Account Summary

Followers Count


Friends Count


Tweets Count


List Count






Followers Analysis (based on followers sample)


Number of Verified accounts


Percentage of Verified accounts



Number of Protected accounts


Percentage of Protected accounts



Average Age of Twitter accounts

11 years


Number of users without a Bio


Number of users with a Bio


Percentage of users with a Bio


Percentage of users without a Bio


Worldcloud of Bios

List of top 10 keywords used in bios

Word Frequency
views 5134
politics 2918
love 2148
social 1995
writer 1968
journalist 1813
life 1797
music 1786
world 1783
director 1677

List of top 10 hashtags used in bios

Hashtag Frequency
#fbpe 303
#blm 150
#gtto 138
#blacklivesmatter 115
#lfc 109
#freepalestine 91
#nhs 89
#ynwa 82
#humanrights 77
#politics 76

Top 10 followers with the highest follower count

Username Followers Count Friends Count Tweet Count
BarackObama 132922146 561531 16803
JohnCena 14105802 568317 7443
jk_rowling 14033011 1091 15975
BDUTT 7131486 3994 151888
TheXFactor 6259850 22997 40427
hrw 5086148 21098 136044
BBhuttoZardari 5081238 2698 18739
OneLouderApps 5060198 40436 6362
guardiannews 3860420 1213 347319
Jemima_Khan 3765736 1271 5975

Top 10 followers with the highest following count

Username Friends Count Followers Count Tweet Count
6BillionPeople 4028087 2037974 183303
BeatsByAssassin 2697093 2266184 260972
SinghLions 1432535 1335645 33922
LILBTHEBASEDGOD 1243253 1250139 266165
LeBronJames 966648 1005980 3268
Iraqesque 956266 583180 54193
CMRTODAY 613719 89946 422841
EdKrassen 607641 882313 52382
JohnCena 568317 14105802 7443
BarackObama 561531 132922146 16803

Top 10 followers with the highest tweet count

Username Tweets Count Followers Count Friends Count
rk70534 1979293 17597 19361
bdnews24 1322408 223130 98670
davidbewart 1306033 36403 28263
WomenWorldNews1 1201727 6756 7460
sddphoto 1190065 7178 6936
DerekJohnBryant 1188381 2011 2570
alamgirizvi 1147319 48667 3274
magicdmw 1137185 4071 4999
LeChatNoire4 1114528 14316 13808
madanabhat 1113864 3116 5002

Top 10 followers with the highest listed count

Username Listed Count Friends Count Followers Count
BarackObama 218329 561531 132922146
guardiannews 35773 1213 3860420
jk_rowling 32278 1091 14033011
JohnCena 31690 568317 14105802
hrw 23310 21098 5086148
Variety 18961 226741 2909826
CreativeReview 18323 7578 2051547
NYTScience 17736 459 1230764
democracynow 16032 6476 795777
TweetSmarter 14553 124352 306993

Tweets Analysis


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

120 days

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1627640393855639552 According to BBC Hindi, Indian tax officials abused BBC journalists, scanned their computers, confiscated their phones and were asked about their working methods. Also, journalists in Delhi were prevented from writing anything about this. 27
1625497797951901696 There are still too many people in the media and UK government treating India's BJP as a democratic partner. This is more evidence the BJP is an authoritarian power and will continue moving away from democracy. 23
1612130553423171585 I think Andrew Tate is a nasty, degenerate who made money by sexually exploiting women and hustling gullible men. But I also don't think he "teaches us" anything about our society. He looks to me like just a very modern iteration of a type that has always existed in society. 22
1624088014233251841 One of the four Australian solar researchers who have won the world’s most prestigious engineering prize says it won’t be long before solar is at a cost level across the world where it will β€œwipe fossil fuels out of the global economy".πŸ₯³πŸ₯³πŸ₯³ 18
1634905850174218241 "Politics in South Asia is rife with Hindu Muslim tension. After violence in Leicester, Barnie Choudhury asks why some of our politicians seem keen to recreate those tensions here." I was interviewed for this. Coming up on BBC R4 at 1:30pm. 14
1629892836853272577 The controversy around @_KateForbes's conservative views & whether she should lead the SNP is important. I want to argue why I have defended her and others should too. Because when I think about Forbes, I think about my younger brother, also a deeply religious person (Sikh). 13
1611355518714662914 TBH, I find it frustrating when left and progressive groups demand that governments hand more "power to the people". And what's your plan when people use these powers to block new housing and solar/wind farm developments? What then? Is that a progressive outcome? 10
1620419637392605190 For those who kept saying clean energy is a mirage and wind/solar power won't work πŸ€·πŸ½β€β™‚οΈ 10
1603399243682684936 A plurality of young people in Canada have shifted to the Conservative party. Why? Because their leader seems to be the only one loudly talking about housing affordability. 9
1603033068729769984 I thought this was a good attempt by @Psythor at getting to the heart of what "Woke ideology" means. Even if we disagree about the points (I'm sure people will) - I agree that "woke ideology" is new and distinct, and its proponents should admit that 8

Top 10 tweets with highest Reply count

ID Text Reply count
1629892836853272577 The controversy around @_KateForbes's conservative views & whether she should lead the SNP is important. I want to argue why I have defended her and others should too. Because when I think about Forbes, I think about my younger brother, also a deeply religious person (Sikh). 26
1624456502936207361 Honestly, why is construction in Britain such a scam? Why does everything takes years and years to build, even in comparison to other developed countries? 19
1612577496729264128 My extremely controversial take 6 months* after having a baby is that... babies are bloody awesome. Have babies, if you can! (* this take may not last once she grows up) 16
1612130553423171585 I think Andrew Tate is a nasty, degenerate who made money by sexually exploiting women and hustling gullible men. But I also don't think he "teaches us" anything about our society. He looks to me like just a very modern iteration of a type that has always existed in society. 15
1611355518714662914 TBH, I find it frustrating when left and progressive groups demand that governments hand more "power to the people". And what's your plan when people use these powers to block new housing and solar/wind farm developments? What then? Is that a progressive outcome? 15
1618986314220834818 *sigh* I find The Guardian's one-sided coverage of electric cars very depressing, unbalanced and damaging to climate change issues. A thread πŸ‘‡πŸ½ 11
1608829120401780736 People talk about fast fashion, how's this for Slow Fashion? I've had this Moschino sweater since 1997! 25 years πŸ˜‚ 9
1603033068729769984 I thought this was a good attempt by @Psythor at getting to the heart of what "Woke ideology" means. Even if we disagree about the points (I'm sure people will) - I agree that "woke ideology" is new and distinct, and its proponents should admit that 8
1629785888019341312 Going to be on @bbcsml at 10:30 to talk about Kate Forbes controversy (I'm going to be defending her 😬), along with @_NatashaDevon and @Humanists_UK Richy Thompson) 7
1625497797951901696 There are still too many people in the media and UK government treating India's BJP as a democratic partner. This is more evidence the BJP is an authoritarian power and will continue moving away from democracy. 6

Top 10 tweets with highest Quote count

ID Text Quote count
1629892836853272577 The controversy around @_KateForbes's conservative views & whether she should lead the SNP is important. I want to argue why I have defended her and others should too. Because when I think about Forbes, I think about my younger brother, also a deeply religious person (Sikh). 12
1612130553423171585 I think Andrew Tate is a nasty, degenerate who made money by sexually exploiting women and hustling gullible men. But I also don't think he "teaches us" anything about our society. He looks to me like just a very modern iteration of a type that has always existed in society. 5
1612490473830027275 If the US bans gas stoves, this would be huge. Indoor pollution from gas stoves is shockingly high, but they aren't banned because regulators think it would cost too much. Honestly, if you want to improve your health, switch to electric induction 4
1608119819689156608 If it's any consolation, houses are far *less* affordable in China - which builds them in far larger quantities - than in major US cities. From: 2
1603399243682684936 A plurality of young people in Canada have shifted to the Conservative party. Why? Because their leader seems to be the only one loudly talking about housing affordability. 2
1634905850174218241 "Politics in South Asia is rife with Hindu Muslim tension. After violence in Leicester, Barnie Choudhury asks why some of our politicians seem keen to recreate those tensions here." I was interviewed for this. Coming up on BBC R4 at 1:30pm. 2
1629870036801183744 Ohhhh boy. "The U.S. Energy Department has concluded that the Covid pandemic most likely arose from a laboratory leak, according to a classified intelligence report" 2
1630192488622313472 I agree with @_NatashaDevon that this story is without merit. The BBC disinvited the LGB Alliance because I was already booked to defend Kate Forbes' right to her views, tho I disagree with them. Plus, someone from her Church also offered a full defense 1
1641042461689618432 At the Royal Courts of Justice in London, a group of lawyers are today signing a declaration saying they won't prosecute peaceful climate protesters. Organised by Lawyers Are Responsible / 1
1627791930703708161 I have a lot of respect for @michaelgove for not giving up his love for dancing and raving 1

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1612130553423171585 I think Andrew Tate is a nasty, degenerate who made money by sexually exploiting women and hustling gullible men. But I also don't think he "teaches us" anything about our society. He looks to me like just a very modern iteration of a type that has always existed in society. 192
1629892836853272577 The controversy around @_KateForbes's conservative views & whether she should lead the SNP is important. I want to argue why I have defended her and others should too. Because when I think about Forbes, I think about my younger brother, also a deeply religious person (Sikh). 82
1625497797951901696 There are still too many people in the media and UK government treating India's BJP as a democratic partner. This is more evidence the BJP is an authoritarian power and will continue moving away from democracy. 67
1608829120401780736 People talk about fast fashion, how's this for Slow Fashion? I've had this Moschino sweater since 1997! 25 years πŸ˜‚ 62
1627640393855639552 According to BBC Hindi, Indian tax officials abused BBC journalists, scanned their computers, confiscated their phones and were asked about their working methods. Also, journalists in Delhi were prevented from writing anything about this. 60
1624456502936207361 Honestly, why is construction in Britain such a scam? Why does everything takes years and years to build, even in comparison to other developed countries? 58
1612577496729264128 My extremely controversial take 6 months* after having a baby is that... babies are bloody awesome. Have babies, if you can! (* this take may not last once she grows up) 57
1611355518714662914 TBH, I find it frustrating when left and progressive groups demand that governments hand more "power to the people". And what's your plan when people use these powers to block new housing and solar/wind farm developments? What then? Is that a progressive outcome? 54
1618986314220834818 *sigh* I find The Guardian's one-sided coverage of electric cars very depressing, unbalanced and damaging to climate change issues. A thread πŸ‘‡πŸ½ 42
1629808333413556225 About bloody time 34

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Hashtag Count
@_natashadevon 2
@psythor 2
@mitamistry 1
@_kateforbes 1
@bbcsml 1
@humanists_uk 1
@michaelgove 1
@czarnikow 1
@ghoshworld 1

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
πŸ₯³ 6 partying_face
😬 2 grimacing_face
☺️ 1 smiling_face
πŸ€·πŸ½β€β™‚οΈ 1 man_shrugging_medium_skin_tone
😞 1 disappointed_face
πŸ‘‡πŸ½ 1 backhand_index_pointing_down_medium_skin_tone
😱 1 face_screaming_in_fear
πŸ˜‚ 1 face_with_tears_of_joy
😒 1 crying_face

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Smileys & Emotion 13
People & Body 2