Tweets Analysis - Keyword: @SpeechFreedomCN


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

9 days

Average age of authors' accounts

3 years


The main points discussed in these tweets include a storekeeper who sold books with Politburo members' photos on the cover and was arrested by KGB for this; Stalin attending a film premiere and being surprised to find that an actor's beard was the same as his; a police department using algorithms to screen out and arrest people who posted "dog plus police", "curse words plus police", and "curse words plus police pictures"; a reflection that those in power do not like dissent; the lack of justice when trying to handle matters within the law; the idea that finding someone in possession of something could result in arrest; the idea of being confident; the idea of "two bites" as a term to describe how someone is twice in trouble; and the idea that police are disliked due to their performance and methods.

Topic Modeling

  1. Political oppression & Political censorship
  2. Humor & Sarcasm
  3. Comparing justice between China and other countries
  4. Arrests and Enforcement
  5. Political & Social Commentary

Emotional Analysis

The tweets express a range of emotions, from anger and frustration at oppressive regimes and their disregard for freedom of speech, to fear and confusion about the tactics used by authorities to target individuals, to amusement at the absurdity of the situation. There is also a sense of resignation, with people accepting the inevitability of their fate. Lastly, there is a hint of hope, with people still trying to seek justice and a better future.

Trend Analysis

  1. Police Interference in Everyday Life
  2. Political Oppression
  3. Humor in a Political Context
  4. Despair and Lack of Freedom
  5. Resistance and Creative Solutions

Disclaimer: The text analysis on, powered by OpenAI, does not represent the views of or its affiliates. The analysis is for informational purposes only and not an endorsement of any viewpoint.

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 5 devices used to tweet

Source Count
Twitter for Android 48
Twitter Web App 23
Twitter for iPhone 17
Twitter for iPad 8

What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count

Username Name Bio Followers count
Wisdomin1984 苏联笑话球🚩🏴🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🇹🇼🇨🇺🇨🇱🇦🇴🇧🇯 -苏联最大的遗产是什么? -苏联政治笑话。这让苏联的软实力远超其他国家… -世界上哪个国家的人最有幽默感? -不清楚,但苏联笑话一定是最好笑的 22,158
RonaldSimmonsUS Ronald Simmons🇺🇸🦅✝️ American, Christian, patriot(Republican), journalist, Julian Assange supporter. God bless America!🇺🇸🤝🇮🇱 #RemoveBiden in 2024! #FollowBack 100% 16,103
Yineric4 共产党就是国民党 现今中共充分诠释了保守,反动,腐败,无能,打到中共是每个无产者的责任。如果自称左派却不反中共,还试图搞什么借尸还魂,说明他连民逗小丑都不如。 社民+安学生仔滚远点,一群喷都不会喷的弱智 1,692
zhou_tiago Tiago Zhou 使徒行者,天生顽劣,向往自由。Fight for freedom, But freedom is not free. 1,000
km21557473 km😷 The Communist Party can’t tolerate a free press covering its demolition of Hong Kong freedom, so it slanders the city’s journalists as criminals and traitors. 484
LeeroyChow Ryan Chow "Give me liberty, or give me death! “ A college student who desires for freedom and democracy of my homeland. #StandwithHongKong #YellowEconomicCircle 465
xx3077128 多伦多脸盆 .. .-.. --- ...- . -.-. .... .. -. .- 434
GODBLESSROC8964 中華民國反共淨化軍 浩谷川成🇹🇼(消滅馬列豬狗) 不擇手段滅絕一切紅色主義 385
chrisdime4 chrisdime - 345
yuzusoftmoe🌡️15° Make transformers and voltage doubler circuits. electronics. #NE555 #20N60C #IRF540N #NEC7580 #K4145 #13009dk #tip41c 312

Top 10 accounts with highest friends count

Username Name Bio Followers count
RonaldSimmonsUS Ronald Simmons🇺🇸🦅✝️ American, Christian, patriot(Republican), journalist, Julian Assange supporter. God bless America!🇺🇸🤝🇮🇱 #RemoveBiden in 2024! #FollowBack 100% 15,295
LeeroyChow Ryan Chow "Give me liberty, or give me death! “ A college student who desires for freedom and democracy of my homeland. #StandwithHongKong #YellowEconomicCircle 3,085
jWu0Wg8N98dLrCt 焼き塩サバのなか🤍🌈 普信男/夜之城市民/女拳师/失败主义 2,134
pychem636 542491 - 1,135
xx3077128 多伦多脸盆 .. .-.. --- ...- . -.-. .... .. -. .- 951
esoftnt esoft 支持認為對的推文,而非必須支持誰•只專注講一件事,就是歐美日民主國家長年綏靖中共,與中共極權勾兌!中共極權的長盛、中共國的人權災難。與中國貿易,而不是對中共國全面制裁的民主國家都是主要共犯!........ 903
NNMasterss Bruce Sama The protector of earth 899
kanbarawataru Kanbara 🇺🇦 Fiat justitia ruat caelum /🌈/⬜️ /\_/\ ( o o ) =( ,^, )= (")_(") 784
GODBLESSROC8964 中華民國反共淨化軍 浩谷川成🇹🇼(消滅馬列豬狗) 不擇手段滅絕一切紅色主義 584
yuzusoftmoe🌡️15° Make transformers and voltage doubler circuits. electronics. #NE555 #20N60C #IRF540N #NEC7580 #K4145 #13009dk #tip41c 551

Most active users

Username Bio Number of tweets
Edwards47291 - 5
pychem636 - 3
RonaldSimmonsUS American, Christian, patriot(Republican), journalist, Julian Assange supporter. God bless America!🇺🇸🤝🇮🇱 #RemoveBiden in 2024! #FollowBack 100% 3
gcduhfujji 世界观察员/希望极权政府早日垮台/看乐子/动物爱好者/自由民主人士/孝敬爸妈/粉蛆请绕道不然会被姐姐我从中间捏断~/如果你是中共监狱网评员我可以多回复你几句让你减刑 3
tngszh2 - 2
KiriKiryo - 2
Wisdomin1984 -苏联最大的遗产是什么? -苏联政治笑话。这让苏联的软实力远超其他国家… -世界上哪个国家的人最有幽默感? -不清楚,但苏联笑话一定是最好笑的 2
wudidamingbai 国家一级职业撸猫资格证持有者 2
MioangYeeZeau 智者避危,明者见萌。 2
knknkngbi1 我批判着世间的不公,也批判着自己的罪孽 2

Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1625119468610523137 @SpeechFreedomCN 共产童话书店的店长把政治局委员照片贴在了书封面上,当天就卖完了。第二天他被克格勃逮捕。克格勃说,你把勃列日涅夫同志的照片贴在《二流子》上,我们忍了;把勃列日涅夫的全家福贴在《游手好闲者》上,我们忍了;但把勃列日涅夫和政治局全体委员合影贴在《阿里巴巴和四十个大盗》上,我们真忍不了了 6
1625119064116072448 @SpeechFreedomCN 斯大林去看一场苏联喜剧电影的首映式。在影片播放时他一直快活地大笑,不过在电影结束之时他突然问道:“好吧,我喜欢这电影。可为什么那个丑角的小胡子和我的一样?”大家都吓呆了,只有一个人提议道:“斯…斯大林同志,要不要让演员把胡子剃了?”斯大林答道:“好主意,先把胡子剃了再送去西伯利亚吧!” 3
1625153382649569280 @SpeechFreedomCN 你们想象过没有,同志们,在警察系统有一个部门,或者办公室,用一个软件或者算法,每天不停地检索社交网上上的狗+警察,脏话+警察,脏话+警察图片,诸如此类的内容,然后层层筛选,把人抓到,每次想到干这个活的哥们,我就哭笑不得😂 2
1627634204849864705 @FennLiu @zhoudengm @whyyoutouzhele 到 @SpeechFreedomCN 这个记录中国文字狱的推号上搜“狗”字就知道为什么中国交警这么招人恨了,执法?业绩罢了 1
1627634065397682184 @zhoudengm @whyyoutouzhele 到 @SpeechFreedomCN 这个记录中国文字狱的推号上搜“狗”字就知道为什么中国交警这么招人恨了,执法?业绩罢了 1
1625246803351445504 @SpeechFreedomCN 干的漂亮。好似 0
1625167746395938818 @SpeechFreedomCN 要不让大清上吧😅 0
1625197748395073536 @wudidamingbai @SpeechFreedomCN 比如说这个图里的,就只提到了狗,没提到上述关键词,理论上我拿张超市小票说被狗咬了可能也会触发审查机制推给人工审核,真是蛮好笑的🤡 0
1625210019980668929 @SpeechFreedomCN 又被咬了一口 0
1625211614730526720 @SpeechFreedomCN 怎麼發現的? 0

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1625119468610523137 @SpeechFreedomCN 共产童话书店的店长把政治局委员照片贴在了书封面上,当天就卖完了。第二天他被克格勃逮捕。克格勃说,你把勃列日涅夫同志的照片贴在《二流子》上,我们忍了;把勃列日涅夫的全家福贴在《游手好闲者》上,我们忍了;但把勃列日涅夫和政治局全体委员合影贴在《阿里巴巴和四十个大盗》上,我们真忍不了了 54
1625119064116072448 @SpeechFreedomCN 斯大林去看一场苏联喜剧电影的首映式。在影片播放时他一直快活地大笑,不过在电影结束之时他突然问道:“好吧,我喜欢这电影。可为什么那个丑角的小胡子和我的一样?”大家都吓呆了,只有一个人提议道:“斯…斯大林同志,要不要让演员把胡子剃了?”斯大林答道:“好主意,先把胡子剃了再送去西伯利亚吧!” 37
1625153382649569280 @SpeechFreedomCN 你们想象过没有,同志们,在警察系统有一个部门,或者办公室,用一个软件或者算法,每天不停地检索社交网上上的狗+警察,脏话+警察,脏话+警察图片,诸如此类的内容,然后层层筛选,把人抓到,每次想到干这个活的哥们,我就哭笑不得😂 29
1625835948968759298 @SpeechFreedomCN 霸权主义不希望看到有人提出意见。 23
1626942023570960385 @SpeechFreedomCN 在中国依法处理🟰没有任何结果 14
1625114008243286017 @SpeechFreedomCN 被狗咬了第二下了这下。 14
1625098853656715271 @SpeechFreedomCN 对号入座 14
1626016599273766912 @SpeechFreedomCN 寻衅滋事 就是习时代的流氓罪 11
1625155260338835456 @wudidamingbai @SpeechFreedomCN 盲生,问题是好多案例里只说被狗咬了/遇到狗了,完全没提到警察,它们是怎么发现并且对号入座的,目前还是个华点🥹 6
1626060099348500481 @SpeechFreedomCN 原来大马不安全啊 6

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Mention Count
@speechfreedomcn 96
@whyyoutouzhele 7
@wudidamingbai 7
@zhoudengm 4
@hedaxian6 4
@edwards47291 2
@fennliu 2
@wisdomin1984 2
@_11111929 2
@6lpgdxo8rr7e7ya 1

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets


Average number of emojis used per tweet


Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
😂 3 face_with_tears_of_joy
😅 2 grinning_face_with_sweat
🤣 2 rolling_on_the_floor_laughing
😇 1 smiling_face_with_halo
🤡 1 clown_face
😋 1 face_savoring_food

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Smileys & Emotion 10