Account Summary

Followers Count


Friends Count


Tweets Count


List Count



Around somewhere...



Followers Analysis (based on followers sample)


Number of Verified accounts


Percentage of Verified accounts



Number of Protected accounts


Percentage of Protected accounts



Average Age of Twitter accounts

6 years


Number of users without a Bio


Number of users with a Bio


Percentage of users with a Bio


Percentage of users without a Bio


Worldcloud of Bios

List of top 10 keywords used in bios

Word Frequency
muslim 758
love 557
student 518
life 459
proud 455
engineer 431
politics 403
pakistan 390
views 388
allah 386

List of top 10 hashtags used in bios

Hashtag Frequency
#freepalestine 87
#bitcoin 31
#ynwa 30
#islam 30
#muslim 29
#pakistan 24
#pti 23
#mufc 22
#freekashmir 20
#امپورٹڈ_حکومت_نامنظور 20

Top 10 followers with the highest follower count

Username Followers Count Friends Count Tweet Count
JohnCena 14105764 568321 7443
TheArabHash 3877067 2021280 67417
zartajgulwazir 3736379 306 25446
AymanNour 2644268 19796 18024
TheTopVideo 2468287 1231947 30803
abdelbariatwan 2420947 794 27728
moatazmatar 2385854 969 37234
KlasraRauf 2370233 5318 114099
SdqJaan 1624724 30670 71342
RanaAyyub 1571955 692 45112

Top 10 followers with the highest following count

Username Friends Count Followers Count Tweet Count
TheArabHash 2021280 3877067 67417
SinghLions 1432545 1335652 33922
TheTopVideo 1231947 2468287 30803
JohnCena 568321 14105764 7443
StephenCaggiano 330900 342725 101010
peterndoro 270057 357304 12824
drissawaked 232138 266257 37426
GoogleExpertUK 184411 260892 763347
Dr_Rafizadeh 125836 122354 9932
1jarjanaz 109945 190463 27906

Top 10 followers with the highest tweet count

Username Tweets Count Followers Count Friends Count
GoogleExpertUK 763347 260892 184411
nuthan_ch 760846 2076 2667
satirist_indian 632711 2034 4995
noahalishah 593688 3718 2884
bb3l4ow 524275 732 241
Aliya313 508696 130012 38052
AmbitiousFree 507879 1289 813
mbashirsafari1 502536 8687 8850
Louangie 468179 12015 13145
riyazulkhaliq 448577 2746 5002

Top 10 followers with the highest listed count

Username Listed Count Friends Count Followers Count
JohnCena 31690 568321 14105764
GoogleExpertUK 6521 184411 260892
yashar 5494 34119 705854
mrjamesob 4556 4073 1130603
AymanNour 3869 19796 2644268
michaelh992 3533 3651 115630
SamRamani2 3208 3793 203163
OzKaterji 3111 11481 200829
StephenCaggiano 3026 330900 342725
ragipsoylu 2957 3269 231118

Tweets Analysis


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

139 days

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1635760072369360898 "As another attempt to arrest #ImranKhan is underway, it is important to remember that the crux of the political crisis in #Pakistan is a simple one; the establishment believe ImranKhan will win general elections, and are therefore scrambling to prevent him from running in them" 9917
1635701277450555392 The establishment in #Pakistan believe #ImranKhan will win the next elections. The establishment in Pakistan believe the people's will is to deliver Imran Khan back to power. So, the establishment are scrambling to arrest, silence, and exclude him before holding any 'elections' 7895
1633213210512838656 Bin Salman announces new orders to restrict Ramadan in #SaudiArabia: - No loudspeakers - No broadcast of prayers - No itikaf without ID (state surveillance on the 'zealous') - Keep prayers short - No collecting donations - No kids in mosques for prayers - No iftar inside mosques 3226
1644098395773063169 Basic rules and customs of #Israel politics: - If in doubt over policy, buy time by bombing #Gaza - if you need an election boost, bomb Gaza - if under pressure, bomb Gaza - if public support is low, bomb Gaza to bring it back up #apartheid #Palestine 2680
1615032640498720772 Modi: I am demolishing Muslim homes, and I saw Muslims around the world calling for a boycott of #India Bin Salman: Just ignore them. You do what you have to do friend! Bin Zayed: Exactly. Ignore them. And let me know if you need any help in your efforts. #SaudiArabia #UAE 2033
1643741337811046403 Once upon a time, #SaudiArabia would have convened emergency meeting of Arab states condemning #Israel apartheid regime and then proceeded to threaten the US into intervening. Instead, Bin Salman is planning his next rave+Bin Zayed is drafting his next trade deal with Tel Aviv. 1061
1608896343401201665 Bin Salman's new deal with the Saudi people is a simple one: "I will organise giant raves, legalise alcohol, establish bikini beaches. I will throw into prison anyone who objects to your fun. In exchange, you must be apolitical and never talk to me of civil rights. Now go dance" 914
1626712389818236928 "When Bin Salman stood on top of the holy Kaaba in Mecca in 2019, it was almost symbolic of his intention to subjugate the Islamic influences in #SaudiArabia. Today he has embarked on another symbolic challenge in announcing plans to build a new 'Kaaba' of entertainment" 835
1614678857583415296 The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said: "this is Uhud, the mountain that loves us and we love it". There is therefore an exceptionally dark symbolism to Bin Salman's latest plans to detonate Mount Uhud in Madina to make way for his new project... #SaudiArabia #Vision2030 722
1617184544029020160 A: It's freedom of expression B: Burning Quran? A: Yes B: What democratic idea was being expressed? A: He's upset #Erdogan won't let #Sweden join NATO B: What does Quran have to do with that? A: What do you mean? B: What does the Quran have to do with joining NATO? A: ... 480

Top 10 tweets with highest Reply count

ID Text Reply count
1633213210512838656 Bin Salman announces new orders to restrict Ramadan in #SaudiArabia: - No loudspeakers - No broadcast of prayers - No itikaf without ID (state surveillance on the 'zealous') - Keep prayers short - No collecting donations - No kids in mosques for prayers - No iftar inside mosques 760
1615032640498720772 Modi: I am demolishing Muslim homes, and I saw Muslims around the world calling for a boycott of #India Bin Salman: Just ignore them. You do what you have to do friend! Bin Zayed: Exactly. Ignore them. And let me know if you need any help in your efforts. #SaudiArabia #UAE 444
1608896343401201665 Bin Salman's new deal with the Saudi people is a simple one: "I will organise giant raves, legalise alcohol, establish bikini beaches. I will throw into prison anyone who objects to your fun. In exchange, you must be apolitical and never talk to me of civil rights. Now go dance" 419
1635701277450555392 The establishment in #Pakistan believe #ImranKhan will win the next elections. The establishment in Pakistan believe the people's will is to deliver Imran Khan back to power. So, the establishment are scrambling to arrest, silence, and exclude him before holding any 'elections' 371
1635760072369360898 "As another attempt to arrest #ImranKhan is underway, it is important to remember that the crux of the political crisis in #Pakistan is a simple one; the establishment believe ImranKhan will win general elections, and are therefore scrambling to prevent him from running in them" 342
1626712389818236928 "When Bin Salman stood on top of the holy Kaaba in Mecca in 2019, it was almost symbolic of his intention to subjugate the Islamic influences in #SaudiArabia. Today he has embarked on another symbolic challenge in announcing plans to build a new 'Kaaba' of entertainment" 325
1643741337811046403 Once upon a time, #SaudiArabia would have convened emergency meeting of Arab states condemning #Israel apartheid regime and then proceeded to threaten the US into intervening. Instead, Bin Salman is planning his next rave+Bin Zayed is drafting his next trade deal with Tel Aviv. 257
1644098395773063169 Basic rules and customs of #Israel politics: - If in doubt over policy, buy time by bombing #Gaza - if you need an election boost, bomb Gaza - if under pressure, bomb Gaza - if public support is low, bomb Gaza to bring it back up #apartheid #Palestine 226
1627595508771352576 "Since standing on top of the Kaaba, Bin Salman has: - introduced 'giant raves'+bikini beach - banned mosques from loudspeakers+broadcasting taraweeh - reduced hours that schools spend on Quran+Islamic studies - announced a new 'Kaaba' of entertainment 138
1628195311381364738 Today, Bin Salman has officially divorced the founding of the #Saudi state from Islam after changing its date from 1744 (when Mohamed Al Saud made a pact with AbdulWahab to rule by Islam+set out to establish a state) to 1727 (when Al Saud were minor county chiefs of little note). 125

Top 10 tweets with highest Quote count

ID Text Quote count
1633213210512838656 Bin Salman announces new orders to restrict Ramadan in #SaudiArabia: - No loudspeakers - No broadcast of prayers - No itikaf without ID (state surveillance on the 'zealous') - Keep prayers short - No collecting donations - No kids in mosques for prayers - No iftar inside mosques 1416
1635760072369360898 "As another attempt to arrest #ImranKhan is underway, it is important to remember that the crux of the political crisis in #Pakistan is a simple one; the establishment believe ImranKhan will win general elections, and are therefore scrambling to prevent him from running in them" 278
1635701277450555392 The establishment in #Pakistan believe #ImranKhan will win the next elections. The establishment in Pakistan believe the people's will is to deliver Imran Khan back to power. So, the establishment are scrambling to arrest, silence, and exclude him before holding any 'elections' 258
1626712389818236928 "When Bin Salman stood on top of the holy Kaaba in Mecca in 2019, it was almost symbolic of his intention to subjugate the Islamic influences in #SaudiArabia. Today he has embarked on another symbolic challenge in announcing plans to build a new 'Kaaba' of entertainment" 209
1608896343401201665 Bin Salman's new deal with the Saudi people is a simple one: "I will organise giant raves, legalise alcohol, establish bikini beaches. I will throw into prison anyone who objects to your fun. In exchange, you must be apolitical and never talk to me of civil rights. Now go dance" 169
1615032640498720772 Modi: I am demolishing Muslim homes, and I saw Muslims around the world calling for a boycott of #India Bin Salman: Just ignore them. You do what you have to do friend! Bin Zayed: Exactly. Ignore them. And let me know if you need any help in your efforts. #SaudiArabia #UAE 97
1614678857583415296 The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said: "this is Uhud, the mountain that loves us and we love it". There is therefore an exceptionally dark symbolism to Bin Salman's latest plans to detonate Mount Uhud in Madina to make way for his new project... #SaudiArabia #Vision2030 93
1644098395773063169 Basic rules and customs of #Israel politics: - If in doubt over policy, buy time by bombing #Gaza - if you need an election boost, bomb Gaza - if under pressure, bomb Gaza - if public support is low, bomb Gaza to bring it back up #apartheid #Palestine 92
1643741337811046403 Once upon a time, #SaudiArabia would have convened emergency meeting of Arab states condemning #Israel apartheid regime and then proceeded to threaten the US into intervening. Instead, Bin Salman is planning his next rave+Bin Zayed is drafting his next trade deal with Tel Aviv. 64
1628195311381364738 Today, Bin Salman has officially divorced the founding of the #Saudi state from Islam after changing its date from 1744 (when Mohamed Al Saud made a pact with AbdulWahab to rule by Islam+set out to establish a state) to 1727 (when Al Saud were minor county chiefs of little note). 52

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1635760072369360898 "As another attempt to arrest #ImranKhan is underway, it is important to remember that the crux of the political crisis in #Pakistan is a simple one; the establishment believe ImranKhan will win general elections, and are therefore scrambling to prevent him from running in them" 16195
1635701277450555392 The establishment in #Pakistan believe #ImranKhan will win the next elections. The establishment in Pakistan believe the people's will is to deliver Imran Khan back to power. So, the establishment are scrambling to arrest, silence, and exclude him before holding any 'elections' 12829
1633213210512838656 Bin Salman announces new orders to restrict Ramadan in #SaudiArabia: - No loudspeakers - No broadcast of prayers - No itikaf without ID (state surveillance on the 'zealous') - Keep prayers short - No collecting donations - No kids in mosques for prayers - No iftar inside mosques 7239
1615032640498720772 Modi: I am demolishing Muslim homes, and I saw Muslims around the world calling for a boycott of #India Bin Salman: Just ignore them. You do what you have to do friend! Bin Zayed: Exactly. Ignore them. And let me know if you need any help in your efforts. #SaudiArabia #UAE 6109
1644098395773063169 Basic rules and customs of #Israel politics: - If in doubt over policy, buy time by bombing #Gaza - if you need an election boost, bomb Gaza - if under pressure, bomb Gaza - if public support is low, bomb Gaza to bring it back up #apartheid #Palestine 5585
1608896343401201665 Bin Salman's new deal with the Saudi people is a simple one: "I will organise giant raves, legalise alcohol, establish bikini beaches. I will throw into prison anyone who objects to your fun. In exchange, you must be apolitical and never talk to me of civil rights. Now go dance" 4465
1643741337811046403 Once upon a time, #SaudiArabia would have convened emergency meeting of Arab states condemning #Israel apartheid regime and then proceeded to threaten the US into intervening. Instead, Bin Salman is planning his next rave+Bin Zayed is drafting his next trade deal with Tel Aviv. 3775
1614678857583415296 The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said: "this is Uhud, the mountain that loves us and we love it". There is therefore an exceptionally dark symbolism to Bin Salman's latest plans to detonate Mount Uhud in Madina to make way for his new project... #SaudiArabia #Vision2030 3037
1626712389818236928 "When Bin Salman stood on top of the holy Kaaba in Mecca in 2019, it was almost symbolic of his intention to subjugate the Islamic influences in #SaudiArabia. Today he has embarked on another symbolic challenge in announcing plans to build a new 'Kaaba' of entertainment" 1968
1603130871267082240 This #Morocco team brought happiness to billions. They reminded this dark world that dreams can come true, that mothers are the most beautiful to celebrate success with, that to be Muslim is something to be proud of, +that #Palestine is never alone! بارك الله فيكم يا أسود الأطلس 1608

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#saudiarabia 37
#tunisia 31
#morocco 21
#uae 20
#worldcup 17
#israel 15
#erdogan 13
#palestine 12
#syria 10
#yemen 8

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Hashtag Count
@stratcomsummit 6
@deutschewelle 4
@arabdigest 2
@channelafrica1 2
@bbcworldservice 1
@skynews 1
@bbcworld 1
@lauremaissa 1
@o_salha 1
@ramadantent 1

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
🤩 4 star-struck
👉 3 backhand_index_pointing_right
👇🏽 2 backhand_index_pointing_down_medium_skin_tone
👇 2 backhand_index_pointing_down
🇺🇸 1 United_States
🇹🇳 1 Tunisia
🇪🇬 1 Egypt
🇱🇾 1 Libya
🇦🇿 1 Azerbaijan
🇬🇪 1 Georgia

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Flags 14
People & Body 7
Smileys & Emotion 7