Account Summary

Followers Count


Friends Count


Tweets Count


List Count



Cleveland, Ohio



Followers Analysis (based on followers sample)


Number of Verified accounts


Percentage of Verified accounts



Number of Protected accounts


Percentage of Protected accounts



Average Age of Twitter accounts

3 years


Number of users without a Bio


Number of users with a Bio


Percentage of users with a Bio


Percentage of users without a Bio


Worldcloud of Bios

List of top 10 keywords used in bios

Word Frequency
mma 3056
love 1670
sports 1425
life 1352
ufc 1263
father 883
world 634
time 620
god 605
husband 595

List of top 10 hashtags used in bios

Hashtag Frequency
#mma 153
#ufc 137
#mmatwitter 97
#bitcoin 88
#1 85
#boxing 47
#btc 41
#nft 34
#browns 33
#eth 31

Top 10 followers with the highest follower count

Username Followers Count Friends Count Tweet Count
JohnCena 14105343 572040 7448
SirKunt 2254522 2089 9872
solalexasch 678752 461584 3509
THE_THEO_FORD 469555 161831 25085
Retro_Utd 453575 402 68610
Sheldon_Sniper 438011 638 4204
Moreno 430329 388089 64794
GilbertDurinho 304170 599 34605
LaurentLamothe 285014 31406 18642
robtswthrayguns 259481 285437 86239

Top 10 followers with the highest following count

Username Friends Count Followers Count Tweet Count
JohnCena 572040 14105343 7448
solalexasch 461584 678752 3509
Moreno 388089 430329 64794
robtswthrayguns 285437 259481 86239
THE_THEO_FORD 161831 469555 25085
AmyTaylorNYC 112460 118589 31653
BornCountry_ 62666 64880 15451
iLLPeTiLL 56253 75687 16941
afowler06 48992 108676 90755
thevoiceofcash 45735 68224 65259

Top 10 followers with the highest tweet count

Username Tweets Count Followers Count Friends Count
FunFavst 432416 2421 4228
Miketyson2007 246952 3383 2975
lollydeee 246106 1556 1950
HadyMawasy 232871 1314 3104
e691ccecc0354c0 225839 1249 4324
platini954 204882 20929 4266
alvinrio_1501 197442 5933 5830
Mondakwe 196288 3750 4997
ravens6576 183797 4302 1628
_boostedninja 168541 1099 875

Top 10 followers with the highest listed count

Username Listed Count Friends Count Followers Count
JohnCena 31681 572040 14105343
Sheldon_Sniper 2838 638 438011
dpuellARK 1734 2291 68869
OddsShark 1635 1808 145472
SirKunt 1535 2089 2254522
kris 1446 8806 257369
Retro_Utd 1097 402 453575
Moreno 1034 388089 430329
robtswthrayguns 1030 285437 259481
GilbertDurinho 904 599 304170

Tweets Analysis


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

2,499 days

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1162957021441712130 BADDEST MAN ON THE PLANET #AndNew #Again #SM 10834
954962197817503744 6603
982089378259505152 5300
956192121249320960 Break the record once? Nahhh I still got shelf space. Who’s next? 5201
1015822063842365440 Tonight wasn’t my night. I’m feeling good. Thanks to all my fans for the support. Love you guys! See you back in The Land! 5066
948644600020905984 Andrei Arlovski — RD1 0:54 ✅ Fabricio Werdum — RD1 2:47 ✅ Alistair Overeem — RD1 4:27 ✅ Junior dos Santos — RD1 2:22 ✅ Francis Ngannou — 1/20 #AndStill 3837
1016421471151943681 Congrats to DC. Didn’t get the chance to say it in the cage, but lets dance again and get a rematch before you call it a career. Thx to my coaches and team. Being the greatest heavyweight in UFC history is a career-long journey and doesnt end here. I’m more motivated than ever! 3377
1019033391512150017 I have 4 belts. I broke the record for consecutive title defenses. I cleared out the heavyweight division. @dc_mma, let’s have rematch as proven champs. 3376
1026778878889664512 Hmm, weird. 3335
820070446271987712 There's one dude in C-Town that loves belts as much as me. Lets get him to the All Star Game. Kevin Love #NBAVote RT to get him there 3319

Top 10 tweets with highest Reply count

ID Text Reply count
1015822063842365440 Tonight wasn’t my night. I’m feeling good. Thanks to all my fans for the support. Love you guys! See you back in The Land! 2418
1162957021441712130 BADDEST MAN ON THE PLANET #AndNew #Again #SM 1886
1040033426517188608 Records are meant to be broken. I set the record defending my heavyweight title three consecutive times. I fully intend on being the same one to break that record. #SM 988
1022276633619656705 Meelah Claire Miocic we love and adore you. We never knew our hearts could feel this amount of love. You have shown us the meaning of life! We can’t wait to spend forever loving you! 8lbs,9oz 21” long 1:50 PM 7/25/18 Thank you @brucebuffer for the announcement of our queen! 952
954962197817503744 868
956192121249320960 Break the record once? Nahhh I still got shelf space. Who’s next? 819
955019651649589248 Thank you to all my fans and everyone that supports me. I love you guys. We did it! 780
1019033391512150017 I have 4 belts. I broke the record for consecutive title defenses. I cleared out the heavyweight division. @dc_mma, let’s have rematch as proven champs. 735
1386359494528094209 Anyone else still shook by #UFC261 ? - hell of a night, who impressed you the most? 698
1016421471151943681 Congrats to DC. Didn’t get the chance to say it in the cage, but lets dance again and get a rematch before you call it a career. Thx to my coaches and team. Being the greatest heavyweight in UFC history is a career-long journey and doesnt end here. I’m more motivated than ever! 677

Top 10 tweets with highest Quote count

ID Text Quote count
1162957021441712130 BADDEST MAN ON THE PLANET #AndNew #Again #SM 1054
1015822063842365440 Tonight wasn’t my night. I’m feeling good. Thanks to all my fans for the support. Love you guys! See you back in The Land! 923
1614694155078324225 March 4th - I like it. I got winner in July. 538
954962197817503744 491
1022276633619656705 Meelah Claire Miocic we love and adore you. We never knew our hearts could feel this amount of love. You have shown us the meaning of life! We can’t wait to spend forever loving you! 8lbs,9oz 21” long 1:50 PM 7/25/18 Thank you @brucebuffer for the announcement of our queen! 437
982089378259505152 376
1019033391512150017 I have 4 belts. I broke the record for consecutive title defenses. I cleared out the heavyweight division. @dc_mma, let’s have rematch as proven champs. 360
948644600020905984 Andrei Arlovski — RD1 0:54 ✅ Fabricio Werdum — RD1 2:47 ✅ Alistair Overeem — RD1 4:27 ✅ Junior dos Santos — RD1 2:22 ✅ Francis Ngannou — 1/20 #AndStill 350
956192121249320960 Break the record once? Nahhh I still got shelf space. Who’s next? 332
1016421471151943681 Congrats to DC. Didn’t get the chance to say it in the cage, but lets dance again and get a rematch before you call it a career. Thx to my coaches and team. Being the greatest heavyweight in UFC history is a career-long journey and doesnt end here. I’m more motivated than ever! 320

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1162957021441712130 BADDEST MAN ON THE PLANET #AndNew #Again #SM 67859
1015822063842365440 Tonight wasn’t my night. I’m feeling good. Thanks to all my fans for the support. Love you guys! See you back in The Land! 45862
1016421471151943681 Congrats to DC. Didn’t get the chance to say it in the cage, but lets dance again and get a rematch before you call it a career. Thx to my coaches and team. Being the greatest heavyweight in UFC history is a career-long journey and doesnt end here. I’m more motivated than ever! 29866
956192121249320960 Break the record once? Nahhh I still got shelf space. Who’s next? 29539
1163286950314467328 MOOD!!! I am so blessed to win my 5th title for Cleveland, all first responders and my fans all over the world. Thank you for the incredible support. I wouldn’t be here without you. #SM #5X #CHAMPS 28002
954962197817503744 24767
1614694155078324225 March 4th - I like it. I got winner in July. 22632
1022276633619656705 Meelah Claire Miocic we love and adore you. We never knew our hearts could feel this amount of love. You have shown us the meaning of life! We can’t wait to spend forever loving you! 8lbs,9oz 21” long 1:50 PM 7/25/18 Thank you @brucebuffer for the announcement of our queen! 21816
1258172200709849088 I want to fight DC. It’s going to happen period. Im going to give my fans what they want to see. My management has been working on dates with UFC. Right now I’m doing what the Governor DeWine is advising and am working as a first responder. I can’t control a global pandemic. 19638
982089378259505152 19231

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#sm 124
#andstill 110
#ufc211 22
#defendtheland 17
#baddestmanontheplanet 13
#rallytogether 13
#teammiocic 13
#ufc203 13
#ad 12
#clevelandagainsttheworld 12

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Hashtag Count
@twitch 145
@indians 23
@cavs 21
@dksportsbook 15
@ufc 13
@metropcs 12
@modelousa 11
@browns 11
@machinegunkelly 10
@naturestone 10

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
32 baseball
😳 31 flushed_face
😂 16 face_with_tears_of_joy
🏆 15 trophy
🤔 11 thinking_face
👀 9 eyes
🙏🏼 9 folded_hands_medium-light_skin_tone
8 check_mark_button
😁 7 beaming_face_with_smiling_eyes
🇺🇸 7 United_States

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Smileys & Emotion 89
People & Body 53
Activities 52
Travel & Places 30
Symbols 23
Flags 9
Objects 7
Animals & Nature 4
Food & Drink 1