Account Summary

Followers Count


Friends Count


Tweets Count


List Count



Philadelphia, PA



Followers Analysis (based on followers sample)


Number of Verified accounts


Percentage of Verified accounts



Number of Protected accounts


Percentage of Protected accounts



Average Age of Twitter accounts

8 years


Number of users without a Bio


Number of users with a Bio


Percentage of users with a Bio


Percentage of users without a Bio


Worldcloud of Bios

List of top 10 keywords used in bios

Word Frequency
love 3478
life 2662
mom 2444
lover 2321
retired 2271
husband 2218
father 1991
proud 1975
wife 1828
music 1402

List of top 10 hashtags used in bios

Hashtag Frequency
#resist 607
#blm 484
#voteblue 223
#fbr 189
#blacklivesmatter 168
#resister 112
#bluecrew 112
#resistance 111
#lgbtq 90
#bidenharris 79

Top 10 followers with the highest follower count

Username Followers Count Friends Count Tweet Count
JohnCena 14100468 571899 7451
cnnarabic 13225531 186 236134
piersmorgan 8464700 2153 153211
ProjectLincoln 2743884 1076 28428
megynkelly 2733543 3155 18292
RepMattGaetz 2310557 748 11003
tvrain 2213081 999 240460
charliekirk11 2135573 191887 54679
kimguilfoyle 2078622 3376 10813
amyklobuchar 2043307 125115 16516

Top 10 followers with the highest following count

Username Friends Count Followers Count Tweet Count
KameronBennett 1488576 1815824 96299
SinghLions 1431464 1334296 33930
UlrichJvV 807038 1150297 26250
ZachBoychuk 683745 829143 9259
garettnelson 646005 651014 11516
JohnCena 571899 14100468 7451
PleasureEllis 408344 685577 184163
NOH8Campaign 345896 801204 13961
peterndoro 271697 359221 12861
drissawaked 233429 266515 38541

Top 10 followers with the highest tweet count

Username Tweets Count Followers Count Friends Count
ZyiteGadgets 2016806 3471 4813
davidbewart 1309650 36533 28276
madanabhat 1117284 3108 4997
Backstorymom1 1106647 9575 10534
Ben_McRea 960030 24092 26481
rcrockett 838742 3514 4993
BrendaPerrott 815529 12616 13878
Spencz1997 812213 4195 4992
jayoung3092 736810 22692 24962
proudCanadavet 721736 14099 15355

Top 10 followers with the highest listed count

Username Listed Count Friends Count Followers Count
JohnCena 31674 571899 14100468
piersmorgan 17426 2153 8464700
Jason 15522 21650 714768
PleasureEllis 13400 408344 685577
darrenrovell 11826 3567 1987018
megynkelly 10925 3155 2733543
cnnarabic 10627 186 13225531
Kasparov63 9913 626 1029757
ProjectLincoln 9491 1076 2743884
MalcolmNance 8945 2727 1153198

Tweets Analysis


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

463 days

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1630575837115215872 Why did Fox News spread disinformation? Not for reasons red or blue... but GREEN! 544
1633473603206369281 Tucker Carlson is a charlatan. #foxnews #tuckercarlson #jan6 296
1644328104658100225 You've just turned them into martyrs. @TNHouseReps #tennessee #gunreform #expulsion 156
1627095694724177921 Sworn testimony, emails and texts reveal that Fox News executives and hosts knew claims of 2020 election fraud were bogus, even as they aired stories saying otherwise. Why? Profit. 153
1640779986016542722 Nashville, TN: Let's not make this more difficult. 139
1620797843639336963 Former NFL running back @Obafemi30 wears his #SmerchMerch, joining me in standing up for Harry against "The Firm"πŸ‘‘ 117
1648425416892489734 But who will tell their viewers? 105
1557809230018711554 How nervous are all the GOP leaders and media who instantly took Trump's side? 105
1497566651390181379 Should @NATO go to war for #Ukraine? Vote at - early tally here, results live next hour @CNN @cnni 99
1629527018927783937 There are reasons to worry about America's young men: Most young men are single, and most women their age are not. Today's young men have less sex, fewer close friends, and job prospects. What will become of them? 98

Top 10 tweets with highest Reply count

ID Text Reply count
1538135753951150084 "Here's the Deal" @KellyannePolls joins me today @CNN @cnni to discuss her new book - tweet me your thoughts now and I will get some on air next hour 7625
1619136393967710209 Gut reaction (many won't want to hear) having watched and before hearing anyone else's opinion. It was hard to watch. Tragic. Sad. Unnecessary. Excessive? Yes!! But deserving of second degree murder "knowing killing of another" - based only on what I have just seen? No. 1708
1634214885155393536 Will Stormy Daniels finally bring about a Trump indictment? 1447
1497566651390181379 Should @NATO go to war for #Ukraine? Vote at - early tally here, results live next hour @CNN @cnni 1032
1620797843639336963 Former NFL running back @Obafemi30 wears his #SmerchMerch, joining me in standing up for Harry against "The Firm"πŸ‘‘ 904
1616782650538184711 Should the West give Ukraine everything it needs to win? Tweet me your response now and I will read some aloud in the 9am ET hour @CNN @cnni 648
1626933301968510978 What do you think? VOTE on today's poll question here: 628
1642210516788555784 In an alternate reality - if Trump hadn't contested the 2020 results, or inspired the Jan. 6 riot, attended Biden's inauguration and not run for President again - would he be facing the indictment from the Manhattan DA in the hush money case? 607
1619320641127174145 What do you think? VOTE on today's poll question here: 552
1599026921668546561 What do you think? VOTE on today's poll question here: 535

Top 10 tweets with highest Quote count

ID Text Quote count
1538135753951150084 "Here's the Deal" @KellyannePolls joins me today @CNN @cnni to discuss her new book - tweet me your thoughts now and I will get some on air next hour 537
1619136393967710209 Gut reaction (many won't want to hear) having watched and before hearing anyone else's opinion. It was hard to watch. Tragic. Sad. Unnecessary. Excessive? Yes!! But deserving of second degree murder "knowing killing of another" - based only on what I have just seen? No. 174
1497566651390181379 Should @NATO go to war for #Ukraine? Vote at - early tally here, results live next hour @CNN @cnni 71
1634214885155393536 Will Stormy Daniels finally bring about a Trump indictment? 70
1620797843639336963 Former NFL running back @Obafemi30 wears his #SmerchMerch, joining me in standing up for Harry against "The Firm"πŸ‘‘ 67
1620144197163700225 Could @realDonaldTrump benefit from being indicted too many times? Imagine the Manhattan DA, Fulton Co. DA and feds under AG Merrick Garland ALL bring charges - 3 Dems moving on a GOP presidential candidate. Perception of piling on? Too many too late? 53
1629527018927783937 There are reasons to worry about America's young men: Most young men are single, and most women their age are not. Today's young men have less sex, fewer close friends, and job prospects. What will become of them? 53
1630575837115215872 Why did Fox News spread disinformation? Not for reasons red or blue... but GREEN! 42
1550288478864396289 Now we get to the part where we are told how earth-shattering the testimony we just heard. But Those watching need no convincing. The ones who need to be reached aren’t watching. 34
1641791569379438593 Is the prosecution of @realDonaldTrump by Alvin Bragg @ManhattanDA political? I offer an alternative scenario to consider before you answer today's poll question at 34

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1630575837115215872 Why did Fox News spread disinformation? Not for reasons red or blue... but GREEN! 2596
1633473603206369281 Tucker Carlson is a charlatan. #foxnews #tuckercarlson #jan6 1971
1557809230018711554 How nervous are all the GOP leaders and media who instantly took Trump's side? 1873
1482522158228295684 Why would Trump have planned a rally opposite Wild Card weekend? Nation watching Pats v Bills. 1614
1550288478864396289 Now we get to the part where we are told how earth-shattering the testimony we just heard. But Those watching need no convincing. The ones who need to be reached aren’t watching. 1539
1648425416892489734 But who will tell their viewers? 1379
1535051986814398464 A-hah. Just as I always said on radio - Bill Barr left because he wanted no part of what was to come not because he wanted to spend time with family at Christmas - nobody leaves with a month to go in the Administration! He should have said so at the time. 1115
1644328104658100225 You've just turned them into martyrs. @TNHouseReps #tennessee #gunreform #expulsion 1097
1621637286088638465 The violation of our sovereign airspace should not be a partisan issue. 1073
1518749117501038592 Call me old school. I think candidates for the US Senate should be longstanding residents of the state they wish to represent. #politicaltourism. 1051

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#donaldtrump 51
#ukraine 43
#trump 32
#vote 24
#putin 23
#smerchmerch 22
#roevwade 18
#podcast 14
#russia 10
#midterms 10

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Hashtag Count
@siriusxm 798
@sxmpotus 752
@cnn 298
@cnni 257
@joebiden 68
@smerconish 53
@elonmusk 41
@tcscornavacchi 32
@stavridisj 30
@realdonaldtrump 26

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
🎧 47 headphone
πŸ‘‰ 25 backhand_index_pointing_right
πŸ”” 16 bell
➑️ 6 right_arrow
πŸ“Ί 4 television
βš–οΈ 3 balance_scale
⬅️ 2 left_arrow
🎟️ 2 admission_tickets
πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ 2 United_States
😷 2 face_with_medical_mask

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Objects 77
People & Body 31
Symbols 10
Smileys & Emotion 3
Travel & Places 2
Activities 2
Flags 2
Animals & Nature 1