Account Summary
~Former WWE Diva, Actress, Producer, Billboard Artist~ for Branding ~ Dir of Residential Estates @Beverly&Co
Followers Count
Friends Count
Tweets Count
List Count
instagram: RealAmyWeber
Followers Analysis (based on followers sample)
Number of Verified accounts
Percentage of Verified accounts
Number of Protected accounts
Percentage of Protected accounts
Average Age of Twitter accounts
10 years
Number of users without a Bio
Number of users with a Bio
Percentage of users with a Bio
Percentage of users without a Bio
Worldcloud of Bios
Top 10 followers with the highest follower count
Username | Followers Count | Friends Count | Tweet Count |
JohnCena | 14100577 | 571905 | 7451 |
ochocinco | 3241735 | 7139 | 190831 |
Variety | 2911448 | 226507 | 419108 |
benlandis | 2848490 | 1517379 | 1125 |
Todaysparent | 2488013 | 3451 | 92341 |
PaulWight | 2452930 | 764 | 3342 |
colortheory | 2149433 | 1464712 | 504 |
6BillionPeople | 2034587 | 4023871 | 183298 |
iHeartRadio | 2024034 | 67429 | 166106 |
SunburnFestival | 1943207 | 1010 | 28937 |
Top 10 followers with the highest following count
Username | Friends Count | Followers Count | Tweet Count |
6BillionPeople | 4023871 | 2034587 | 183298 |
benlandis | 1517379 | 2848490 | 1125 |
KameronBennett | 1488604 | 1815650 | 96296 |
colortheory | 1464712 | 2149433 | 504 |
SiriouslySusan | 1452900 | 1775189 | 4924 |
djkingassassin | 1374631 | 474071 | 137838 |
sherylunderwood | 1351471 | 1319094 | 135132 |
LeBronJames | 970017 | 1005038 | 3418 |
shwood | 731108 | 1509732 | 97749 |
ZachBoychuk | 683755 | 829151 | 9259 |
Top 10 followers with the highest tweet count
Username | Tweets Count | Followers Count | Friends Count |
superpidge | 1625563 | 36803 | 30529 |
bannerite | 1207001 | 95693 | 78017 |
AndreiAndrei63 | 1122955 | 137435 | 100216 |
muzikscribe | 1026829 | 6308 | 7721 |
SelenaTheWinner | 991720 | 119448 | 21386 |
morgfair | 910085 | 176892 | 15445 |
CSuiteConfess | 731579 | 1003151 | 451252 |
MarciaBunney | 639178 | 16075 | 18114 |
TheDreamBeats | 566091 | 130124 | 89250 |
Innovativecre2 | 501798 | 7924 | 12485 |
Top 10 followers with the highest listed count
Username | Listed Count | Friends Count | Followers Count |
JohnCena | 31676 | 571905 | 14100577 |
ochocinco | 22844 | 7139 | 3241735 |
Variety | 18959 | 226507 | 2911448 |
PleasureEllis | 13400 | 408356 | 685591 |
sundancefest | 9381 | 144837 | 924554 |
MarshaCollier | 8930 | 71408 | 232264 |
ZodiacFacts | 8333 | 2566 | 1323540 |
shwood | 6998 | 731108 | 1509732 |
kenjeong | 6273 | 3622 | 1009544 |
AndrewYang | 6035 | 9100 | 1698867 |
Tweets Analysis
Total number of tweets analysed
Earliest tweet was on
Latest tweet was on
Tweets covering
3,463 days
Types of Tweets
Number of Retweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of Original tweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Mentions
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Replies
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Quotes
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Hashtags
Percentage of total tweets
Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count
ID | Text | Retweet count |
421715590848344064 | New Years Opportunity - EI, School of Professional Makeup | Scholarships & NO application fees. For Today Only! *ad | 856 |
1420745268257906700 | UPS has recently given $25,000 to Minority Leader’s McCarthy’s campaign and his Victory PAC and $2,500 to election objector Congressman Byron Donalds (R-Fla.). HEY @FedEx How You Doin? 😉Can’t wait to give u all my biz. | 304 |
460887536936566784 | Every time I change the header, Twitter makes a change - New Layouts now..Interesting. Change is Good! | 261 |
460068296004337664 | -A Doodle Saga- Insanely Addictive Game. Available on iOS & Android. *ad | 216 |
1376532564450496519 | @BrunoAmato_1 is running against Kevin McCarthy and he needs our help! How can we help you unseat this dishonest political hack? | 169 |
1374668484878036996 | With mental health issues from the Pandemic at an all time high, how does any sane person “not” see the need to ban high capacity rifles and to have background checks and no loopholes? | 139 |
1409359265819598860 | Had to share this. I may not agree on everything every politician stands for, but give respect where respect is earned @mtgreenee. You are yet to earn an ounce of my respect. | 127 |
1430891234956955656 | The only way this world will change is to support those that put their own interests last and their country first. Unseat Rubio! Support @AllenLEllison | 110 |
1389940678239547396 | Imagine when FB has a higher moral standing then your own party. | 81 |
784895537896001536 | Success doesn't come from giving up | 62 |
Top 10 tweets with highest Reply count
ID | Text | Reply count |
1344860502858424322 | Who should I be following in 2021?? | 67 |
1341030338223476738 | I don’t understand what goes through someone’s mind when given the chance to do what is morally right yet choose what they know is morally wrong. | 49 |
1420745268257906700 | UPS has recently given $25,000 to Minority Leader’s McCarthy’s campaign and his Victory PAC and $2,500 to election objector Congressman Byron Donalds (R-Fla.). HEY @FedEx How You Doin? 😉Can’t wait to give u all my biz. | 40 |
1249716637617418245 | The truth finally revealed about why I left @wwe #Wrestling #wwe #truth #shoot #heel | 39 |
1368931821476405251 | The only saying holds true, If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all. Why do people need to tear others down? | 34 |
1345184992431755267 | Wow Beverly Hills banning sales of cigarettes. | 23 |
1358420761363423232 | How do people not believe in science? We witness it every single day. How can people say that wearing a mask does nothing to contain an “airborne” virus? We need to send out some psych evaluation kits alongside Covid testing kits. | 21 |
1392965113477435392 | I’m fully vaccinated- anyone else? Will you continue to wear a mask even with the CDC saying it is unnecessary? | 21 |
1438877595790032901 | I need some new content on my feed. Who should I follow? | 21 |
1374668484878036996 | With mental health issues from the Pandemic at an all time high, how does any sane person “not” see the need to ban high capacity rifles and to have background checks and no loopholes? | 17 |
Top 10 tweets with highest Quote count
ID | Text | Quote count |
1420745268257906700 | UPS has recently given $25,000 to Minority Leader’s McCarthy’s campaign and his Victory PAC and $2,500 to election objector Congressman Byron Donalds (R-Fla.). HEY @FedEx How You Doin? 😉Can’t wait to give u all my biz. | 42 |
1341030338223476738 | I don’t understand what goes through someone’s mind when given the chance to do what is morally right yet choose what they know is morally wrong. | 11 |
1389940678239547396 | Imagine when FB has a higher moral standing then your own party. | 7 |
1374668484878036996 | With mental health issues from the Pandemic at an all time high, how does any sane person “not” see the need to ban high capacity rifles and to have background checks and no loopholes? | 6 |
1409359265819598860 | Had to share this. I may not agree on everything every politician stands for, but give respect where respect is earned @mtgreenee. You are yet to earn an ounce of my respect. | 4 |
1445158667171495947 | It’s finally here!!! I will be releasing my Podcast episode with @joygiovanni tomorrow and we discuss all things life and @WWE. | 4 |
1412444156312440833 | I had a really insightful conversation with double Harvard degree lawyer @DonLew87 and I hope you will listen. We need more people like him fighting the good fight! | 3 |
1249716637617418245 | The truth finally revealed about why I left @wwe #Wrestling #wwe #truth #shoot #heel | 3 |
1607871821793357825 | Do you ever just want to run outside and scream at the top of your lungs? | 3 |
1021804829159686144 | Bigger Than ‘Bron: LA Is Divided, Can Lakers Unite? – Real Estate Celebrity News Blog, JohnHart Gazette | 3 |
Top 10 tweets with highest Like count
ID | Text | Like count |
1374668484878036996 | With mental health issues from the Pandemic at an all time high, how does any sane person “not” see the need to ban high capacity rifles and to have background checks and no loopholes? | 785 |
1341030338223476738 | I don’t understand what goes through someone’s mind when given the chance to do what is morally right yet choose what they know is morally wrong. | 706 |
1389940678239547396 | Imagine when FB has a higher moral standing then your own party. | 704 |
1420745268257906700 | UPS has recently given $25,000 to Minority Leader’s McCarthy’s campaign and his Victory PAC and $2,500 to election objector Congressman Byron Donalds (R-Fla.). HEY @FedEx How You Doin? 😉Can’t wait to give u all my biz. | 696 |
1409359265819598860 | Had to share this. I may not agree on everything every politician stands for, but give respect where respect is earned @mtgreenee. You are yet to earn an ounce of my respect. | 685 |
1376532564450496519 | @BrunoAmato_1 is running against Kevin McCarthy and he needs our help! How can we help you unseat this dishonest political hack? | 458 |
1368931821476405251 | The only saying holds true, If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all. Why do people need to tear others down? | 288 |
1430891234956955656 | The only way this world will change is to support those that put their own interests last and their country first. Unseat Rubio! Support @AllenLEllison | 274 |
1409870855673466890 | I didn’t understand where the COVID variants are coming from. They come from people that were infected and have low immune systems. Get vaccinated! People who don't get infected don't cook an ever-changing virus in their bodies. | 236 |
1358420761363423232 | How do people not believe in science? We witness it every single day. How can people say that wearing a mask does nothing to contain an “airborne” virus? We need to send out some psych evaluation kits alongside Covid testing kits. | 192 |
Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets
Top 10 Hashtags used
Hashtag | Count |
#newmusic | 36 |
#danceoflife | 25 |
#music | 23 |
#seankingston | 16 |
#dance | 15 |
#edm | 13 |
#live | 10 |
#love | 9 |
#stepsoffaith | 8 |
#elevate | 8 |
Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets
Top 10 mentions
Hashtag | Count |
@seankingston | 26 |
@jackieboyz | 16 |
@siriusxm | 14 |
@kidkelly | 12 |
@siriusxmhits1 | 12 |
@youtube | 11 |
@perezhilton | 11 |
@carmenelectra | 11 |
@wwe | 10 |
@avalonhollywood | 10 |
Top 10 mentions
Wordcloud of Tweets
Emojis used in tweets
Emoji | Count | Emoji Text |
🍑 | 24 | peach |
😂 | 23 | face_with_tears_of_joy |
💕 | 14 | two_hearts |
🙌🏻 | 11 | raising_hands_light_skin_tone |
🤗 | 7 | smiling_face_with_open_hands |
🤯 | 6 | exploding_head |
🙄 | 6 | face_with_rolling_eyes |
🎄 | 6 | Christmas_tree |
🥰 | 3 | smiling_face_with_hearts |
🤣 | 3 | rolling_on_the_floor_laughing |
Emojis groups
Emoji Group | Count |
Smileys & Emotion | 87 |
Food & Drink | 24 |
People & Body | 24 |
Activities | 8 |
Objects | 2 |
Travel & Places | 1 |
Symbols | 1 |