Tweets Analysis - Keyword: @RusEmbJakarta


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

8 days

Average age of authors' accounts

4 years


The tweets express various opinions and criticisms about international politics and events, including FIFA's decision to allow Israel but not Russia to participate in the World Cup in Qatar, the conflict between Saudi Arabia and Iran, the failure of Western countries in the Middle East and Afghanistan, and accusations against Russian involvement in Ukraine. There are also comments about US and Russian politics, military capabilities, and electoral results. Some tweets call for peace and dialogue, while others express disdain or anger towards certain countries or groups.

Topic Modeling

  1. FIFA double standards in allowing certain countries to participate in the World Cup (Israel vs Russia)
  2. Discussions on conflicts in Ukraine and Syria
  3. Criticism of Western governments for their policies in the Middle East
  4. Concerns about the US' strategic development of NATO and nuclear weapons near Russia
  5. Criticism of Russia's involvement in conflicts and support for separatist movements in Ukraine

Emotional Analysis

The tweets express a wide range of emotions including anger, frustration, disappointment, sarcasm, and even humor. Many of the tweets focus on political issues and express strong opinions about the actions of various countries and leaders. Some tweets express a sense of helplessness or resignation, while others call for action or change. Overall, there seems to be a sense of tension and conflict underlying many of the tweets, with a focus on international relations and political power struggles.

Trend Analysis

  1. FIFA's unfairness and double standards regarding Israel and Russia's participation in the World Cup
  2. Discussion of Russian military and political maneuvers, including involvement in Ukraine and NATO's actions
  3. Call for peace and criticism of Western countries' actions in the Middle East
  4. Criticism of Russia's leadership and military tactics, including accusations of military falling apart and Putin being a war criminal
  5. Commentary on religious and political conflicts in Ukraine and Russia's involvement

Disclaimer: The text analysis on, powered by OpenAI, does not represent the views of or its affiliates. The analysis is for informational purposes only and not an endorsement of any viewpoint.

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 5 devices used to tweet

Source Count
Twitter for Android 168
Twitter for iPhone 76
Twitter Web App 43
Twitter for iPad 1

What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count

Username Name Bio Followers count
Samuder53291026 Partai Republik Account resmi ketua harian Partai Republik 5,623
sinerginegeri sinerginegeri setia kpd pancasila & bhinneka tunggal ika,#indonesiamaju 5,356
GJ92493086 GJ Down under fella Shit poster #NAFO #Fellas no CIA 3,926
SovrednavvVd Kevin (smooth) sovrednav 🇳🇱Dad 🇬🇧Mum 🇷🇺Wife 🇪🇸Kids🇬🇾Kids 1/2 Dutch, 1/2 English, Russian wife, 2 kids born in Spain, ex wife Guyana twin daughters with me😁 2,877
catchplayplusID catchplayplusID For Movie Lovers, by Movie Lovers Follow Facebook: @catchplayplusID Instagram: @catchplayplus_id Email: 2,432
perangutan23 Ndrang Etamah Allahummaghfirlahum warhamhum. Hanya kasih&kekuatan Penguasa Hakiki Alam&Kehidupan. Was One of Soldiers..dijanjikan Surga Pembukaan UUD & Bhinneka Tunggal Ika. 2,409
theTortmaster Tort Master I tweet smartass replies in Russian because Russians, bots and paid GOP trolls will attack us … again. ПротестУй Путину, брат! Resist! Darwin said, "I think." 1,685
herly_susandy 𝕮𝖎𝖓𝖙𝖆 𝕻𝖆𝖑𝖊𝖘𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖊 🇵🇸🇲🇨 #SalamAkalSehat #FreedomPalestine #SahabatPalestina_ID #GakFollowPorno 1,568
tentang_logika2 Zonk Brain.™️ masih di langit yang sama Indonesia.. mengaku bertumpah darah yang satu, berbangsa yang satu, dan menjunjung bahasa persatuan INDONESIA 1,542
wewatchu2 🇺🇦Dan On Stolen Land Try to be nice but Bite. Vivre la révolution sociale History, Science, Gardening, Libraries, Eco Anarchist, Parody Provocateur #NAFOGlobalSouth AP @RusEmbAus 1,511

Top 10 accounts with highest friends count

Username Name Bio Followers count
vitalyshape Vitaly 🇺🇦 Defend Ukraine 🇺🇦 #Android #iOS apps R&D dev #MarTech WH #DefendUkraine #MilTech #Anonymous #Hacktivism #OSINT #DM #Web3 #GPT4 #ML #AI #CV #IOT #VR #Metaverse 5,002
LuisAndresNieto Luis Andres Nieto S Post New World Order 🇨🇭🇨🇭🇨🇭🇨🇭🇷🇺🇮🇱 Artist & Jeep Grand Cherokee 🇪🇺Curacao 🇨🇼 4,997
SovrednavvVd Kevin (smooth) sovrednav 🇳🇱Dad 🇬🇧Mum 🇷🇺Wife 🇪🇸Kids🇬🇾Kids 1/2 Dutch, 1/2 English, Russian wife, 2 kids born in Spain, ex wife Guyana twin daughters with me😁 4,983
silaen_gunawan Andre Gunawan Silaen - 4,553
GJ92493086 GJ Down under fella Shit poster #NAFO #Fellas no CIA 4,125
insanisyah1 Partai Suara Rakyat Dengarkan Suara Nurani Rakyat Indonesia 4,029
BenjaminDonks4 Taco and a Pork Chop 🇭🇰🇺🇦 Auroch 3,069
JohnGMandziuk John G Mandziuk Speaker, Educator, Consultant driving the conversation around 21st century learning #environment, #leadership, #innovation, #learning through doing 3,021
sinerginegeri sinerginegeri setia kpd pancasila & bhinneka tunggal ika,#indonesiamaju 2,877
ejm09984199 ejm IMPERIUM RUSSÆ DELENDUM EST. 2,513

Most active users

Username Bio Number of tweets
MissFairlook automatisiert ... .ohne tatsächliche Automatisierung. Ich bin KEIN Bot - !!!! 《0.o》24h Following 🤩 31
themorningtide - 22
HutajuluEtha I’m Indonesian..🇲🇨✝️ 21
anton_harjo AliansiBelaRendang Memanggil | BerbudiMulia. KomunitasRendang Bergerak | Sejak.muda Suka_bo-kep🙏✌/ KITA HARUS LULUS SEKOLAH MEMBANGGAKAN(KERINGAT)AYAHiBU KITA! 20
Jane19480208 Avid tennis fan. Keen interest in world affairs. 16
qiekio - 13
muhkahfi47 - 11
Kolesterol150kg Afh Iyh Masbro? 6
theTortmaster I tweet smartass replies in Russian because Russians, bots and paid GOP trolls will attack us … again. ПротестУй Путину, брат! Resist! Darwin said, "I think." 5
MoryCam74879188 minnier 5

Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1640623438485413888 @mfa_russia @RusEmbAU @EEC_EAEU Comrades @rusembnz @RusEmbSG @RusEmbJakarta RE: Vatnik Tears - come before complete defeat Given SMO: * culmination of🇷🇺forces * 🇺🇦with NATO’s old weapons * Anatoly’s tweet😭about unfairness Next stage is complete defeat like: * Crimean War * Afghanistan 😭 Alexey🏳️‍🌈 3
1640841329579286529 Dunia termasuk Indonesia hanya bisa menghimbau agar peperangan dihentikan. Tetapi bagaimana peperangan ini berhenti. Jika upaya perundingan damai selalu di provokasi oleh pihak barat,termasuk kunjungan @xijinping . @RusEmbJakarta @10DowningStreet @MFA_China @Somaalilanders 2
1640844593494368256 @bdleonanda Terbaca bahwa US Ofensif vs Rusia Defensif. Rusia menarik semua Nuklir dari Negara Ex Soviet & membatasi. Tapi Amerika terus secara strategis mengembangkan NATO dan meletakkan Nuklir mendekati Rusia. Jadi, akan NAIF kalau Rusia diam saja dikeroyok. @usembassyjkt @RusEmbJakarta 2
1639256680440688641 @SovrednavvVd @KohoTeam @EmbassyofRussia @mfa_russia @RusEmbNam @RusembZ @RuEmbZimbabwe @rusemberitrea @RusEmbEthiopia @RusEmb_Rwanda @RusEmbUganda @EmbRusBotswana @RusEmbJakarta This may help us all 2
1639868463245041664 @mfa_russia @governmentrf @kremlinrussia_e @state_duma @russia @russiaun @russianembassy @rusembusa #UKRAINE @navalny @rusembindia #PutinWarCriminal @rusembjakarta Putin, your army is falling apart. So sad! Путин, твоя армия разваливается. Так грустно! English subtitles below: 2
1641619644971896832 @qiekio @Kolesterol150kg @anton_harjo @Karin_Aquatica @RusEmbJakarta @PMSimferopol @RusEmbManila @ASEAN @Kemlu_RI @mfa_russia @RusEmb_Malaysia @NahkoBear Rasulullah gak ngajarin boleh demo apa enggak. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Zamab Rasulullah itu yang memimpin saja beliau, gak ada ketidak adilan apalagi demo demo an. Yg ada itu Rasulullah gak ngejar ngejar pezina buat dihukum, gak merasa paling suci sedunia, gak melarang non muslim di madinah 1
1641367162421121025 @themorningtide @Kolesterol150kg @qiekio @Karin_Aquatica @RusEmbJakarta @PMSimferopol @RusEmbManila @ASEAN @Kemlu_RI @mfa_russia @RusEmb_Malaysia @NahkoBear 1
1641604790739435521 @qiekio @anton_harjo @themorningtide @Karin_Aquatica @RusEmbJakarta @PMSimferopol @RusEmbManila @ASEAN @Kemlu_RI @mfa_russia @RusEmb_Malaysia @NahkoBear WATHEHEEELLLL 😱😱😱 1
1641606715807526912 @qiekio @anton_harjo @themorningtide @Karin_Aquatica @RusEmbJakarta @PMSimferopol @RusEmbManila @ASEAN @Kemlu_RI @mfa_russia @RusEmb_Malaysia @NahkoBear 1
1641606750439903232 @qiekio @anton_harjo @themorningtide @Karin_Aquatica @RusEmbJakarta @PMSimferopol @RusEmbManila @ASEAN @Kemlu_RI @mfa_russia @RusEmb_Malaysia @NahkoBear 1

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1641442478917296137 @nytimes FIFA allowed Israel, but not allowed Russia @RusEmbJakarta to partisipation in Worldcup Qatar. FIFA not fairplay. Double standards ! 12
1640623438485413888 @mfa_russia @RusEmbAU @EEC_EAEU Comrades @rusembnz @RusEmbSG @RusEmbJakarta RE: Vatnik Tears - come before complete defeat Given SMO: * culmination of🇷🇺forces * 🇺🇦with NATO’s old weapons * Anatoly’s tweet😭about unfairness Next stage is complete defeat like: * Crimean War * Afghanistan 😭 Alexey🏳️‍🌈 9
1640841329579286529 Dunia termasuk Indonesia hanya bisa menghimbau agar peperangan dihentikan. Tetapi bagaimana peperangan ini berhenti. Jika upaya perundingan damai selalu di provokasi oleh pihak barat,termasuk kunjungan @xijinping . @RusEmbJakarta @10DowningStreet @MFA_China @Somaalilanders 8
1639377014472986624 Barat sibuk dengan kunjungan Presiden @XiJimping ke #Russia. Tetapi tidak ada yang peduli apa yang dilakukannya sebagai fasilitator perdamaian #SaudiArabia dgn #Iran . Barat lupa dgn kenyataan sejarah kegagalan mereka di Timur Tengah dan Afghanistan. @RusEmbJakarta @arabnews 6
1640844593494368256 @bdleonanda Terbaca bahwa US Ofensif vs Rusia Defensif. Rusia menarik semua Nuklir dari Negara Ex Soviet & membatasi. Tapi Amerika terus secara strategis mengembangkan NATO dan meletakkan Nuklir mendekati Rusia. Jadi, akan NAIF kalau Rusia diam saja dikeroyok. @usembassyjkt @RusEmbJakarta 4
1639256680440688641 @SovrednavvVd @KohoTeam @EmbassyofRussia @mfa_russia @RusEmbNam @RusembZ @RuEmbZimbabwe @rusemberitrea @RusEmbEthiopia @RusEmb_Rwanda @RusEmbUganda @EmbRusBotswana @RusEmbJakarta This may help us all 4
1638759442144718848 @SecureService3 @rusembnz @RusEmbSG @RusEmbJakarta @Rusembchina @RusEmbIndia @RusEmbIndia_Ru @RusEmbAU Da Comrade! Trump gives you certificate of scamming 302 electoral votes for Democrats 56.88% vs 232 for Trump 43.12% 13.76% difference 52.26% of popular vote for Democrats 47.73% for Trump 4.53% or 7,059,526 difference Loooser! You think he’s not going to jail? 😂 2
1639868463245041664 @mfa_russia @governmentrf @kremlinrussia_e @state_duma @russia @russiaun @russianembassy @rusembusa #UKRAINE @navalny @rusembindia #PutinWarCriminal @rusembjakarta Putin, your army is falling apart. So sad! Путин, твоя армия разваливается. Так грустно! English subtitles below: 2
1640245016030490624 @Cherry4ever10 @RusEmbJakarta @EmbRusiaEnArgRu @RussianEmbassyC @RusEmbSG @izvestia_ru @GazetaRu @tass_agency @RT_com @RusEmb_Malaysia @RusMission_EU @RusEmbAU Go home. You savages. 2
1641416150423863296 @RusEmbJakarta 2

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#putinwarcriminal 6
#ukraine 5
#russia 2
#tiktokdown 2
#nuremberglaws 1
#zionists 1
#rusia 1
#russian 1
#russiaiscollapsing 1
#bali 1

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Mention Count
@rusembjakarta 288
@mfa_russia 123
@kemlu_ri 74
@rusemb_malaysia 64
@pmsimferopol 62
@rusembmanila 62
@karin_aquatica 61
@asean 61
@nahkobear 61
@russiaun 57

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets


Average number of emojis used per tweet


Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
🤣 33 rolling_on_the_floor_laughing
❤️ 28 red_heart
🇷🇺 22 Russia
🔗 12 link
😱 10 face_screaming_in_fear
🇨🇳 10 China
🔻 9 red_triangle_pointed_down
🔺 7 red_triangle_pointed_up
😂 6 face_with_tears_of_joy
👍 6 thumbs_up

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Smileys & Emotion 112
Flags 47
People & Body 28
Symbols 21
Objects 20
Travel & Places 4
Activities 2