Tweets Analysis - Keyword: Union
Total number of tweets analysed
Earliest tweet was on
Latest tweet was on
Tweets covering
6 days
Average age of authors' accounts
6 years
Types of Tweets
Number of Retweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of Original tweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Mentions
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Replies
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Quotes
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Hashtags
Percentage of total tweets
Top 5 devices used to tweet
Source | Count |
Twitter for Android | 116998 |
Twitter for iPhone | 88805 |
Twitter Web App | 85824 |
Twitter for iPad | 8387 |
TweetDeck | 4917 |
What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count
Username | Name | Followers count |
CNN | CNN | 60,445,579 |
nytimes | The New York Times | 54,626,843 |
espn | ESPN | 43,007,454 |
POTUS | President Biden | 27,034,220 |
Reuters | Reuters | 25,634,271 |
FoxNews | Fox News | 22,813,440 |
WSJ | The Wall Street Journal | 20,308,336 |
washingtonpost | The Washington Post | 19,947,254 |
aajtak | AajTak | 19,092,576 |
ndtv | NDTV | 17,587,328 |
Top 10 accounts with highest friends count
Username | Name | Followers count |
WorldWideWob | Rob Perez | 1,026,675 |
Cooperativa | Cooperativa | 652,867 |
jilevin | Jeffrey Levin 🇺🇦 | 609,864 |
Dirigentes | Management is nothing more than motivating people | 418,568 |
ThatEricAlper | Eric Alper 🎧 | 413,631 |
marshawright | Real Marsha Wright® | 390,009 |
CMichaelGibson | C. Michael Gibson MD | 383,267 |
BoletinViajes | Boletín Viajes | 380,111 |
eldolardiario | El Dólar Diario 🇻🇪 | 351,968 |
ElNacionalWeb | El Nacional | 340,030 |
Most active users
Username | Number of tweets |
gbfbbs | 888 |
Union_YW | 685 |
rocio_union | 492 |
watch_union | 488 |
_Best_Union_ | 464 |
union_kings | 457 |
765pro_union | 377 |
union_zip | 293 |
union_stagelove | 278 |
neet_union | 237 |
Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count
ID | Text | Retweet count |
1587967965013614592 | Proud of this and always will be. My workers are union, make a living wage, have full healthcare, and aren’t subject to racist treatment in their workplaces. Items are made in USA. Team AOC honors and respects working people. You should try it sometime instead of union-busting. | 20752 |
1587970929937760256 | @elonmusk My workers are union, have full healthcare + benefits like childcare help, and every one is paid a living wage. Proceeds go to community acts like tutoring underserved kids. You’re a union buster with an ego problem who pockets the change from underpaying and mistreating people. | 17446 |
1588470975414558720 | Here’s some history for you, Marjorie. Russia was part of the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union was Communist. Putin was a member of the KGB. Communism & KGB = bad. America won the Cold War. It was a great victory for freedom. Now you stand with Putin against freedom & America. | 15869 |
1587158722194857985 | Today Royal Mail declared war on your local postie. Ripping up terms and conditions, coming for the union and destroying the service. Still our members will not bow down. RT if you stand with your postal worker and will back them whatever it takes. #StandByYourPost | 7936 |
1588629592780451840 | Twitter employees could stop all layoffs by having all employees stick together and shut down all operations til they reinstate all. Strike. Form a union. We're in the biggest strike wave in the US since the 40s, w thousands of strikes in last 2yrs. Tech workers- get on board. | 6577 |
1587930273861115905 | ofc @elonmusk would shit on domestic union made apparel prices. after all tesla is now the largest non-union US car manufacturer. | 5750 |
1588486073076027392 | My letter to Hon’ble Union Home Minister Shri @AmitShah Ji regarding security threat to Shri @PawanKalyan garu, President of Jana Sena Party. | 5732 |
1587109440637046786 | La #FANB con el fiel compromiso de defender la Patria; la #MiliciaBolivariana se entrena en el combate comunal en unión Civico Militar Policial para hacernos inexpugnables, defendiendo cada esquina, calle, comunidad, Parroquia. Viva la Patria. | 5440 |
1586920897830526976 | Kari Lake called to dismantle the nation’s top law enforcement agency. She called for Arizona to secede from the union and usher in another Civil War. She called for the legalization of rocket launchers. She is dangerous, extreme, and out of touch with Arizonans. | 5170 |
1588247566650466304 | Mañana voy a participar del Plenario de delegados de la Unión Obrera Metalúrgica, al que fui invitada por el compañero Abel Furlán. Lo van a poder ver en vivo a las 17 hs. a través de mis redes. | 5037 |
Top 10 tweets with highest Like count
ID | Text | Like count |
1587967965013614592 | Proud of this and always will be. My workers are union, make a living wage, have full healthcare, and aren’t subject to racist treatment in their workplaces. Items are made in USA. Team AOC honors and respects working people. You should try it sometime instead of union-busting. | 267465 |
1587970929937760256 | @elonmusk My workers are union, have full healthcare + benefits like childcare help, and every one is paid a living wage. Proceeds go to community acts like tutoring underserved kids. You’re a union buster with an ego problem who pockets the change from underpaying and mistreating people. | 232588 |
1587930273861115905 | ofc @elonmusk would shit on domestic union made apparel prices. after all tesla is now the largest non-union US car manufacturer. | 91736 |
1588470975414558720 | Here’s some history for you, Marjorie. Russia was part of the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union was Communist. Putin was a member of the KGB. Communism & KGB = bad. America won the Cold War. It was a great victory for freedom. Now you stand with Putin against freedom & America. | 72407 |
1588144026896814084 | I definitely thought Gabrielle Union was Zaya’s mom, and will continue to do so in light of recent news. | 40132 |
1588629592780451840 | Twitter employees could stop all layoffs by having all employees stick together and shut down all operations til they reinstate all. Strike. Form a union. We're in the biggest strike wave in the US since the 40s, w thousands of strikes in last 2yrs. Tech workers- get on board. | 35003 |
1587571230575566849 | this woman who actively crossed the picket line at my old union’s strike is poised to be the next bean dad and I couldn’t be happier | 24484 |
1588628241484480514 | This is the line to #earlyvote at the Memorial Union on UW-Madison’s campus right now. You absolutely love to see it. On Wisconsin! | 23421 |
1588029149314449408 | Dear @rweingarten I will forgive you when acknowledge YOU and your teachers Union did irreparable damage to our nations children with Lockdowns, masks, plastic shields and silencing ALL those who dared question your tyranny. Resign and then we’ll talk. | 23122 |
1588610618793537538 | I spoke with national union leaders this morning about the Ontario government’s inappropriate preemptive use of the notwithstanding clause, which undermines the fundamental rights and freedoms of workers. Our government stands firmly with our country’s workers. | 21024 |
Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used
Hashtag | Count |
#union | 3317 |
#doop | 2616 |
#mlscup | 1967 |
#fanb | 1511 |
#trabajoconjuntoyseguro | 1404 |
#unidaddelospueblos | 1274 |
#venezuelaycolombiajuntas | 1204 |
#onpoli | 1065 |
#団員募集 | 1016 |
#グラブル | 1016 |
Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions
Mention | Count |
@watch_union | 9691 |
@elonmusk | 4188 |
@nicolasmaduro | 3228 |
@fordnation | 2887 |
@sflecce | 2756 |
@prensafanb | 2606 |
@aoc | 2417 |
@dhernandezlarez | 1815 |
@colindmello | 1810 |
@libertad003 | 1785 |
Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Average number of emojis used per tweet
Emojis used in tweets
Emoji | Count | Emoji Text |
😂 | 4183 | face_with_tears_of_joy |
🤣 | 4014 | rolling_on_the_floor_laughing |
🔴 | 2896 | red_circle |
👉 | 2598 | backhand_index_pointing_right |
🙏 | 2388 | folded_hands |
🇻🇪 | 2323 | Venezuela |
⚽ | 2188 | soccer_ball |
❤️ | 1762 | red_heart |
👇 | 1751 | backhand_index_pointing_down |
🔥 | 1681 | fire |
Emojis groups
Emoji Group | Count |
Smileys & Emotion | 34768 |
People & Body | 23254 |
Flags | 21098 |
Symbols | 18177 |
Objects | 11538 |
Activities | 8554 |
Travel & Places | 8497 |
Animals & Nature | 3504 |
Food & Drink | 1563 |