Tweets Analysis - Keyword: @the_ins_ru
Total number of tweets analysed
Earliest tweet was on
Latest tweet was on
Tweets covering
10 days
Average age of authors' accounts
5 years
Investigation by @LeMonde_EN, @bellingcat and @the_ins_ru reveals that @AUCHAN_France not only remains active in Russia, but also supplies goods to the Russian army in occupied territories, claiming it to be humanitarian aid. @the_ins_ru also discusses Russian language and its roots, as well as different topics such as politics, culture, and sanctions.
Topic Modeling
- Humanitarian aid and Russian occupations
- Language and Russian analogs
- Size of Russia and Foreign policy
- Cultural impact of the Russian Language
- Sanctions and Conflicts within Russia
Emotional Analysis
The emotions expressed in these tweets range from anger and frustration to amusement and sarcasm. The tweets are mainly focused on the issue of Russian occupation in Ukraine and the role of French retailer Auchan in supplying goods to the Russian army. Many of the tweets express anger and disbelief that Auchan would do business with a "terrorist state." Other tweets express frustration with the Russian government and the situation in Ukraine. Some tweets also express amusement at the irony of the situation, as well as sarcasm and irony at the government's response. Finally, some tweets express admiration and appreciation for the courage of those fighting against the occupation.
Trend Analysis
- Business dealings with Russia and occupied Ukrainian territories
- Russian language and culture
- Discussions on epidemic, wars, and natural disasters
- Discussions on the Russian government and military
- Alternative views on Russian policies
Types of Tweets
Number of Retweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of Original tweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Mentions
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Replies
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Quotes
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Hashtags
Percentage of total tweets
Top 5 devices used to tweet
Source | Count |
Twitter for Android | 6349 |
Twitter Web App | 5001 |
Twitter for iPhone | 3084 |
Twitter for iPad | 217 |
TweetDeck | 33 |
What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count
Username | Name | Bio | Followers count |
lemondefr | Le Monde | L'actualité de référence par la rédaction du Monde | Piloté par @hpagesy @gregorbrandy & @PBerhouet | 10,581,938 |
Gerashchenko_en | Anton Gerashchenko | Ukrainian patriot. Advisor to the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. Founder of the Institute of the Future. Official enemy of Russian propaganda | 262,762 |
ChrisO_wiki | ChrisO_wiki | Independent military history author and researcher. Also at | 117,316 |
666_mancer | Necro Mancer | Протеррористически настроенный пользователь (с) Цензор.НЕТ Собираю инфу о передвижениях, базах, 200х членах РОА. В личку | 102,514 |
GusevLife | Sviatoslav Gusev | coFounder NFT Marketplace @LibermallNFT and best DEX on TON Blockchain @TGRtoken. Entrepreneur. Welcome & | 93,106 |
Kerim_HAS | Kerim HAS | Russia Analyst | Ph.D. in Political Science | Russia, Turkey, Security & Energy Politics in Eurasia | 61,464 |
pmakela1 | Petri Mäkelä | Freelance writer, blogger; military and security policy. Ex-FRDF Recon, Reservist, IPSC Shooter, Mech. Engineer by trade. Unspecified Expert | 61,068 |
mog7546 | Michael O'Grady | 💚💚💚💚💚 Anti-Trump, Anti-Racist, Anti-homophobic, Anti Alt-White #BlueWave #BLM, RESIST 💚💚💚💚💚 #BetoForGovernor 🎸 🎸 🎸 #Ukraine #CANADA | 51,166 |
tomnaya_satana | little satana | IT- recruiter 😈 give me ur CV 💜 #нетвойне Собеседую разрабов, люблю эстетику. | 37,870 |
smekhoff | Вениамин Смехов | | 37,578 |
Top 10 accounts with highest friends count
Username | Name | Bio | Followers count |
mog7546 | Michael O'Grady | 💚💚💚💚💚 Anti-Trump, Anti-Racist, Anti-homophobic, Anti Alt-White #BlueWave #BLM, RESIST 💚💚💚💚💚 #BetoForGovernor 🎸 🎸 🎸 #Ukraine #CANADA | 38,430 |
Alex_zhzhet | Alex | Rashism kills Russia. Russian and English. #цитаты #followback кроме ватников #ВзаимныйФолловинг антиватник, антисоветчик, Крым - Украина, #СвободуНавальному | 28,550 |
ForU2CSandy | Sandy ☮️💕💝💞 | 🌊🦋 #BlueVoices #IDWP ❤️💙Love Heals🦋 RT is support #WTPBlue #Resist #drcole #TGBrewCrew #BlueCrew 🐬💙 There is Enough 💛🧡💞#peace #Love | 24,665 |
ckkoch3 | Liberty & Justice 4 All | B.S, M.S.degrees. Environmentalist. I stand against all forms of injustice. #theresistance #PATRIOT Anti-racist Anti-fascist #FBR | 11,215 |
twiblogpro | Glamor Boy | An acting career filled with glitz and glamour. | 10,689 |
Nablyudatel14Tm | Наблюдатель™ | Alter ego. Атеист. Циник. Люблю небольшие провокации, так что не сильно верьте. | 8,439 |
JonPegasus | Jon Pegasus | - | 7,776 |
6IQGhUUYneGQXjX | ✋неторописька👇 | Зарабатываю на паспорт ХОРОШЕГО РУССКОГО. Обложку уже оплатил, осталось накопить на 12 страниц и 2 штампа. (тут, господа, мой смех сквозь слёзы. (25+),недорого) | 7,559 |
awizena | Ocкар Ходжаев | Бухарский Знахарь, Маг...Пишу стихи, прозу. | 7,242 |
Most active users
Username | Bio | Number of tweets |
denis_xaqp | НЕТ ВОЙНЕ! | 86 |
vzhigashvili | - | 83 |
Roma_fill_ok | - | 73 |
OlesiaAydinova | - | 66 |
lavka20 | - | 57 |
alex_agapov1 | Дуб - дерево. Роза - цветок. Путин - хуйло. Смерть - неизбежна. | 56 |
SK_Moscow | - | 50 |
Tutukin2 | - | 45 |
OlaAyad13 | - | 43 |
korni_rus | За развитие русского языка на основе родных славянских корней и очистку от губительной иностранщины. | 40 |
Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count
ID | Text | Retweet count |
1626635556347052051 | Investigation by @LeMonde_EN, @bellingcat and @the_ins_ru shows @AUCHAN_France not only didn't leave Russia but also supplies goods for 🇷🇺 army on 🇷🇺-occupied Ukrainian territories claiming they were "humanitarian aid" No business with terrorist state! | 796 |
1626462263929438211 | 🔴 #AuchanRussie | Comment Auchan contribue à la guerre de Poutine : une enquête vidéo du @lemondefr en partenariat avec @bellingcat et @the_ins_ru | 185 |
1626523038178021376 | Comment les entreprises françaises @AUCHAN_France et @leroymerlinfr ravitaillent les soldats russes qui envahissent l'#Ukraine, une enquête par @lemondefr @bellingcat @the_ins_ru. Des pioches pour les tranchées russes en Ukraine, c'est du propre, Auchan! | 112 |
1626455783050293249 | 🔴Comment Auchan contribue à la guerre de Poutine : une enquête vidéo du @lemondefr en partenariat avec @bellingcat et @the_ins_ru #AuchanRussie | 97 |
1626500256526438400 | 🔴 ENQUÊTE VIDÉO 🔴 Avec @bellingcat et @the_ins_ru, nous démontrons comment Auchan et Leroy Merlin ravitaille des soldats russes envoyés sur le front ukrainien. Un gros travail de @arthur_wrb, @lucasminisini et @AsiaBalluff | 49 |
1626642894323957760 | A joint investigation by @the_ins_ru and @LeMonde_EN revealed that the Russian subsidiary of French chain Auchan is supplying goods to the Russian army. Ukrainian Foreign Minister @DmytroKuleba intends to discuss the issue with his French counterpart. | 46 |
1626472485314088961 | 🔎 Comment Auchan contribue à la guerre de Vladimir Poutine : une enquête vidéo du @lemondefr, en partenariat avec @bellingcat et @the_ins_ru #AuchanRussie | 41 |
1626683523317784578 | Un an après l’invasion, @lemondefr en partenariat avec @bellingcat et @the_ins_ru montrent la compromission d’Auchan dans l’effort de guerre de l’armée russe, la même armée qui enlève des enfants et commet des crimes de guerre🤢 | 39 |
1626482831898673152 | How french company Auchan is supporting Russia's war effort in Ukraine : an investigation by @lemondefr with @bellingcat and @the_ins_ru | 34 |
1627052970956439557 | Russian journalists of @the_ins_ru uncovered documents that show that @AUCHAN_France, a French retailer, one the world's largest companies, aided the Russian war effort against Ukraine: Not only by staying in Russia after the invasion, but directly -… | 33 |
Top 10 tweets with highest Like count
ID | Text | Like count |
1626635556347052051 | Investigation by @LeMonde_EN, @bellingcat and @the_ins_ru shows @AUCHAN_France not only didn't leave Russia but also supplies goods for 🇷🇺 army on 🇷🇺-occupied Ukrainian territories claiming they were "humanitarian aid" No business with terrorist state! | 1994 |
1625040636876320771 | @the_ins_ru В целом логично, что после эпидемии, войны и природных катаклизмов должны прилететь инопланетяне на восьмиугольных кораблях. | 1485 |
1626196466258657284 | @the_ins_ru У слова "президент" какой русский аналог? Неужели "хуйло"? | 1008 |
1623982499033497601 | @the_ins_ru У меня складывается впечатление что Питер на столько мал, что люди целиком в нём не помещаются | 893 |
1626046946468061188 | @the_ins_ru Милые дорогие люди, если вам удалось спастись, никогда, никогда, никогда, никогда не возвращайтесь. Поверьте тому, кто внутри этого страшного пространства. | 749 |
1626197197762056194 | @the_ins_ru На сколько их посадят за слово вражье слово «аналог» (вдобавок содержащее в себе безнравственный корень «анал-»!) при наличии русских «подобие, замена, соответствие» и др.? | 660 |
1625061845118722049 | @the_ins_ru Напомнило: | 506 |
1625844945692008448 | @the_ins_ru Я хочу видеть памятник этому парню с этими словами, чтоб каждый смог прочитать их. | 485 |
1626243464693178371 | @the_ins_ru А какое определение у "русские аналоги"? Они вообще в курсе сколько чисто русских слов в русском языке? Где грань этого великолепия? "Хорошилище грядет из ристалища на позорище по гульбищу в мокроступах и с растопыркой" (с) Расчехляйте ваши шагомеры, славянофилы! | 481 |
1626243655819296770 | @the_ins_ru @max_katz Блин, «корни русского» имеют связи в госдуме, а мы смеялись…. | 480 |
Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used
Hashtag | Count |
#boycottauchan | 10 |
#russiaisaterroiststate | 10 |
#auchanrussie | 9 |
#auchan | 9 |
#путин | 7 |
#norussiaparis2024 | 7 |
#russiaisaterroriststate | 5 |
#ukraine | 5 |
#russia | 5 |
#leroymerlin | 5 |
Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions
Mention | Count |
@the_ins_ru | 14717 |
@bellingcat | 344 |
@auchan_france | 269 |
@lemonde_en | 194 |
@lemondefr | 160 |
@gerashchenko_en | 136 |
@hudaibergen14 | 99 |
@vladimi93841870 | 88 |
@a_bocharov_a | 88 |
@alex_agapov1 | 60 |
Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Average number of emojis used per tweet
Emojis used in tweets
Emoji | Count | Emoji Text |
🤣 | 471 | rolling_on_the_floor_laughing |
😂 | 380 | face_with_tears_of_joy |
🤮 | 162 | face_vomiting |
🤔 | 109 | thinking_face |
🤡 | 104 | clown_face |
😁 | 98 | beaming_face_with_smiling_eyes |
👍 | 91 | thumbs_up |
🇷🇺 | 70 | Russia |
🤦♂️ | 43 | man_facepalming |
🤪 | 36 | zany_face |
Emojis groups
Emoji Group | Count |
Smileys & Emotion | 2022 |
People & Body | 395 |
Flags | 113 |
Symbols | 45 |
Objects | 33 |
Travel & Places | 30 |
Animals & Nature | 19 |
Activities | 9 |
Food & Drink | 6 |