Tweets Analysis - Keyword: Tory
Total number of tweets analysed
Earliest tweet was on
Latest tweet was on
Tweets covering
9 days
Average age of authors' accounts
6 years
Types of Tweets
Number of Retweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of Original tweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Mentions
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Replies
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Quotes
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Hashtags
Percentage of total tweets
Top 5 devices used to tweet
Source | Count |
Twitter for iPhone | 117884 |
Twitter for Android | 84358 |
Twitter Web App | 61951 |
Twitter for iPad | 17226 |
TweetDeck | 1350 |
What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count
Username | Name | Followers count |
nytimes | The New York Times | 54,772,422 |
BBCWorld | BBC News (World) | 39,163,246 |
ABC | ABC News | 17,760,929 |
ndtv | NDTV | 17,626,440 |
AP | The Associated Press | 16,028,420 |
voguemagazine | Vogue Magazine | 14,988,731 |
BBCNews | BBC News (UK) | 14,864,121 |
billboard | billboard | 14,087,430 |
HuffPost | HuffPost | 11,238,098 |
guardian | The Guardian | 10,837,442 |
Top 10 accounts with highest friends count
Username | Name | Followers count |
jilevin | Jeffrey Levin 🇺🇦 | 599,931 |
BarringtonMole | Barrington Mole | 444,140 |
etnow | Entertainment Tonight | 291,762 |
RobertBohan | Robert Bohan | 271,060 |
GeorgeAylett | George Aylett | 262,942 |
Variety | Variety | 230,683 |
Fubarrockchick | #legend | 217,083 |
causticbob | Bob Kostic | 205,233 |
DailyLoud | Daily Loud | 189,572 |
tveitdal | Svein Tveitdal | 181,344 |
Most active users
Username | Number of tweets |
Harley_Tory | 1,716 |
MamMie_Tory | 1,244 |
kor_tory | 735 |
Xiroshi_Tory | 463 |
Briannicus | 460 |
haruchika_tory | 454 |
kim_vi_tory | 423 |
ToRy_BTC | 423 |
old_tory | 411 |
lokadisney | 385 |
Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count
ID | Text | Retweet count |
1600399829049319424 | tory lanez might not be in jail today but that’s why i love tomorrow | 8809 |
1602747075124695040 | Men want Tory Lanez to be innocent so bad so they can fulfill their “bitches be lying” fantasy. | 8173 |
1602423261677211648 | So let's recap Tory had gun residue on him Eye witness (Kelsey) says he shot Megan There are texts from him to Megan apologizing There are texts from Kelsey on the scene telling security he shot her He was found in possession of a warm gun And y'all still believe him? | 7807 |
1602830520005840896 | Tory Lanez team chose the slut-shaming , “Meg is a hoe” angle because they knew PRECISELY how (Black) men would react to that info. And predictably, here we are discussing THAT like that has any relevance to the case whatsoever. | 7254 |
1602439404244848641 | once tory lanez gets sent to jail, imma throw a lil sumn on the grill | 7040 |
1600192341536489472 | Annoyed about the train strikes ruining your Christmas or having to wait 12 hours for an ambulance? Why don’t you simply not vote tory next time? x | 7027 |
1602440113321308161 | The Tory Lanez/Meg @theestallion case is 100% an example of why so many woman think it's pointless to report when harm is done to them. Celebrity or not, the responses and defenses are predictable. All internet gossip aside, someone shot Meg. She's not on trial here. | 6725 |
1602610699670282240 | There’s certain men that you admit sleeping with only when you’re under oath. Tory Lanez is one of those men. | 5565 |
1602714717423689728 | Tory MP @danny__kruger claimed £3,598 on expenses for his utility bill last year. This was the highest claim by any MP to cover their bills in such a short duration. Retweet if you think Kruger should pay for his own gas and electric supply. | 5402 |
1600027755655176192 | Michelle Mone. Now the gloves are off. Today the release of information will come down to MPs vote. If any MP votes to keep it private, then SHAME on them NEWS Labour tries to force release of details behind £200m PPE contracts linked to Tory peer | 5052 |
Top 10 tweets with highest Like count
ID | Text | Like count |
1600399829049319424 | tory lanez might not be in jail today but that’s why i love tomorrow | 65175 |
1602610699670282240 | There’s certain men that you admit sleeping with only when you’re under oath. Tory Lanez is one of those men. | 63231 |
1602778051506360321 | Megan Thee Stallion claims she saw Tory Lanes point the gun at her and heard him say “dance b*tch” before getting shot 😳‼️ | 59894 |
1602813278362771457 | Megan Thee Stallion on Tory Lanez: “I wish he would’ve just k*lled me if I knew I had to go through all this” | 57408 |
1602747075124695040 | Men want Tory Lanez to be innocent so bad so they can fulfill their “bitches be lying” fantasy. | 55262 |
1602439404244848641 | once tory lanez gets sent to jail, imma throw a lil sumn on the grill | 48885 |
1602830520005840896 | Tory Lanez team chose the slut-shaming , “Meg is a hoe” angle because they knew PRECISELY how (Black) men would react to that info. And predictably, here we are discussing THAT like that has any relevance to the case whatsoever. | 45630 |
1600192341536489472 | Annoyed about the train strikes ruining your Christmas or having to wait 12 hours for an ambulance? Why don’t you simply not vote tory next time? x | 40983 |
1602448359599620096 | idgaf what they sayin bout that case tory guilty as hell | 39413 |
1602423261677211648 | So let's recap Tory had gun residue on him Eye witness (Kelsey) says he shot Megan There are texts from him to Megan apologizing There are texts from Kelsey on the scene telling security he shot her He was found in possession of a warm gun And y'all still believe him? | 36506 |
Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used
Hashtag | Count |
#tory | 4174 |
#generalelectionnow | 2682 |
#torycorruption | 1758 |
#toriesout | 1445 |
#torycostofgreedcrisis | 1106 |
#torybrexitdisaster | 946 |
#toriesdestroyingourcountry | 889 |
#saveournhs | 852 |
#r4today | 841 |
#nhs | 811 |
Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions
Mention | Count |
@harley_tory | 4614 |
@toryboypierce | 4117 |
@rishisunak | 3529 |
@conservatives | 3168 |
@keir_starmer | 2983 |
@lbc | 2711 |
@bbcnews | 2474 |
@uklabour | 2397 |
@rmtunion | 2300 |
@gmb | 2037 |
Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Average number of emojis used per tweet
Emojis used in tweets
Emoji | Count | Emoji Text |
😂 | 10963 | face_with_tears_of_joy |
🤣 | 6313 | rolling_on_the_floor_laughing |
😭 | 5447 | loudly_crying_face |
🤔 | 2004 | thinking_face |
😡 | 1825 | pouting_face |
🙄 | 1652 | face_with_rolling_eyes |
🤬 | 1510 | face_with_symbols_on_mouth |
👇 | 1476 | backhand_index_pointing_down |
🤡 | 1138 | clown_face |
👏 | 1088 | clapping_hands |
Emojis groups
Emoji Group | Count |
Smileys & Emotion | 49653 |
People & Body | 12543 |
Symbols | 3756 |
Food & Drink | 3165 |
Flags | 2878 |
Travel & Places | 2824 |
Objects | 2653 |
Animals & Nature | 1573 |
Activities | 1552 |