Tweets Analysis - Keyword: @taize
Total number of tweets analysed
Earliest tweet was on
Latest tweet was on
Tweets covering
9 days
Average age of authors' accounts
2 years
The tweets cover a variety of topics related to the Taizé community, a Christian ecumenical organization. They feature quotes from Frère Alois and Pierre-Yves Emery on prayer and unity among Christians, as well as announcements about upcoming events and initiatives. There are also some tweets unrelated to Taizé, discussing various topics such as air travel and electronic markets.
Topic Modeling
- Christian Unity and Prayer (discussions about praying together, Taizé community, Pentecost, brother Pierre-Yves Emery)
- Solidarity and Trust (theme of proposals for 2023, brother Alois' message about choosing to trust)
- Interfaith Dialogue and Collaboration (discussions about different confessions, young Christians of all churches)
- Criticism of Airline Industry (various tweets about accountability, security concerns, lost passengers, and transit hubs)
- General Criticisms and Demands for Sincerity (various tweets with demands for accountability and sincerity from religious and political leaders, as well as companies in various industries)
Emotional Analysis
The tweets express a range of emotions, including gratitude and spiritual reflection towards the Taizé Community, specifically Brother Alois and Brother Pierre-Yves. There is a sense of anticipation and excitement towards the upcoming prayer vigil in 2023, along with a call for unity among Christian denominations. However, some tweets express frustration and demand accountability from various organizations regarding safety and security issues in air travel.
Trend Analysis
- Themes on Taizé and prayer
- Discussion of the proposal for 2023 theme "Inner Life and Solidarity"
- Interfaith cooperation and Christian unity
- Criticism and demands for accountability towards various organizations
- General commentary on spirituality, theology, and religion
Types of Tweets
Number of Retweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of Original tweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Mentions
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Replies
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Quotes
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Hashtags
Percentage of total tweets
Top 5 devices used to tweet
Source | Count |
Twitter Web App | 265 |
Twitter for Android | 11 |
Twitter for iPhone | 5 |
kathch | 2 |
GSY tweets | 1 |
What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count
Username | Name | Bio | Followers count |
Jesuites | Jésuites EOF | La Compagnie de Jésus (les #jésuites) œuvre pour annoncer la foi et promouvoir la justice par des missions éducatives, sociales + pastorales ✞ | 8,336 |
galatacla | Claudio Monge op | Vivo a #Istanbul, crocevia di culture e contraddizioni. Mi piace pensare la complessità. @Dominican_Order #dialogue | 6,149 |
kathch | Portal | Wir sind: katholisch, aktuell, relevant. Bei uns geht es um #Religion, #Politik, #Gesellschaft – Impressum: | 4,496 |
Yachting_Greece | 🇬🇷Greek 🔆Sun ⛵Yachts | Charter your sailboat and visit Greek islands for unique holidays!! | 3,260 |
BersaniLeda | leda bersanieda | Che strana creatura l'essere umano, brancola nel buio con espressione intelligente. K.S.R. | 3,209 |
UniteChretiens | Unité des Chrétiens | Revue trimestrielle. Documentation et informations œcuméniques. | 2,887 |
emmanuelgougaud | Emmanuel Gougaud | Religion, culture et rap, sans confusion ni séparation #Eglise #œcuménisme #catholique #protestant #orthodoxe #cultures #dialogue #rap #philosophie #histoire | 2,564 |
MNavarroMartin | Miguel Navarro | Hay en mis venas gotas de sangre jacobina, pero mi verso brota de manantial sereno. Antonio Machado | 1,148 |
ach_walter | Walter Achleitner | Geschäftsführer KiZMedia | Anzeigenkombi Kirchenzeitung*en | Magazin inpuncto | der pilger: Magazin für die Reise durch das Leben | 877 |
kozacco | Robert Kozak | 🇵🇱 🇪🇺 🇬🇧 | Anglican Priest | Succentor at St Paul's Cathedral in London | 768 |
Top 10 accounts with highest friends count
Username | Name | Bio | Followers count |
MNavarroMartin | Miguel Navarro | Hay en mis venas gotas de sangre jacobina, pero mi verso brota de manantial sereno. Antonio Machado | 4,998 |
UniteChretiens | Unité des Chrétiens | Revue trimestrielle. Documentation et informations œcuméniques. | 1,694 |
kathch | Portal | Wir sind: katholisch, aktuell, relevant. Bei uns geht es um #Religion, #Politik, #Gesellschaft – Impressum: | 1,634 |
BersaniLeda | leda bersanieda | Che strana creatura l'essere umano, brancola nel buio con espressione intelligente. K.S.R. | 1,379 |
galatacla | Claudio Monge op | Vivo a #Istanbul, crocevia di culture e contraddizioni. Mi piace pensare la complessità. @Dominican_Order #dialogue | 1,326 |
BergamoeC | BergamoeBresciaCapitaleItalianadellaCultura2023 | Un'occasione per unire le due città Lombarde nel segno della Cultura con la C maiuscola. | 1,242 |
LScampia | LasalleScampia | comunità Lasalliana che a partire dal PER CHI? s'interroga e condivide il senso della propria esistenza vivendo la Buona Notizia del Risorto con i Poveri | 968 |
Jesuites | Jésuites EOF | La Compagnie de Jésus (les #jésuites) œuvre pour annoncer la foi et promouvoir la justice par des missions éducatives, sociales + pastorales ✞ | 953 |
kozacco | Robert Kozak | 🇵🇱 🇪🇺 🇬🇧 | Anglican Priest | Succentor at St Paul's Cathedral in London | 908 |
emmanuelgougaud | Emmanuel Gougaud | Religion, culture et rap, sans confusion ni séparation #Eglise #œcuménisme #catholique #protestant #orthodoxe #cultures #dialogue #rap #philosophie #histoire | 744 |
Most active users
Username | Bio | Number of tweets |
DhanabalanMaria | it exeutive | 258 |
UniteChretiens | Revue trimestrielle. Documentation et informations œcuméniques. | 4 |
kathch | Wir sind: katholisch, aktuell, relevant. Bei uns geht es um #Religion, #Politik, #Gesellschaft – Impressum: | 2 |
galatacla | Vivo a #Istanbul, crocevia di culture e contraddizioni. Mi piace pensare la complessità. @Dominican_Order #dialogue | 2 |
AthensAnglican | Anglican-Episcopal Church in Athens, serving English-speaking residents and visitors and seeking to make a difference to those in need around us. | 1 |
danet_anne | Pasteure, responsable du service des relations avec les Églises Chrétiennes de la FPF | 1 |
maria_valoti | Mamma di due figli ormai grandi, ex insegnante d'inglese amo il Vangelo, la Giustizia, la Pace, la convivenza tra i popoli | 1 |
lightjmj | 如鹿渴慕溪水 Zoals het hert verlangt naar waterstromen ✨ 文化 cultuur, 生态 ecologie, 生活方式 levensstijlen 💓💙💚🌐🌷💞 🦣 | 1 |
kozacco | 🇵🇱 🇪🇺 🇬🇧 | Anglican Priest | Succentor at St Paul's Cathedral in London | 1 |
i1980orriols | Due in love Faith and service to the Holy Father Jorge Francisco / Instagram: i1980orriols / Gmail: | 1 |
Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count
ID | Text | Retweet count |
1637211638225879043 | "... quando ci incontriamo tra cristiani di diverse confessioni, a volte ci accorgiamo di posizione che sembrano incompatibili... Invece di enfatizzarle è possibile... cominciare e ricominciare sempre pregando insieme." Frère Alois @taize #Together2023 #ekoumene | 13 |
1638828340277805056 | 📌 Demain, une veillée de prière de @taize est organisée en l'Église Saint-Ignace à Paris, organisée par la Maison MAGIS. 👉 | 6 |
1639243796197064704 | Et voilà la vidéo @taize concernant la préparation “Together” via @YouTube #ISEO2023 | 5 |
1637214444383092737 | Preghiera del fratello Pierre-Yves Emery di Taizé (1929 - 2023) Scritto sulla Parola e sullo Spirito Santo per la Pentecoste: "Spirito che aleggia sulle acque, calma la discordia dentro di noi" @taize | 5 |
1639232807405858817 | C'est le frère Alois @taize qui va prendre la parole à la fin du colloque #ISEO2023 pour nous présenter l'initiative de Taizé d'une veillée de prière pour les jeunes chrétiens de toutes les Églises le 30 septembre à la place St Pierre lors du synode. "Ensemble, peuple de Dieu" | 2 |
1639549030127529984 | Belle fête de l'annonciation ! Merci pour vos corrections et merci à @taize pour le vitrail. Avec Dieu tout est possible ! | 2 |
1636389159463190531 | @Pontifex @taize @EU_Commission @BelgiumPM @BarackObama @POTUS @SpeakerPelosi @SecBlinken @JustinTrudeau @KremlinRussia_E @GovernmentRF @ABaerbock @OlafScholz @AlboMP @ScottMorrisonMP @XiJinping_Chin @foreignRussia @IsraeliPM 2, trade routes secrecies. 3, combustion engines - brussels enforcing deindustralisation targeted towards economic power houses, 4, disruptions to steel industries again targeted towards better off productive states, 5, refugees pain politics, ITALY, GREEK ISLANDS, | 1 |
1637196659779334144 | @Pontifex @taize @EU_Commission @BelgiumPM @BarackObama @POTUS @SpeakerPelosi @SecBlinken @JustinTrudeau @KremlinRussia_E @GovernmentRF @ABaerbock @OlafScholz @AlboMP @ScottMorrisonMP @foreignRussia @IsraeliPM @1mgOfficial @ApolloPharmacy @federalreserve @SteveSpielberg @WarrenBuffeNFT @WSJ @realDonaldTrump @Oracle @IBM @Google @Microsoft @MetaAI @AustraliaPM @newzealand @IRIMFA_EN @NorwayUN @FinnishPM @Plaid_Lavrov @aramco @exxonmobil @Chevron @Shell @conocophillips @TotalEnergies @PetrochinaID @Equinor @bp_plc @petrobras @Gazprom @enbridgegas @cnqmdi @WeAreOxy @CNOOC_Chemicals consumption increased, +9% in the CIS, +5% in Latin America, +7% in Africa except Middle East (-0.4%) and the Pacific (-2.5%). Covid RESTRICTIONS Graphs are not reflecting actual savings Provided Infrastructure spend cuts Transportation spend cuts.. Where are the facts on ?? | 0 |
1637343912485588997 | @Pontifex @taize @EU_Commission @BelgiumPM @BarackObama @POTUS @SpeakerPelosi @SecBlinken @JustinTrudeau @KremlinRussia_E @GovernmentRF @ABaerbock @OlafScholz @AlboMP @ScottMorrisonMP @foreignRussia @IsraeliPM @1mgOfficial @ApolloPharmacy @federalreserve @SteveSpielberg @WarrenBuffeNFT @WSJ @realDonaldTrump @Oracle @IBM @Google @Microsoft @MetaAI @AustraliaPM @newzealand @IRIMFA_EN @NorwayUN @FinnishPM @Plaid_Lavrov @aramco @exxonmobil @Chevron @Shell @conocophillips @TotalEnergies @PetrochinaID @Equinor @bp_plc @petrobras @Gazprom @enbridgegas @cnqmdi @WeAreOxy @CNOOC_Chemicals If you are stuttered Whence He is 4 + 5 makes up one and only one,, The referendum of destructive propaganda. YOU ARE BURDENING THE WoRLD. Becoz these bonds or robinhoods. Already having handbags attached to save robbed wealth. Fashionable trendy. | 0 |
1637381014170513408 | @Pontifex @taize @EU_Commission @BelgiumPM @BarackObama @POTUS @SpeakerPelosi @SecBlinken @JustinTrudeau @KremlinRussia_E @GovernmentRF @ABaerbock @OlafScholz @AlboMP @ScottMorrisonMP @foreignRussia @IsraeliPM @1mgOfficial @ApolloPharmacy @federalreserve @SteveSpielberg @WarrenBuffeNFT @WSJ @realDonaldTrump @Oracle @IBM @Google @Microsoft @MetaAI @AustraliaPM @newzealand @IRIMFA_EN @NorwayUN @FinnishPM @Plaid_Lavrov @aramco @exxonmobil @Chevron A cry happened before 2500 years, do you want status quo. safety?? Discretionary security at stake. @SITAonline @IATA @isostandards @PCISSC @Visa @MastercardNews @SITAonline @IATA @isostandards @PCISSC @Visa @MastercardNews | 0 |
Top 10 tweets with highest Like count
ID | Text | Like count |
1637211638225879043 | "... quando ci incontriamo tra cristiani di diverse confessioni, a volte ci accorgiamo di posizione che sembrano incompatibili... Invece di enfatizzarle è possibile... cominciare e ricominciare sempre pregando insieme." Frère Alois @taize #Together2023 #ekoumene | 48 |
1637214444383092737 | Preghiera del fratello Pierre-Yves Emery di Taizé (1929 - 2023) Scritto sulla Parola e sullo Spirito Santo per la Pentecoste: "Spirito che aleggia sulle acque, calma la discordia dentro di noi" @taize | 33 |
1638832536041267201 | It was good to visit @taize for a retreat last week. Each time I go there I feel as if arrived home, and I rest, listen, and pray. The theme of the proposals for 2023 is "Inner Life and Solidarity". Br Alois writes: 'In the present situation we can, in our turn, choose to trust.' | 20 |
1638828340277805056 | 📌 Demain, une veillée de prière de @taize est organisée en l'Église Saint-Ignace à Paris, organisée par la Maison MAGIS. 👉 | 11 |
1639232807405858817 | C'est le frère Alois @taize qui va prendre la parole à la fin du colloque #ISEO2023 pour nous présenter l'initiative de Taizé d'une veillée de prière pour les jeunes chrétiens de toutes les Églises le 30 septembre à la place St Pierre lors du synode. "Ensemble, peuple de Dieu" | 9 |
1639243796197064704 | Et voilà la vidéo @taize concernant la préparation “Together” via @YouTube #ISEO2023 | 8 |
1636626422985834496 | Frère Pierre-Yves (1929-2023) @taize #Gebet #Tod #Berufung #Kloster #Theologie | 4 |
1637933936520351744 | @Strack_C Bewegend das schlichte Grab 🕯️ von #FrereRoger in @taize | 3 |
1639549030127529984 | Belle fête de l'annonciation ! Merci pour vos corrections et merci à @taize pour le vitrail. Avec Dieu tout est possible ! | 3 |
1636625672331227218 | Frère Alois zu Audienz bei Papst Franziskus @taize #Gebet #PapstFranziskus #FrereAlois #Papst #Kirche | 2 |
Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used
Hashtag | Count |
#iseo2023 | 4 |
#taizé | 3 |
#together2023 | 2 |
#ekoumene | 2 |
#gebet | 2 |
#frereroger | 1 |
#papafrancisco | 1 |
#sínodo | 1 |
#staytuned | 1 |
#tod | 1 |
Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions
Mention | Count |
@taize | 284 |
@pontifex | 261 |
@eu_commission | 260 |
@albomp | 260 |
@scottmorrisonmp | 257 |
@israelipm | 257 |
@belgiumpm | 256 |
@barackobama | 256 |
@potus | 256 |
@speakerpelosi | 256 |
Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Average number of emojis used per tweet
Emojis used in tweets
Emoji | Count | Emoji Text |
📽 | 3 | film_projector |
📌 | 2 | pushpin |
👉 | 2 | backhand_index_pointing_right |
🕯️ | 1 | candle |
🐾 | 1 | paw_prints |
🤎 | 1 | brown_heart |
Emojis groups
Emoji Group | Count |
Objects | 6 |
People & Body | 2 |
Animals & Nature | 1 |
Smileys & Emotion | 1 |