Tweets Analysis - Keyword: @TayeAtske


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

9 days

Average age of authors' accounts

4 years


Ambassador Taye Atske is an Ethiopian Foreign Affairs Advisor and recently met with the Mexican ambassador in New York at the UN. There exists some hatred towards the Amhara among certain people and there must be consequences, as it has put innocent lives in danger. Ethiopia has made preparations for the successful hosting of the African Union Summit, and Dr. Tedros is a proud son of Africa. There is debate over the language the church provides, and Africans are being encouraged to unite. Peace talks have been suggested to resolve issues, as well as more extreme measures such as isolating certain people from society.

Topic Modeling

  1. Foreign Affairs and Diplomacy
  2. Ethiopian Politics, Government and Leadership
  3. African Unity, Development and Diplomacy
  4. Civil Society and the Social Impact of Restrictions
  5. Religious Practice and Cultural Identity

Emotional Analysis

The majority of the tweets express feelings of congratulations, respect, unity, and pride. Several tweets express feelings of hatred and danger, while others express a sense of humor and concern. There is also a sense of anticipation and hope for a better future, as well as a call for African unity. Finally, some of the tweets express a sense of frustration and disbelief in the actions of certain individuals. Overall, the tweets demonstrate a range of positive and negative emotions.

Trend Analysis

  1. Ethiopian Foreign Affairs
  2. Hatred toward Amhara
  3. Peace and Unity in Ethiopia
  4. African Unity
  5. Repeated Offenders

Disclaimer: The text analysis on, powered by OpenAI, does not represent the views of or its affiliates. The analysis is for informational purposes only and not an endorsement of any viewpoint.

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 5 devices used to tweet

Source Count
Twitter for Android 39
Twitter for iPhone 20
Twitter Web App 15
Twitter for iPad 2

What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count

Username Name Bio Followers count
kefira_dechatu ገብረመድኅን |ቢኒያም |Biniyam - 15,325
true0ptimist Edna#RIGHTWINGFORSURVIVAL #BoldActivistOfTheHoA The basic human rights of the citizens of the Republic of Somaliland must be restored. They thrived prior to the illegal Somali Republic. They must thrive NOW! 5,806
smaras1970 Martinez Abogada, Maratonista X28, 4 Majors, más de 800 carreras, corredora Temática. 4,940
VMTrevino Victor Treviño Diplomático y politólogo. Miembro del Servicio Exterior Mexicano(SEM). Mexican Diplomat, Embajador de México Ambassador of Mexico to Ethiopia and African Union. 3,340
not_a_herd 🖤አዲስ አበባዬ የእቴጌ ጣይቱ እጅ ስራ የኔ ከተማ አዲስ አበባ 💚💛❤ "The only real prison is fear, and the only real freedom is freedom from fear." 2,614
selam_welo selam welu - 1,439
alemuyoh Alemu Yohannes we are all the world ! 934
kuchiye Yilma Adamu Cautiously optimistic. Addicted to #Ethiopia, #golf, #travel, #history and #literature. 920
HDebasu Habtamu Debasu 🇪🇹 #Media,#GSIR, #Diplomacy,#Horn #Affairs :unapologetically views only myself. 871
Getaneh03 Tewodros Getaneh ኢትዪጵያ 🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹.... ስሟ እንኳን ሲጣፍጥ!! 783

Top 10 accounts with highest friends count

Username Name Bio Followers count
lemmadesta1 lemmadesta Committed to Ethiopia, Africa's battle against racism, consequences of imperialism and withstand neo-colonialism! Humanity, fraternity and LIBERTY to all! 2,483
AbdulhafizNega1 Abdulhafiz 🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹 everyone deserves 💛 2,337
not_a_herd 🖤አዲስ አበባዬ የእቴጌ ጣይቱ እጅ ስራ የኔ ከተማ አዲስ አበባ 💚💛❤ "The only real prison is fear, and the only real freedom is freedom from fear." 1,969
smaras1970 Martinez Abogada, Maratonista X28, 4 Majors, más de 800 carreras, corredora Temática. 1,849
Getaneh03 Tewodros Getaneh ኢትዪጵያ 🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹.... ስሟ እንኳን ሲጣፍጥ!! 1,663
alemuyoh Alemu Yohannes we are all the world ! 1,626
HDebasu Habtamu Debasu 🇪🇹 #Media,#GSIR, #Diplomacy,#Horn #Affairs :unapologetically views only myself. 1,565
selam_welo selam welu - 1,508
yebet_sira Yebet Sira - 1,172
true0ptimist Edna#RIGHTWINGFORSURVIVAL #BoldActivistOfTheHoA The basic human rights of the citizens of the Republic of Somaliland must be restored. They thrived prior to the illegal Somali Republic. They must thrive NOW! 955

Most active users

Username Bio Number of tweets
Getaneh03 ኢትዪጵያ 🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹.... ስሟ እንኳን ሲጣፍጥ!! 8
salinaeu2021 Christian 8
belew_che unapologetically ethiopian #Ethiopia #AddisAbaba #NoMore #EthiopiaPrevails 5
harriet_sarsa - 4
BettuNegash Addicted to Astronomy 2
ForHega - 2
nebiyu_gossa - 2
A91400547 - 1
kuchiye Cautiously optimistic. Addicted to #Ethiopia, #golf, #travel, #history and #literature. 1
amanb2021 They call you a racist for resisting their racism Malcolm X, #Justice4Tigray, #TigrayShallPrevail #UnitedWeStand 1

Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1626081368093466624 @true0ptimist Hatred toward Amhara has been metastasized amongst these ppl. There must be some sort of consequences bc their actions has put innocent ppl lives in danger @DemekeHasen @DessieTilahun2 @messiassefa @AgegnehuT @TayeAtske @seleshi_b_a @TheDejazmach @SenaitSenay 6
1626237618206699520 I congratulate the Hon. Ambassador @TayeAtske for his recent appointment as Foreign Affairs Advisor of the Ethiopian @PMAbiy The Amb. Taye met in New York @UN 🇺🇳 with his Mexican counterpart Amb. Juan Ramón de la Fuente to whom he sends a respectful regards. 🇲🇽 🤝 🇪🇹 4
1626469804134617088 ሰውየው እለት እለት ከድጡ ወደማጡ አይነት አካሄዱን ተያይዞታል። በቅርቡ ያሉት 'አማካሪዎቹ' ሆኑ የካቢኔ አባላቱ ቅጥ ያጣ ንግግሩን እንዲያርም ያደረጉትን ጥረት አላየንም። ከታሪክ ለመማር ፈቃደኛ የሆነ መሪም መካሪም ማጣታችን ያሳዝናል።@TayeAtske 1
1624395866864865282 #Ethiopia has completed its preparations for the successful hosting of the #36th African Union Summit.Ethiopia works for the African continent's strengthening and unity.@AbiyAhmedAli @birtukanayano @AUC_MoussaFaki @RedwanHussien @DemekeHasen @AUC_PAPS @TayeAtske @seleshi_b_a 1
1626795997199212545 @AbiyAhmedAli in civilized society, OLF gangsters must be isolated from human because of their uncommon rituals practices. Most of them are repeat offenders. Peace talks will not work. @ShimelisAbdisa @AdanechAbiebie @Jawar_Mohammed @OLF1973 @OromoFederalist @TayeAtske 1
1627233265152139264 ከሃይማኖት እጃችሁን አንስታችሁ መንግስት መስራት ያለበትን የአገር ድንበር ብታስከብሩ ምን አለ? @AbiyAhmedAli @DemekeHasen @ShimelisAbdisa @TayeAtske @AdanechAbiebie @SuleimanDedefo @Mustafe_M_Omer @seleshi_b_a 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 1
1625582209603342336 @harriet_sarsa @awolallo @Astatk1 @TayeAtske @DemekeHasen @NeaminZeleke @macky_sal @aregawiberhephd @AAA_Amhara @DerejeHabtewold @andafta @MerejaMedia @addismediaa @SenaitSenay @Abebebelew4 @AmericaEthiopia @HermelaTV Delete 0
1625532891437449218 @TayeAtske I am very pleased that to met one of my favorite people and the true and genuine Ethiopian, here in Addis Ababa! 0
1625422262533869568 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂 No comment @AbiyAhmedAli @DemekeHasen @ShimelisAbdisa @SuleimanDedefo @TayeAtske @DendeaTaye 0
1625274099600855040 #Ethiopia #ኢትዮጵያ @AbiyAhmedAli @DemekeHasen @SahleWorkZewde @TakeleUma @AdanechAbiebie @ShimelisAbdisa @ashenafi_meaza @RedwanHussien @EyobTolina @lia_tadesse @TayeAtske @AgegnehuT @HMDessalegn @FLEthiopia @FitsumAdela @DrWorkneh @dereje_dugumaMD @DrAhmedin @KebedeZeritu 0

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1626237618206699520 I congratulate the Hon. Ambassador @TayeAtske for his recent appointment as Foreign Affairs Advisor of the Ethiopian @PMAbiy The Amb. Taye met in New York @UN 🇺🇳 with his Mexican counterpart Amb. Juan Ramón de la Fuente to whom he sends a respectful regards. 🇲🇽 🤝 🇪🇹 59
1626469804134617088 ሰውየው እለት እለት ከድጡ ወደማጡ አይነት አካሄዱን ተያይዞታል። በቅርቡ ያሉት 'አማካሪዎቹ' ሆኑ የካቢኔ አባላቱ ቅጥ ያጣ ንግግሩን እንዲያርም ያደረጉትን ጥረት አላየንም። ከታሪክ ለመማር ፈቃደኛ የሆነ መሪም መካሪም ማጣታችን ያሳዝናል።@TayeAtske 6
1626081368093466624 @true0ptimist Hatred toward Amhara has been metastasized amongst these ppl. There must be some sort of consequences bc their actions has put innocent ppl lives in danger @DemekeHasen @DessieTilahun2 @messiassefa @AgegnehuT @TayeAtske @seleshi_b_a @TheDejazmach @SenaitSenay 5
1627216612569776131 @AmbAdemMohamed @TayeAtske ትለብሰው የላት ትከናነበው አማራት አሉ 3
1623998381092753409 እንድታውቁትአሁን የምንታዘዘው ለሲኖዶስ ብቻ ነው!!!@AbiyAhmedAli @TayeAtske @DendeaTaye @SuleimanDedefo @AdanechAbiebie @ShimelisAbdisa @seleshi_b_a @USAmbUN @USEmbassyAddis @EU_Commission @RusEmbEthiopia 2
1624380493147017219 @AFP @NatnaelMekonne7 @AAA_Amhara @AbiyAhmedAli @EOTCINVEST @MOusmanova @TayeAtske @ObangMetho 2
1625168998806478851 @hrcoethio @DanielBekele freedom of movement under jeopardy in #Ethiopia @AbiyAhmedAli @ShimelisAbdisa administration should be held responsible for such low level of harassment @NeaminZeleke @seyoum_teshome @FdreService @iyoba4u @hrw @amnesty @UNHumanRights @kyisfa @TayeAtske 2
1624395866864865282 #Ethiopia has completed its preparations for the successful hosting of the #36th African Union Summit.Ethiopia works for the African continent's strengthening and unity.@AbiyAhmedAli @birtukanayano @AUC_MoussaFaki @RedwanHussien @DemekeHasen @AUC_PAPS @TayeAtske @seleshi_b_a 2
1625422262533869568 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂 No comment @AbiyAhmedAli @DemekeHasen @ShimelisAbdisa @SuleimanDedefo @TayeAtske @DendeaTaye 2
1624120070610747420 @1EthiopiaTekdem @TayeAtske @DrTedros @WHO No matter how many times you bark ,truth will always stay in its place. Dr. Tedros is proud son of Africa. Your hatred against tigryans is just staggering. 2

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#ethiopia 15
#ኢትዮጵያ 8
#who 2
#36th 2
#orthodoxchurch 1
#eotcunderattack 1
#eritrea 1
#eotc 1
#ethiopians 1
#oromoapartheid 1

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Mention Count
@tayeatske 77
@abiyahmedali 39
@demekehasen 33
@shimelisabdisa 26
@adanechabiebie 21
@sahleworkzewde 17
@redwanhussien 13
@agegnehut 13
@seleshi_b_a 13
@neaminzeleke 10

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets


Average number of emojis used per tweet


Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
👇 30 backhand_index_pointing_down
🤣 6 rolling_on_the_floor_laughing
😂 5 face_with_tears_of_joy
🇪🇹 4 Ethiopia
🇲🇽 3 Mexico
🤝 3 handshake
🇺🇳 2 United_Nations
🙏 1 folded_hands

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
People & Body 34
Smileys & Emotion 11
Flags 9