Account Summary

Followers Count


Friends Count


Tweets Count


List Count






Followers Analysis (based on followers sample)


Number of Verified accounts


Percentage of Verified accounts



Number of Protected accounts


Percentage of Protected accounts



Average Age of Twitter accounts

10 years


Number of users without a Bio


Number of users with a Bio


Percentage of users with a Bio


Percentage of users without a Bio


Worldcloud of Bios

List of top 10 keywords used in bios

Word Frequency
love 4817
views 4240
life 3328
football 3000
mum 2960
wife 2333
family 2213
husband 2123
lover 2072
proud 2067

List of top 10 hashtags used in bios

Hashtag Frequency
#ynwa 250
#lfc 236
#mufc 230
#coys 152
#lufc 129
#nufc 118
#jft97 95
#ncfc 83
#nffc 72
#avfc 70

Top 10 followers with the highest follower count

Username Followers Count Friends Count Tweet Count
JohnCena 14100205 571858 7452
rustyrockets 11212922 668 17123
GaryLineker 8928689 1387 47378
Fearnecotton 6662075 566 20797
Schofe 4410171 11486 36346
GaryBarlow 4051091 4205 18664
radioleary 2657080 6627 19147
ITV 2271539 5423 75041
SinghLions 1334221 1431385 33934
mrjamesob 1133799 4081 92954

Top 10 followers with the highest following count

Username Friends Count Followers Count Tweet Count
SinghLions 1431385 1334221 33934
JohnCena 571858 14100205 7452
jeffsheehan 326345 314804 206304
zammit_marc 300090 387623 64622
Dorsetghost 273247 410773 421
Richard7Hill 237674 289655 36188
DrEricGrabowsky 216933 160760 15016
BillionMagazine 159692 246659 6180
HarryGoaz 141956 235924 1716
Asamsakti 128487 286147 53175

Top 10 followers with the highest tweet count

Username Tweets Count Followers Count Friends Count
meisafairy 799149 11056 12181
mjgranger1 689490 93098 100094
CrisM_Pereyra 649578 206954 28906
actionScript3 613724 14416 15669
MCRMUFC 576489 2217 4322
hadarse 560718 14776 8447
birmingham_live 516545 353422 2833
superchris57 510905 848 1238
charbhardy 490906 6371 4656
lilithia 489640 6341 4625

Top 10 followers with the highest listed count

Username Listed Count Friends Count Followers Count
rustyrockets 46281 668 11212922
JohnCena 31672 571858 14100205
GaryLineker 14476 1387 8928689
Rhymisms 8984 31089 207221
jeffsheehan 8256 326345 314804
Fearnecotton 8165 566 6662075
OwenJones84 6923 6121 1026409
Schofe 5693 11486 4410171
honigstein 5407 1645 528944
mrjamesob 4587 4081 1133799

Tweets Analysis


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

1,875 days

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1310129119666020352 If my son was locked inside a hall of residence at university and was struggling mentally like so many are - I’d get in my car and go and get him immediately. And if anyone stopped me I’d tell them I’m invoking the Cummings amendment. What an utter shambles. 6960
1012414548559753221 Magnificent. 4874
1346378824238424064 Dear @BorisJohnson If you’re prepared to jeopardise the education and emotional well-being of an entire generation of children for the greater good, why the hell are you still allowing people to travel into the #UK from all corners of the globe? (Heathrow arrivals this morning). 4858
1196890104486346752 When my wife died very suddenly two years ago, the one manager who took the time to write personally to me was Mauricio Pochettino and it was a heart felt letter. Class manager even better man. 4148
1560966380480077824 Dear @duncancbaker You are MP for North Norfolk and my home town of #Cromer I remember growing up and swimming in a sea that was at times awash with #rawsewage For so many years the water has been beautiful. Why in October did YOU vote to allow #watercompanies to do it again? 3993
1344348041520799750 An absolute Eton Mess of a message. 1837
989866833519005698 Everything changes . . . . . . . . . . for now! 1626
1379885077849575424 The news of Lee Collins death was shocking, how he died is so very sadly less so. Too many men are suffering in silence. Too many afraid to whisper those vulnerable words “I’m not ok.” As someone who came close to doing the same, I’m gutted for Lee & his family. #timeforchange 1393
1008302088970031104 For goodness sake @TheSun If you’re going to write stuff about me at least get it right. Becky Coman is my sister and is very much alive and kicking. The clue is in the surname! My late wife was called Gemma. 1285
1404493817693327364 Not a single question yet as to why #Bojo took so long to close the border to India. Not a single question on his #G7 BBQ knees up in Cornwall. What a total joke. Zero accountability. This isn't the #indian or #delta variant - it's the @BorisJohnson variant. End of. 1274

Top 10 tweets with highest Reply count

ID Text Reply count
971672138942963713 I’m writing a blog for Mother’s Day. If you could describe what your mum means to you or meant to you in ONE word, what would it be? 2101
1466555882129530885 A few less than kind messages about a mistake over the Chelsea keepers first name. Genuine mistake - sorry. It happens and if people knew the battle with anxiety I am going through at the moment just to do the job I love maybe they wouldn’t be so unpleasant. Just trying my best. 1550
1332005575379587073 So tomorrow is an important day for me personally. Three years ago I went through something very traumatic & life changing. I wasn’t sure I could ever do this again. But tomorrow I’m incredibly happy to be back and doing some games for @primevideosport over the next month. 1251
989866833519005698 Everything changes . . . . . . . . . . for now! 1097
1310129119666020352 If my son was locked inside a hall of residence at university and was struggling mentally like so many are - I’d get in my car and go and get him immediately. And if anyone stopped me I’d tell them I’m invoking the Cummings amendment. What an utter shambles. 1021
1346378824238424064 Dear @BorisJohnson If you’re prepared to jeopardise the education and emotional well-being of an entire generation of children for the greater good, why the hell are you still allowing people to travel into the #UK from all corners of the globe? (Heathrow arrivals this morning). 830
1344348041520799750 An absolute Eton Mess of a message. 699
1008302088970031104 For goodness sake @TheSun If you’re going to write stuff about me at least get it right. Becky Coman is my sister and is very much alive and kicking. The clue is in the surname! My late wife was called Gemma. 634
1266480848469200899 God Bless you Dad. You touched so many lives, but most of all mine and my precious family’s. I couldn’t have asked for a better dad. Love you old boy.16/12/41-29/05/20. 633
972745539887517697 Mother’s Day . . . . . . . . . . . . without Mum 607

Top 10 tweets with highest Quote count

ID Text Quote count
1344348041520799750 An absolute Eton Mess of a message. 2190
1012414548559753221 Magnificent. 832
1346378824238424064 Dear @BorisJohnson If you’re prepared to jeopardise the education and emotional well-being of an entire generation of children for the greater good, why the hell are you still allowing people to travel into the #UK from all corners of the globe? (Heathrow arrivals this morning). 652
989866833519005698 Everything changes . . . . . . . . . . for now! 543
1310129119666020352 If my son was locked inside a hall of residence at university and was struggling mentally like so many are - I’d get in my car and go and get him immediately. And if anyone stopped me I’d tell them I’m invoking the Cummings amendment. What an utter shambles. 450
1008302088970031104 For goodness sake @TheSun If you’re going to write stuff about me at least get it right. Becky Coman is my sister and is very much alive and kicking. The clue is in the surname! My late wife was called Gemma. 313
1466555882129530885 A few less than kind messages about a mistake over the Chelsea keepers first name. Genuine mistake - sorry. It happens and if people knew the battle with anxiety I am going through at the moment just to do the job I love maybe they wouldn’t be so unpleasant. Just trying my best. 277
1560966380480077824 Dear @duncancbaker You are MP for North Norfolk and my home town of #Cromer I remember growing up and swimming in a sea that was at times awash with #rawsewage For so many years the water has been beautiful. Why in October did YOU vote to allow #watercompanies to do it again? 240
1196890104486346752 When my wife died very suddenly two years ago, the one manager who took the time to write personally to me was Mauricio Pochettino and it was a heart felt letter. Class manager even better man. 238
1332005575379587073 So tomorrow is an important day for me personally. Three years ago I went through something very traumatic & life changing. I wasn’t sure I could ever do this again. But tomorrow I’m incredibly happy to be back and doing some games for @primevideosport over the next month. 204

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1310129119666020352 If my son was locked inside a hall of residence at university and was struggling mentally like so many are - I’d get in my car and go and get him immediately. And if anyone stopped me I’d tell them I’m invoking the Cummings amendment. What an utter shambles. 76279
1196890104486346752 When my wife died very suddenly two years ago, the one manager who took the time to write personally to me was Mauricio Pochettino and it was a heart felt letter. Class manager even better man. 71976
1346378824238424064 Dear @BorisJohnson If you’re prepared to jeopardise the education and emotional well-being of an entire generation of children for the greater good, why the hell are you still allowing people to travel into the #UK from all corners of the globe? (Heathrow arrivals this morning). 27399
1021699838025580544 Final day of the most painful school year of his life, yet he’s faced it with grace, kindness and courage. Everything his mum was. 26048
1332005575379587073 So tomorrow is an important day for me personally. Three years ago I went through something very traumatic & life changing. I wasn’t sure I could ever do this again. But tomorrow I’m incredibly happy to be back and doing some games for @primevideosport over the next month. 25006
1059688821246308352 The way my boy is coping with the loss of his Mum continues to inspire me and fill me with hope. He wrote this yesterday without prompting and without help. #grief #lightindarkness 21362
1466555882129530885 A few less than kind messages about a mistake over the Chelsea keepers first name. Genuine mistake - sorry. It happens and if people knew the battle with anxiety I am going through at the moment just to do the job I love maybe they wouldn’t be so unpleasant. Just trying my best. 20119
1571843788657549313 Not sure I’ve ever felt so stressed and nervous on behalf of eight incredible men. 16372
989866833519005698 Everything changes . . . . . . . . . . for now! 15008
992093388236242944 Ethan’s school rang me today to say he was quite upset. They said he had expressed his sadness through a picture. This is the picture he brought home. #teamthomas 14980

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#bloodcancer 24
#otbc 19
#ncfc 19
#lifeinterrupted 19
#30daychallenge 15
#mentalhealth 14
#bgt 13
#podcast 10
#england 8
#engvnz 8

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Hashtag Count
@bloodwise_uk 50
@norwichcityfc 33
@global 18
@borisjohnson 15
@primevideosport 9
@bloodcancer_uk 9
@escapeshabitat 7
@lead_conf 7
@movemberuk 6
@bbcone 6

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
👏 104 clapping_hands
😂 39 face_with_tears_of_joy
🙈 24 see-no-evil_monkey
🙌 22 raising_hands
10 check_mark_button
👌 8 OK_hand
🤦‍♂️ 7 man_facepalming
🙄 6 face_with_rolling_eyes
4 cross_mark
😴 3 sleeping_face

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
People & Body 159
Smileys & Emotion 92
Symbols 17
Travel & Places 7
Activities 6
Objects 5
Food & Drink 3
Animals & Nature 2
Flags 2