Tweets Analysis - Keyword: @Rporwp
Total number of tweets analysed
Earliest tweet was on
Latest tweet was on
Tweets covering
10 days
Average age of authors' accounts
3 years
Police forces have been conducting operations in tight alleyways, in spite of the occurrence of accidents. Police officials from different cities have made statements about securing citizens' lives and property, violence in games such as kite flying and blood sports, and providing services 24/7. They have also called for citizens to approach them with complaints. There is a case in Thana State of a driver's murder which is still unresolved. Appreciation has been expressed for positive reviews of the police services.
Topic Modeling
- Police and law enforcement in Pakistan
- Criminal activity in Pakistan
- Gambling and betting in Pakistan
- Role of media in promoting social awareness
- Social welfare and justice initiatives in Pakistan
Emotional Analysis
The tweets in this analysis express a range of emotions, including determination, concern, resilience, and justice. The police force is depicted as being committed to their work, as they are seen taking action against criminals and protecting citizens. The individuals in the tweets are also seen as having a strong sense of justice, as they are seen speaking out against criminal activities such as gambling and kite-flying. Furthermore, the people are shown to be resilient in the face of adversity, with requests for help from the police being made and taken seriously. Overall, these tweets express a sense of hope and determination to fight for justice.
Trend Analysis
- Law enforcement operations
- Crime and criminals
- Police accountability
- Gambling/gaming
- Education for children
Types of Tweets
Number of Retweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of Original tweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Mentions
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Replies
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Quotes
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Hashtags
Percentage of total tweets
Top 5 devices used to tweet
Source | Count |
Twitter for Android | 1497 |
Twitter Web App | 141 |
Twitter for iPhone | 55 |
TweetDeck | 1 |
What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count
Username | Name | Bio | Followers count |
OfficialDPRPP | Punjab Police Official | The official account of Punjab Police. For any Emergency dial 15 or for any complaint dial 1787. | 1,244,118 |
NHMPofficial | National Highways & Motorway Police (NHMP) | Official page.Connect to us on Social Media Platforms @NHMPofficial. | 289,848 |
RwpPolice | Rawalpindi Police | Official Twitter account of Rawalpindi Police. For emergencies dial 15, for general information, assistance and support dial UAN 111-CPO-RWP. | 249,128 |
ctprwp | City Traffic Police, Rawalpindi | MISSION STATEMENT: To maintain smooth flow of traffic, prevention of traffic accidents, helping road users in distress, ensuring rule of law. | 78,591 |
BaaghiTV | Baaghi TV باغی ٹی وی | A Digital web news network of Pakistan prevailing truth, justice and accountability shunning corruption injustice , crime and terrorism.#BaaghiTV 03030204604 | 56,016 |
Rehna_7 | Rehana Jadoon ریحانہ جدون | journalist , content writer |Blogger| columnist for @indyurdu , @9Newstv , focusing on digital media | 55,245 |
Sohail2nice | Sohail Ahmed | | 49,261 |
nadeemhaque | Nadeem Haque | VC PIDE, Former Deputy Chairman Planning Commission Economist with long career in IMF author of 'looking back' available book stores and Amazon | 46,261 |
gulnaz_syeda | سید | پی ٹی آٸی کے سوا سب کو فالو بیک ملے گا میرا لیڈر میاں محمد نواز شریف | 39,490 |
dolphinsquadlhr | SP Dolphin Lahore | Official account of Dolphin Squad Lahore. | 34,096 |
Top 10 accounts with highest friends count
Username | Name | Bio | Followers count |
Sohail2nice | Sohail Ahmed | | 42,028 |
gulnaz_syeda | سید | پی ٹی آٸی کے سوا سب کو فالو بیک ملے گا میرا لیڈر میاں محمد نواز شریف | 21,727 |
AhmmadSa5666440 | 🕯️𝒜𝒽𝓂𝓂𝒶𝒹🕯️ | My ideal persanalty Hazrat🌹📍🌹Muhammad, ,salalah alih wsalam) proud Pakistani*technology of . pakisistan......خاتم_النبیین_محمدﷺ .......#اردو_زبان | 16,058 |
iSohailCh | Sohail Ahmed Ch | ( ڈائریکٹر مارکیٹنگ اینڈ سیلز ) Ranphar Healthcare Pakistan @Ranpharpk | 9,608 |
ia_rajpoot | Israr Ahmed Rajpoot | Crime/Court/Investigative Journalist | 6,223 |
Rehna_7 | Rehana Jadoon ریحانہ جدون | journalist , content writer |Blogger| columnist for @indyurdu , @9Newstv , focusing on digital media | 5,806 |
omedalihajjana | Omed Hajjana | Student of Journalism and social sciences, Life at @numlofficial1. Islamabad based Health Reporter in @WorldHealthNewz | 5,672 |
MujahidAli172 | Adv. Mujahid Ali Gujjar | @سب سے پہلے پاکستان, میری زمین میرا آخری حوالہ/تھنک ٹینک/کوارڈینیٹر/جرنلسٹ🇵🇰 Brain on Vacation Lucky by Birth, Mind Over matter, Easy To Know Hard To Forget@ | 5,000 |
Miraj_Khalid1 | Miraj Khalid🌹معراج خالد | *Independent* جو دل کو اچھا لگے‼ Follow 🔙 💯 | 4,999 |
teleshan1986 | ZeeShan | - | 4,999 |
Most active users
Username | Bio | Number of tweets |
naeemsyed507 | - | 280 |
abbas11624 | I ❤️ Humanity | 133 |
Asimmushtaq324 | - | 102 |
KhanChrom | - | 95 |
Dr_Asimm | - | 83 |
AbbasOrakzai13 | - | 42 |
SyedJoharHusain | - | 34 |
ShahidA45869137 | - | 33 |
Muhamma43271804 | #imamia scout | 32 |
Zainabb011 | Simple and trust worthy. | 29 |
Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count
ID | Text | Retweet count |
1625502758999851011 | بِاَیِّ ذَنْۢبٍ قُتِلَتْۚ (القرآن) @OfficialDPRPP @KP_Police1 @RwpPolice @Rporwp @mohrpakistan @GovtofPunjabPK Innocent Target Killing Punjab Police Take Action #FIR118122Taxila #JusticeForShaheedKausar | 26 |
1625510060569899009 | If we do not maintain JUSTICE,JUSTICE will not maintain us. @OfficialDPRPP @RwpPolice @Rporwp Innocent Target Killing Punjab Police Take Action #JusticeForShaheedKausar | 26 |
1625513136521445376 | Laws are useless if they don't provide justice @OfficialDPRPP @RwpPolice @Rporwp Innocent Target Killing Punjab Police Take Action #JusticeForShaheedKausar | 25 |
1625509185516347392 | If we do not maintain JUSTICE,JUSTICE will not maintain us. @OfficialDPRPP @RwpPolice @Rporwp Innocent Target Killing Punjab Police Take Action #JusticeForShaheedKausar | 25 |
1625509389862854657 | The safety of the people shall be the highest law. @OfficialDPRPP @RwpPolice @Rporwp Innocent Target Killing Punjab Police Take Action #JusticeForShaheedKausar | 25 |
1625511909788119041 | If we do not maintain JUSTICE,JUSTICE will not maintain us. @OfficialDPRPP @RwpPolice @Rporwp Innocent Target Killing Punjab Police Take Action #JusticeForShaheedKausar | 24 |
1625501974660775945 | Laws are useless if they don't provide justice @OfficialDPRPP @RwpPolice @Rporwp Innocent Target Killing Punjab Police Take Action #JusticeForShaheedKausar | 24 |
1625508063103930370 | An unjust law is itself a specie of voilence @OfficialDPRPP @RwpPolice @Rporwp Innocent Target Killing Punjab Police Take Action #JusticeForShaheedKausar | 24 |
1625509605143896065 | If we do not maintain JUSTICE,JUSTICE will not maintain us. @OfficialDPRPP @RwpPolice @Rporwp Innocent Target Killing Punjab Police Take Action #JusticeForShaheedKausar | 24 |
1625511939429261313 | تم سے پہلے وہ جو اک شخص یہاں تخت نشیں تھا اس کو بھی اپنے خدا ہونے پہ اتنا ہی یقین تھا @OfficialDPRPP @RwpPolice @Rporwp Innocent Target Killing Punjab Police Take Action #JusticeForShaheedKausar | 24 |
Top 10 tweets with highest Like count
ID | Text | Like count |
1624506747644968960 | ڈولفن فورس کی کارروائی،ڈولفن اہلکاروں نے تنگ گلیوں میں ڈاکوؤں کا تعاقب کرتے رہے،اہلکاروں نے حادثے کے باوجود ملزمان پکٹر لئے۔ #police #criminals #dacoit @TauqeerNaeem4 @digopslahore @ccpolahore @Rporwp @PunjabPoliceCPO @PSCAsafecities @InvPoliceLahore @chiniot_police | 203 |
1625152942553681921 | سٹی پولیس آفیسر راولپنڈی سید خالد محمود ہمدانی نے عہدے کا چارج سنبھال لیا، @OfficialDPRPP @Rporwp @ctprwp #CPORawalpindi | 117 |
1625169036505133056 | سی پی او فیصل آباد سید علی ناصر رضوی کا فیصل آباد کی عوام کے نام اہم پیغام @rpo_faisalabad @fsdpolice @OfficialDPRPP @dpo_pakpattan @PoliceLovers @hafizabadpolice @dpo_toba @RSheikhupura @Rporwp @rpo_faisalabad @DCFaisalabad | 92 |
1624780286104928257 | گمنام ہیرو خاتونSP نے فرنٹ لائن پر گنجمنڈی واقعہ ہینڈل کیا ملزم کو بیٹے سمیت مشتعل عوام سے بچا کر محفوظ مقام پر منتقل کرانا وسیع بصیرت کی نشانی انکی کمانڈ میں راول ڈویژن میں طویل عرصے کے بعد پولیس کا ٹیم ورک بنا @RwpPolice @OfficialDPRPP @Rporwp @MahamKhan45 @MSajjadUlHassan | 88 |
1626257452919316481 | پتنگ بازی کرنے والے ہو جاۓ ہوشیار- سی پی او فیصل آباد سید علی ناصر رضوی پتنگ بازی کرنے والوں کے نام واضح پیغام.@rpo_faisalabad @dpo_toba @PunjabpolicePa1 @fsdpolice @Rporwp @OfficialDPRPP @digopslahore | 76 |
1624817658506928132 | سی پی او فیصل آباد سید علی ناصررضوی نے فیصل آباد پولیس کی کمان سنبھال لی ۔عوام کی جان و مال کا تحفظ ہماری اولین ترجیح ہے @rpo_faisalabad @City41fsd @rpo_multan @fsdpolice @Rporwp @OfficialDPRPP @PoliceLovers @ctpfsd | 62 |
1625470487320047619 | سٹی پولیس آفیسر فیصل آباد سید علی ناصر رضوی نے اپنے دفتر میں کھلی کچہری کا انعقاد کیا۔ سائلین کیلئے میرے دروازے کھلے ہیں براہ راست مجھ سے ملاقات کر سکتے ہیں ۔سی پی او فیصل آباد@rpo_faisalabad @OfficialDPRPP @dpo_toba @fsdpolice @Rporwp @hafizabadpolice | 59 |
1624394598226464773 | جناب آئی جی آف پولیس پنجاب کے ویژن کے مطابق اور ڈی آئی جی آف ٹریفک پنجاب کی ہدایت پر سی ٹی او راولپنڈی کا ٹریفک ہیڈ کوارٹرز،ریس کورس، ٹیکسلا اور گوجر خان میں بلا تعطل 24/7 لائسنسنگ سروسز کا آغاز۔ @Rporwp @OfficialDPRPP @RwpPolice | 45 |
1626219044520202242 | خونی کھیل پتنگ بازی کے خلاف سماجی کارکن عدنان اسحق کا خصوصی پیغام۔ پتنگ بازی ہر لحاظ سے غیر اسلامی اور غیرانسانی جان لیوا کھیل ہے۔ اس کی حوصلہ شکنی سب کا فرض ہے۔ آپ بھی ہمیں اپنا ویڈیو پیغام ابھی بھیجیںاور آگاہی پھیلائیں #stopkiteflying #Rawalpindi @RwpPolice @Rporwp | 32 |
1626484588728942594 | سی پی او فیصل آباد سید علی ناصر رضوی کی ہدایت پر گزشتہ روز پولیس کی کاروائی @rpo_faisalabad @dpo_toba @fsdpolice @PunjabPoliceCPO @Rporwp @OfficialDPRPP | 32 |
Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used
Hashtag | Count |
#justiceforshaheedkausar | 1051 |
#fir118122taxila | 471 |
#rawalpindi | 9 |
#karachi | 7 |
#an | 7 |
#تم | 6 |
#ظلم | 6 |
#ب | 5 |
#karachipolice | 4 |
#ان | 4 |
Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions
Mention | Count |
@rporwp | 1716 |
@officialdprpp | 1488 |
@rwppolice | 1416 |
@mohrpakistan | 499 |
@govtofpunjabpk | 498 |
@kp_police1 | 459 |
@punjabpolicecpo | 205 |
@fsdpolice | 135 |
@rpo_faisalabad | 129 |
@police_jhelum | 101 |
Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Average number of emojis used per tweet
Emojis used in tweets
Emoji | Count | Emoji Text |
🩸 | 226 | drop_of_blood |
❤ | 54 | red_heart |
👍 | 34 | thumbs_up |
👏 | 18 | clapping_hands |
💔 | 18 | broken_heart |
😭 | 18 | loudly_crying_face |
❓ | 15 | red_question_mark |
🌹 | 9 | rose |
⬇️ | 8 | down_arrow |
❤️ | 7 | red_heart |
Emojis groups
Emoji Group | Count |
Objects | 228 |
Smileys & Emotion | 113 |
People & Body | 58 |
Symbols | 23 |
Animals & Nature | 9 |
Activities | 3 |
Flags | 2 |