Tweets Analysis - Keyword: @venkatananth


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

9 days

Average age of authors' accounts

12 years


@venkatananth is discussing various points with different people about Microsoft's business and their recent updates. Other topics include the NFL cheerleaders' pay, various languages, and Twitter's limit on tweets per day. In addition, everyone is having a good time conversing and sharing their thoughts on the topics.

Topic Modeling

  1. Microsoft Business & Updates
  2. Free Services and Rates
  3. Language Learning
  4. Sports and Cheerleads
  5. Sneaky Strategies & Social Platforms

Emotional Analysis

The emotions expressed in these tweets range from curiosity and confusion to amusement and surprise. Many of the tweets reference @venkatananth, indicating that he may have been the source of the original tweet, and users are engaging with him in a friendly and humorous way. The tweets also touch on topics such as Microsoft's business, the Duolingo update, NFL cheerleaders, and Twitter Spaces. Overall, the conversation appears to be lighthearted and friendly.

Trend Analysis

  1. Microsoft's business
  2. Duolingo
  3. NFL cheerleaders
  4. Compression and caching
  5. French, Arabic, Italian and Spanish languages

Disclaimer: The text analysis on, powered by OpenAI, does not represent the views of or its affiliates. The analysis is for informational purposes only and not an endorsement of any viewpoint.

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 5 devices used to tweet

Source Count
Twitter for iPhone 15
Twitter for Android 13
Twitter Web App 5
TweetDeck 1

What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count

Username Name Bio Followers count
chandrarsrikant Chandra R. Srikanth Editor - Tech, startups & new economy, @Moneycontrolcom. Previously with @ETNOWlive. Tweet on tech, startups, general news. They reflect my views. 114,400
misskaul Mahima Kaul Head of Public Policy for APAC @bumble --collector of experiences! ex Director, @policy @TwitterIndia & South Asia.... @orfonline @mcgillu alum. TYPOS, typos!! 41,713
nandiniv nandiniv - 14,304
girishmallya گریش Girish Mallya Urban commuter🏃‍♂️+ 🚴‍♂️. The only time I push beyond limits is to run the victory lap. Media professional & former athlete. Also on Snap/Insta/CH 7,433
leafwarbler Madhusudan Katti, Ph.D. he/him | Alien of Extraordinary Ability | “Indian Cultural Baggage” | #ReconciliationEcology #PublicScience | Cinephile 6,743
sheevaangii Shivangi 🏳️‍🌈 Translator, poet, shitposterBylines in @firstpost @newsclickin @heritagetimesin @gaysifamily 5,942
maxdavinci maxdavinci Home cook, Cinema fanatic, Cricket tragicInsights about the foods we eat and the whys behind them.Also found at @nerdkitchenpod & the #ChaiTeaPodcast 5,930
rajneilkamath Rajneil Kamath 🚦 Founder @NewsCheckerIn @thesignaldotco @NCMediaNetworks. Ex @Google. @StateIVLP Fellow. @srccdu alum. Tech | Biz | Policy | Food | Fitness | Stock Trading 5,338
TheSignalDotCo The Signal🚦 India's premier business & tech newsletter, delivered every morning at 8. Loved by 65,000+ business leaders, students, and more. 5,009
dilinialgama Dilini Algama Sri Lankan English. Views are my neighbour's. Of course not. She/her. Co-hosting elf of @DecadesfromHome - a podcast about life in Germany. 4,638

Top 10 accounts with highest friends count

Username Name Bio Followers count
leafwarbler Madhusudan Katti, Ph.D. he/him | Alien of Extraordinary Ability | “Indian Cultural Baggage” | #ReconciliationEcology #PublicScience | Cinephile 6,079
maheshcafe Mahesh Puttapaka pursuing everything as hobby per school and work as advised also great work as read, spoken, written, and shared for/from news fraternity in India, or abroad 5,001
dilinialgama Dilini Algama Sri Lankan English. Views are my neighbour's. Of course not. She/her. Co-hosting elf of @DecadesfromHome - a podcast about life in Germany. 4,299
misskaul Mahima Kaul Head of Public Policy for APAC @bumble --collector of experiences! ex Director, @policy @TwitterIndia & South Asia.... @orfonline @mcgillu alum. TYPOS, typos!! 3,399
shrynne shrynne PR consultant- HK transplant in London.. Personal rants and joy to be found here- flawed human RTs not endorsements instagram: @shrynne 3,158
rajneilkamath Rajneil Kamath 🚦 Founder @NewsCheckerIn @thesignaldotco @NCMediaNetworks. Ex @Google. @StateIVLP Fellow. @srccdu alum. Tech | Biz | Policy | Food | Fitness | Stock Trading 3,125
parryravi Parry Ravindranathan CEO/Co-founder @converjpay; Former President & MD - Intl @Bloomberg Media @bbgmedia; Investor; Journalist; My Views 2,506
nandiniv nandiniv - 2,462
chandrarsrikant Chandra R. Srikanth Editor - Tech, startups & new economy, @Moneycontrolcom. Previously with @ETNOWlive. Tweet on tech, startups, general news. They reflect my views. 2,365
emilcDC Emil Caillaux Yes, I'm definitely disappointed in all of us. But I still believe. 1,883

Most active users

Username Bio Number of tweets
bruiselee Meh. 2
raytida ok 2
dilinialgama Sri Lankan English. Views are my neighbour's. Of course not. She/her. Co-hosting elf of @DecadesfromHome - a podcast about life in Germany. 2
Being_Max Football obsessed / Far-East enthusiast / Weakness for podcasts, anime, and groovy house music / #ViscaBarça 1
maheshcafe pursuing everything as hobby per school and work as advised also great work as read, spoken, written, and shared for/from news fraternity in India, or abroad 1
tyags6 Customer fintech @Agoda. From Amz. Visually stimulated meat-bag 📸. BKK from BLR from CBE. Potato chips lover. Waiting for singularity and first contact. 1
simplysud Fighting for access to Civic necessities. Failed comic. Closely connected w @NGOwallah If you need any help tweet to me will try my best :)he/him 1
shrynne PR consultant- HK transplant in London.. Personal rants and joy to be found here- flawed human RTs not endorsements instagram: @shrynne 1
sheevaangii Translator, poet, shitposterBylines in @firstpost @newsclickin @heritagetimesin @gaysifamily 1
roflmaoist Read my blog which has been largely experimental for the last 15 years or so. I mostly write about logos but mix it with other topics. 1

Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1624325015557799939 Interesting...Things we miss out about @Microsoft's business!Via @theinformation (screen shot 1), @venkatananth & @MohapatraHemant (scrn shot 2) 1
1627186618653347840 @venkatananth yes :) Not as buggy as twitter spaces. 0
1623898533396119552 @venkatananth @platformer @BhartiAparajita FYI 0
1623914059241496576 @misskaul @venkatananth @platformer Hehehe I was right, it was no strategy! and I don't think it was inadvertent tbh 😋 0
1624086287971139584 @venkatananth On a related note, NFL cheerleaders get paid next to nothing. 0
1624306768313520128 @venkatananth I thought I was the only person who didn’t like the update! I loved Duolingo before. 0
1624307339045085185 @sudotimar @andy_d_lee @venkatananth @theinformation Over time there will presumably be compression and caching shenanigans to bring that down - marginal costs will decrease. 0
1624316726354620419 @venkatananth French, Arabic, Italian and Spanish. I was really getting somewhere with French because I was brushing up my B2 level acquired in the days of yore. 0
1624323365443076097 @venkatananth I actually quite like Duolingo as a support to actual lessons 0
1624397684835753986 @debanganaghosh4 @chandrarsrikant @Microsoft @theinformation @venkatananth @MohapatraHemant In the words of Satya - "Microsoft just wants people to know that we made 'them' dance" 0

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1624325015557799939 Interesting...Things we miss out about @Microsoft's business!Via @theinformation (screen shot 1), @venkatananth & @MohapatraHemant (scrn shot 2) 14
1624306768313520128 @venkatananth I thought I was the only person who didn’t like the update! I loved Duolingo before. 5
1623898533396119552 @venkatananth @platformer @BhartiAparajita FYI 1
1624416535627587584 @venkatananth Or maybe it's just general CPR advice 1
1627186618653347840 @venkatananth yes :) Not as buggy as twitter spaces. 0
1623914059241496576 @misskaul @venkatananth @platformer Hehehe I was right, it was no strategy! and I don't think it was inadvertent tbh 😋 0
1624086287971139584 @venkatananth On a related note, NFL cheerleaders get paid next to nothing. 0
1624307339045085185 @sudotimar @andy_d_lee @venkatananth @theinformation Over time there will presumably be compression and caching shenanigans to bring that down - marginal costs will decrease. 0
1624316726354620419 @venkatananth French, Arabic, Italian and Spanish. I was really getting somewhere with French because I was brushing up my B2 level acquired in the days of yore. 0
1624323365443076097 @venkatananth I actually quite like Duolingo as a support to actual lessons 0

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Mention Count
@venkatananth 34
@theinformation 4
@microsoft 3
@mohapatrahemant 3
@infreqvent 2
@debanganaghosh4 2
@platformer 2
@raytida 1
@thesignaldotco 1
@dinunarayanan 1

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets


Average number of emojis used per tweet


Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
😂 2 face_with_tears_of_joy
🙏 1 folded_hands
🎯 1 bullseye
🤔 1 thinking_face
😋 1 face_savoring_food

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Smileys & Emotion 4
People & Body 1
Activities 1