Tweets Analysis - Keyword: @UNTechEnvoy


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

9 days

Average age of authors' accounts

9 years


These tweets highlight individuals such as the director of the WHO, the director of FAO, a Kenyan minister, and an envoy from the UN sharing their thoughts on the 2021 and 2022 Community Networks Reports, the UN’s Global Digital Compact and the ATU Africa Innovation Forum. The UNTechEnvoy and the Mexican Government were two organizations hosting and organizing the consultation for the Global Digital Compact and discussions about digital transformation, cyber security and digital trust. They also featured input from the private sector and the Wikimedia Community advocating for more freedom, access, and openness online.

Topic Modeling

  1. WHO
  2. UN/UNTechEnvoy
  3. Community networks/connectivity
  4. Global digital compact/cyber security/digital trust
  5. AI/STI/Sustainable development

Emotional Analysis

The emotions expressed in these tweets are mainly positive, with a sense of pride, excitement, and joy. People are expressing their appreciation for the high-level panel discussions, the hard copies of the reports, and the upcoming consultation on the Global Digital Compact. There is also a sense of optimism for the future of digital cooperation, and a shared commitment to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.

Trend Analysis

  1. WHO - Director Dr.Tedros, FAO DG Qu Dongyu, UN representative, UNTechEnvoy Amandeep Singh Gill
  2. Tech initiatives - 2021/22 Community Networks Reports, UN Consultation on Global Digital Compact, ATU Africa Innovation Forum, Cyber Security and Digital Trust
  3. Digital governance & regulation - Global Digital Compact, Americas Consultation on the Pact, Considerations on #GlobalDigitalCompact, Multistakeholder Consultation, Improved Reporting
  4. Digital Public-private partnerships - Private Digital Sector voice in #GlobalDigitalCompact, Private Digital Voice in America Latina
  5. Digital Movies & AI Representation - AI scientists in popular films, Women in AI

Disclaimer: The text analysis on, powered by OpenAI, does not represent the views of or its affiliates. The analysis is for informational purposes only and not an endorsement of any viewpoint.

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 5 devices used to tweet

Source Count
Twitter Web App 57
Twitter for iPhone 49
Twitter for Android 37
Buffer 1

What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count

Username Name Bio Followers count
SRE_mx Relaciones Exteriores Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores de México 🇲🇽 Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mexico 🇲🇽 1,353,378
ItamaratyGovBr Itamaraty Brasil 🇧🇷 Ministério das Relações Exteriores do #Brasil | English: @Itamaraty_EN | Español: @Itamaraty_ES 361,222
AlemaniaMexi Embajada Alemana en México Perfil oficial de la Embajada de Alemania en México. Tweets del Embajador Wolfgang Dold llevan firma WD Impressum: 91,120
GermanyUN Germany in the United Nations Everything 🇩🇪 does in the 🇺🇳- #UnitingForHumanity, #multilateralism, #globalgoals. In Berlin, Bonn, New York, Geneva, Vienna, Rome, Nairobi, Paris & beyond. 89,914
claverGatete Claver Gatete Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Rwanda to the United Nations 80,853
nisia_trindade Nísia Trindade Lima Ministra da Saúde, ex-presidente da Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz), socióloga e professora 66,847
marthadelgado Martha Delgado +🤚🏻 Subsecretaria para Asuntos Multilaterales y DDHH @SRE_mx Deputy Secretary for Multilateral Affairs & Human Rights 🇲🇽 @HarvardAlumni Yes, I also sing #Spotify 50,202
Denmark_UN Denmark in UN NY🇩🇰 #DK4UNSC Permanent Mission of Denmark to the @UN in New York. Retweets are not endorsements. Follow our ambassador @billehermann & our 📸Instagram: denmark_UN 35,950
NiNanjira Nanjira 🌍. Itinerant native. Complicating “international” equations. 🤔 ✍🏾🗣at the 🚥 of Tech x Public Policy x Global Governance. Africa isn't poor, just mismanaged. 35,447
Eli_Krumova Elitsa Krumova |#Digital 🦄 Nomad||#WomeninTech| #Influencer @Onalytica | @WomenTechmakers |#Tech #IoT #IIoT #AI #ML #RPA #Robotics #CyberSec #IoTPL |#SocialMedia #Marketing| 33,740

Top 10 accounts with highest friends count

Username Name Bio Followers count
Eli_Krumova Elitsa Krumova |#Digital 🦄 Nomad||#WomeninTech| #Influencer @Onalytica | @WomenTechmakers |#Tech #IoT #IIoT #AI #ML #RPA #Robotics #CyberSec #IoTPL |#SocialMedia #Marketing| 24,664
Lwna13 Maria Alice 🚩❤🚩❤ Mãe, Docente de Universidade Pública Federal. Em Defesa da Vida e do SUS. #MeuAmadoLulaPresidente 🚩🚩🤩 16,996
marthadelgado Martha Delgado +🤚🏻 Subsecretaria para Asuntos Multilaterales y DDHH @SRE_mx Deputy Secretary for Multilateral Affairs & Human Rights 🇲🇽 @HarvardAlumni Yes, I also sing #Spotify 7,797
joannaprieto Joanna Prieto ® #MarcaPersonal Speaker-Profe-Mentora | Empodero y conecto Talento con propósito #HumanismoDigital Podcast #HumanaMente Co-founder @geekgirlslatam 💜 EdTech, Liderazgo, DEI. 7,747
janbarstad janbarstad Senior World Communication Consultant(SWCC). With Humour. Tweets: norwegian and english. Digital, photography, flyfishing, singlespeed, music, art, politics. 5,604
olgacavalli Olga Cavalli 💚 Directora Nacional de Ciberseguridad Argentina @innovacionAR / Co-fundadora ARGENSIG @Argensig SSIG @SSIGLAC DominiosLatinoamerica @DominioLATAM / UBA - ISOC Ar 5,564
psalmsgood JOE BLESSINGS Ministebr of the gospel,and champion in developing global business leadership opportunities. 4,942
joana_varon Joana Varon @CodingRights Founder-Directress; Harvard @CarrCenter Fellow 2020-2022;@BKCHarvard Affiliate; 🔍 creative,feminist,techno-political alternatives 🏳️‍🌈😼🎸🏄 3,926
NanyonzaS Nanyonza Sharon Communications Assistant: Supporting & defending Government programs online. 3,547
alai_lat ALAI Somos la Asociación Latinoamericana de Internet. Impulsamos el desarrollo de la economía digital en Latinoamérica y el Caribe. 3,350

Most active users

Username Bio Number of tweets
olgacavalli Directora Nacional de Ciberseguridad Argentina @innovacionAR / Co-fundadora ARGENSIG @Argensig SSIG @SSIGLAC DominiosLatinoamerica @DominioLATAM / UBA - ISOC Ar 17
1lucabelli Prof at @FGV Law School, heading @CTS_FGV and @BRICScyber. Board @A4A_Internet + @GDInclusion.Director @CPDPLatAm. My #TEDtalk: Views 7
Eli_Krumova |#Digital 🦄 Nomad||#WomeninTech| #Influencer @Onalytica | @WomenTechmakers |#Tech #IoT #IIoT #AI #ML #RPA #Robotics #CyberSec #IoTPL |#SocialMedia #Marketing| 7
ntiokam Founder and Managing Director Climate Smart Agriculture Youth Network (CSAYN) aims in Working Towards A Resilient Environment Through Climate-Smart Agriculture. 4
cetysedu Centro de Estudios en Tecnología y Sociedad de la @UdeSA. Espacio académico e interdisciplinario que estudia y divulga el impacto de las #TICs en la región. 4
Murtala77268252 - 3
gioasempre Under-Secretary-General and UNSG’s Tech Envoy; RTs are not endorsements. 3
GDInclusion Meaningful connectivity for the global majority.We’re on Mastodon too: 3
dvd_damian Innovation and Outreach Officer @unicc_ict United Nations International Computing Centre. 'Connect, Respect and Protect'. It's personal, views & account. 2
SherryAntoine7 Exec. Dir. @AfroCROWDit. Lead Organizer, @WikiCari. Co-Oragnizer, @NewsWiki1 '20. BoD @ISOC-NY. Speaker. Outreach Strategist. Wikipedian. Tweets mine. She/her. 2

Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1625898180997939201 📸 Hoy, la Sub. @marthadelgado inauguró las Consultas de las Américas sobre el Pacto Mundial Digital, de @SRE_mx, @GermanyDiplo y @UNTechEnvoy, con John Reyels, jefe del Departamento Cibernético de la Cancillería de 🇩🇪, y Amandeep Singh Gill, enviado para Tecnología del SG de 🇺🇳. 14
1625262005773803520 Foi muito bom dividir as reflexões no painel de alto nível com autoridades como o diretor da @WHO, @DrTedros, o diretor @FAODG da @FAO, Qu Dongyu, o ministro de Relações Exteriores do Quênia e representante do país na @UN, @AmbMKamau; e o @UNTechEnvoy, Amandeep Singh Gill. 12
1624993266792816640 Today at 2:00 PM (EAT), be part of the ATU Africa Innovation Forum . #InnovateAfrica #CloseTheGap. Register now, click: @ICASA_org @NgComCommission @MACRAMALAWI @RURA_RWANDA @MoCDE_Gambia @COnlineAfrica @CA_Kenya @UNTechEnvoy @TCRA_Tz @_AfricanUnion @ITU 10
1625612501831372800 Just received the hard copies of the 2021 and 2022 #CommunityNetworks reports published with the @IntGovForum Dynamic Coalition on Community Connectivity. Just in time to bring a couple of copies to the @UN Consultation on the #GlobalDigitalCompact, organised by the @UNTechEnvoy 10
1625641892972052492 Mañana inician las Consultas de las Américas sobre el Pacto Mundial Digital, organizadas por @SRE_mx, @GermanyDiplo y @UNTechEnvoy. Les invitamos a sumarse a la transmisión a partir de las 9:30 horas #GlobalDIgitalCompact 8
1626324698358325249 The @Wikimedia community recently showed up and out @UNHQ for the @UNTechEnvoy’s consultations on the #GlobalDigitalCompact including @Brandysull our communications lead @WikiCari who excellently spoke in representation of our group’s support. Great work! #YoungGiftedandBlack 6
1624084906442649601 We will improve digital cooperation with a common vision. Ho partecipato alle consultazioni delle Nazioni Unite sul #GlobalDigitalCompact portando esperienze #PASocial e @Fondazione_FID. Obiettivo è digitale equo, sicuro, popolare, per tutti @UNTechEnvoy 5
1626611740296478722 GDIP board member @1lucabelli joined the @UNTechEnvoy #GlobalDigitalCompact regional consultation for the Americas in Mexico City, co-hosted by @SRE_mx & @GermanyDiplo🧵Check out this thread for his thoughts on the discussion and some ideas to consider: 5
1626327024234119168 A lot of fascinating discussions on how to achieve #meaningfulconnectivity and sustainable digital transformation at the @UN Americas Consultation on the #GlobalDigitalCompact organised by @UNTechEnvoy Some key considerations and some food for thought below🧶 5
1625104741150732289 Our study found that only 8% of AI scientists in popular films are women @DirectedbyWomen @femfreq @konaomie @JalapenoFilms @kimpeirce @ellawinthrop @UNTechEnvoy @BarbraStreisand @TheAcademy @WomenCallAction @rachaeldottle @EdNCES @PwC_UK @NogaLandau @agnesfilms 4

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1625262005773803520 Foi muito bom dividir as reflexões no painel de alto nível com autoridades como o diretor da @WHO, @DrTedros, o diretor @FAODG da @FAO, Qu Dongyu, o ministro de Relações Exteriores do Quênia e representante do país na @UN, @AmbMKamau; e o @UNTechEnvoy, Amandeep Singh Gill. 68
1625612501831372800 Just received the hard copies of the 2021 and 2022 #CommunityNetworks reports published with the @IntGovForum Dynamic Coalition on Community Connectivity. Just in time to bring a couple of copies to the @UN Consultation on the #GlobalDigitalCompact, organised by the @UNTechEnvoy 53
1625898180997939201 📸 Hoy, la Sub. @marthadelgado inauguró las Consultas de las Américas sobre el Pacto Mundial Digital, de @SRE_mx, @GermanyDiplo y @UNTechEnvoy, con John Reyels, jefe del Departamento Cibernético de la Cancillería de 🇩🇪, y Amandeep Singh Gill, enviado para Tecnología del SG de 🇺🇳. 28
1625641892972052492 Mañana inician las Consultas de las Américas sobre el Pacto Mundial Digital, organizadas por @SRE_mx, @GermanyDiplo y @UNTechEnvoy. Les invitamos a sumarse a la transmisión a partir de las 9:30 horas #GlobalDIgitalCompact 27
1625521696013688834 A Ministra, interina, das Relações Exteriores recebeu hoje o @UNTechEnvoy. O #Itamaraty contribui ativamente para as discussões sobre o #GlobalDigitalCompact e a #governançadigital. 26
1623820128818192385 A pleasure to meet David Koh and exchange notes on cyber security and digital trust. ⁦@CSAsingapore⁩ ⁦@UNTechEnvoy⁩ 23
1624993266792816640 Today at 2:00 PM (EAT), be part of the ATU Africa Innovation Forum . #InnovateAfrica #CloseTheGap. Register now, click: @ICASA_org @NgComCommission @MACRAMALAWI @RURA_RWANDA @MoCDE_Gambia @COnlineAfrica @CA_Kenya @UNTechEnvoy @TCRA_Tz @_AfricanUnion @ITU 21
1624125527421222941 A great pleasure to be art of the multistakeholder consultation on the @UN #GlobalDigitalCompact gathering inputs form the Americas region, organised next week by @UNTEchEnvoy, @SRE_mx, @GermanDiplo & @AlemaniaMexi. 19
1625239874260402176 Llevamos la voz del sector privado digital de América Latina al #GlobalDigitalCompact de @UNTechEnvoy. 🌐 Se trata de un proceso que busca acuerdos y cooperación en políticas digitales. 📝 Conoce las consideraciones que presentamos: 17
1626327024234119168 A lot of fascinating discussions on how to achieve #meaningfulconnectivity and sustainable digital transformation at the @UN Americas Consultation on the #GlobalDigitalCompact organised by @UNTechEnvoy Some key considerations and some food for thought below🧶 14

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#globaldigitalcompact 88
#digitalcooperation 17
#sdgs 11
#iotpl 6
#award 6
#iot 6
#iiot 6
#iotcl 6
#tech 6
#dei 6

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Mention Count
@untechenvoy 142
@sre_mx 36
@un 32
@germanydiplo 21
@gioasempre 21
@marthadelgado 14
@ssiglac 14
@swedenun 13
@rwandaun 13
@alemaniamexi 11

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets


Average number of emojis used per tweet


Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
▶️ 10 play_button
🇲🇽 7 Mexico
🇺🇳 6 United_Nations
👇 6 backhand_index_pointing_down
🇩🇪 4 Germany
👉 4 backhand_index_pointing_right
👋 4 waving_hand
📸 3 camera_with_flash
💻 3 laptop
🙌🏼 3 raising_hands_medium-light_skin_tone

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Flags 26
People & Body 20
Symbols 15
Objects 12
Travel & Places 7
Activities 4
Smileys & Emotion 1