Account Summary

Followers Count


Friends Count


Tweets Count


List Count



Tucson, AZ



Followers Analysis (based on followers sample)


Number of Verified accounts


Percentage of Verified accounts



Number of Protected accounts


Percentage of Protected accounts



Average Age of Twitter accounts

4 years


Number of users without a Bio


Number of users with a Bio


Percentage of users with a Bio


Percentage of users without a Bio


Worldcloud of Bios

List of top 10 keywords used in bios

Word Frequency
love 239
life 186
tucson 167
arizona 160
mom 132
retired 107
family 101
wife 92
lover 81
world 71

List of top 10 hashtags used in bios

Hashtag Frequency
#beardown 11
#maga 10
#tucson 8
#blm 7
#2a 6
#backtheblue 5
#americafirst 4
#medtwitter 3
#fbr 3
#voteblue 3

Top 10 followers with the highest follower count

Username Followers Count Friends Count Tweet Count
KariLake 1322827 1034 27758
NOH8Campaign 799198 377167 14004
WendyRogersAZ 331180 7314 26495
azfamily 288213 484 203137
collectibulldog 175630 178416 865763
RealJtHolmes 144374 112111 70011
RealMarkFinchem 137862 1743 6200
CHRISTIAN_LARA 106467 2766 15139
JeanChatzky 81560 68456 22077
MinneapolisPD 74913 173 4143

Top 10 followers with the highest following count

Username Friends Count Followers Count Tweet Count
NOH8Campaign 377167 799198 14004
collectibulldog 178416 175630 865763
RealJtHolmes 112111 144374 70011
JeanChatzky 68456 81560 22077
AZWS 56994 57281 498054
Akerele_Ale 42626 39237 108611
FansofLivePd 27384 24917 8638
MystinAz 20605 21319 18038
MikeGriffiths17 15407 16087 13109
karlajw 14114 20531 202730

Top 10 followers with the highest tweet count

Username Tweets Count Followers Count Friends Count
collectibulldog 865763 175630 178416
AZWS 498054 57281 56994
barkflight 338070 16736 11730
reneiscursed 275188 1998 4606
azfamily 203137 288213 484
karlajw 202730 20531 14114
greysanatomy112 186843 1520 679
MarcyJMiller 142523 4565 3413
MicheleDuffy18 123604 697 3874
seanambrose16 113077 89 1575

Top 10 followers with the highest listed count

Username Listed Count Friends Count Followers Count
NOH8Campaign 7531 377167 799198
KariLake 2578 1034 1322827
RepRaulGrijalva 1978 587 42864
collectibulldog 1885 178416 175630
azfamily 1880 484 288213
JeanChatzky 1619 68456 81560
WendyRogersAZ 1137 7314 331180
meChrisB 846 2786 1437
MinneapolisPD 800 173 74913
Arizona_DPS 743 158 73300

Tweets Analysis


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

2,503 days

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 5 devices used to tweet

Source Count
Twitter for iPhone 1962
Twitter Web Client 540
Twitter for Android 412
Facebook 154
Twitter Web App 148

What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1099091668400189440 “BREAKING NEWS” Tucson PD Investigating Suspicious White Powdery Substance. We now have some answers. Thank you for your patience. See video for details. 11229
1023741826493083648 MISSING 2yr OLD: Jaevion Betters Last seen about 4:30 p.m. in the 700 block of E. 33rd St. Wearing a red sleeveless shirt that says “Dad’s MVP” w/blue plaid shorts. Has dark hair in a ponytail. Please call 911 w/any info. 296
996915398451875840 BREAKING NEWS: Police identify confusing audible sounds heard throughout the Tucson area. See the video below. Audio clip: #laureloryanny #Laurel #Yanny 239
1166435577689849856 ***ESCAPEES WANTED FOR MURDER*** The search is underway for Blane & Susan Barksdale. They escaped custody in Blanding, UT while being extradited to Pima County. If seen, do not approach & call 911 immediately or 88-CRIME w/info on their whereabouts. 232
1624953278307123202 🚨MISSING JUVENILE🚨 Police need your help in locating 11-year-old Adrian Rosas. He was last seen yesterday, near S. Park Ave. & E. 26th St. He was riding his bicycle & was wearing a grey hoodie. Hes described as 5'4/130lbs. w/brown eyes. Please call 911 if he is located. 182
1117953368817721344 ***Missing Child*** TPD needs your help locating 10-year-old Isaiah Williams. Isaiah was last seen in the area of South 16th Ave and West Columbia St this morning. W/male 4ft, brn hair, brn eyes, green sweater, tan pants, red shoes. Call 911 if you have any information. 175
1037115101919162368 MISSING CHILD 15-year-old Maliyah Gomez. Missing since 130pm. 5’03”/115 pounds. Brown curly hair with glasses. Last seen wearing black shirt, black or grey pants, black shoes, teal backpack with polka dots. Functions at a much younger age. Call 911 immediately w/any info. 157
992925673474813952 Amber Alert Update 🚨: The 1996 Toyota Camry was located in Nogales, AZ, parked near the Mexico border. The parents, along w/5yr old Luis Ramirez & his 6 month old sister Kahmila Ramirez are still missing. Anyone w/info is urged to call 911 or 88-CRIME. 155
1032413974757761024 Does anyone know this woman? She was found by officers near Belvedere/7th St. Says her name is Margaret Catella or Margaret Levine. If you are a loved one, caretaker, or a neighbor who knows where she lives, please call 911. 136
936734536720826369 Don’t let a grinch ruin your holiday this year 128

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1099091668400189440 “BREAKING NEWS” Tucson PD Investigating Suspicious White Powdery Substance. We now have some answers. Thank you for your patience. See video for details. 35230
996915398451875840 BREAKING NEWS: Police identify confusing audible sounds heard throughout the Tucson area. See the video below. Audio clip: #laureloryanny #Laurel #Yanny 668
1173733872661487616 🚓💙KINDNESS ALERT 💙🚓 On 09/14/19 TPD responded to a stolen bicycle call. The bicycle was the victim’s primary means of transportation. Today TPD Midtown Officers Paid it Forward and surprised the victim with a new bike. Look out for each other Tucson 309
1169413182424678401 Tonight our hearts are broken as we learned of Sgt. Froebe's passing. For decades, Sgt. Froebe led Marines and Tucson Police Officers with distinction and honor. His service to our country and the city of Tucson will never be forgotten. 278
1153448027949920256 ... Was gonna happen Monsooner or Later... More tips below: #dontdrownturnaround Don’t get caught goggles down! Arrive Alive Tucson! 276
1029869159796994049 The Tucson Police Department has been inundated with emails asking us to participate in the Lip-Sync Challenge. After watching the awesome videos done by other agencies, we decided to accept...with a twist. See link below 271
941835444383133696 The Tucson Police Department is sad to announce the passing of K9 "Rigz". Rigz served as a Police Service Dog from 2012-2017 responding to hundreds of calls for the community. Thank you for you dedicated service. Now rest easy Rigz...You deserve it 😔 264
1256698018620862465 😳 Just something to think about... 262
1391554880758636545 As Ofc. Covarrubias starts her patrol shift with her mom (a former TPD Officer) going on a ride-along, we would like to acknowledge and honor ALL moms out there!!!  No matter your title; Mom, Step-mom, Pet mom, or the other mother...  Lives are better because of you! 262
936734536720826369 Don’t let a grinch ruin your holiday this year 253

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#tucsonpd 19
#tucson 7
#fraudweek 5
#neverforgotten 3
#neverforget911 3
#onecityoneteam 3
#copsandrodders 3
#29thst 2
#backtoschool2022 2
#robertsnaylor 2

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Hashtag Count
@operationswest 27
@tucson_police 25
@opsmidtown 24
@ops_south 21
@operationseast 19
@supporttpd 16
@tpd_recruiting 11
@pimasheriff 10
@88crimetucson 9
@soarizona 9

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
🚨 673 police_car_light
🚧 217 construction
🚦 53 vertical_traffic_light
🚔 32 oncoming_police_car
🇺🇸 14 United_States
👀 9 eyes
🚓 8 police_car
💙 8 blue_heart
7 alarm_clock
🔴 6 red_circle

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Travel & Places 1030
People & Body 66
Smileys & Emotion 35
Activities 23
Symbols 15
Flags 14
Food & Drink 7
Animals & Nature 4
Objects 2