Tweets Analysis - Keyword: @roseluqiu


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

9 days

Average age of authors' accounts

7 years


Roseluqiu has tweeted about the violation of HK's National Security Law and the increasingly distant relationship between HK and mainland China due to HK's self-destruction and the discrimination against those who speak Mandarin. Roseluqiu suggests that the internet plays a role in amplifying these issues and that people should be less quick to release their "inner demons" regardless of seemingly righteous causes. Roseluqiu also states that there has been no discrimination against Mandarin speakers in their experience, and instead the people of HK are respectful, with helpful locals even offering to explain the menu. Despite existing discrimination in HK and mainland cities such as Shanghai, Roseluqiu ultimately hopes that HK will become as free and open as Taiwan.

Topic Modeling

  1. Free speech and political suppression in Hong Kong
  2. Discrimination against people who speak Mandarin
  3. Tourism in Hong Kong
  4. Political relationships between mainland China and Hong Kong
  5. The impact of media and social media on perceptions of Hong Kong

Emotional Analysis

The tweets express a range of emotions, from anger and frustration to sadness and sympathy. There is a sense of despair over the current state of Hong Kong, and the lack of freedom and respect for its people. There is also a sense of indignation over the discrimination faced by mainland Chinese people in Hong Kong, as well as in other major cities in China. There is a feeling of hopelessness and resignation, as well as a desire for a better future for Hong Kong. Finally, there is also a hint of irony and sarcasm, as people express their frustration with the current state of affairs.

Trend Analysis

  1. The implementation of the National Security Law in Hong Kong
  2. Discriminatory treatment against the Chinese Mainlanders
  3. Conflict between mainlanders and Hong Kong people
  4. Urbanization and impact on tourism
  5. Supremacy of mainlander culture

Disclaimer: The text analysis on, powered by OpenAI, does not represent the views of or its affiliates. The analysis is for informational purposes only and not an endorsement of any viewpoint.

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 5 devices used to tweet

Source Count
Twitter for iPhone 18
Twitter for Android 7
Twitter Web App 3
Twitter for iPad 1

What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count

Username Name Bio Followers count
feilung_lau 劉飛龍 中國文字獄事件盤點第1147號 YouTube: #廣東人 #獨立示威者 #平權 #非反賊 #非民運 #社交焦慮 #沉迷貓色 3,404
28481k Ailín Mac Ailbhe 與大家見證時代革命 祈求民主與自由萬世都不朽「直到建好新耶路撒冷」 人類總要重複同樣的錯誤(Humans would always repeat the same mistake) — 機動戰士Gundam «Till we have built Jerusalem!» Cantonensis Britannici #standwithukraine #BlackLivesMatter 3,387
lolota599g1 Lincoln599g Love our land. love our people. 790
Parlos83718870 Parlem∆🇺🇦 用来记录现实、抵抗遗忘、记录所思所想的地方。立场:自由、人权、宪政、法治、民主、台湾自由。 305
Lauhannah1 學不思 閑邪存其誠 293
KevinCh1894 漫天星河2000 遠離極端偏執 獨立思考 認識自己 認識世界 239
lizadonrex rex - 180
hanry01 Han - 175
csmth96 🐾惡魔🐈.麥當勞 - 163
LV00333 LV 记录美股交易学习心得,关注美股交易情绪指标 142

Top 10 accounts with highest friends count

Username Name Bio Followers count
28481k Ailín Mac Ailbhe 與大家見證時代革命 祈求民主與自由萬世都不朽「直到建好新耶路撒冷」 人類總要重複同樣的錯誤(Humans would always repeat the same mistake) — 機動戰士Gundam «Till we have built Jerusalem!» Cantonensis Britannici #standwithukraine #BlackLivesMatter 4,998
lolota599g1 Lincoln599g Love our land. love our people. 1,372
feilung_lau 劉飛龍 中國文字獄事件盤點第1147號 YouTube: #廣東人 #獨立示威者 #平權 #非反賊 #非民運 #社交焦慮 #沉迷貓色 871
lizadonrex rex - 529
A3A4B5LETTER NiDie Buying’Made in China’ = committing genocide with CCP 421
Philiphongyan Philip CHY 個世界 hi,唔代表你要做個 hi 人 413
csmth96 🐾惡魔🐈.麥當勞 - 328
LV00333 LV 记录美股交易学习心得,关注美股交易情绪指标 305
KevinCh1894 漫天星河2000 遠離極端偏執 獨立思考 認識自己 認識世界 232
pandakuncafe pandakuncafe World citizen 197

Most active users

Username Bio Number of tweets
Lauhannah1 閑邪存其誠 3
KevinCh1894 遠離極端偏執 獨立思考 認識自己 認識世界 2
Parlos83718870 用来记录现实、抵抗遗忘、记录所思所想的地方。立场:自由、人权、宪政、法治、民主、台湾自由。 2
Sam_Pan77 - 2
lizadonrex - 2
hanry01 - 2
28481k 人類總要重複同樣的錯誤(Humans would always repeat the same mistake) — 機動戰士Gundam «Till we have built Jerusalem!» Cantonensis Britannici #standwithukraine #BlackLivesMatter 1
fl9083 泛球勞工聯盟Pan ball labor alliance 1
semicircle 办证刻章微信同号 1
pandakuncafe World citizen 1

Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1624537747242512384 @roseluqiu 講真實存在的現象,就玻璃心受不了了?就開始玩假借權力大棒上綱上線扣帽子打擊人家一個小姑娘了。每個人心裡都有一個惡魔,不要輕易放出來,哪怕為了什麼自以為高大上正義的旗號。 1
1627925202922528771 @roseluqiu 小津,你看过coco吗? 0
1624633091347353601 @ChristinaRicar3 @siiignature @roseluqiu 在旅遊區嗎🤣 0
1624513457704906755 @EugeneYsz888 @28481k @roseluqiu 自由行後期開始。其實早期水貨上水果頭人多到爆已經有人不滿,之後手機拍片網絡大小二便之後就是turning point 0
1624516374617001985 @hanry01 @EugeneYsz888 @roseluqiu 就是大約2010年起 0
1624521814805303296 @28481k @EugeneYsz888 @roseluqiu 那就是大約可以手機可以拍片上載 0
1624540453155782657 @roseluqiu There is no excuses for racism. 0
1624576812734115840 @roseluqiu 上海街头 0
1624615377698160641 @roseluqiu 亲身经历看:讲普通话被区别对待的概率极大,这是事实,网红为了流量选择这个话题,然后话题被放大,仅此而已,流量为王的时代,不必过于解读,电影院里声情并茂背诵《满江红》的也大多是为了流量。 0
1624615679168253953 @roseluqiu 矫情,客观存在的歧视为啥还不敢说了,不光香港,内地大城市也存在啊,比如上海! 0

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1624740932468736005 @roseluqiu 「講衰香港故事」,經已違反國安法 5
1624633382557679616 @Parlos83718870 @roseluqiu 90%是错觉,因为敢于发声的都被灭了。香港人现在的自暴自弃做法,把本来同情的陆人也推远了。再说难听点,现在的香港,你对内地友善不友善,还有人在意吗?过不了几年,泯然众人矣 2
1624513457704906755 @EugeneYsz888 @28481k @roseluqiu 自由行後期開始。其實早期水貨上水果頭人多到爆已經有人不滿,之後手機拍片網絡大小二便之後就是turning point 2
1624713015223533569 @roseluqiu 昨天,看到有人說大部份香港人懂普通話,果然是宇宙中心思維。我之前在中資前綫工作,絕大部份四十歲以上的土生土長香港人不會說普通話,今天我跟老同學會面,問她會普通話嗎,她說不會。天龍人總有自信,不管你信不信! 2
1624677091546480640 @roseluqiu @europechinese 香港人看不起内地人也是事实 1
1624516374617001985 @hanry01 @EugeneYsz888 @roseluqiu 就是大約2010年起 1
1624537747242512384 @roseluqiu 講真實存在的現象,就玻璃心受不了了?就開始玩假借權力大棒上綱上線扣帽子打擊人家一個小姑娘了。每個人心裡都有一個惡魔,不要輕易放出來,哪怕為了什麼自以為高大上正義的旗號。 1
1624615377698160641 @roseluqiu 亲身经历看:讲普通话被区别对待的概率极大,这是事实,网红为了流量选择这个话题,然后话题被放大,仅此而已,流量为王的时代,不必过于解读,电影院里声情并茂背诵《满江红》的也大多是为了流量。 1
1624489691130261504 @Sam_Pan77 @roseluqiu 大陆人90%支持镇压香港也是事实不喜欢被讨厌,但香港人真的没有对内地人友善的理由… 1
1624720152901349377 @roseluqiu 其實我現在心態是吃花生🥜看看中港政府如何應對🤭如何說好香港故事? 1

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Mention Count
@roseluqiu 29
@eugeneysz888 4
@kevinch1894 2
@parlos83718870 2
@sam_pan77 2
@siiignature 2
@28481k 2
@0x0066f0 1
@manofpluto 1
@europechinese 1

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets


Average number of emojis used per tweet


Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
🤣 2 rolling_on_the_floor_laughing
🥜 1 peanuts
🤭 1 face_with_hand_over_mouth
🥲 1 smiling_face_with_tear
🙄 1 face_with_rolling_eyes

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Smileys & Emotion 5
Food & Drink 1