Tweets Analysis - Keyword: @SalmanAliNBA


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

4 days

Average age of authors' accounts

6 years


The tweets discuss how the Rockets have been consistently successful, averaging over .500 since 1984, yet they don't receive the same media attention as big-market teams that experience slumps. There is also discussion of tanking as a strategy and the reaction to the lack of effort and bad play-calling on part of the Rockets. Finally, it is questioned when the NBA has ever treated the Rockets (or a Rockets' player) well.

Topic Modeling

  1. Sustainable success and historical perspective
  2. Comparison of big market vs small market teams
  3. Rebuilding strategies (tanking, drafting, etc..)
  4. Houston Rockets' failings as a franchise
  5. In­equitable treatment of teams by the NBA

Emotional Analysis

The sentiment expressed in these tweets is largely one of frustration and disappointment. The discussion centers around how the Houston Rockets have been treated by the national media and how they have been unsuccessful in recent years. The conversation also touches on the idea of tanking as a strategy for rebuilding teams, with some expressing disagreement and disappointment in this approach. Additionally, there is some discussion about the lack of success of the Rockets and their players, with a general feeling of pessimism about the team's future.

Trend Analysis

  1. Houston Rockets Franchise dominance
  2. Tanking
  3. The NBA treating the Rockets, players, and teams unfairly
  4. The success of the Rockets despite tanking
  5. Coaching strategies

Disclaimer: The text analysis on, powered by OpenAI, does not represent the views of or its affiliates. The analysis is for informational purposes only and not an endorsement of any viewpoint.

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 5 devices used to tweet

Source Count
Twitter for iPhone 71
Twitter Web App 21
Twitter for Android 20

What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count

Username Name Bio Followers count
SalmanAliNBA Salman Ali Independently covering the Houston Rockets for @RedNationHoops. Email: 11,835
DynamoCooligan Jeff Strong Soccer, Football, Futbol, Calcio...whatever you call it, I'm into it! @HoustonDynamo, @HoustonDash, @RGVFC, & @USSoccer Supporter! 4,268
NathanFogg1 Nathan Fogg Rockets and Draft stuff. 3,232
JamesPiercey11 James Piercey @DreamShakeSBN / @Above_The_Break / @HTXchopshop / @nfldrogues 2,911
didtie Ⓜ️arshall H-town sports fan. Galveston Island made. 11 of 30 MLB parks visited. Serial procrastinator and tweet deleter. #GirlDad. Devildog. 1,245
Kchile22 Kyle Chilek utterly defeated Rockets fan, avid Pokemon catcher & cat enthusiast. copies and pastes code from Stack Overflow for a living. @JennifurAlvord's biggest fan. 1,199
shsu05 mas - 🏆🏆YOU GOT HOUSTON!!!🏆🏆 HOUSTON Rockets🏀Astros⚾️Texans🏈Dynamo/Dash⚽️Sabercats🏉Havoc🥏Roughnecks🏈Gamblers🏈NHLHouston🏒WNBAHouston🏀ROW🤼‍♂️WBA🥊Outlaws🕹️SHSU-UH-Rice-TSU-HCU-UST🎓 1,146
Bryancrues Bryan Hutchinson Words & numbers for Crusaders programme team @CrusadersFC🔴⚫️ @LFC🔴🔴 @NorthernIreland 🟢⚪️ @HoustonRockets 🏀 Shirt collector 👕 1,067
7ntry Sochan Enjoyer just a guy on twt #PorVida #BoltUp 917
SMarieJohn Marie🦁 Just another Spurs fan!! 885

Top 10 accounts with highest friends count

Username Name Bio Followers count
DynamoCooligan Jeff Strong Soccer, Football, Futbol, Calcio...whatever you call it, I'm into it! @HoustonDynamo, @HoustonDash, @RGVFC, & @USSoccer Supporter! 4,476
Mr_P_level J 🅱️ Johnson 3X CERTIFIED OG 🤘🏾💯🚀 Rockets , Astros,and Texans Fan -Free Thinker- World News- Houston TX - Mo City Pioneer- 💥💥💥💥 #Rockets #Astros #Texans 3,589
JamesPiercey11 James Piercey @DreamShakeSBN / @Above_The_Break / @HTXchopshop / @nfldrogues 2,736
Bryancrues Bryan Hutchinson Words & numbers for Crusaders programme team @CrusadersFC🔴⚫️ @LFC🔴🔴 @NorthernIreland 🟢⚪️ @HoustonRockets 🏀 Shirt collector 👕 2,632
brianroy18_roy Brian Roy 😎 1,492
didtie Ⓜ️arshall H-town sports fan. Galveston Island made. 11 of 30 MLB parks visited. Serial procrastinator and tweet deleter. #GirlDad. Devildog. 1,261
rockets9394 Rockets Sean Red Nation - UH - Buckeye - Stros -American Patriot -Great Tweets are my own Poor ones and retweets are NOT!! 1,190
RVation Carlos Correa's Banana Believe in yourself, even if no one else does.... 1,110
midrangejumpr2 reggie “GUTTERBALLS” bryant 🎳 I’m back. #FullCircle ♻️ 1,042
Willmatic9428 D—A—V—I—S Forever missing and grieving my mom. Fulham. #AbolishthePolice #BlackLivesMatter. He/Him 1,033

Most active users

Username Bio Number of tweets
lamarvelous713 Lamar Jackson, Messi, H-Town Sports, @Arsenal @FCBarcelona talk #TRUZZ 8
JamesPiercey11 @DreamShakeSBN / @Above_The_Break / @HTXchopshop / @nfldrogues 5
keleherw Policies matter, leaders matter. But the idea that half the people in the country are bad is a scam. 5
Kchile22 utterly defeated Rockets fan, avid Pokemon catcher & cat enthusiast. copies and pastes code from Stack Overflow for a living. @JennifurAlvord's biggest fan. 3
7ntry just a guy on twt #PorVida #BoltUp 3
SalmanAliNBA Independently covering the Houston Rockets for @RedNationHoops. Email: 3
RedNationHoops A Houston Rockets podcast and newsletter by @SalmanAliNBA. Subscribe to the show on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and Spotify. 3
JoeyFL2 Rockets/Sixers Fan, Navy Man, Dedicated Sci Fi Nerd SW & Trek Fan. Not on Twitter Much add me on Facebook or Join My Facebook Trek Group 3
TreBurner_ - 3
shsu05 HOUSTON Rockets🏀Astros⚾️Texans🏈Dynamo/Dash⚽️Sabercats🏉Havoc🥏Roughnecks🏈Gamblers🏈NHLHouston🏒WNBAHouston🏀ROW🤼‍♂️WBA🥊Outlaws🕹️SHSU-UH-Rice-TSU-HCU-UST🎓 3

Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1625518505662509060 New: @SalmanAliNBA explores the question: "Are the Rockets gearing up for a significant offseason trade?" 1
1624135903315693568 .@SalmanAliNBA grades the Rockets/Hawks deal for Garrison Matthews and Bruno Fernando 1
1624243534390865922 @SalmanAliNBA Not just 15 years. From 1984-2020, they were under .500 just 3 times in 36 seasons. 1
1625142244738056193 Here is a full list of all the contracts and draft picks the Rockets own until the year 2027 (created by @SalmanAliNBA). 1
1624438609880264706 @Bot_From_Russia @SalmanAliNBA Spurs, 76ers, Suns, Cavs, OKC all disagree. 0
1624397330744066049 @B10siris @SalmanAliNBA Sure. That’s fair. So we just fundamentally disagree because I think tanking is a viable strategy 0
1624398430402408448 @B10siris @SalmanAliNBA No that’s fair too. What bothers me is organizations like the Wizards, Blazers etc don’t receive the same hatred for being willing to accept literal decades of mediocrity. In my mind that’s horrible management but it goes under the radar bc hey at least they’re “trying” 0
1624398979478827013 @B10siris @SalmanAliNBA Let me add this too: building a contender is really difficult. There are only so many avenues, especially if you’re trying to avoid that mediocrity treadmill. It’s annoying that teams get thrashed so hard for taking one of the few paths available 0
1624415253508358147 @nbasportsfan30y @SalmanAliNBA He’s not saying that they aren’t bad now and you can’t talk about that. He’s saying he doesn’t understand them being seen as a generally clown/bad franchise after a very long period of sustained success and a short period of being intentionally bad. 0
1624423723951443969 @SalmanAliNBA The fact that they have shown no improvement or development, despite high draft picks, is why they are a clown show. 0

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1624243534390865922 @SalmanAliNBA Not just 15 years. From 1984-2020, they were under .500 just 3 times in 36 seasons. 36
1624201330125377538 @SalmanAliNBA On par with how Htown has always been treated by national media. Nothing new sadly. 13
1624393658899349511 @B10siris @SalmanAliNBA If you’re unwilling to use any broader historical perspective, sure 11
1624440910489571328 @SalmanAliNBA I think that’s how it is with big market teams. No one cares when Detroit, Orlando and Charlotte are bad, but when the Lakers/Knicks sucked they were the laughing stock of the league. 7
1625313263008325632 @SalmanAliNBA Go watch what happened in the heat game. Bam got his 4th foul and went to the bench. So Silas paralleled it and sent Sengun to the bench too. He’s just clueless 6
1624398430402408448 @B10siris @SalmanAliNBA No that’s fair too. What bothers me is organizations like the Wizards, Blazers etc don’t receive the same hatred for being willing to accept literal decades of mediocrity. In my mind that’s horrible management but it goes under the radar bc hey at least they’re “trying” 6
1624203805066776586 @SalmanAliNBA Only 3 sub .500 seasons b/w drafting Dream and Harden asking out, but it’s a what have you done for me lately league. It’s a cold game man smh 5
1624398979478827013 @B10siris @SalmanAliNBA Let me add this too: building a contender is really difficult. There are only so many avenues, especially if you’re trying to avoid that mediocrity treadmill. It’s annoying that teams get thrashed so hard for taking one of the few paths available 4
1624670028804292608 @lamarvelous713 @Cal_t0 @7ntry @SMarieJohn @SalmanAliNBA Spurs and their 5 titles have been a laughing stock?😭😭😭 3
1624451254817640448 @SalmanAliNBA Pissed away championship window by refusing to pay tax, destroyed team by letting star force a trade over objection of elite GM, lost GM for same reason, took Green over Mobley. Taking the picks instead of Simmons is basically the only big thing they got right since Fertitta. 3

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Mention Count
@salmanalinba 112
@smariejohn 14
@treburner_ 9
@7ntry 8
@lamarvelous713 7
@b10siris 6
@rednationhoops 3
@xrf56 3
@cal_t0 3
@nbasportsfan30y 3

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets


Average number of emojis used per tweet


Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
😭 4 loudly_crying_face
🎉 3 party_popper
🤡 2 clown_face
🤣 1 rolling_on_the_floor_laughing
😂 1 face_with_tears_of_joy
⬇️ 1 down_arrow
🤔 1 thinking_face

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Smileys & Emotion 9
Activities 3
Symbols 1