Tweets Analysis - Keyword: @stoney16


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

10 days

Average age of authors' accounts

9 years


Different people have asked Stoney questions or commented on topics ranging from sports-related (a Detroit Pistons debut and play-by-play man, Washington's teeth, tournament hopes, penalty power plays, a Bruce concert) to conversations about hypocrisy, tasteless humor and a video on Tick Tock.

Topic Modeling

  1. Sports Activities
  2. Sports Events
  3. Sports Coaching
  4. Music Events
  5. Social Justice

Emotional Analysis

The emotions expressed in these tweets range from anger and frustration to nostalgia and excitement. Many of the tweets show disappointment in a particular situation, such as James Wiseman's Pistons debut or the performance of the Michigan Wolverines. Others show admiration for someone or something, such as the Sports Illustrated swimsuit cover model or Bruce's concert. There are also tweets expressing confusion, disbelief, and even hypocrisy. Overall, the tweets demonstrate a range of emotions, from positive to negative.

Trend Analysis

  1. Sports: Detroit Pistons, Sports Illustrated swimsuit cover, Michigan Wolverines, and Bruce concert.
  2. Sports Performance: Dave Pasch, James Wiseman, Williams, Nils, and Chad Henne.
  3. Social Justice: Nike, Social Justice commercials, and Mitch.
  4. Penalties and Fouls: Desperation three-point shots and power plays.
  5. Hypocrisy: Private jokes, and hypocrisy of being a paid corporate ambassador.

Disclaimer: The text analysis on, powered by OpenAI, does not represent the views of or its affiliates. The analysis is for informational purposes only and not an endorsement of any viewpoint.

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 5 devices used to tweet

Source Count
Twitter for iPhone 71
Twitter for Android 29
Twitter Web App 26
Twitter for iPad 4
TweetDeck 2

What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count

Username Name Bio Followers count
971theticketxyt 97.1 The Ticket: Always live on the free Audacy app 203,243
DetroitPodcast DetroitSportsPodcast Est. 2013 Sports Podcast Network-Went from Basement to Sports Illustrated Media Group. Entertainment Powered by @tapnbarrelgrill 40,493
JFeinsteinBooks John Feinstein NYT Best-Selling Author of 46 books to date, most recently "Raise A Fist, Take A Knee" which examines race in sports. Father, husband, cat butler. 30,936
iyer_prashanth Prashanth Iyer Wings Money On The Board | Most recent work on @TheAthleticDET, @WingedWheelPod, @wingingitmotown 16,677
FrediThePizzamn Fredi The PizzaMan 313 Pizzaiolo, 42Yrs - Philanthropist / Autism Dad / The Good Life / No Online / No Phone/ Hours: T-Sat 10:30A-5P or SOLD OUT / WALK IN’S ONLY @popthattab 13,889
Paulhaider74 Paul Campbell Haider🌹 In the end nobody wins unless everybody wins. I feel an eternal Bern! Hiding on the backstreets as democratic socialist/expatriate. Bernie & Bruce are best!🌹🎸 7,395
KINGoftheKC Evan Jankens Digital Content Producer for 6,530
DJQ_KC Randle Resistance 18 yr DJ // @FiveEnterprise // Alumni at @ThePUREEmpire // Creative at @updownightlife 6,387
bchapsports Brian Chapman Big Radio Star on 97.1 The Ticket. Reppin' #WeArePennState. 4,226
coachware Dymetrius Ware Head Varsity Boys Basketball Coach at Lutheran Westland High School. My faith in God is bigger than my problems. @NABC,@BCAM @USABasketball member. 3,113

Top 10 accounts with highest friends count

Username Name Bio Followers count
DetroitPodcast DetroitSportsPodcast Est. 2013 Sports Podcast Network-Went from Basement to Sports Illustrated Media Group. Entertainment Powered by @tapnbarrelgrill 44,288
markvanosdol Mark Van Osdol Michigan grad/fan, husband to Lisa, father to Maren, Catholic (work in progress), from/live in Grosse Pointe. Sales @ConnectPay payroll for small business. 4,605
coachware Dymetrius Ware Head Varsity Boys Basketball Coach at Lutheran Westland High School. My faith in God is bigger than my problems. @NABC,@BCAM @USABasketball member. 4,291
FrediThePizzamn Fredi The PizzaMan 313 Pizzaiolo, 42Yrs - Philanthropist / Autism Dad / The Good Life / No Online / No Phone/ Hours: T-Sat 10:30A-5P or SOLD OUT / WALK IN’S ONLY @popthattab 2,887
Cici_94Percent C2☮❤️&SOUL God. Family. University of Michigan PolySci major. Centrist, PhotoArtist, Interior Decorator, 70’s Soft Rock. I am not bound to any political party! 2,659
ThisDonche Donche.Made.Progress✊🏽🙏🏽ijn HumanRights📃🏳EndTyranny&Corruption❌FlushThe🍊💩NOV3RD🗳📬RESISTANCE✊🏽🚨MOMS.DEMAND.ACTION▶️🆘️Legal⚖Cybersecurity💻🖱DontF**kWithMyPeaceofMind🧘🏽‍♀️ 2,561
Bicken_Bones Bicken Bones The Official Mascot Submittal for @QuickenLoans 2,252
Paulhaider74 Paul Campbell Haider🌹 In the end nobody wins unless everybody wins. I feel an eternal Bern! Hiding on the backstreets as democratic socialist/expatriate. Bernie & Bruce are best!🌹🎸 2,089
tweetstreet11 💙Love More❤️ 🚫⚖️🚫☮️🇺🇸 Wife, Mother, 2 extraordinary sons, married to extraordinary women. ❤️ my family. #savedemocracy, #VoteBlue, Like, Retweet and Follow. 💙No DMs. 1,932
KINGoftheKC Evan Jankens Digital Content Producer for 1,834

Most active users

Username Bio Number of tweets
BrooksJ30 - 7
JFeinsteinBooks NYT Best-Selling Author of 46 books to date, most recently "Raise A Fist, Take A Knee" which examines race in sports. Father, husband, cat butler. 4
markvanosdol Michigan grad/fan, husband to Lisa, father to Maren, Catholic (work in progress), from/live in Grosse Pointe. Sales @ConnectPay payroll for small business. 4
redneck_bmw love the outdoors huntin and fishin absolute enthusiast about Michigan athletics especially football and basketball 4
Frank19655 Saving the world 3
telbahuur Author. Creator. Mid day napper. NYC 3
Mr_PGD In the hands of most people, Twitter is another form of social media; in mine, it's a Pipe Bomb. Cohost of @20x20rwd & @juggalorwd. HR Guy. Coney Enthusiast. 3
MikeLubin3 Realtor. Father. Husband. Golfer. And so much more😀 3
littlebuzzon Sometimes my genius generates gravity. 3
pradhuur - 2

Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1625938417711185921 James Wiseman's Pistons debut and ESPN play-by-play man Dave Pasch joins the show | Restore The Floor #detroitbasketball #pistons @stoney16 @KINGoftheKC @DavePasch 3
1627910807563665408 @BrooksJ30 @stoney16 @realStanVG Just making up random shit, I see 1
1627060784596680705 @GoBlueReds @stoney16 @Sean_TheMailMan @webbeditor I’ve seen him 3 times this tour. His voice gets a little pitchy on a few numbers. His stamina has decreased since the last tour. There’s not as much banter. However, the love is still there, the emotion is still there, and he’s still the best ever. 1
1625503402775187464 There’s so many things he’s done, could have done, involved with or in proximity of. He’s a PR nightmare.⁦@stoney16⁩ ⁦@StoneyJansen⁩ 0
1625533854038605828 @stoney16 U need to try Izzy's on stadium. Real good 0
1625524003090694144 @DetroitSoul52 @stoney16 @StoneyJansen Besides the DUI, what has bro really done? Media acts like he committed some serious heinous acts. 0
1625519009104900098 @Mr_PGD @stoney16 A Stoney cheesesteak review is like a Michelin Star for cheesesteak spots. 0
1625518253740023813 @stoney16 The people there were super nice. Little too much variety (I don’t need a pizza cheesesteak) so I just got the plainest one with wiz. Not bad. I’d go back forsure. We are curious for your rating. 0
1625516788183080962 @stoney16 Have you tried Joe Butch in downtown Farmington yet? 0
1625501185624113160 @stoney16 Montgomery leaving would not give Lions picks. Only for GM/Head Coach 0

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1628014335778820097 @MicahhParsons11 @971theticketxyt @stoney16 @JonJansen77 @DougAndGator971 @KhangSports You guys see this yet? 😡😡😡 7
1626764010409406466 @stoney16 Hey Stoney the other day I heard you mention the Sports Illustrated swimsuit cover model coming to Detroit every year. You didn't think it was at the DAC but it was! I went several years in the early 90s, here's me with Ashley Montana 1991. 4
1627060784596680705 @GoBlueReds @stoney16 @Sean_TheMailMan @webbeditor I’ve seen him 3 times this tour. His voice gets a little pitchy on a few numbers. His stamina has decreased since the last tour. There’s not as much banter. However, the love is still there, the emotion is still there, and he’s still the best ever. 4
1625938417711185921 James Wiseman's Pistons debut and ESPN play-by-play man Dave Pasch joins the show | Restore The Floor #detroitbasketball #pistons @stoney16 @KINGoftheKC @DavePasch 4
1627101759536607234 @stoney16 @Luke_Elvy In private, it's merely tasteless; in public when you are an icon it is inexcusable. 3
1627876589470982146 @BrooksJ30 @stoney16 @realStanVG When you were in school, what did they teach you Washington’s teeth were made of? 3
1624585608474595329 @stoney16 Total meltdown in the last five minutes. Williams can't throw that forced pass. In fact, he needs to be off the damn floor and Baker in. Juwan and his trust of Williams has frayed my last nerve. Tournament hopes over. Wolverines beyond timid with the ball. Someone had to step up. 2
1624579993224245249 @stoney16 I'll never understand why when a teams down 1 they take a desperation 3. Msu has done the same thing. Get something going to the basket or get a possible foul called. 2
1627790735947837443 @stoney16 @realStanVG Cause life can get uncomfortable? 2
1626418570316898304 That's what you're supposed to do after a penalty by @stoney16 puts you on the power play! 2

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#detroitbasketball 2
#pistons 2
#1 1
#51 1
#lazyradio 1

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Mention Count
@stoney16 133
@stoneyjansen 16
@realstanvg 16
@jonjansen77 15
@luke_elvy 13
@keneakers 10
@jfeinsteinbooks 9
@brooksj30 7
@971theticketxyt 5
@jimcosta_ 5

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets


Average number of emojis used per tweet


Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
😡 3 enraged_face
🤣 3 rolling_on_the_floor_laughing
😳 3 flushed_face
😆 3 grinning_squinting_face
😂 1 face_with_tears_of_joy
😉 1 winking_face
😓 1 downcast_face_with_sweat

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Smileys & Emotion 15