Account Summary

Followers Count


Friends Count


Tweets Count


List Count






Followers Analysis (based on followers sample)


Number of Verified accounts


Percentage of Verified accounts



Number of Protected accounts


Percentage of Protected accounts



Average Age of Twitter accounts

7 years


Number of users without a Bio


Number of users with a Bio


Percentage of users with a Bio


Percentage of users without a Bio


Worldcloud of Bios

List of top 10 keywords used in bios

Word Frequency
love 4179
life 2508
god 2238
trump 2025
conservative 1973
proud 1793
mom 1783
politics 1743
news 1693
american 1655

List of top 10 hashtags used in bios

Hashtag Frequency
#maga 983
#resist 312
#kag 239
#2a 227
#trump2020 159
#blm 157
#theresistance 155
#conservative 142
#trump 126
#resistance 123

Top 10 followers with the highest follower count

Username Followers Count Friends Count Tweet Count
ParisHilton 16812285 18491 27792
JohnCena 14101642 575379 7454
IvankaTrump 10512744 1565 18222
marcorubio 4520273 2545 16729
ShehuSani 3075982 2890 24319
newtgingrich 2367529 990 20950
kimguilfoyle 2081755 3387 10838
6BillionPeople 2033144 4022223 183293
zlj517 1984341 171030 72045
mitchellreports 1920145 1945 74243

Top 10 followers with the highest following count

Username Friends Count Followers Count Tweet Count
6BillionPeople 4022223 2033144 183293
SinghLions 1430996 1333635 33922
djkingassassin 1374129 472093 137839
_yavuzatalay 742609 694986 1408
TayeDiggs 657147 646794 39941
EdKrassen 605360 939058 53441
JohnCena 575379 14101642 7454
krassenstein 524861 708944 63180
RareCat 477153 427145 37396
CSuiteConfess 451118 1001424 731570

Top 10 followers with the highest tweet count

Username Tweets Count Followers Count Friends Count
ElIlustrativo 2125960 104274 52095
DonSinoptico 2097204 80258 46422
michno1234 1325211 251 5008
politicalHEDGE 1220166 72425 61117
nutralift2 994195 12974 45230
MyPlace4U 937687 8407 8065
viriyabot 849716 1249 3829
kike230 844274 22705 24496
Daminous_Purity 816325 353658 384630
Barbara96913515 807749 1064 5003

Top 10 followers with the highest listed count

Username Listed Count Friends Count Followers Count
ParisHilton 45266 18491 16812285
JohnCena 31654 575379 14101642
IvankaTrump 23725 1565 10512744
marcorubio 17351 2545 4520273
newtgingrich 13539 990 2367529
mtaibbi 13444 4100 1879606
markwschaefer 10729 27211 169092
soledadobrien 10593 422197 1317921
mitchellreports 9995 1945 1920145
nonprofitorgs 9466 369960 773869

Tweets Analysis


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

1,048 days

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1308136935936921600 From @Fox4KC: Sen. Blunt says President Trump should try to fill Supreme Court vacancy 1792
1286370465741713410 🚨JUST NOW 🚨 Senate passed #FY21NDAA, the 60th bipartisan NDAA: Giving troops a pay raise Bolstering our combat advantage Providing for military housing Supporting military construction projects Strengthening military readiness & modernization 1440
1268638083462901762 Yesterday, my colleagues & I passed #PaycheckProtectionProgram Flexibility Act to âś…Give #smallbiz more time to use their PPP loans âś…Provide more flexibility for how #smallbiz use their loans âś…Make it easier for small businesses to recover from the pandemic's economic impact 723
1268598343590166529 Fed government can play a critical role in addressing the failures of the local justice system, rebuilding trust in police depts & restoring confidence in gov institutions. Here’s how: 709
1241066202723737601 ⬇Important #coronavirus resources⬇ MO hotline: (877) 435-8411 MO chatbot: MO Department of Health & Senior Services ( @HealthyLivingMo): Info for small business owners/workers: 607
1268654256158105603 Congratulations to @Mizzou, @TrumanState, @MissouriSandT, @UMKC, @UMSL & @MissouriState on being named in the top public colleges across the country 579
1346911794716004355 The events unfolding at the Capitol are shameful. There is no justification for violence and destruction. It has to stop now. This is not who we are as a nation. Thank you to the Capitol Police who are keeping us safe. 258
1310248332216819712 Judge Amy Coney Barrett is an excellent pick for the Supreme Court and I look forward to voting for her. 245
1368941950989176834 Thank you, Missourians, for the opportunity to work for you and a better future for our state and our country. 205
1318628892966608899 Republicans are trying to pass critical COVID-19 relief to get Americans back to work, back to school, & back to child care. But Dems refuse to pass a bill without their wish list of unrelated spending & policies that have *nothing* to do with helping Americans in this pandemic. 166

Top 10 tweets with highest Reply count

ID Text Reply count
1346911794716004355 The events unfolding at the Capitol are shameful. There is no justification for violence and destruction. It has to stop now. This is not who we are as a nation. Thank you to the Capitol Police who are keeping us safe. 4809
1442961766024036361 The Democrats’ $3.5 trillion tax-and-spend spree is 67% higher than the $2.1 trillion spent by all 50 states combined in 2019. Let that sink in. 4334
1360699053919592451 Full statement on my vote to acquit former President Trump: 1259
1368941950989176834 Thank you, Missourians, for the opportunity to work for you and a better future for our state and our country. 1168
1356366766411313153 Last week, Sen. Hawley & I reintroduced our commonsense legislation to improve the safety of duck boats. 17 people tragically lost their lives at Table Rock Lake in 2018. The safety measures in this bill would prevent an incident like that from ever happening again. 1039
1348332480449929218 United States Capitol Police Officer Howard Liebengood was a familiar face to many of us who work in the Senate. He was friendly, professional, and dedicated to the job. I appreciate everything he did to keep us safe. Abby and I are praying for his loved ones and colleagues. 909
1320880225446727680 My statement on the confirmation of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court ⤵️ 892
1308136935936921600 From @Fox4KC: Sen. Blunt says President Trump should try to fill Supreme Court vacancy 835
1354168393008603136 Statement on my vote to declare it unconstitutional for the Senate to proceed with an impeachment trial of a president who is no longer in office: 802
1420125809860354058 Today I shared stories from Missourians who have become seriously ill or lost families members to COVID & are encouraging others to get vaccinated. I hope everyone will consider what they have to say. Helpful resource to find a vaccine location near you: 744

Top 10 tweets with highest Quote count

ID Text Quote count
1368941950989176834 Thank you, Missourians, for the opportunity to work for you and a better future for our state and our country. 616
1442961766024036361 The Democrats’ $3.5 trillion tax-and-spend spree is 67% higher than the $2.1 trillion spent by all 50 states combined in 2019. Let that sink in. 548
1346911794716004355 The events unfolding at the Capitol are shameful. There is no justification for violence and destruction. It has to stop now. This is not who we are as a nation. Thank you to the Capitol Police who are keeping us safe. 340
1356366766411313153 Last week, Sen. Hawley & I reintroduced our commonsense legislation to improve the safety of duck boats. 17 people tragically lost their lives at Table Rock Lake in 2018. The safety measures in this bill would prevent an incident like that from ever happening again. 274
1354168393008603136 Statement on my vote to declare it unconstitutional for the Senate to proceed with an impeachment trial of a president who is no longer in office: 107
1308136935936921600 From @Fox4KC: Sen. Blunt says President Trump should try to fill Supreme Court vacancy 99
1286370465741713410 🚨JUST NOW 🚨 Senate passed #FY21NDAA, the 60th bipartisan NDAA: Giving troops a pay raise Bolstering our combat advantage Providing for military housing Supporting military construction projects Strengthening military readiness & modernization 99
1337450080673083392 It’s unfortunate that the media hasn’t covered nearly enough of the significant successes in America’s foreign policy under @realDonaldTrump. 81
1324753941586972672 President Trump did a great job with unbelievable energy and dedication at the end of the campaign. We have set all-time records for voter participation. Every vote that was legally cast needs to be counted. Votes that were not legally cast should not be counted. 79
1360699053919592451 Full statement on my vote to acquit former President Trump: 76

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1308136935936921600 From @Fox4KC: Sen. Blunt says President Trump should try to fill Supreme Court vacancy 8519
1286370465741713410 🚨JUST NOW 🚨 Senate passed #FY21NDAA, the 60th bipartisan NDAA: Giving troops a pay raise Bolstering our combat advantage Providing for military housing Supporting military construction projects Strengthening military readiness & modernization 6131
1268638083462901762 Yesterday, my colleagues & I passed #PaycheckProtectionProgram Flexibility Act to âś…Give #smallbiz more time to use their PPP loans âś…Provide more flexibility for how #smallbiz use their loans âś…Make it easier for small businesses to recover from the pandemic's economic impact 3961
1268598343590166529 Fed government can play a critical role in addressing the failures of the local justice system, rebuilding trust in police depts & restoring confidence in gov institutions. Here’s how: 3078
1268654256158105603 Congratulations to @Mizzou, @TrumanState, @MissouriSandT, @UMKC, @UMSL & @MissouriState on being named in the top public colleges across the country 2541
1241066202723737601 ⬇Important #coronavirus resources⬇ MO hotline: (877) 435-8411 MO chatbot: MO Department of Health & Senior Services ( @HealthyLivingMo): Info for small business owners/workers: 2488
1310248332216819712 Judge Amy Coney Barrett is an excellent pick for the Supreme Court and I look forward to voting for her. 1587
1320880225446727680 My statement on the confirmation of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court ⤵️ 1437
1368941950989176834 Thank you, Missourians, for the opportunity to work for you and a better future for our state and our country. 1389
1346911794716004355 The events unfolding at the Capitol are shameful. There is no justification for violence and destruction. It has to stop now. This is not who we are as a nation. Thank you to the Capitol Police who are keeping us safe. 1361

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#coronavirus 84
#paycheckprotectionprogram 50
#covid19 44
#ppp 22
#caresact 15
#stl 14
#kcmo 13
#smallbiz 13
#justiceact 13
#moag 8

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Hashtag Count
@nih 37
@hhsgov 30
@senalexander 16
@senstabenow 14
@govparsonmo 14
@missouri_ng 14
@healthylivingmo 14
@cdcgov 13
@usda 12
@realdonaldtrump 12

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
▶️ 89 play_button
❌ 79 cross_mark
🚨 71 police_car_light
➡️ 45 right_arrow
âś… 36 check_mark_button
⤵️ 23 right_arrow_curving_down
🇺🇸 17 United_States
đź‘Ž 12 thumbs_down
⬆️ 12 up_arrow
đź“Ť 11 round_pushpin

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Symbols 334
Travel & Places 87
People & Body 46
Objects 45
Flags 21
Activities 15
Animals & Nature 4
Smileys & Emotion 3