Account Summary

Followers Count


Friends Count


Tweets Count


List Count



Sydney Australia



Followers Analysis (based on followers sample)


Number of Verified accounts


Percentage of Verified accounts



Number of Protected accounts


Percentage of Protected accounts



Average Age of Twitter accounts

3 years


Number of users without a Bio


Number of users with a Bio


Percentage of users with a Bio


Percentage of users without a Bio


Worldcloud of Bios

List of top 10 keywords used in bios

Word Frequency
racing 566
horse 324
love 250
sports 206
life 135
sport 105
lover 100
owner 98
horses 86
tips 85

List of top 10 hashtags used in bios

Hashtag Frequency
#1 9
#horseracing 6
#bitcoin 6
#ynwa 6
#nft 4
#voteno 4
#aflfantasy 3
#nfl 3
#maga 3
#竢馬 3

Top 10 followers with the highest follower count

Username Followers Count Friends Count Tweet Count
JohnCena 14097461 607925 7506
LeBronJames 926173 972104 4115
noveliciouss 356445 257694 113432
SteveComisar 150526 13777 147
travisa850 137248 146416 60142
BloodHorse 88856 1438 126180
Visiongeo 88710 97640 64623
bway 82801 6492 16138
paparosso60 81426 89577 74017
RealMarkLatham 66397 70 25027

Top 10 followers with the highest following count

Username Friends Count Followers Count Tweet Count
LeBronJames 972104 926173 4115
JohnCena 607925 14097461 7506
noveliciouss 257694 356445 113432
travisa850 146416 137248 60142
Visiongeo 97640 88710 64623
paparosso60 89577 81426 74017
militaryhistori 61576 62391 131189
FBMister 28863 30583 46376
Will_OC_BA 26196 24857 10398
LORD420__ 18728 21981 7667

Top 10 followers with the highest tweet count

Username Tweets Count Followers Count Friends Count
Moppetkr 494767 1166 623
LotusEliseGT1 463309 1047 1521
ShoppingAlertAU 372863 262 296
pulancha 302349 1177 4995
debiruTT 291695 1029 3068
RJSI_HNA 245159 1960 4188
_takadon 207422 473 4974
GGGoGreenTips 197661 1653 2803
DatosdelExito 196643 11606 5181
titan553 164261 452 2352

Top 10 followers with the highest listed count

Username Listed Count Friends Count Followers Count
JohnCena 31581 607925 14097461
noveliciouss 3516 257694 356445
BloodHorse 975 1438 88856
LeBronJames 809 972104 926173
YIjT53Vq0YZhlyT 587 3805 1366
militaryhistori 542 61576 62391
keiba_info_club 388 2794 27451
_RYUSEI_0531 338 108 44190
bway 316 6492 82801
paparosso60 308 89577 81426

Tweets Analysis


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

98 days

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 5 devices used to tweet

Source Count
WSC Sports 1821
Twitter Media Studio 600
Twitter Web App 375
Twitter for iPhone 191
Twitter for Advertisers 132

What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1650412584359567360 Fly high Dean Holland. A tragic loss, gone too soon. Our thoughts and condolences are with his family, friends and the entire racing community. πŸ™ 175
1644581598342578179 DUBAI HONOUR WINS THE G1 QUEEN ELIZABETH! The battle we had all been waiting for, @WilliamHaggas and @TomMarquand have achieved the feat once again. πŸ™Œ 117
1647116593116381192 "But Giga Kick's got a strong kick!" Giga Kick secures Group 1 glory in the All Aged Stakes. πŸ’ͺ Take a bow @c_douglasracing and @CWilliamsJockey. 111
1664509683514867713 Kintamani was driven along the fence late and gets the money. 100
1647092885798662145 Ho O Amazon arrives ahead of the Group 1 All Aged Stakes! | #ホウγ‚ͺγ‚¦γ‚’γƒžγ‚Ύγƒ³ #JRA #竢馬 #ι¨Žζ‰‹ #矒作芳人 @netkeiba 98
1645714136712527874 Yoshito Yahagi's journey to becoming one of the best trainers in the game has taken him around the world! 🌎 His dance moves and hats have added plenty of excitement along the way. πŸ•ΊπŸŽ© #ホウγ‚ͺγ‚¦γ‚’γƒžγ‚Ύγƒ³ #ユニコーンラむγ‚ͺン #矒作芳人 #竢馬 #ι¨Žζ‰‹ #JRA @netkeiba 63
1644561454207762432 The kiwi filly Pennyweka becomes a dual Oaks winner, taking out the Group 1 Australian Oaks! πŸ₯ @LaneDamian wins back to back editions of the race. 59
1654072806680973312 Watch the #2! Ahsoka Tano jumps last and finishes first with a HUGE run at Hobart. πŸ‘€ 55
1647115111621083137 Yoshito Yahagi and co have a little pre race boogie! | #ホウγ‚ͺγ‚¦γ‚’γƒžγ‚Ύγƒ³ #JRA #竢馬 #ι¨Žζ‰‹ #矒作芳人 @netkeiba 46
1650390974017998848 Vale Dean Holland. Our thoughts are with his family, friends and the racing community. πŸ•ŠοΈ 42

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1650412584359567360 Fly high Dean Holland. A tragic loss, gone too soon. Our thoughts and condolences are with his family, friends and the entire racing community. πŸ™ 1086
1650390974017998848 Vale Dean Holland. Our thoughts are with his family, friends and the racing community. πŸ•ŠοΈ 680
1647092885798662145 Ho O Amazon arrives ahead of the Group 1 All Aged Stakes! | #ホウγ‚ͺγ‚¦γ‚’γƒžγ‚Ύγƒ³ #JRA #竢馬 #ι¨Žζ‰‹ #矒作芳人 @netkeiba 362
1644581598342578179 DUBAI HONOUR WINS THE G1 QUEEN ELIZABETH! The battle we had all been waiting for, @WilliamHaggas and @TomMarquand have achieved the feat once again. πŸ™Œ 311
1664509683514867713 Kintamani was driven along the fence late and gets the money. 310
1654017324662538240 Mnementh means a lot to @MitchBeerRacing. He was the horse who put his name in lights, and today he has won the @mtcwagga Town Plate. πŸ‘ 299
1650709496292069379 "Dean Holland is very much in our hearts today. I'm sending my heartfelt condolences to his lovely family, his beautiful kids, the whole Victorian jockeys room and everyone who had anything to do with Dean." Heartfelt words from Sam Clipperton as he pays tribute to Dean Holland. 280
1645714136712527874 Yoshito Yahagi's journey to becoming one of the best trainers in the game has taken him around the world! 🌎 His dance moves and hats have added plenty of excitement along the way. πŸ•ΊπŸŽ© #ホウγ‚ͺγ‚¦γ‚’γƒžγ‚Ύγƒ³ #ユニコーンラむγ‚ͺン #矒作芳人 #竢馬 #ι¨Žζ‰‹ #JRA @netkeiba 255
1665614432091914247 We thank @CoolmoreAus's @TomMagnier for speaking so openly on issues off the track, as well as on. For the full interview, tune into This Week, Next Week 8pm This Evening, Sky Thoroughbred Central CH528. 236
1654072806680973312 Watch the #2! Ahsoka Tano jumps last and finishes first with a HUGE run at Hobart. πŸ‘€ 196

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#pickoftheyard 207
#royalascot 94
#blackbookers 80
#puntersintelligence 65
#themorningline 36
#1 29
#3 20
#2 18
#竢馬 17
#racinghq 17

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Hashtag Count
@aus_turf_club 170
@chantellebuckle 155
@brisracingclub 144
@cwallerracing 109
@bernadetecooper 102
@michaelmaxworth 98
@bradjgray 86
@coreygoodskillz 84
@benwayaus 83
@tabcomau 83

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
🐎 253 horse
πŸ† 68 trophy
πŸ“¨ 68 incoming_envelope
πŸ“¬ 45 open_mailbox_with_raised_flag
πŸ“ 36 round_pushpin
πŸ”₯ 35 fire
πŸ™Œ 34 raising_hands
πŸ’° 33 money_bag
β˜‘οΈ 33 check_box_with_check
πŸ’ͺ 30 flexed_biceps

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Objects 336
Animals & Nature 284
People & Body 200
Symbols 165
Activities 106
Travel & Places 105
Flags 86
Smileys & Emotion 77
Food & Drink 15