Tweets Analysis - Keyword: @taylormisiak


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

4 days

Average age of authors' accounts

7 years


These tweets discuss the upcoming premiere of the movie FOLLOWERS, at the Santa Barbara International Film Festival on Feb 17. Taylor Misiak, born February 17, 1992, is featured in the movie, along with Dominic Purcell, Denise Richards, Cynthia Cleese, Rory Kinnear, Kelly Carlson, Brooke D’Orsay, Joe Gales, Jeremy Allen White, Bonnie Wright, and Sasha Pieterse. On Taylor's birthday, people are wishing her a happy birthday and sharing their appreciation for her.

Topic Modeling

  1. The FOLLOWERS premiere and cast
  2. Taylor Misiak's Birthday
  3. Thanking Taylor Misiak for her work
  4. Acknowledgments for Taylor Misiak
  5. Edits for Taylor Misiak

Emotional Analysis

The emotions expressed in these tweets range from excitement and joy to appreciation and admiration. The majority of the tweets are related to the premiere of the movie Followers and the birthdays of Taylor Misiak and other cast members. There is also an outpouring of appreciation for Taylor Misiak, with people expressing admiration for her work and wishing her a happy birthday. Lastly, there is a feeling of gratitude expressed in some of the tweets, with people thanking each other for their help and support.

Trend Analysis

  1. Followers Premiere
  2. Celebrity Birthdays
  3. Fandom Appreciation
  4. Celebrity Appearances
  5. Supportive Messages

Disclaimer: The text analysis on, powered by OpenAI, does not represent the views of or its affiliates. The analysis is for informational purposes only and not an endorsement of any viewpoint.

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 5 devices used to tweet

Source Count
Twitter for iPhone 8
Twitter Web App 5
Twitter for Android 2

What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count

Username Name Bio Followers count
llll_37 Manal |منال🇸🇩 كـل السمر حلوين'👑💖'دعــم المتابعين السودانين🇸🇩👥 94,612
jimmycthatsme Jim Cummings 🎥 | Thunder Road, The Wolf of Snow Hollow, The Beta Test🏆 | Sundance, SXSW, Deauville 91,433
taylormisiak Taylor Misiak (Meh-shack) DAVE on FXX/Hulu; PLAYERS on Paramount+ 12,300
TodayIsTheDate Today Things that did, are and will happen on today's date. 3,885
kennethmjohnson Kenneth Johnson SAG-AFTRA performer, motion picture, television and radio Producer & Director, talent and event promoter, Constitutionalist 2,655
juliabailz Julia Bales filmmaker 1,918
MovingPictures2 Moving Pictures For people working in, as well as fans of motion pictures and television. A celebration of pictures that move and the pictures that move us. 1,684
jackwmoulton Jack Moulton Head of Platform Content @Letterboxd.2022 in film: 513
WmNostalgiaFest WmsbgNostalgiaFest Celebrating classic motion pictures and television, and the people who make them classics! Come shine with the stars! 457
davidaquinley21 davidaquinley2 Unemployed+Poor:2d+3d traditional;& digital artist,filmmaker,author,choreographer,preformer,electronic music maker:directed some theater+Unpaid Politician;&.. 449

Top 10 accounts with highest friends count

Username Name Bio Followers count
jimmycthatsme Jim Cummings 🎥 | Thunder Road, The Wolf of Snow Hollow, The Beta Test🏆 | Sundance, SXSW, Deauville 26,082
llll_37 Manal |منال🇸🇩 كـل السمر حلوين'👑💖'دعــم المتابعين السودانين🇸🇩👥 9,661
kennethmjohnson Kenneth Johnson SAG-AFTRA performer, motion picture, television and radio Producer & Director, talent and event promoter, Constitutionalist 4,986
ArminZ11 Armin Zimmermann Luzern 🇨🇭 🌻 4,951
MovingPictures2 Moving Pictures For people working in, as well as fans of motion pictures and television. A celebration of pictures that move and the pictures that move us. 4,211
WmNostalgiaFest WmsbgNostalgiaFest Celebrating classic motion pictures and television, and the people who make them classics! Come shine with the stars! 2,069
juliabailz Julia Bales filmmaker 1,743
TodayIsTheDate Today Things that did, are and will happen on today's date. 877
davidaquinley21 davidaquinley2 Unemployed+Poor:2d+3d traditional;& digital artist,filmmaker,author,choreographer,preformer,electronic music maker:directed some theater+Unpaid Politician;&.. 680
jackwmoulton Jack Moulton Head of Platform Content @Letterboxd.2022 in film: 409

Most active users

Username Bio Number of tweets
RabidArchangel Guess how Webster defines "INFERNO" 2
ArminZ11 Luzern 🇨🇭 🌻 1
DavidMichaelL16 - 1
MovingPictures2 For people working in, as well as fans of motion pictures and television. A celebration of pictures that move and the pictures that move us. 1
TodayIsTheDate Things that did, are and will happen on today's date. 1
U2SawcyB - 1
WmNostalgiaFest Celebrating classic motion pictures and television, and the people who make them classics! Come shine with the stars! 1
davidaquinley21 Unemployed+Poor:2d+3d traditional;& digital artist,filmmaker,author,choreographer,preformer,electronic music maker:directed some theater+Unpaid Politician;&.. 1
iambobbybenzo American rapper, songwriter latest feature on jadakiss mixtape “knockout” (Rest In Peace) ft Tundra Summer. 1
jackwmoulton Head of Platform Content @Letterboxd.2022 in film: 1

Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1625740640880558080 The FOLLOWERS premiere.@juliabailz @taylormisiak @SBIFF 4
1626465644081303553 Feb 17 HB 2: Dominic Purcell, @DENISE_RICHARDS Cynthia Cleese, @jqedwards @RealLucyDavis @MrJerryOC Rory Kinnear, Kelly Carlson, @jaxhurst @JasonRitter @hitRECordJoe Brooke D’Orsay, Joe Gales, @chordoverstreet Jeremy Allen White, Bonnie Wright, @taylormisiak Sasha Pieterse 1
1627408140554866688 @jackwmoulton @jimmycthatsme @taylormisiak @SBIFF 🤗🥹😍 0
1626672609407426596 @taylormisiak Happy Birthday, Taylor! 🎂Thank you for always being simply AMAZING& sharing your AWESOMENESS with the world!Proud to be a fan of such a MARVELOUS woman! 💯 0
1626594365031452678 #HappyBirthday 🌺😊🌺 @taylormisiak 0
1626545321487527938 @U2SawcyB @taylormisiak @lildickytweets Thanks 🙏🏼 0
1626479495556521984 @iambobbybenzo @taylormisiak @lildickytweets Damn that’s chill 0
1626465767154655232 Feb 17 HB 2: Dominic Purcell, @DENISE_RICHARDS Cynthia Cleese, @jqedwards @RealLucyDavis @MrJerryOC Rory Kinnear, Kelly Carlson, @jaxhurst @JasonRitter @hitRECordJoe Brooke D’Orsay, Joe Gales, @chordoverstreet Jeremy Allen White, Bonnie Wright, @taylormisiak Sasha Pieterse 0
1626465707687804928 Feb 17 HB 2: Dominic Purcell, @DENISE_RICHARDS Cynthia Cleese, @jqedwards @RealLucyDavis @MrJerryOC Rory Kinnear, Kelly Carlson, @jaxhurst @JasonRitter @hitRECordJoe Brooke D’Orsay, Joe Gales, @chordoverstreet Jeremy Allen White, Bonnie Wright, @taylormisiak Sasha Pieterse 0
1626446640080101378 @wmnostalgiafest @taylormisiak and MEAGHAN MARTIN are officially 31 today. Ms. SHAFFER or @sashapieterse, BONNIE @thisisbWRIGHT, @chordoverstreet, BROOKE D'ORSAY, JOSEPH GORDON LEVITT (hitrecordjoe), and @jasonritter are officially 27, 32, 34, 41, 42, and 43 respectively today. 0

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1625740640880558080 The FOLLOWERS premiere.@juliabailz @taylormisiak @SBIFF 58
1626465644081303553 Feb 17 HB 2: Dominic Purcell, @DENISE_RICHARDS Cynthia Cleese, @jqedwards @RealLucyDavis @MrJerryOC Rory Kinnear, Kelly Carlson, @jaxhurst @JasonRitter @hitRECordJoe Brooke D’Orsay, Joe Gales, @chordoverstreet Jeremy Allen White, Bonnie Wright, @taylormisiak Sasha Pieterse 2
1627408140554866688 @jackwmoulton @jimmycthatsme @taylormisiak @SBIFF 🤗🥹😍 1
1626465707687804928 Feb 17 HB 2: Dominic Purcell, @DENISE_RICHARDS Cynthia Cleese, @jqedwards @RealLucyDavis @MrJerryOC Rory Kinnear, Kelly Carlson, @jaxhurst @JasonRitter @hitRECordJoe Brooke D’Orsay, Joe Gales, @chordoverstreet Jeremy Allen White, Bonnie Wright, @taylormisiak Sasha Pieterse 1
1626446640080101378 @wmnostalgiafest @taylormisiak and MEAGHAN MARTIN are officially 31 today. Ms. SHAFFER or @sashapieterse, BONNIE @thisisbWRIGHT, @chordoverstreet, BROOKE D'ORSAY, JOSEPH GORDON LEVITT (hitrecordjoe), and @jasonritter are officially 27, 32, 34, 41, 42, and 43 respectively today. 1
1626096776590815233 @jimmycthatsme @juliabailz @taylormisiak @SBIFF I sorted the page for you guys 🤗🎁 1
1626672609407426596 @taylormisiak Happy Birthday, Taylor! 🎂Thank you for always being simply AMAZING& sharing your AWESOMENESS with the world!Proud to be a fan of such a MARVELOUS woman! 💯 0
1626594365031452678 #HappyBirthday 🌺😊🌺 @taylormisiak 0
1626545321487527938 @U2SawcyB @taylormisiak @lildickytweets Thanks 🙏🏼 0
1626479495556521984 @iambobbybenzo @taylormisiak @lildickytweets Damn that’s chill 0

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#happybirthday 1

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Mention Count
@taylormisiak 16
@sbiff 5
@jasonritter 5
@chordoverstreet 5
@jimmycthatsme 4
@denise_richards 4
@jqedwards 4
@reallucydavis 4
@mrjerryoc 4
@jaxhurst 4

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets


Average number of emojis used per tweet


Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
🤗 2 smiling_face_with_open_hands
💯 2 hundred_points
🌺 2 hibiscus
😍 1 smiling_face_with_heart-eyes
🎂 1 birthday_cake
😊 1 smiling_face_with_smiling_eyes
🙏🏼 1 folded_hands_medium-light_skin_tone
❤️ 1 red_heart
🎁 1 wrapped_gift
1 heart_suit

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Smileys & Emotion 7
Animals & Nature 2
Activities 2
Food & Drink 1
People & Body 1