We have made downloading Twitter followers or following list easy with a simple form to fill in below. twtData allows you to download followers, following/friends, lists, tweets for any public or private Twitter account / handle.

UPDATE: New Viral Tool Released: twtSearch - Connect with the Right Twitter Audience. twtSearch give you the power of advanced search at your fingertips, allowing you to sift through millions of X (formally Twitter) profiles by bio/description, name, username, location, and even pinned tweets.

In this post, we will be looking at the steps involved in exporting Twitter followers and following list for any Twitter account using twtData. Let’s start.....

Steps To Export Twitter Following or Followers/Friends List

Fill in the below with the handle or handles you want to export and your email where you want the data to be delivered.

Follow the below steps:

  1. Use the form below or visit here
  2. Simply enter the desired Twitter account handle e.g. @elonmusk and click ‘Search’.
  3. 'Free Sample' Button: The "Free Sample" button provides you with a free extarct of 25 records from the file you will receive if you buy the full dataset.
  4. 'BUY' Button: Buy the full dataset here, once you click you will be presented with the payment page.
  5. Once the payment has been processed you will recieve email confirmation and your order will be processed immediately.
  6. You will be presented with a thank you page where you may fill in the feedback form with the reason for the download. This feedback is vital so we can continue to build tools for you.
  7. The data will be delivered to you via email once downloaded from Twitter. The time is takes is displayed before purchase. The time required for the report to be generated is dependent on the number of followings in the account and the higher the following, the more will be the required time e.g. below 10,000 followers takes less than 1 minute.

Why Export Your Twitter Data?

Twitter data can provide a wealth of insights, and exporting it can open up a world of opportunities. Here are some compelling reasons why thousands of users are choosing to export their Twitter followers and following lists:

  1. Backup: In the digital era, data loss can occur unexpectedly. Exporting your followers and following lists safeguards against such scenarios. Should something happen to your Twitter account, you'd have a comprehensive backup at hand. This allows you to restore your social media presence quickly and efficiently.
  2. Analysis: Understanding your social media presence is crucial for growth. Exporting your followers and following lists enables you to analyze your Twitter interactions in depth. You can discover patterns, identify influential followers, track follower growth over time, and understand demographics better. Here's a sample of some Twitter analytics we performed on @OpenSea. This can be particularly useful for influencers and businesses that want to tailor their content to their audience.
  3. Marketing: If you're using Twitter for business or marketing purposes, having access to your follower and following data is invaluable. You can identify potential customers or partners, understand your audience better, and create targeted marketing campaigns. For instance, you might find that a significant portion of your followers are interested in technology. This can inform your content strategy, leading to higher engagement and potentially more conversions.
  4. Personal: Some users value having a record of their Twitter interactions for personal reasons. They might want to track their Twitter journey, see how their network has evolved over time, or simply keep a record for reminiscing in the future.
  5. Migration: Considering a move to another social media platform? Exporting your Twitter data can make the transition smoother. You can easily import your Twitter data to a new platform, ensuring you don't lose the network you've built up. This can be particularly useful in the face of changing social media landscapes and user preferences.
  6. Competitor Analysis: Exporting Twitter data is not only about your own account. By exporting data related to competitor accounts or industry leaders, you can gain insights into their social media strategies, see how your account measures up, and identify opportunities for your own growth and engagement.
  7. Research: Academics, market researchers, and data scientists often export Twitter data for research purposes. The data can help to understand trends, track sentiment on specific topics, or even to map the spread of information in real-time. This can support scholarly articles, market research reports, or product development efforts.
  8. Brand Monitoring: Businesses can use exported Twitter data to monitor their brand's online reputation. By analyzing mentions, retweets, and likes, businesses can understand how their brand is perceived, respond to criticism, and recognize opportunities for improvement or innovation.
  9. Influencer Identification: For businesses or marketers, exported Twitter data can help identify key influencers or advocates in their domain. These individuals could become valuable partners in promoting your brand or product.
  10. Network Analysis: By exporting your follower data, you can conduct a network analysis. This allows you to see how your followers are connected and identify key nodes in your network. Such analysis can reveal valuable insights about the structure and influence distribution in your Twitter network.
  11. Event Tracking: If you're running a campaign, a sale, or an event, tracking Twitter data during that time and comparing it to regular periods can provide insights into the success of your promotional efforts. You can see if you gained more followers, if there was more engagement, and spot growth.

What does the data include?

Breakdown of the Follower/Following Data Download:

When you download your follower or following data, each entry will come with the following information:

  • Id: This is the unique identifier for each user account, assigned by Twitter when the account is created.
  • Name: This represents the user's display name, which is visible on their profile and in their tweets.
  • Username: The unique handle of the user's account, preceded by the '@' symbol.
  • Created_at: The date and time when the user's account was created.
  • Protected: A boolean value that indicates if the user's tweets are protected and only visible to approved followers.
  • Withheld.country_codes: A list of country codes where the user's tweets are withheld due to legal or policy reasons.
  • Location: The location specified by the user in their profile.
  • Url: The URL associated with the user's account, such as a personal website or blog.
  • Profile_image_url: The URL of the user's profile image.
  • Description: A brief description of the user's account.
  • Verified: A boolean value indicating if the user's account has been verified by Twitter.
  • Verified_type: The type of verification the account has.
  • Followers_count: The total number of followers the user has.
  • Following_count: The total number of accounts the user is following.
  • Tweet_count: The total number of tweets posted by the user.
  • Listed_count: The number of lists that include the user's account.
  • Pinned_tweet_id: The unique ID of the user's pinned tweet.
  • Text: The text content of the user's pinned tweet.
  • Author_id: The unique ID of the author of the pinned tweet.
  • Conversation_id: The unique ID of the conversation thread of the pinned tweet.
  • Pinned_tweet_created_at: The date and time when the pinned tweet was created.
  • Lang: The language of the pinned tweet.
  • In_reply_to_user_id: The unique ID of the user the pinned tweet is replying to, if any.
  • Possibly_sensitive: A boolean value indicating if the pinned tweet contains sensitive content.
  • Retweet_count: The number of retweets of the pinned tweet.
  • Reply_count: The number of replies to the pinned tweet.
  • Like_count: The number of likes of the pinned tweet.
  • Quote_count: The number of times the pinned tweet was quoted.
  • Source: The source or platform from which the pinned tweet was posted.

Breakdown of the Tweets Data Download:

Each tweet in the downloaded data will include the following information:

  • Created_at: The date and time when the tweet was created.
  • Id: The unique identifier of the tweet.
  • Full_text: The full text content of the tweet.
  • Truncated: A boolean value indicating if the tweet is truncated.
  • Source: The source or platform from which the tweet was posted.
  • In_reply_to_status_id: The unique ID of the tweet that this tweet is replying to, if any.
  • In_reply_to_user_id: The unique ID of the user this tweet is replying to, if any.
  • In_reply_to_screen_name: The username of the user this tweet is replying to, if any.
  • Geo: The geographic location of the tweet, if any.
  • Coordinates: The coordinates where the tweet was posted from, if any.
  • Contributors: The list of user IDs who contributed to the tweet, if any. -Is_quote_status: A boolean value indicating if the tweet is a quote tweet.
  • Retweet_count: The number of times the tweet has been retweeted.
  • Favorite_count: The number of times the tweet has been favorited.
  • Favorited: A boolean value indicating if the tweet has been favorited by the account downloading the data.
  • Retweeted: A boolean value indicating if the tweet has been retweeted by the account downloading the data.
  • Lang: The language of the tweet.

This comprehensive data can provide deep insights about the account's Twitter activity and interactions.

Twitter Archive: Using Twitter to download your data

You can use Twitter to download followers, following, tweets and more BUT it is limited to your account only. Twitter allows the native export of your Twitter data (called 'Twitter Archive') which includes your followers, following, DMs and more, however it is very limited. In short, its limited to the owner of the account, its in JSON format; difficult to read, it has limited data compared to our exports and its slow, can take days. Here's an extensive article on why.

Steps on how to download your Twitter archive using Twitter:

A guide on how to download your Twitter archive, which allows you to browse a snapshot of your Twitter information, starting with your first Tweet. The process is as follows:

  1. In the top menu, tap your profile icon, then tap Settings and privacy.
  2. Tap Account.
  3. Under Data and permissions, tap Your Twitter data.
  4. Verify your identity by tapping Send code to your email address and/or phone number on file. If you do not have an email address or phone number on file, you will be redirected to the Account information page.
  5. Enter the code sent to your email address and/or phone number.
  6. After verifying your identity, under Download your data and next to Twitter, tap Request data.
  7. When your download is ready, Twitter will send an email to your connected email account or a push notification if you have the app installed. From your settings, you can tap Download archive under the Download your data section.
  8. Twitter will also send you an email with a download link to the confirmed email address associated with your Twitter account.
  9. Once you receive the email, click the Download button while logged in to your Twitter account and download a .zip file of your Twitter archive​.

Detailed guide here on Twitter Help page.

The twtData Advantage: Your Premier Choice for Twitter Data Export

As you consider options for exporting your Twitter data, twtData emerges as your top choice. Here's why:

  1. Simplicity: Our platform is designed with user-friendliness in mind, making data export a seamless process.
  2. Accuracy: As an authorized Twitter application, we guarantee the data you receive comes directly from Twitter, ensuring its reliability and accuracy.
  3. Efficiency: We pride ourselves in being one of the fastest tools available for Twitter data export, saving you valuable time.
  4. Cost-Effectiveness: We offer a cost-efficient solution that delivers value for your investment.
  5. Support: Our dedicated customer support team is ready to assist you. Simply click on our chat button to connect with a real human ready to help.

Choose twtData for your Twitter data export needs and experience the difference that a customer-focused, reliable, and efficient service can make.


Navigating the exportation of Twitter followers or following lists doesn't have to be a daunting task. With twtData at your service, you can efficiently export your Twitter data in a user-friendly format, opening doors to a wealth of insights and opportunities. Whether your needs are academic, business-oriented, or personal, twtData provides a solution that is tailored to you.

Beyond its ease of use, twtData is committed to delivering accurate, swift, and cost-effective service, backed by a dedicated customer support team. This blend of quality and care is what sets twtData apart in the realm of Twitter data export.

For any inquiries or further guidance on exporting Twitter followers and following lists, we encourage you to connect with us at sales@twtData.com. We're eager to assist you and ensure your experience with twtData is nothing short of exceptional.

At the end of the day, your success is our success. Let's explore the power of Twitter data together with twtData.