Account Summary


Ellen DeGeneres



Twitter ID



Created on



Comedian, talk show host and ice road trucker. My tweets are real, and they’re spectacular. @ellentube @theellenfund

Followers Count


Friends Count


Tweets Count


List Count






Followers Analysis (based on 10M followers sample)


Number of Verified accounts


Percentage of Verified accounts



Number of Protected accounts


Percentage of Protected accounts



Average Age of Twitter accounts

4 years


Number of users without a Bio


Number of users with a Bio


Percentage of users with a Bio


Percentage of users without a Bio


Worldcloud of Bios

List of top 10 keywords used in bios

Word Frequency
love 384228
life 248413
music 106043
mom 102796
god 92438
lover 83976
live 83439
fun 79372
world 78632
family 69081

List of top 10 hashtags used in bios

Hashtag Frequency
#blm 4665
#blacklivesmatter 4541
#resist 3268
#1 3066
#bts 2160
#bitcoin 1595
#love 1469
#music 1363
#army 1196
#nft 1092

Top 10 followers with the highest follower count

Username Followers Count Friends Count Tweet Count
instagram 33888906 251 15170
KendallJenner 32401755 110 9661
kanyewest 30972398 206 1909
kourtneykardash 26802729 68 14421
MrBeast 15372401 1838 5750
juanes 11541929 762 12996
LilNasX 7887017 735 12322
cuneytozdemir 7354090 1346 42185
HaifaWehbe 7273688 85 23387
DulceMaria 7184429 888 33354

Top 10 followers with the highest following count

Username Friends Count Followers Count Tweet Count
SiriouslySusan 1489133 1830297 4603
KameronBennett 1477826 1807470 95949
SinghLions 1435551 1357920 33406
bieberdexter 852162 935983 97963
KalaniBallFree 777155 1270277 55269
_yavuzatalay 755093 711094 1322
WipeHomophobia 694011 708483 26359
ZachBoychuk 684583 853218 9176
workwthecoach 667001 892279 44013
rogerhamilton 662209 926927 21443

Top 10 followers with the highest tweet count

Username Tweets Count Followers Count Friends Count
mundonoticiasss 3078779 2604 767
ClubEditorial 2202323 110906 62182
Difusion365 2190896 78854 52238
bmurphypointman 2043979 81227 18814
InfoApuntes 1978508 50758 42764
ElIlustrativo 1971001 105965 52763
ReporteActivo 1953446 74633 41395
MultiGaceta 1901835 99561 30090
UltraTextual 1889074 104536 38789
Tuitores 1823175 209871 36771

Top 10 followers with the highest listed count

Username Listed Count Friends Count Followers Count
kanyewest 43324 206 30972398
smashingmag 35605 2676 942314
garyvee 34465 19669 3179753
instagram 31945 251 33888906
NicoRosberg 29685 2354 2516063
juanes 29292 762 11541929
DulceMaria 27286 888 7184429
kourtneykardash 26649 68 26802729
mortreport 24299 4471 2254276
ochocinco 23294 7174 3272508

Tweets Analysis


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

975 days

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 5 devices used to tweet

Source Count
Twitter Media Studio 1817
Twitter Web App 1162
Twitter for iPhone 236
Twitter for Advertisers. 1

What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1221977895251279873 More than ever, I’m grateful for every day. 34827
1222607832983334912 Today is #BellLetsTalk Day! Every year, Bell donates 5¢ to Canadian mental health initiatives for every retweet. Last year, we had 25K retweets. Let’s beat that! 27472
1354853134754045954 For everyone who retweets this, Bell will donate 5 cents to Canadian Mental Health. I love that they do this every year. #BellLetsTalk 25515
1377724857073328128 Did you see #SEVENTEEN’S performance on my show? Here’s an exclusive look behind the scenes. #SeventeenXEllenShow 24319
1377624439542661127 #SEVENTEEN IS HERE! #SeventeenXEllenShow 23235
1240352802163109894 This tweet is for all the healthcare workers, emergency workers, grocery store workers and more who are doing so much to help us through. We see you and we love you. 22018
1245394485472829440 Happy April Fools Year! 17155
1221528514022670337 Like everyone, I’m stunned and saddened by the news about Kobe Bryant. My heart is broken for his wife and family. 16426
1220410864274067456 How does this 2-year-old know all of these flags and countries?! 15869
1221994758135930881 .@JustinBieber accidentally gave me the release date for his new album. 15089

Top 10 tweets with highest Reply count

ID Text Reply count
1252354457125285889 When the quarantine ends, what are you going to do first? Whether it’s hitting the beach, going out for tacos, or getting that much-needed, PROFESSIONAL haircut, tell us what you’re doing first! #WHATIMDOINGFIRST 15377
1240724169924509697 I have some free time. Do you have any questions for me? See if you can think of a good one. #AskEllen 9055
1368278509039280130 What’s everybody watching right now? 8291
1308027971345641473 Today we’re starting a new chapter. 8204
1283782634766651393 Last night we had to say goodbye to our dog Wolf. He brought us so much love and joy. I hope we did the same for him. 5799
1400146909184991235 I’ll be getting my second shot this week. Any tips on how to get through it? 5426
1330205132181676044 200 years in the future... “Honey, have you seen my iPhone 378? I need it to preorder my PS6.” 4977
1218293168132640769 We had to say goodbye to Charlie today. She was an amazing cat and gave us so much love. One of the hardest decisions to make but so glad we could end her suffering. 4892
1239595125044588550 Just checking in.Portia and I have watched every single thing on Netflix, and are just about done reading the entire internet.We played "Heads Up!" for 16 hours.Obviously, I won.Today, I’m gonna do my show for her and pretend to interview @Cher.Anyway what are you all doing? 4879
1441104885835919362 This fall, Congress has a rare opportunity to invest in a clean, just, and equitable future by passing the Build Back Better agenda. This is our moment, and there is no time to waste. Join us and @NRDC_AF by texting CLIMATE NOW to 21333 to demand Congress take action. 4467

Top 10 tweets with highest Quote count

ID Text Quote count
1330205132181676044 200 years in the future... “Honey, have you seen my iPhone 378? I need it to preorder my PS6.” 12017
1308027971345641473 Today we’re starting a new chapter. 7854
1377624439542661127 #SEVENTEEN IS HERE! #SeventeenXEllenShow 3939
1221977895251279873 More than ever, I’m grateful for every day. 3600
1315697990510669824 #HappyBirthdayJimin! @bts_twt, you’re very lovely, and I can’t wait to see you and the boys again soon. 2952
1337079993273237506 2743
1221994758135930881 .@JustinBieber accidentally gave me the release date for his new album. 2234
1220410864274067456 How does this 2-year-old know all of these flags and countries?! 1677
1237907446133174272 I have some news. For now, I’ll be shooting my show with no studio audience. To everyone who was looking forward to coming, I'm so sorry. But I’m doing this for the health of my fans, my staff & my crew. (It has nothing to do with a warrant for my arrest in the state of Florida.) 1634
1252354457125285889 When the quarantine ends, what are you going to do first? Whether it’s hitting the beach, going out for tacos, or getting that much-needed, PROFESSIONAL haircut, tell us what you’re doing first! #WHATIMDOINGFIRST 1610

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1221528514022670337 Like everyone, I’m stunned and saddened by the news about Kobe Bryant. My heart is broken for his wife and family. 242284
1237907446133174272 I have some news. For now, I’ll be shooting my show with no studio audience. To everyone who was looking forward to coming, I'm so sorry. But I’m doing this for the health of my fans, my staff & my crew. (It has nothing to do with a warrant for my arrest in the state of Florida.) 239587
1221977895251279873 More than ever, I’m grateful for every day. 155898
1240352802163109894 This tweet is for all the healthcare workers, emergency workers, grocery store workers and more who are doing so much to help us through. We see you and we love you. 142203
1222625796021342209 If you have the chance to be in a Super Bowl commercial with your significant other, I highly recommend it. #ThanksSponsor 135989
1308027971345641473 Today we’re starting a new chapter. 108628
1238595920939208705 Hey there. Me again. So, after some more thought, we have decided to suspend production completely until March 30th. We just want to take every precaution to ensure that we do our part to keep everyone healthy. I love you guys, and can’t wait to come back. I’m already bored. 106389
1325131800302116864 So much history has been made today. Congratulations, President-elect @JoeBiden and MADAM VICE PRESIDENT-ELECT @KamalaHarris! 101980
1245394485472829440 Happy April Fools Year! 95184
1239595125044588550 Just checking in.Portia and I have watched every single thing on Netflix, and are just about done reading the entire internet.We played "Heads Up!" for 16 hours.Obviously, I won.Today, I’m gonna do my show for her and pretend to interview @Cher.Anyway what are you all doing? 92977

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#gameofgames 144
#thankssponsor 69
#burningquestions 32
#ellensfinalseason 29
#12daysofgiveaways 29
#familygamefight 25
#themaskeddancer 20
#omkalen 17
#dangerword 15
#superbowl 15

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Hashtag Count
@official_twitch 46
@thekalenallen 42
@kristenbell 34
@andylassner 30
@tiffanyhaddish 25
@justinbieber 24
@daxshepard 24
@kimkardashian 19
@michelleobama 17
@mariolopezviva 16

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
❤️ 153 red_heart
11 red_heart
🔥 5 fire
® 5 registered
👀 3 eyes
🐾 2 paw_prints
🥳 2 partying_face
🎶 2 musical_notes
💗 1 growing_heart
🤣 1 rolling_on_the_floor_laughing

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Smileys & Emotion 174
Animals & Nature 28
People & Body 8
Travel & Places 7
Symbols 6
Objects 4
Activities 1
Food & Drink 1