Account Summary

Followers Count


Friends Count


Tweets Count


List Count






Followers Analysis (based on followers sample)


Number of Verified accounts


Percentage of Verified accounts



Number of Protected accounts


Percentage of Protected accounts



Average Age of Twitter accounts

8 years


Number of users without a Bio


Number of users with a Bio


Percentage of users with a Bio


Percentage of users without a Bio


Worldcloud of Bios

List of top 10 keywords used in bios

Word Frequency
love 5695
life 3741
mum 2502
music 2367
views 2078
lover 1811
family 1761
live 1578
wife 1512
proud 1463

List of top 10 hashtags used in bios

Hashtag Frequency
#bekind 63
#travel 54
#fbpe 48
#ynwa 48
#mentalhealth 43
#nhs 39
#gtto 35
#lfc 32
#love 30
#lufc 29

Top 10 followers with the highest follower count

Username Followers Count Friends Count Tweet Count
JohnCena 14100263 572825 7452
ollymurs 6824666 2854 22701
wossy 4889415 9661 26796
GaryBarlow 4050678 4205 18666
JohnBishop100 3481651 548 11575
KatiePrice 1841248 1740 7736
CapitalOfficial 1368897 21571 219676
SinghLions 1334010 1431248 33937
emmerdale 1243729 12245 35777
NHSMillion 795435 12743 31112

Top 10 followers with the highest following count

Username Friends Count Followers Count Tweet Count
SinghLions 1431248 1334010 33937
djkingassassin 1374377 472405 137838
KevinandTrevor 687760 696740 31835
JohnCena 572825 14100263 7452
DennisKoutoudis 526529 541700 3263
JeffGoddard52 229567 230789 26910
spencerrayner 189762 265374 99739
Havenlust 174992 292799 204462
THE_THEO_FORD 162593 469468 25117
HarryGoaz 141935 235832 1717

Top 10 followers with the highest tweet count

Username Tweets Count Followers Count Friends Count
superpidge 1626271 36777 30524
THEENGLISHROSEX 791687 1606 4469
song_title 658302 2345 3004
DrJimmyStar 626521 311819 41881
marionste 621412 10918 11522
mrs_coyle 530822 5864 6126
ciarale01 514754 12139 13363
Soulcentralmag 451785 38835 92831
monibhachu 448229 11296 10888
mattfoster2010 430925 5498 6035

Top 10 followers with the highest listed count

Username Listed Count Friends Count Followers Count
JohnCena 31661 572825 14100263
wossy 10983 9661 4889415
ollymurs 5465 2854 6824666
KatiePrice 4603 1740 1841248
BAFTA 4564 3212 597502
JohnBishop100 3815 548 3481651
GaryBarlow 3709 4205 4050678
KeithKeller 3590 55073 57972
BumbleCricket 3533 270 586124
foodtank 3337 55440 211590

Tweets Analysis


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

3,145 days

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1585209501262565376 This is hilarious! A number of people have got in touch to congratulate me on this - just to confirm that it isn’t real. Someone put it on social media as a joke! 682
1197228396671066112 Wouldn't it be fantastic if somehow this video was smuggled into the jungle for Adele to watch... @AdeleRoberts @imacelebrity #teamadele #imaceleb 484
1379831932486352899 Announcement 1/2: It is with immense sadness that we share the news that Jane’s beloved long term partner, Ed, passed away on Friday 26th March. He had been battling lung cancer for the last few months. We would like to thank everyone for all their help and support... 401
1072118950056603650 I know this time of year is difficult for so many people due to losing loved ones, this year I join you. I have very recently lost my beautiful Mum. A light in my heart has gone out for a short while. My family and I would appreciate your privacy regarding this huge loss. 362
524122466982297600 Rest in peace my darling friend Lynda. Thanks for all your guidance and inspiration. I love you and always will Xxx 218
999346001940041728 Cruising With Jane McDonald will be sailing back onto your TV screens on Friday 8th June at 9pm on Channel 5! @channel5_tv #CruisingWithJaneMcDonald 181
995978112012779520 What a night. Thanks to everyone who watches the show and thank you to Channel 5 and of course Bafta! Beyond thrilled. 172
986645777761042433 Some exciting news - a new series of #CruisingwithJaneMcDonald is on its way!!! 147
1380163725160767499 142
981506710115422208 I have some wonderful news.... Cruising with Jane McDonald has been nominated for a BAFTA in the Features category! I'm over the moon with excitement! 140

Top 10 tweets with highest Reply count

ID Text Reply count
1379831932486352899 Announcement 1/2: It is with immense sadness that we share the news that Jane’s beloved long term partner, Ed, passed away on Friday 26th March. He had been battling lung cancer for the last few months. We would like to thank everyone for all their help and support... 2535
1072118950056603650 I know this time of year is difficult for so many people due to losing loved ones, this year I join you. I have very recently lost my beautiful Mum. A light in my heart has gone out for a short while. My family and I would appreciate your privacy regarding this huge loss. 2124
1379824893961891842 Announcement 2/2: ...during this very difficult time, especially the NHS staff and the wonderful team at The Wakefield Hospice. The funeral took place earlier today and we would please ask for your kindness in observing Jane’s privacy for her and Ed’s family at this sad time. 571
1510938998159687683 I'm having a great birthday today - we're still away working. Thank you for all the lovely messages! 474
1233316011316858880 By now you will have seen the news about me stepping away from my shows on Channel 5. It’s been an incredible four and a half years of travelling, 38 Cruises and over 100 flights. It’s now time for me to... READ ON > 459
1389514793535553536 I want to thank everyone most sincerely for the wonderful cards & messages of support that I've received since the awful news was announced that I'd lost my beloved Ed. I’m so touched by each & every one... Follow link to my website to read full message 431
995717059500822528 It’s @BAFTA night!! So excited!! 341
1585209501262565376 This is hilarious! A number of people have got in touch to congratulate me on this - just to confirm that it isn’t real. Someone put it on social media as a joke! 339
1459098644724989953 1/2 I’d like to say a huge thank you for all the messages of support I received after speaking about losing my beloved Ed on Loose Women yesterday. It was incredibly tough to speak about his loss in public for the first time. Your support has meant so much to me... 319
1609282692025122816 Happy New Year!! Wishing you all the best for 2023. 244

Top 10 tweets with highest Quote count

ID Text Quote count
1332305050723618820 Thank you to everyone who let me know how much they enjoyed my performance of 'This Is Me' from the Greatest Showman on my show last Saturday. I can't wait to back out on tour next year where I'll be performing it again! (Tour info on my website - 214
1585209501262565376 This is hilarious! A number of people have got in touch to congratulate me on this - just to confirm that it isn’t real. Someone put it on social media as a joke! 193
1233316011316858880 By now you will have seen the news about me stepping away from my shows on Channel 5. It’s been an incredible four and a half years of travelling, 38 Cruises and over 100 flights. It’s now time for me to... READ ON > 163
1379831932486352899 Announcement 1/2: It is with immense sadness that we share the news that Jane’s beloved long term partner, Ed, passed away on Friday 26th March. He had been battling lung cancer for the last few months. We would like to thank everyone for all their help and support... 149
1197228396671066112 Wouldn't it be fantastic if somehow this video was smuggled into the jungle for Adele to watch... @AdeleRoberts @imacelebrity #teamadele #imaceleb 114
1072118950056603650 I know this time of year is difficult for so many people due to losing loved ones, this year I join you. I have very recently lost my beautiful Mum. A light in my heart has gone out for a short while. My family and I would appreciate your privacy regarding this huge loss. 99
1154427508491726848 I'm so excited to announce my new show 'Holidaying with Jane McDonald' - a classic holiday show with a modern twist! I'll be joined by some familiar faces as I travel the world, visiting lots of fabulous destinations and trying out what each resort has to offer. 88
1196794917537890304 Ahoy there! I'm so excited to announce that the new series of 'Cruising with Jane McDonald' starts on Friday 29th November on @channel5_tv #CruisingwithJaneMcDonald 80
1390256884981112832 Brand New - Cruising with Jane McDonald! Series 7 starts this Sunday, 9th May, on @channel5_tv at 9pm with a cruise around the Caribbean. 72
999346001940041728 Cruising With Jane McDonald will be sailing back onto your TV screens on Friday 8th June at 9pm on Channel 5! @channel5_tv #CruisingWithJaneMcDonald 70

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1379831932486352899 Announcement 1/2: It is with immense sadness that we share the news that Jane’s beloved long term partner, Ed, passed away on Friday 26th March. He had been battling lung cancer for the last few months. We would like to thank everyone for all their help and support... 17389
1072118950056603650 I know this time of year is difficult for so many people due to losing loved ones, this year I join you. I have very recently lost my beautiful Mum. A light in my heart has gone out for a short while. My family and I would appreciate your privacy regarding this huge loss. 15693
1585209501262565376 This is hilarious! A number of people have got in touch to congratulate me on this - just to confirm that it isn’t real. Someone put it on social media as a joke! 11586
1379824893961891842 Announcement 2/2: ...during this very difficult time, especially the NHS staff and the wonderful team at The Wakefield Hospice. The funeral took place earlier today and we would please ask for your kindness in observing Jane’s privacy for her and Ed’s family at this sad time. 8712
1389514793535553536 I want to thank everyone most sincerely for the wonderful cards & messages of support that I've received since the awful news was announced that I'd lost my beloved Ed. I’m so touched by each & every one... Follow link to my website to read full message 7879
1459098644724989953 1/2 I’d like to say a huge thank you for all the messages of support I received after speaking about losing my beloved Ed on Loose Women yesterday. It was incredibly tough to speak about his loss in public for the first time. Your support has meant so much to me... 7325
1197228396671066112 Wouldn't it be fantastic if somehow this video was smuggled into the jungle for Adele to watch... @AdeleRoberts @imacelebrity #teamadele #imaceleb 5350
1380163725160767499 5153
1609282692025122816 Happy New Year!! Wishing you all the best for 2023. 4724
1480835767614193669 Just another day at work! It's absolutely gorgeous here in the Caribbean. 3999

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#celebrate20 203
#janemcdonald 168
#yorkshire 164
#cruisingwithjanemcdonald 102
#scotland 96
#janemcdonaldandfriends 96
#leeds 91
#makingmemories 74
#blackpool 50
#halifax 42

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Hashtag Count
@channel5_tv 254
@thejmdband 59
@atgtickets 55
@fdarena 54
@wgbpl 52
@victheatre 44
@southendtheatre 37
@grandtheatrels1 37
@horsecrossperth 36
@bridspa 35

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
❤️ 9 red_heart
🚢 6 ship
® 5 registered
✔️ 5 check_mark
😂 3 face_with_tears_of_joy
☀️ 3 sun
💃🏻 2 woman_dancing_light_skin_tone
🎶 2 musical_notes
🕺 1 man_dancing
🧘‍♀️ 1 woman_in_lotus_position

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Smileys & Emotion 18
Symbols 11
Travel & Places 11
People & Body 6
Objects 2
Food & Drink 1