

10 days

Average age of authors' accounts

7 years


Vestas, a wind turbine maker, has developed a new chemical process for the recycling of turbine blades. The process is being used by other companies like Novonordisk, Ericsson, Maersk, Pandora, and Recckit. At the Wind Energy International Conference, Vestas emphasized the importance of acting quickly to reduce the planet's environmental threats. Convoies of components for the Viking Wind Farm started off at Lerwick Port, and the company has come up with a new solution to make turbine blades 'circular'. It was also part of the discussion at the panel at the SPIREC2023 organized by REN21. Finally, Vestas is shortlisted for the Best Contractor at the Irish Wind Industry Awards 2023 and is leaving its factory in Russia.

Topic Modeling

  1. Wind turbine technology and development
  2. Environmental sustainability and energy efficiency
  3. Human resource development and management
  4. Recycling and circularity
  5. Wind energy industry and business trends

Emotional Analysis

The tweets express a variety of emotions, including excitement, curiosity, motivation, pride, determination, joy, and sadness. Many of the tweets focus on the environmental benefits of Vestas' new recycling process for wind turbine blades, with some expressing enthusiasm for the potential of this development. Others express pride in their own work, or in their families' work, in the renewable energy industry. There is also a sense of urgency expressed in some of the tweets, as well as sadness in the departure of Vestas from Russia. Overall, the tweets express a sense of hope for a more sustainable future.

Trend Analysis

  1. Recycling and Circularity
  2. Human Resources Development and Diversity
  3. Climate Change and Sustainability
  4. Wind Turbines, Wind Energy, and Energy Security
  5. Cases and Example Studies

Disclaimer: The text analysis on, powered by OpenAI, does not represent the views of or its affiliates. The analysis is for informational purposes only and not an endorsement of any viewpoint.

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 5 devices used to tweet

Source Count
Twitter Web App 86
Twitter for iPhone 78
Twitter for Android 68
Twitter for iPad 8
Hootsuite Inc. 7

What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count

Username Name Bio Followers count
AlelmMedia العلم العلم | إعلام ومعرفة بأسلوب أسهل.. أوضح.. وأعمق 1,028,350
simonahac 💧simon holmes à court FDR: “i ask you to judge me by the enemies i have made.” @climate200 @opennem @SmartEnergyCncl #AEGN likes≠agreement. DoB: 329.7ppm 113,701
KajEmbren Kaj Embren Senior Advisor with 30+ years of experience in environment and climate change. Podcast Transformers at - LinkedIn 79,761
ERenovables Energías Renovables La revista de las energías limpias. Edición en inglés: @RenewablesNews 77,489
Corresponsables Corresponsables El medio de #comunicación, Fundación y Observatorio @ObservaRSE_ líder de habla hispana en #RSE #Sostenibilidad y #ODS según 40,497
SSE SSE Plc We’re investing more than ever before in a cleaner, more affordable and more secure energy system. SSE | We power change 34,208
StartUpEU Startup Europe & Innovation Radar Hub for Startup Europe & #InnovationRadar, @EU_Commission initiatives supporting European startups and EU-funded innovators. Part of @DigitalEU. 32,642
Kako_line Kako Scientifique, femme de convictions et fière de l'être. Travaille dans le Génie Civil et l’énergie. Responsable com scientifique de l’association @7eContinent 30,192
aeeolica aeeolica La Asociación Empresarial Eólica (AEE) es la voz del sector eólico en España. Promovemos la eólica y el uso racional y sostenible de los recursos naturales. 24,908
BarrySheerman Barry Sheerman MP Labour and Co-operative MP for Huddersfield. Social enterpriser and campaigner. Please email me at for all enquiries. 24,069

Top 10 accounts with highest friends count

Username Name Bio Followers count
KajEmbren Kaj Embren Senior Advisor with 30+ years of experience in environment and climate change. Podcast Transformers at - LinkedIn 48,932
Corresponsables Corresponsables El medio de #comunicación, Fundación y Observatorio @ObservaRSE_ líder de habla hispana en #RSE #Sostenibilidad y #ODS según 22,133
simonahac 💧simon holmes à court FDR: “i ask you to judge me by the enemies i have made.” @climate200 @opennem @SmartEnergyCncl #AEGN likes≠agreement. DoB: 329.7ppm 17,247
CodeXverde Codexverde Información, discusión y análisis para el desarrollo sustentable. Síguenos también en - 8,535
mattiasgoldmann Mattias Goldmann Around-the-clock combating climate change, improving sustainability. Swede based in Bangkok, Swiss-born, Half-Danish, Knighted by the French for climate work. 5,670
TimoteoBriet Timoteo Briet - Maths, Economy, CFD, Aero, Astro. TIMOTEO BRIET BLANES : Economy Researcher, Mathematician, Astronomer, Cosmologist, Aerodynamicist, CFD Specialist-Professor, Engineering, Astrophoto. 5,234
BillCarson2162 Frank Haggerty History 5,046
128_0_0_1 🐇Lord of the Buns Ⓥ🌱 IT'ler, Metalhead, Sternenkindpapa,Trekkie Tierschützer und Möhrchengeber 🐇 #vegan 5,001
mivesto graste v4.3 Uses @twitter as a glorified dysfunctional realtime feed reader. Endorses the global tyranny of the metric system. 4,977
PaisCircular País Circular Escribimos historias sobre Medio Ambiente, Cambio Climático y Economía Circular. Nos apasiona el emprendimiento y la innovación. ¿Y a ti que te mueve? 4,927

Most active users

Username Bio Number of tweets
qumaltin - 21
schoenix - 6
bigchamo16 Father, fishing, golf & campfire guitarist 🎸!Branch manager at St Arnaud for Australia’s oldest agribusiness that is still Aussie owned! Views are my own. 5
RalfWabe - 4
PotentialSky Market Commentary & Speculation - Gold, Battery Metals and Fintech 4
robecq74 Interested in energy economics and markets, green transition policy and regulation. Masters student. 4
Optimist231 4
Kako_line Scientifique, femme de convictions et fière de l'être. Travaille dans le Génie Civil et l’énergie. Responsable com scientifique de l’association @7eContinent 3
IDAEenergia Instituto para la Diversificación y Ahorro de la Energía, IDAE. Entidad Pública Empresarial del Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico. 3
FelixHa60143095 - 3

Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1627590772106186752 Curious to know how companies are already doing #HRDD in the downstream? Our new report includes real world case studies from @novonordisk @ThisIsReckitt @ericsson @Maersk @Vestas and @PANDORA_Corp to show that it is a part of day to day business 1/9 31
1627570198927618048 Annonce de @vestas passée inaperçue : un nouveau procédé de #recyclage chimique des pales d'#éoliennes a été développéL'entreprise a cherché une solution de recyclage pour l'existant plutôt que de substituer le matériau➡️Intérêt : le procédé peut utilisé pour d'autres usages 12
1625773601298255873 🆕@DealflowEU’s Multi Corporate Matchmaking Event is coming soon! 📅The event will be held on 🩺14th and 🔋15th March. 👉A big thanks to @GalpPress, @Vestas and @Medtronic for join us! 7
1625041945369227264 Wind turbine recycling breakthroughs and energy-efficient building taskforces: The sustainability success stories of the week via @edie @eaGreenEU @energysustaina1 @DfS__studio @BarrySheerman @OxcamCloc @sustybizallies @worldgreendlp @LSECities @Vestas 5
1625160222112206855 Last week, convoys of wind turbine components for Viking Wind Farm in #Shetland got underway from Lerwick Port to the Viking Wind Farm. Find out what Aaron Priest, Stakeholder Manager for Viking & Robert Yeates, Project Lead for @Vestas, had to say about the milestone below. 🎥 5
1625582449097859086 En ny era för #vindkraft-industrin börjar förhoppningsvis nu! ⁦Danska Vestas tillkännager ny metod för att återvinna vindkraftsblad. ⁦⁦@Vestas⁩ @Vindkrafttidn⁩ @100_fornybart⁩ ⁦@gudschy⁩ ⁦@mattiasgoldmann⁩ 5
1624469432385908736 El fabricante de aerogeneradores danés @Vestas revoluciona el reciclaje de las palas con un proceso capaz de descomponer químicamente la resina epoxi en materiales vírgenes a través de @ERenovables 4
1627638449221124096 En la sesión de alto nivel sobre #SeguridadEnergética en #SPIREC2023, la vicepresidenta @mitecogob, @Teresaribera, ha moderado una mesa con:🔸 Los ministros de Energía de PB 🇳🇱 y Rumanía 🇷🇴, Rob Jetten y @vpopescu68🔸 La SEE del @govpt, Gouveia🔸El CEO de @Vestas, Andersen 4
1625807811870433280 Windturbinemaker @Vestas heeft een nieuwe oplossing bedacht die turbinebladen circulair maakt. “Circulariteit is één van de grote uitdagingen waar we voor staan, na alle inspanningen boeken we ook op dit punt vooruitgang", aldus @janvos.👇 4
1625874237889060864 ‘Accelerating Offshore in a Challenging Economic Environment’ @Vestas Jan Hagen, reminds #WEIConf delegates why we are all here ‘the planet is in peril…what sort of a planet are we leaving to our grandchildren? These are the decisive years. And we only have so much time left..’ 3

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1627570198927618048 Annonce de @vestas passée inaperçue : un nouveau procédé de #recyclage chimique des pales d'#éoliennes a été développéL'entreprise a cherché une solution de recyclage pour l'existant plutôt que de substituer le matériau➡️Intérêt : le procédé peut utilisé pour d'autres usages 63
1627590772106186752 Curious to know how companies are already doing #HRDD in the downstream? Our new report includes real world case studies from @novonordisk @ThisIsReckitt @ericsson @Maersk @Vestas and @PANDORA_Corp to show that it is a part of day to day business 1/9 56
1625874237889060864 ‘Accelerating Offshore in a Challenging Economic Environment’ @Vestas Jan Hagen, reminds #WEIConf delegates why we are all here ‘the planet is in peril…what sort of a planet are we leaving to our grandchildren? These are the decisive years. And we only have so much time left..’ 22
1625160222112206855 Last week, convoys of wind turbine components for Viking Wind Farm in #Shetland got underway from Lerwick Port to the Viking Wind Farm. Find out what Aaron Priest, Stakeholder Manager for Viking & Robert Yeates, Project Lead for @Vestas, had to say about the milestone below. 🎥 17
1625807811870433280 Windturbinemaker @Vestas heeft een nieuwe oplossing bedacht die turbinebladen circulair maakt. “Circulariteit is één van de grote uitdagingen waar we voor staan, na alle inspanningen boeken we ook op dit punt vooruitgang", aldus @janvos.👇 14
1624365529996705793 @FrankFue @sali_umwelt @Vestas @c_lindner @BMWK Darum überlebten zum Schluß auch nur Wassermühlen oder Atommüller. Muß man wissen! ☝️ 12
1625867670594678787 Final session of #WEIconf ‘Navigating Offshore’ about to begin, chaired by @vcummins24 of @SimplyBlueGroup - @Vestas @Dept_ECC @Orsted and Codling Wind Park contributions expected 11
1627627296805818371 🎙️Sigue la mesa de alto nivel sobre seguridad energética con🇳🇱 Ministro de energía de NL @RobJetten 🇷🇴 Ministro de energía de RO @vpopescu68 🇵🇹 SE de energía de PT #AnaGouveia♻️CEO de @Vestas #HenrikAndersen🏫 Economista @MazzucatoM🇪🇸 VP @Teresaribera 11
1625582449097859086 En ny era för #vindkraft-industrin börjar förhoppningsvis nu! ⁦Danska Vestas tillkännager ny metod för att återvinna vindkraftsblad. ⁦⁦@Vestas⁩ @Vindkrafttidn⁩ @100_fornybart⁩ ⁦@gudschy⁩ ⁦@mattiasgoldmann⁩ 10
1625773601298255873 🆕@DealflowEU’s Multi Corporate Matchmaking Event is coming soon! 📅The event will be held on 🩺14th and 🔋15th March. 👉A big thanks to @GalpPress, @Vestas and @Medtronic for join us! 10

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#spirec2023 9
#reciclaje 8
#windturbine 7
#wind 7
#windpower 6
#windenergy 5
#energíaeólica 5
#offshorewind 5
#palaseólicas 4
#sustainability 4

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Mention Count
@vestas 259
@sali_umwelt 67
@c_lindner 67
@bmwk 67
@frankfue 36
@pacifichydro 22
@elbasrisenn 21
@limakenerji 21
@limakthermal 21
@sefine_shipyard 21

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets


Average number of emojis used per tweet


Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
👉 13 backhand_index_pointing_right
♻️ 11 recycling_symbol
🆕 7 NEW_button
🤣 7 rolling_on_the_floor_laughing
🔸 6 small_orange_diamond
👇 6 backhand_index_pointing_down
🌬️ 5 wind_face
🇩🇰 5 Denmark
👍 5 thumbs_up
📢 5 loudspeaker

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Symbols 38
People & Body 38
Flags 30
Smileys & Emotion 22
Objects 21
Travel & Places 13
Animals & Nature 1