Account Summary
Followers Count
Friends Count
Tweets Count
List Count
United Kingdom
Followers Analysis (based on followers sample)
Number of Verified accounts
Percentage of Verified accounts
Number of Protected accounts
Percentage of Protected accounts
Average Age of Twitter accounts
9 years
Number of users without a Bio
Number of users with a Bio
Percentage of users with a Bio
Percentage of users without a Bio
Worldcloud of Bios
Top 10 followers with the highest follower count
Username | Followers Count | Friends Count | Tweet Count |
JohnCena | 14101563 | 575379 | 7454 |
RehamKhan1 | 3666990 | 1759 | 122266 |
ITV | 2271221 | 5418 | 75053 |
mmpadellan | 1223049 | 43628 | 137151 |
Rainmaker1973 | 1162674 | 300 | 212571 |
mrjamesob | 1135921 | 4077 | 93126 |
OwenJones84 | 1026247 | 6114 | 99681 |
theJeremyVine | 788771 | 15463 | 96209 |
reallorraine | 741444 | 1114 | 48569 |
StephenMerchant | 667173 | 372 | 2596 |
Top 10 followers with the highest following count
Username | Friends Count | Followers Count | Tweet Count |
JohnCena | 575379 | 14101563 | 7454 |
IamMzilikazi | 377394 | 547596 | 130799 |
GeorgeAylett | 260394 | 239240 | 110636 |
Coreandor | 214570 | 195216 | 237411 |
THE_THEO_FORD | 163754 | 469730 | 25132 |
paul_steele | 157986 | 647193 | 189728 |
natalieben | 144444 | 184496 | 111733 |
DrHubaEvaluator | 139052 | 127480 | 192711 |
StormHourMark | 133786 | 153107 | 144150 |
EyauukArt | 123309 | 141409 | 88566 |
Top 10 followers with the highest tweet count
Username | Tweets Count | Followers Count | Friends Count |
JamesRoy | 1257018 | 11930 | 12687 |
Bliadhnaichean | 1161293 | 4549 | 1267 |
Allchanges | 1104531 | 7124 | 7830 |
davepperlmutter | 1047745 | 77846 | 30738 |
ChristineJameis | 889888 | 17627 | 17483 |
aldoceccarelli | 820108 | 16053 | 15032 |
THEENGLISHROSEX | 792975 | 1610 | 4471 |
ChildOfAlba | 735123 | 20101 | 16726 |
TheStephenRalph | 734563 | 28008 | 27924 |
mckinlay_liz | 723134 | 10799 | 11723 |
Top 10 followers with the highest listed count
Username | Listed Count | Friends Count | Followers Count |
JohnCena | 31653 | 575379 | 14101563 |
paul_steele | 9868 | 157986 | 647193 |
Rainmaker1973 | 8623 | 300 | 1162674 |
OwenJones84 | 6916 | 6114 | 1026247 |
paulmasonnews | 5735 | 6543 | 621963 |
faisalislam | 5729 | 11007 | 391344 |
mmpadellan | 5328 | 43628 | 1223049 |
mrjamesob | 4594 | 4077 | 1135921 |
the_ecologist | 4007 | 4117 | 138956 |
PalmerReport | 3810 | 109708 | 510030 |
Tweets Analysis
Total number of tweets analysed
Earliest tweet was on
Latest tweet was on
Tweets covering
1,686 days
Types of Tweets
Number of Retweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of Original tweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Mentions
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Replies
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Quotes
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Hashtags
Percentage of total tweets
Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count
ID | Text | Retweet count |
1436362321652289537 | The level of inhumanity to send this child back on the perilous journey | 8791 |
1484130450612310022 | Couldn’t this man be our leader please? | 8590 |
1428274803824332801 | If this was your son you would fill the sea with ships of any flag. But don't worry. He is not your son. You can sleep peacefully. And above all of course, He is not your son. He is just a lost son of humanity, Dirty mankind, that makes no noise. He's not your son Marco Leoni | 8170 |
1344198497579511809 | On the day of the brexit vote the Oxford vaccine is announced whereupon our health secretary Matt Hancock boasts a great British success story. Pascal Soriot the man behind the oxford vaccine is French. | 7956 |
1605349469842771970 | One of the greatest if not the greatest moments in British history was the inspiration to create the #NHS a service for all no matter what our background and it’s served us well. It’s crying for help and it’s workers need help. #SaveOurNHS | 6149 |
1502038355999170560 | I guess it seems simple enough if you live in a world that really cares | 4487 |
1538979626785046528 | Has to be the ultimate irony of @grantshapps saying the #RailStrikes will only hurt ordinary people when in fact ordinary people have been hurt by the worst government who continuously cause so much hurt to so many | 3607 |
1603047459965603840 | The government are doing their utmost to discredit anyone fighting for a living and that includes the Nurses who are understaffed overworked and underpaid. The motives are clear #privatisation but we must save our #NHS | 3566 |
1620726959822245889 | neonicotinoids banned in the EU for its harmful effects on bees has been approved by the UK!!!! Another benefit of #Brexit ? Didn’t they just announce how they were going to improve our health in the countryside | 3475 |
1544758786778284032 | Well I never thought I’d say this but “come the moment come the man” | 2844 |
Top 10 tweets with highest Reply count
ID | Text | Reply count |
1436362321652289537 | The level of inhumanity to send this child back on the perilous journey | 2790 |
1500384431558864899 | Finally succumbed to Covid and it’s hit me pretty hard. Twitter is not actually a comfort zone at the moment so I’m going to look after my health and family Take care everyone | 1442 |
1344198497579511809 | On the day of the brexit vote the Oxford vaccine is announced whereupon our health secretary Matt Hancock boasts a great British success story. Pascal Soriot the man behind the oxford vaccine is French. | 1427 |
1637220728637456385 | A warrant for Putins arrest Donald Trump being arrested hopefully Boris Johnson should be arrested Anyone else? | 1162 |
1506374523003838468 | Anyone else feeling post covid knackered and disorientated? | 1155 |
1567929806242840576 | Why oh why do I feel I’ve lost my parents again? | 1089 |
1251494342738485248 | Well 22 but near enough | 995 |
1575113397003489281 | Maybe the Conservatives might consider cancelling their #ConservativePartyconference and recall parliament to help get us out of this mess? | 919 |
1558793182225252352 | See you all soon x | 813 |
1544758786778284032 | Well I never thought I’d say this but “come the moment come the man” | 805 |
Top 10 tweets with highest Quote count
ID | Text | Quote count |
1436362321652289537 | The level of inhumanity to send this child back on the perilous journey | 928 |
1344198497579511809 | On the day of the brexit vote the Oxford vaccine is announced whereupon our health secretary Matt Hancock boasts a great British success story. Pascal Soriot the man behind the oxford vaccine is French. | 619 |
1428274803824332801 | If this was your son you would fill the sea with ships of any flag. But don't worry. He is not your son. You can sleep peacefully. And above all of course, He is not your son. He is just a lost son of humanity, Dirty mankind, that makes no noise. He's not your son Marco Leoni | 485 |
1484130450612310022 | Couldn’t this man be our leader please? | 463 |
1544758786778284032 | Well I never thought I’d say this but “come the moment come the man” | 242 |
1322228090819518465 | I can’t help feeling @jeremycorbyn has been severely maligned. His political views in contrast to the current trend and his struggle with the media were never going to make him the PM but in comparison to the voices we are hearing now he certainly isn’t racist | 202 |
1605349469842771970 | One of the greatest if not the greatest moments in British history was the inspiration to create the #NHS a service for all no matter what our background and it’s served us well. It’s crying for help and it’s workers need help. #SaveOurNHS | 171 |
1502038355999170560 | I guess it seems simple enough if you live in a world that really cares | 165 |
1251494342738485248 | Well 22 but near enough | 164 |
1567929806242840576 | Why oh why do I feel I’ve lost my parents again? | 141 |
Top 10 tweets with highest Like count
ID | Text | Like count |
1436362321652289537 | The level of inhumanity to send this child back on the perilous journey | 50437 |
1344198497579511809 | On the day of the brexit vote the Oxford vaccine is announced whereupon our health secretary Matt Hancock boasts a great British success story. Pascal Soriot the man behind the oxford vaccine is French. | 43658 |
1484130450612310022 | Couldn’t this man be our leader please? | 42870 |
1428274803824332801 | If this was your son you would fill the sea with ships of any flag. But don't worry. He is not your son. You can sleep peacefully. And above all of course, He is not your son. He is just a lost son of humanity, Dirty mankind, that makes no noise. He's not your son Marco Leoni | 29053 |
1605349469842771970 | One of the greatest if not the greatest moments in British history was the inspiration to create the #NHS a service for all no matter what our background and it’s served us well. It’s crying for help and it’s workers need help. #SaveOurNHS | 28703 |
1544758786778284032 | Well I never thought I’d say this but “come the moment come the man” | 26208 |
1435520451950882817 | I miss my parents so much. I miss their love their honesty their sense of fun and their simple and uncomplicated view on life but I wonder how they would have dealt with a world that has been turned upside down by liars cheats and the me first brigade. | 24914 |
1580972224856526849 | Now I’m in shock at the death of my dear pal Robbie Coltrane We shared a Hollywood journey that will live with me forever ❤️Another great star to light the heavens | 24757 |
1502038355999170560 | I guess it seems simple enough if you live in a world that really cares | 23731 |
1567929806242840576 | Why oh why do I feel I’ve lost my parents again? | 22814 |
Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets
Top 10 Hashtags used
Hashtag | Count |
#nhs | 9 |
#hs2 | 9 |
#climatecrisis | 5 |
#brexit | 4 |
#colnevalley | 3 |
#climateemergency | 3 |
#greatexpectations | 2 |
#saveournhs | 2 |
#brexitshambles | 2 |
#railstrikes | 2 |
Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets
Top 10 mentions
Hashtag | Count |
@dcfcofficial | 8 |
@nhs | 5 |
@hamps_theatre | 4 |
@anythingguk | 4 |
@youtube | 3 |
@borisjohnson | 3 |
@richmondtheatre | 3 |
@bbc | 2 |
@sophiegreenart | 2 |
@grantshapps | 2 |
Top 10 mentions
Wordcloud of Tweets
Emojis used in tweets
Emoji | Count | Emoji Text |
💚 | 55 | green_heart |
❤️ | 50 | red_heart |
🌺 | 26 | hibiscus |
🎄 | 23 | Christmas_tree |
🇺🇦 | 16 | Ukraine |
👏 | 14 | clapping_hands |
😡 | 4 | enraged_face |
😂 | 3 | face_with_tears_of_joy |
🐕 | 3 | dog |
🌹 | 2 | rose |
Emojis groups
Emoji Group | Count |
Smileys & Emotion | 114 |
Animals & Nature | 33 |
Activities | 24 |
Flags | 19 |
People & Body | 16 |
Travel & Places | 3 |
Symbols | 2 |