Tweets Analysis - Keyword: Thanks to BTS


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

9 days

Average age of authors' accounts

4 years


Hoshi and Yoongi of Seventeen discussed BTS's contribution to the K-pop industry's advancement into the United States and realization of promotions. Epik High, HYBE, and BTS's RM were mentioned in connection to BTS's contributions to the industry, as well as their name value in private diplomatic missions that promote Korean culture to the world. BTS was also mentioned in connection to JHopes beats, CLUE, Jackpot interviews and being the pillar that paid for HYBE to be built.

Topic Modeling

  1. BTS and their impact/influence on the K-pop industry
  2. Recognition for the successes of BTS
  3. BTS and their collaboration with Hybe
  4. BTS' success and media attention
  5. The power of BTS and the impact of their success

Emotional Analysis

The tweets express a range of emotions, from gratitude to admiration to pride. Many of the tweets thank BTS for their influence in the K-pop industry, with some of them specifically thanking them for the promotion of Korean culture to the world. There is also a sense of admiration for BTS' accomplishments, as well as pride in their success. Additionally, some of the tweets express excitement and joy at the prospect of interviewing two geniuses and the discovery of new music.

Trend Analysis

  1. Kpop industry’s advancement in the states, thanks to BTS
  2. The success of BTS
  3. Hybe as top shareholder for SM Entertainment
  4. Korean fans praising BTS and SM group stans thanking Lee Soo Man
  5. BTS’ impact on Kmedia, Hybe, and other companies

Disclaimer: The text analysis on, powered by OpenAI, does not represent the views of or its affiliates. The analysis is for informational purposes only and not an endorsement of any viewpoint.

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 5 devices used to tweet

Source Count
Twitter for Android 2465
Twitter for iPhone 802
Twitter Web App 693
Twitter for iPad 28
OneDirect Suite - P 3

What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count

Username Name Bio Followers count
btschartsdailys BTS Charts Daily⁷ Welcome to news, charts source about the Princes of Global Pop & 5x Grammy-nominated @BTS_twt | Fan account 746,979
Airtel_Presence Airtel Cares Enter the world of Airtel 5G Plus! Airtel 5G Plus is now live! DM for quick support. Official experience handle for @airtelindia 526,338
glowmingi Anne {BTS & EXO & ASTRO & NCT & TXT & ATEEZ & SUPERM & IKON, GOT7 & ACE & ONLYONEOF & STRAY KIDS & VICTON & TREASURE } (she/her 23) 364,576
zingtv Zing प्यार ka har lamha hai khaas kyunki Pyaar Tune Kya Kiya ka Season 13 is back! ❤️‍🔥 329,677
cineworld Cineworld Welcome to a world of more. #NoSpoilers 🤐 303,760
statsforbangtan Stats for Bangtan⁷ (FAN ACCOUNT) Previously @fundsforbangtan. We are NOT funding. We are using this account for basic updates during comebacks and voting periods! SEE PINNED. FAN ACCOUNT. OT7. 246,044
BSNLCorporate BSNL India Official Twitter Handle for Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd (A Govt of India Enterprise). RTs are not endorsements. 207,762
almostdita Dita⁷ 🇮🇩 BTS ARMY | Fan Account | Tweets are my own 💜 backup ➡️ @dita13613 167,356
bangtanboysph BTS PH ⟭⟬ - Bangtan Boys Ph (slow) The first Philippine fanbase of Bangtan Boys / BTS est February 09, 2013 (predebut days)📸 IG: btsph_official | Affiliated w/ @pharmyprojteam & @kpopconph 💜 160,803
likechizu keci⁷⁺¹ 💜 (slow) (she/her) a fan account. 아포방포. 160,074

Top 10 accounts with highest friends count

Username Name Bio Followers count
glowmingi Anne {BTS & EXO & ASTRO & NCT & TXT & ATEEZ & SUPERM & IKON, GOT7 & ACE & ONLYONEOF & STRAY KIDS & VICTON & TREASURE } (she/her 23) 46,732
cineworld Cineworld Welcome to a world of more. #NoSpoilers 🤐 16,845
BritishGasHelp British Gas Help Need some help? Try our Help & Support pages at… or send us your question. 16,613
twitie0 Sofi⁷ Be a selfish nd luv BTS onlY........................ ~~🇦🇪 14,727
BillianosW BillianosWorld KillaBears , DeadFellaz , 3Landers #KillaBears #BEARhovaWitness 11,237
Liseth59222886 kooday⁷/🦋-muacks -que deprimente es esto la verdad// no disponible hasta 2025 8,996
mybwits ۵ Just like how the day resets at midnight. 8,537
idjorojorojo 🇮🇩IDJO #programfolback #FollowFirst #IslamNusantara #BhinnekaTunggalIka #NKRIHargamati. Putune wong NU. Cinta 🇮🇩 damai. 8,383
ReynardCity Rob Turner Alternotron limited edition out now! Profile pic: @SusieGander Cover: Jed Soriano Website: Shop:… 7,984
Its_annadim anna⁷ the best is yet to come fan account she/her 7,944

Most active users

Username Bio Number of tweets
SUGA25361 우리의 꿈을 응원해주셔서 감사합니다 337
BTSv00789531 Fans account for Kim tae-hyung (v) from BTS💜 We are A.R.M.Y 📌 Backup AC: @ BTS. V 64
SUGA3523 Yet to come (The most beautiful Momment 💜) 53
suga41988 35
membangunnegri1 #NKRI, #Pancasila, #UUD1945 #BhinekaTunggalIka, Ekonomi Maju Masyarakat Sejahtera #GerakanMerahPutih 28
Suara62 Indonesia 🇮🇩 BISA Indonesia 🇮🇩 MAJU Indonesia 🇮🇩 HEBAT I ♥️ Indonesia 🇮🇩 I 28
Teropong62 NKRI🇮🇩 #SahabatPetaniKopi #SahabatGAET #SahabatGAETMilenial #follbackNKRI #GloryNKRI #EkonomiKebangsaan #GerakanMERAHPUTIH🇮🇩 #SahabatTanpaSekat 28
Flo98400067 - 26
TheeTaehyungKim 𝙏𝙃𝙀𝙀 𝙆𝙄𝙈 𝙏𝘼𝙀𝙃𝙔𝙐𝙉𝙂💜( 𝙁𝘼𝙉 𝘼𝘾𝘾𝙊𝙐𝙉𝙏)....𝓣𝓪𝓮𝓱𝔂𝓾𝓷𝓰 𝓲𝓭𝓸𝓵 𝓸𝓯 𝓲𝓭𝓸𝓵𝓼... 𝓲𝓬𝓸𝓷 𝓸𝓯 𝓪𝓷 𝓮𝓻𝓪. 13
ernimardania Lagi-lagi kena jebret Mas Elon I Hadir untuk menyadarkan penyembah YOHAN(i)ES BASWEDAN 💊🩺 12

Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1623671241206005760 hoshi: thanks to you, we have a lot promotions in the states yoongi: no.. it's because everyone did well on their own. i don't really think we did anything hoshi: no, you need to know that you did.. everyone knows that the kpop industry was able to advance into states bcs of bts 13951
1623878797715202049 We were able to reach this far thanks to BTS 13146
1623673954216075264 Hoshi: thanks to you we have a lot promotions in the states Yoongi: no. it's because everyone did well on their own. i don't really think we did anything Hoshi: no you need to know that you did. Everyone knows that the kpop industry was able to advance into states because of bts 11659
1621458888364101633 [Kmedia] ..The K-pop artist that the world knows the most is, of course, BTS. BTS has raised their name value as private diplomatic missions that promote Korean culture to the world beyond mere artists. Hybe, has become the most expensive 'master' among companies thanks to BTS'+ 4825
1623839226495377408 Everything is possible thanks to BTS 😊 3224
1622231643934138368 I had no CLUE #jhope has that 90's boom bap type beats on his album #JackInTheBox ! These beats knock! Thanks to babygirl @miasblackswan for puttin' me on I might have to holla at whoever produced this! #bts #beats #flow 1340
1623601306014449665 to borrow, but they were able to thanks to BTS' name, because of their power. Hobi said that Jimmy was feeling proud. The Tannies knew that it was a meaningful space and they worked hard because they thought it would be a longlasting video. 1236
1623860322552676353 Thanks to BTS😆🤗 1044
1622350485230436354 I hit the jackpot when I got to interview 2 geniuses for 1 article. Thanks to Epik High's @blobyblo & @BTS_twt's RM for giving me the exclusive for @RollingStone about their upcoming Tablo x RM collab. 🔗 986
1623677269230116864 Hoshi: Thanks to you, we have a lot promotion in the states. SUGA: No, it's cuz everyone did well on their own. I don't really think we did anything. Hoshi: No, you need to know that you did. Everyone knows that the K-Pop industry was able to advance into the states cuz of BTS. 877

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1623878797715202049 We were able to reach this far thanks to BTS 46278
1623673954216075264 Hoshi: thanks to you we have a lot promotions in the states Yoongi: no. it's because everyone did well on their own. i don't really think we did anything Hoshi: no you need to know that you did. Everyone knows that the kpop industry was able to advance into states because of bts 44301
1623671241206005760 hoshi: thanks to you, we have a lot promotions in the states yoongi: no.. it's because everyone did well on their own. i don't really think we did anything hoshi: no, you need to know that you did.. everyone knows that the kpop industry was able to advance into states bcs of bts 39407
1621458888364101633 [Kmedia] ..The K-pop artist that the world knows the most is, of course, BTS. BTS has raised their name value as private diplomatic missions that promote Korean culture to the world beyond mere artists. Hybe, has become the most expensive 'master' among companies thanks to BTS'+ 14372
1623839226495377408 Everything is possible thanks to BTS 😊 12382
1623601306014449665 to borrow, but they were able to thanks to BTS' name, because of their power. Hobi said that Jimmy was feeling proud. The Tannies knew that it was a meaningful space and they worked hard because they thought it would be a longlasting video. 8285
1622231643934138368 I had no CLUE #jhope has that 90's boom bap type beats on his album #JackInTheBox ! These beats knock! Thanks to babygirl @miasblackswan for puttin' me on I might have to holla at whoever produced this! #bts #beats #flow 5978
1623860322552676353 Thanks to BTS😆🤗 5199
1622350485230436354 I hit the jackpot when I got to interview 2 geniuses for 1 article. Thanks to Epik High's @blobyblo & @BTS_twt's RM for giving me the exclusive for @RollingStone about their upcoming Tablo x RM collab. 🔗 4595
1623677269230116864 Hoshi: Thanks to you, we have a lot promotion in the states. SUGA: No, it's cuz everyone did well on their own. I don't really think we did anything. Hoshi: No, you need to know that you did. Everyone knows that the K-Pop industry was able to advance into the states cuz of BTS. 3345

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#bts 178
#prayforpapua 174
#gdragon 106
#yettocomeincinemas 91
#jin 90
#twitterunmutetaehyung 87
#ganjarpilihanrakyat 86
#ganjarhebat 86
#btsarmy 83
#ganjarpranowo 80

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Mention Count
@bts_twt 632
@twitter 254
@twittersupport 253
@elonmusk 248
@twitterkorea 243
@bts_bighit 178
@twittercreators 131
@bighit_music 82
@hybeofficialtwt 78
@bts_twt_vkth 68

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets


Average number of emojis used per tweet


Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
💜 1362 purple_heart
😭 193 loudly_crying_face
🥰 105 smiling_face_with_hearts
🤣 84 rolling_on_the_floor_laughing
😂 83 face_with_tears_of_joy
79 sparkles
😘 75 face_blowing_a_kiss
❤️ 75 red_heart
😊 73 smiling_face_with_smiling_eyes
🥺 71 pleading_face

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Smileys & Emotion 2979
People & Body 402
Objects 226
Animals & Nature 158
Travel & Places 145
Activities 117
Symbols 56
Flags 27
Food & Drink 18