Tweets Analysis - Keyword: @SonOfABoyDad


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

9 days

Average age of authors' accounts

6 years


Brandon Walker (BFW) faced criticism from the Picks Central crew due to remarks made on Son Of A Boy Dad. Other topics discussed include the idea of a competition between the Barstool HQ's, Brandon Walker's ego, Brandon Walker's contributions to the show and how some are insecure over not being apart of new shows. There will be a Stella Blue coffee and a thinking cap from Son Of A Boy Dad sponsoring the big game and Brandon Walker will be in the central timezone to start a new show. Hierarchical discussions surrounded the reasoning behind his decisions. There is a female fan of Son of a Boy Dad who is part of the 1%.

Topic Modeling

  1. Personalities and Communication in Barstool Sports
  2. Different Groups Within Barstool Sports
  3. Competition Between Groups of Barstool Sports
  4. Ego and Arrogance Within Barstool Sports
  5. Barstool Sports Fans

Emotional Analysis

The tweets expressed a range of emotions, from excitement to shock to frustration. There was a lot of back-and-forth between the various members of the Barstool Sports crew, as well as some criticism of Brandon Walker and his decisions. There were also some comments of admiration and appreciation for the work of others, such as SonOfABoyDad and Barstool Big Cat. Overall, the tweets show a range of emotions and opinions among the Barstool Sports crew.

Trend Analysis

  1. Opinions on Brandon Walker (BFW) being "only looking after Brandon";
  2. Criticisms of Zoom;
  3. Analysis of the impact of BFW leaving Picks Central;
  4. Discussion of Smitty's "Cool Kids" comments;
  5. Admiration for Son of a BoyDad's work.

Disclaimer: The text analysis on, powered by OpenAI, does not represent the views of or its affiliates. The analysis is for informational purposes only and not an endorsement of any viewpoint.

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 5 devices used to tweet

Source Count
Twitter for iPhone 84
Twitter for Android 6
Twitter Web App 4
Twitter Media Studio 1

What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count

Username Name Bio Followers count
BFW Brandon Walker The King of College Football. 268,467
rone rone’s gamblin corner @barstoolsports | ig: adamferrone 259,294
VivaLaStool Viva La Stool All your favorite @barstoolsports videos in 1 spot #VivaLaStool | Follow @vivalastool on IG below 244,637
StooliesClub Stoolies Clubhouse 🏴‍☠️ For #Stoolies, by #Stoolies 🔥 Clips, Quotes and Pics from your favorite Barstool content 🎙 Live Twitter Space every Wed 8est talkin Barstool 🔥 Viva! 🏴‍☠️ 26,126
BarstoolNOLA Barstool NOLA New Orleans Sports & All things Big Easy - Direct Affiliate @barstoolsports - DM content to be featured! 24,835
crunkilton22 guttercrunk.eth Trying to change the world and having fun every step of the way! Don’t underestimate the impact you can have! 💪🏻🧠💨 #CCC #GCG #NLL 2,680
playbyplay21 Kyle Smith Husband - Father - Broadcaster - Softball is King - my views are my own 1,467
Jeremy_Titter46 Jeremy Titter Sports, humor, other random opinions. Birds, Sixers, Flyers, Braves & Irish 1,183
Chileanstud11 Stephen Ogrodnik All things Cleveland and Columbus. OSU alum. 935
John2Zone John 2 the greatest to ever do it 907

Top 10 accounts with highest friends count

Username Name Bio Followers count
RiseUpChopOn RiseUp & Chop On - 2,663
crunkilton22 guttercrunk.eth Trying to change the world and having fun every step of the way! Don’t underestimate the impact you can have! 💪🏻🧠💨 #CCC #GCG #NLL 2,487
playbyplay21 Kyle Smith Husband - Father - Broadcaster - Softball is King - my views are my own 2,122
BFW Brandon Walker The King of College Football. 2,080
Chileanstud11 Stephen Ogrodnik All things Cleveland and Columbus. OSU alum. 2,043
amapleyman Hmmm Who knows what this is for. 1,389
rone rone’s gamblin corner @barstoolsports | ig: adamferrone 1,387
Commandorks Sam Howell SZN it’s not that deep 1,294
Jeremy_Titter46 Jeremy Titter Sports, humor, other random opinions. Birds, Sixers, Flyers, Braves & Irish 1,198
Dylan12D Dylan Davies Cymro. Son, Brother and Uncle to four awesome nieces. #1 Uncle. All views are my own 957

Most active users

Username Bio Number of tweets
BigRitt21 Engineer when I have to work. Sports fan at heart. 4
FLAbeachdogs Official Twitter account of the Florida Beach Dogs. 2X Super Bowl Champions-6x Division Champions 3
TipsTrent place for bbq tips and banter and general conversation for people to share their passion for que. Certified KCBS BBQ Judge 2
bigg_STANK Stoolie | @Spurs | @NHLBlackhawks | @ChicagoBears | @Cubs | @RedBullRacing | I’ve got season tickets and I’m gonna tell you about them | Future Chef 👨🏻‍🍳 2
IcedSandman Stop Looking at Me, Swan! 2
CallingFavre Made a burner, nuff said. 2
Trev_Arnold Cardinals, Bengals, Heat, Tigers, #GreenWall. Thats all you gotta know. 2
UpNorthTripPod Everything from Toronto sports to 90’s Hip Hop to the Buffalo Bills #JerseyJerryArmy 2
BFW The King of College Football. 2
TakesthatRepic Ceo of @twitter , My takes are right. #elitetweets #takequakes #certifiedbonkers I’m older than you. there’s a doctor onboard. him/him/slugger 1

Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1625548994343583757 .@BFW showed up to @pickscentral ready to take some heat from the entire crew over some remarks made on @sonofaboydad.@martymush @Smittybarstool @doublevodkadon 4
1625867193761304577 More @PicksCentral news on @SonOfABoyDad 2
1625209358932971539 @VivaLaStool @BarstoolYak @BarstoolMintzy @BarstoolBigCat @katebarstool @anus @SonOfABoyDad @barstoolsports @BFW There’s only one @BarstoolMintzy 1
1627741031612682240 @SonOfABoyDad Love the greenlines hat! @rone 0
1625584014797987851 @TipsTrent @VivaLaStool @BFW @PicksCentral @SonOfABoyDad @martymush @SmittyBarstool @DoubleVodkaDon Because he doesn’t have to put the yak on his back. Yak survives without Brandon, PC takes a humongous hit without him. Not that hard to figure out lol 0
1625574382792851457 @VivaLaStool @PicksCentral @BSSportsbook @DoubleVodkaDon @martymush @SmittyBarstool @BFW @barstoolchicago @barstoolsports @SonOfABoyDad Add a “Picks Northeast” and mintzy’s “Picks of the south” and turn it into a competition between all of the Barstool HQ’s 0
1625576677655863305 @BigRitt21 @VivaLaStool @PicksCentral @BSSportsbook @DoubleVodkaDon @martymush @SmittyBarstool @BFW @barstoolchicago @barstoolsports @SonOfABoyDad Yes, but essentially the whole company is moving to Chicago. The important people are moving, the less important are not. That’s just it 0
1625578255305564172 @VivaLaStool @PicksCentral @BSSportsbook @DoubleVodkaDon @martymush @SmittyBarstool @BFW @barstoolchicago @barstoolsports @SonOfABoyDad @SmittyBarstool if your issue with someone is their communication skills, you should probably start with communicating your concerns to them like an adult and not having a fit. It’s a much more productive strategy 0
1625578708613357591 @VivaLaStool @BFW @PicksCentral @SonOfABoyDad @martymush @SmittyBarstool @DoubleVodkaDon Get some fucking sun dude weren’t you just in Arizona @BFW 0
1625579100852084748 @VivaLaStool @BFW @PicksCentral @SonOfABoyDad @martymush @SmittyBarstool @DoubleVodkaDon the “Cool Kids” comments came off so salty and insecure 0

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1625548994343583757 .@BFW showed up to @pickscentral ready to take some heat from the entire crew over some remarks made on @sonofaboydad.@martymush @Smittybarstool @doublevodkadon 274
1625867193761304577 More @PicksCentral news on @SonOfABoyDad 39
1625574382792851457 @VivaLaStool @PicksCentral @BSSportsbook @DoubleVodkaDon @martymush @SmittyBarstool @BFW @barstoolchicago @barstoolsports @SonOfABoyDad Add a “Picks Northeast” and mintzy’s “Picks of the south” and turn it into a competition between all of the Barstool HQ’s 36
1625569535465033758 @VivaLaStool @BFW @PicksCentral @SonOfABoyDad @martymush @SmittyBarstool @DoubleVodkaDon People are shocked brandon is only doing whats best for brandon? Also @SmittyBarstool had a great point with "the cool kids". Brandon acts completely different around the yak crew than he does around the pick central crew 11
1625578255305564172 @VivaLaStool @PicksCentral @BSSportsbook @DoubleVodkaDon @martymush @SmittyBarstool @BFW @barstoolchicago @barstoolsports @SonOfABoyDad @SmittyBarstool if your issue with someone is their communication skills, you should probably start with communicating your concerns to them like an adult and not having a fit. It’s a much more productive strategy 8
1625564706684473349 @VivaLaStool @BFW @PicksCentral @SonOfABoyDad @martymush @SmittyBarstool @DoubleVodkaDon marty running out of life rafts to hold on to 8
1625589286488662037 @VivaLaStool @BFW @PicksCentral @SonOfABoyDad @martymush @SmittyBarstool @DoubleVodkaDon i’m Team @SmittyBarstool, Brandon Walker needs a ego check. 6
1625684424078532608 @bigg_STANK @VivaLaStool @PicksCentral @SonOfABoyDad @martymush @SmittyBarstool @DoubleVodkaDon How do y’all come up with this shit? 6
1625552509271003139 @VivaLaStool @PicksCentral @BSSportsbook @DoubleVodkaDon @martymush @SmittyBarstool @BFW @barstoolchicago @barstoolsports @SonOfABoyDad Smitty is such a cry baby tagalong teet suckin weenie that can’t do anything on his own 5
1625629908901810178 @VivaLaStool @BFW @PicksCentral @SonOfABoyDad @martymush @SmittyBarstool @DoubleVodkaDon @BFW starts a new show called "central picks" since he will be in the central time zone 5

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#bonjouramigo 1
#flyeaglesfly 1
#barstoolsportsbook 1
#overlover 1

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Mention Count
@sonofaboydad 95
@bfw 73
@smittybarstool 71
@vivalastool 68
@pickscentral 68
@martymush 66
@doublevodkadon 66
@barstoolsports 30
@bssportsbook 28
@barstoolchicago 26

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets


Average number of emojis used per tweet


Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
😂 4 face_with_tears_of_joy
🤣 4 rolling_on_the_floor_laughing
😍 4 smiling_face_with_heart-eyes
😭 1 loudly_crying_face
🤷‍♂️ 1 man_shrugging
🤷🏼‍♀️ 1 woman_shrugging_medium-light_skin_tone
🤝 1 handshake

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Smileys & Emotion 13
People & Body 3