Tweets Analysis - Keyword: @taiwanplusnews


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

10 days

Average age of authors' accounts

5 years


Taiwanplusnews is a news outlet that has provided a free opportunity to watch films from Taiwan, as well as reported on the one-year anniversary of Russia's invasion of Ukraine. They also reported on Ugandan students being forced to work as cheap labor and the opening of Hualien City as a welcoming city. Other reports discussed include racism in Taiwan and the future of menstrual movements. They also reported on issues surrounding Philippine security. As a news outlet, they have also discussed issues that Taiwan must prepare for, potentially being a part of China at some point throughout history, as well as the labor of Taiwanese companies for the US and other nations.

Topic Modeling

  1. Racism in Taiwan
  2. Ugandan students forced to work in Taiwan
  3. Hualien being ranked "Most Welcoming City on Earth"
  4. Taiwan being open to foreign correspondents
  5. U.S. and China relations/Taiwan's preparation for war

Emotional Analysis

These tweets express a range of emotions, from excitement and joy to sorrow and frustration. The first tweet expresses enthusiasm for a free opportunity to watch films from Taiwan. The second expresses serenity while reporting on the one year mark of Russia's invasion. The third expresses outrage at the mistreatment of Ugandan students in Taiwan. The fourth expresses sorrow at the racism faced by a child in Taiwan. The fifth expresses joy at Hualien City being ranked the second most welcoming city on Earth. The sixth expresses appreciation for Taiwan's whimisicality and resilience. The seventh expresses optimism for period equity. The eighth expresses excitement at appearing in a segment about reporters in Taiwan. The ninth expresses gratitude for kindness, but discourages raising a Black child in Taiwan. The tenth expresses urgency to tune into TaiwanPlusNews. The eleventh expresses sadness at the racism in Taiwan. The twelfth expresses pleasure at discussing Philippine security issues. The thirteenth expresses relief at a family's move to Namibia. The fourteenth expresses excitement at joining the team at TaiwanPlusNews. The fifteenth expresses sympathy for a family going through racism. The sixteenth expresses satisfaction at Taiwan's progress. The seventeenth expresses determination for Taiwan to prepare for war. The eighteenth expresses agreement with the statement that Taiwan has never been part of China.

Trend Analysis

  1. Films from Taiwan
  2. Ukraine- Russia conflict
  3. Uganda students in Taiwan.
  4. Racism in Taiwan
  5. Taiwan Tourism

Disclaimer: The text analysis on, powered by OpenAI, does not represent the views of or its affiliates. The analysis is for informational purposes only and not an endorsement of any viewpoint.

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 5 devices used to tweet

Source Count
Twitter Web App 206
Twitter for Android 135
Twitter for iPhone 132
Twitter for iPad 19
TweetDeck 2

What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count

Username Name Bio Followers count
Somaalilanders Somalilanders Somalilanders is an International community platform where Somalilanders from around the world meet and discus the interest of their country - London, UK 21,904
PhelimKine Phelim Kine “老 康“ D.C.-based China corro @Politico; Past @hrw @DowJones @phnompenhpost; DMs open;Tips to; Subscribe to my newsletter: 21,528
TaiwanBirding Taiwan Birding 台灣🐤 Taiwan is open! May include butterflies. As seen by Richard F. #birdguide. ☕ 20,336
foreignersinTW Foreigners in Taiwan 🇹🇼 外國人在台灣 We blog to help convince foreigners to come to Taiwan and teach them how to survive here. Run by US expats. 我們是台灣的外國人!我們透過部落格幫助外國人了解怎麽在台灣生存及旅遊!(美國人管理) 19,390
brianhioe Brian Hioe 丘琦欣 Editor @newbloommag, writes @Diplomat_APAC @popula. Words @washingtonpost @thenation @guardian. Nonresident fellow @UniofNottingham's Taiwan Studies Programme 18,256
TrotDarrow Welcome Back Dr. Trotter The riderless horse is a NatAm symbol of journey, power, strength. Writer, whose journey is via words. Lifetime Liberal. Résister who shuns Trump & Berniecrats. 12,677
Taiwan_in_UK Taiwan in the UK The official account of the Taipei Representative Office in the UK 🇹🇼 the representative office of the Republic of China (Taiwan) in the United Kingdom 12,670
stanleywaite1 Stanley Waite Inventor, If you want to learn from me, BEAUTIFUL!! because I want to learn from YOU!!😎 we can enrich each others lives...through thought.#SDGs 11,535
keni_yats_coach Kenichi Yatsuhashi Football/soccer manager/coach., フットボール/サッカー監督/指導者 11,272
royngerng Roy Ngerng 鄞義林 NGO worker. Fair wage advocate. Activist sued by Singapore prime minister. Facebook: Mastodon: 10,599

Top 10 accounts with highest friends count

Username Name Bio Followers count
TrotDarrow Welcome Back Dr. Trotter The riderless horse is a NatAm symbol of journey, power, strength. Writer, whose journey is via words. Lifetime Liberal. Résister who shuns Trump & Berniecrats. 13,944
Somaalilanders Somalilanders Somalilanders is an International community platform where Somalilanders from around the world meet and discus the interest of their country - London, UK 11,238
stanleywaite1 Stanley Waite Inventor, If you want to learn from me, BEAUTIFUL!! because I want to learn from YOU!!😎 we can enrich each others lives...through thought.#SDGs 10,793
SChenHayes @AbortionFunds #DoDrag #SayGay #TransRights @LehmanCollege Prof CE:CMHC/SC #BDS #CancelDebt #ClimateJustice #CounselorsNotCops #CRT #EndWar #FightFascism #FreeCollege #LandBack #Reparations #SinglePayer 8,040
Banana16Eric Eric Banana Sarcasm you can Trust….!!! 7,305
duncanmacmartin Dunkeroo⏳🇵🇸🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🇾🇪 🇸🇾🇷🇺🇨🇳 A guy who is trying to reconfigure his purpose from correcting a world destroyed by fear & competition to creating another built on empathy 5,709
tyrelle123 Trakker - 5,106
bjadams156 Brandon Adams I have a twin sister.I graduated from Glenn High School in 2013. 5,023
KellieAnnOxford 💕Miss🦄Kellie👄Anne💅Oxford💕 🐨HiAussieMum🎡3FantasticKids🍭LoveCreating Gaming👩‍🎓Studying👩‍🎨3Design👠Building Business💄Own Brand👩‍💻BabyGirl🎀LoveDaddy🔮3DX⭐️Imvu👗MakingHappiness🎧 5,004
vlenuveno Vlenuveno An independent political analyst of China affairs.Professor of political science.Self-exiled. 5,002

Most active users

Username Bio Number of tweets
coconut231lemon 極左是共產;極右是納粹;兩個都是獨裁。任何顏色的黨都可能變成共或納粹。希望有多個大黨互相平衡,只要反共就可以。ROC 🇹🇼 (Taiwan's official name) 33
NoaaZarcos Human Rights: freedom of expression and worship, life without want and fear. We can try to work together. Or we can sit & watch as each isolated raft sinks. 21
YavlrETH Українець, Hаціоналіст, художник, фотограф. Слава Україні та Тайваню! Slava Free Ukraini and Taiwan! 21
gaurav010x - 15
Hope10399232 I enjoy a good movie, all types of music, reading, some sports, and different types of foods 10
junchan0034 男性 (man) 9
1863420_7 Schiller bis Sheesh. Spezialisiert auf semantischen Sprengstoff | Hell is empty and all the devils are here | Semper idem. 8
QuangDieuVan1 love nature and animals; a buddhist at heart ;not prejudice in any religion. Believe in goodness, kindness compassion and understanding. Never stop learning 8
lepalek you cannot run from your own bunghole | avi by @rabidyaart 7
TheOldObelisk I am an international agency given the legal right to do correspondence with and for any country. 🤨 7

Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1626321177080635397 Brilliant opportunity to watch so many of the most important & enjoyable films from Taiwan for free courtesy of @taiwanplusnews - 20
1627242093906378752 "Last year, 16 Ugandan students were duped into coming to Taiwan to study, but then forced to work as cheap labor for local factories... migrant workers were banned from leaving their dormitories while Taiwanese people were allowed to move freely." @bingwangtw | @taiwanplusnews 11
1625797461263413248 'Be water. Collaborations and openness are the keys to making Period Equity a reality for all.'🩸🤝 Interview and my thoughts on future menstrual movements with @audreyt is now available on @taiwanplusnews. 🎥 Video: 🎙️Podcast 5
1625128333787688960 #Hualien City has been ranked the🥈“Most Welcoming City on Earth” in 2023 by @bookingcom! #TaiwanIsOpen🇹🇼 📸Credit: @taiwanplusnews 5
1627336913102200833 A very serene Sunday afternoon in central Lviv, Western Ukraine. I’m here for the next week reporting for @taiwanplusnews as Russia’s invasion hits the one year mark. 3
1627850013811552256 Another episode of Happy Fisherman is out! This is the best active vlog or TV program in English about Taiwan in my opinion. Definitely worth a watch, or binge-watch!Much better content than most of the foreign Youtubers in Taiwan. @taiwanplusnews 2
1625601909267795968 @taiwanplusnews @bingwangtw Thank you for this. We love Taiwan and had hoped to stay, but the racism my son faces every day is relentless. Just trying to get through the school year until we can get him out of Taiwan, away from the mental abuse. Taiwan is amazing, but has a long way to go in this area. 2
1625798088068562944 📢Exciting news - our founder @vivilin_taiwan’s interview on @periodequity_tw and global menstrual movements is now available on @taiwanplusnews 🩸 2
1626898429443190784 Appear in this @taiwanplusnews segment about reporters in Taiwan 2
1626203373405097984 @taiwanplusnews 民進黨也做認知作戰。網軍治國有5大案:賴清德案、楊蕙如案、林瑋豐案、林秉樞案和政院小編案。網軍治國有組織地反串中共、在野黨、執政黨以及中間選民,透過各分組反串發布不實言論、訊息、帶風向,散布謠言、洗腦群友;偽裝反串藍綠白彼此惡鬥,分化台灣內部、分裂族群;反串中間選民,分化在野勢力 1

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1626321177080635397 Brilliant opportunity to watch so many of the most important & enjoyable films from Taiwan for free courtesy of @taiwanplusnews - 40
1627336913102200833 A very serene Sunday afternoon in central Lviv, Western Ukraine. I’m here for the next week reporting for @taiwanplusnews as Russia’s invasion hits the one year mark. 36
1627242093906378752 "Last year, 16 Ugandan students were duped into coming to Taiwan to study, but then forced to work as cheap labor for local factories... migrant workers were banned from leaving their dormitories while Taiwanese people were allowed to move freely." @bingwangtw | @taiwanplusnews 27
1625601909267795968 @taiwanplusnews @bingwangtw Thank you for this. We love Taiwan and had hoped to stay, but the racism my son faces every day is relentless. Just trying to get through the school year until we can get him out of Taiwan, away from the mental abuse. Taiwan is amazing, but has a long way to go in this area. 25
1625128333787688960 #Hualien City has been ranked the🥈“Most Welcoming City on Earth” in 2023 by @bookingcom! #TaiwanIsOpen🇹🇼 📸Credit: @taiwanplusnews 20
1626914012524056577 #TaiwanIsOpen also to foreign correspondents willing to report on its whimisicality and resilience. I appear in this @taiwanplusnews documentary about reporting from #Taiwan as @SKjeldtoft's interpreter amid the #FreedomPineapple 🍍 fields of Chiayi. 19
1625797461263413248 'Be water. Collaborations and openness are the keys to making Period Equity a reality for all.'🩸🤝 Interview and my thoughts on future menstrual movements with @audreyt is now available on @taiwanplusnews. 🎥 Video: 🎙️Podcast 11
1626898429443190784 Appear in this @taiwanplusnews segment about reporters in Taiwan 10
1625484173568884736 @taiwanplusnews Visit Taiwan for what? 8
1625690768655675392 @bingwangtw @taiwanplusnews Thank you. That is so kind. As adults we know our tolerances and we have agency over our social interactions. Kids are trapped in a school peer group. I would encourage Black adults to consider Taiwan. But I would not suggest trying to raise a Black child here. We were naive. 8

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#taiwantalks 7
#taiwan 7
#taiwanisopen 4
#somaliland 2
#freedompineapple 2
#1 2
#hualien 2
#sotu 1
#taitung 1
#disinformation 1

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Mention Count
@taiwanplusnews 496
@bingwangtw 22
@coconut231lemon 19
@yavlreth 13
@iingwen 12
@rikglauert 10
@yinkhvat 10
@xismoments 10
@doublethinklab 9
@dalperovitch 9

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets


Average number of emojis used per tweet


Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
🇹🇼 21 Taiwan
🤣 8 rolling_on_the_floor_laughing
👍 5 thumbs_up
🍍 5 pineapple
😍 5 smiling_face_with_heart-eyes
🤔 4 thinking_face
🩸 4 drop_of_blood
🤡 3 clown_face
🤷‍♂️ 3 man_shrugging
🎥 3 movie_camera

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Smileys & Emotion 40
Flags 23
People & Body 20
Objects 15
Food & Drink 7
Activities 3