Tweets Analysis - Keyword: @trescoball
Total number of tweets analysed
Earliest tweet was on
Latest tweet was on
Tweets covering
10 days
Average age of authors' accounts
6 years
JavierA10204 won a tournament organized by Ibai and was part of another team of Ibai. Trescoball responded with a mention of Pabellón San Pablo, mentioning IbaiLlanos and commenting that the video of the mates competition was not uploaded. They continued discussing football and basketball teams, attending Liga ACB, and the criminal incident with the copa tournament. They also joked around in a few tweets.
Topic Modeling
- Sports - NBA, baloncesto, fútbol, Betis, Madrid
- Competitions - Concurso, torneo, playoffs
- Places - Pabellón San Pablo, Ibai
- People - Ibai, JuanGuarnizo, Spursito,Kiwi, Alonsito
- Time - ahora, hoy, literal, criminal
Emotional Analysis
The overall tone of these tweets is positive, with users expressing admiration and gratitude towards @trescoball. There is also a sense of camaraderie and good-natured ribbing among users. Additionally, there is a sense of disappointment and frustration, as users express sadness and anger at certain events.
Trend Analysis
- Sports: basketball, soccer, etc.
- Competition
- Competition Organisation
- Teammates
- Humor
Types of Tweets
Number of Retweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of Original tweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Mentions
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Replies
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Quotes
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Hashtags
Percentage of total tweets
Top 5 devices used to tweet
Source | Count |
Twitter for Android | 38 |
Twitter for iPhone | 32 |
Twitter Web App | 6 |
Twitter for Mac | 1 |
What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count
Username | Name | Bio | Followers count |
Aircriss | Aircriss | 🏀Youtube (+200.000) | 🟣Twitch Partner (+85.000) | 2K NextMaker | EA GameChanger #ElgatoPartner | ✉ | 20,996 |
Hater__001 | KOIsito | Vivimos en una simulación. | 6,846 |
NaanoVCF | Naano🦇 | Don David Albelda Aliques | 2,476 |
riperrm | riper | @realmadrid | 1,517 |
OTFSwaggy | swaggy. | - | 1,071 |
HasbullaCeltics | HASBULLA CELTICS☘️💚 | Los Celtics como estilo de vida. Si me tomas enserio eres bob@. Soy el que era Yam Madarfaka. Como dice El Fary: Padreando por la ciudad. #BleedGreen | 588 |
JavierA10204 | Javier Andrés | - | 454 |
Jose__RM | ¬ | #ThunderUp 🧃🌍 U.D. Almería. Happy Westbrook fan | 426 |
JPlomerDurden | Elodin - James D. Sullivan | Project Modernia.Pilot de X-Wing.Portador de l'Anell únic durant els estius. | 396 |
ChiaraCuello2 | 𝒞𝒽𝒾𝒶𝒶𝒶🤍 | - | 317 |
Top 10 accounts with highest friends count
Username | Name | Bio | Followers count |
he2tor | hector.przz | - | 1,946 |
NaanoVCF | Naano🦇 | Don David Albelda Aliques | 1,416 |
sarias2702 | Checho | ⚽️🏀 | 1,411 |
losgolesenlared | Miquel | Mont-roig del Camp/Reus.Gran enamorat del esport en general i del futbol en particular. | 1,354 |
anisprooo | Ainize lvs fav's 🎗 | Rayo de Barcelona ⚡ | ੈ✩‧₊ Mod de Alfonsitochico 🌎 💚 🌿 Feel the rush | 1,333 |
BlackTonny | Black Francisco | Lúcio siempre te Amare HIJO 🥰💕... apoyo a las selecciones Vinotinto🇻🇪, Amor ETERNO AL #FCBARCELONA 🥰 | 1,295 |
JavierA10204 | Javier Andrés | - | 1,175 |
buscandoelcisne | Carlos | Soy a menudo irónico, casi nunca me entienden. | 1,092 |
diegofz__ | diegofz__🤙🏻 | no es Lillard fan account pero como si lo fuese.quiero mucho a Antoine Griezmann. | 1,069 |
jorvic5 | Jorge García | - | 994 |
Most active users
Username | Bio | Number of tweets |
anukii97 | Hola | 25% // Moderadora del canal de twich de @VituberYt desde Agosto 2022👇🏼💜 | 2 |
Padrussito | #ThunderUp y Real Madrid. Certificado de hijodeperra®️. Ahora de los @LAClippers | 2 |
noult84 | - | 2 |
Aircriss | 🏀Youtube (+200.000) | 🟣Twitch Partner (+85.000) | 2K NextMaker | EA GameChanger #ElgatoPartner | ✉ | 1 |
diegofz__ | no es Lillard fan account pero como si lo fuese.quiero mucho a Antoine Griezmann. | 1 |
indiscretoman | - | 1 |
hpmgrau | H | 1 |
he2tor | - | 1 |
gxrridoo | ig: gxrridoo__ | 1 |
friker19 | Cristiano católico # Quiero Quererte Siempre! # Como la trucha al trucho... más y mejor! Casi Dr. | 1 |
Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count
ID | Text | Retweet count |
1627267082336305152 | @trescoball sube el vídeo YA porfavor | 1 |
1628148565448040448 | Necesito que @trescoball mire mdPorfavor mencionarlo | 0 |
1625952221136359435 | @trescoball porque quien coño se equivoca en un puto ascensor eres mongolo o que | 0 |
1626356337394294784 | @trescoball Sí bueno...entonces ser de cualquier otro equipo que no sea Madrid o Barça que? | 0 |
1626356121958072320 | @trescoball Como se nota que no eres colchonero | 0 |
1626356061979410433 | @trescoball criminal lo de la copa, criminal | 0 |
1626355284296839170 | @trescoball Solo juega bien contra el barça | 0 |
1626352506128195584 | @trescoball Q pesao loco 🤣 | 0 |
1626351140219633665 | @trescoball Pabellón San Pablo>>> | 0 |
1626346112897499137 | @trescoball Pienso igual, LA MAMBA VASCA!!!! | 0 |
Top 10 tweets with highest Like count
ID | Text | Like count |
1626690760568459276 | @JavierA10204 @trescoball Pero si ha ganado un torneo que organizaba Ibai y en otro iba en el equipo de Ibai que estás diciendo | 4 |
1626351140219633665 | @trescoball Pabellón San Pablo>>> | 4 |
1626684546401042433 | @trescoball Hola @IbaiLlanos 👀 | 4 |
1627289419001565188 | @trescoball tresco, el concurso de mates no se subió el video | 4 |
1626356121958072320 | @trescoball Como se nota que no eres colchonero | 3 |
1627311008334204933 | Muchas gracias por tu amabilidad @trescoball por la foto , por la mini charla y por hacer que me guste taaanto la NBA 🏀😍Eres un crack! | 2 |
1625990661131456521 | @sarias2702 @trescoball hay otros donde si oprimis el botón del piso y el de la alarma al mismo tiempo el ascensor saca un screenshot | 2 |
1627338027625218048 | Gran victoria de mi rayo coño⚡️.Mucho respeto para @JuanSGuarnizo, y grande spursito pidiendo perdón. Ejemplar. Vamos señores que se pueden los playoffs. @Spursito @Kiwi_city @trescoball @alfonsitochico | 2 |
1627338236040282115 | @Spursito otro partido que ganamos y mvp para el rival jajsjsjsjsjs @RayodeBarcelona @trescoball @Kiwi_city | 2 |
1626356623118589956 | @trescoball @unicajaCB Literal jajaj | 1 |
Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used
Hashtag | Count |
#golakers | 1 |
Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions
Mention | Count |
@trescoball | 77 |
@spursito | 3 |
@kiwi_city | 3 |
@rayodebarcelona | 2 |
@jose__rm | 2 |
@danisenabre | 2 |
@pasionbasketnba | 1 |
@paula_lloret16 | 1 |
@malaideaesp | 1 |
@juansguarnizo | 1 |
Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Average number of emojis used per tweet
Emojis used in tweets
Emoji | Count | Emoji Text |
🤐 | 3 | zipper-mouth_face |
🤩 | 1 | star-struck |
💩 | 1 | pile_of_poo |
🤢 | 1 | nauseated_face |
🤮 | 1 | face_vomiting |
⚡ | 1 | high_voltage |
🏀 | 1 | basketball |
😍 | 1 | smiling_face_with_heart-eyes |
😂 | 1 | face_with_tears_of_joy |
👀 | 1 | eyes |
Emojis groups
Emoji Group | Count |
Smileys & Emotion | 14 |
People & Body | 2 |
Travel & Places | 1 |
Activities | 1 |