Account Summary

Followers Count


Friends Count


Tweets Count


List Count



United Kingdom



Followers Analysis (based on followers sample)


Number of Verified accounts


Percentage of Verified accounts



Number of Protected accounts


Percentage of Protected accounts



Average Age of Twitter accounts

9 years


Number of users without a Bio


Number of users with a Bio


Percentage of users with a Bio


Percentage of users without a Bio


Worldcloud of Bios

List of top 10 keywords used in bios

Word Frequency
love 4747
views 3971
music 3143
life 3016
lover 2937
mum 2333
proud 2242
retired 1764
family 1720
socialist 1573

List of top 10 hashtags used in bios

Hashtag Frequency
#fbpe 1103
#gtto 798
#rejoineu 250
#blm 190
#toriesout 190
#fbppr 147
#nhs 144
#johnsonout 140
#lfc 133
#ynwa 130

Top 10 followers with the highest follower count

Username Followers Count Friends Count Tweet Count
JohnCena 14101563 575379 7454
RehamKhan1 3666990 1759 122266
ITV 2271221 5418 75053
mmpadellan 1223049 43628 137151
Rainmaker1973 1162674 300 212571
mrjamesob 1135921 4077 93126
OwenJones84 1026247 6114 99681
theJeremyVine 788771 15463 96209
reallorraine 741444 1114 48569
StephenMerchant 667173 372 2596

Top 10 followers with the highest following count

Username Friends Count Followers Count Tweet Count
JohnCena 575379 14101563 7454
IamMzilikazi 377394 547596 130799
GeorgeAylett 260394 239240 110636
Coreandor 214570 195216 237411
THE_THEO_FORD 163754 469730 25132
paul_steele 157986 647193 189728
natalieben 144444 184496 111733
DrHubaEvaluator 139052 127480 192711
StormHourMark 133786 153107 144150
EyauukArt 123309 141409 88566

Top 10 followers with the highest tweet count

Username Tweets Count Followers Count Friends Count
JamesRoy 1257018 11930 12687
Bliadhnaichean 1161293 4549 1267
Allchanges 1104531 7124 7830
davepperlmutter 1047745 77846 30738
ChristineJameis 889888 17627 17483
aldoceccarelli 820108 16053 15032
THEENGLISHROSEX 792975 1610 4471
ChildOfAlba 735123 20101 16726
TheStephenRalph 734563 28008 27924
mckinlay_liz 723134 10799 11723

Top 10 followers with the highest listed count

Username Listed Count Friends Count Followers Count
JohnCena 31653 575379 14101563
paul_steele 9868 157986 647193
Rainmaker1973 8623 300 1162674
OwenJones84 6916 6114 1026247
paulmasonnews 5735 6543 621963
faisalislam 5729 11007 391344
mmpadellan 5328 43628 1223049
mrjamesob 4594 4077 1135921
the_ecologist 4007 4117 138956
PalmerReport 3810 109708 510030

Tweets Analysis


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

1,686 days

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1436362321652289537 The level of inhumanity to send this child back on the perilous journey 8791
1484130450612310022 Couldn’t this man be our leader please? 8590
1428274803824332801 If this was your son you would fill the sea with ships of any flag. But don't worry. He is not your son. You can sleep peacefully. And above all of course, He is not your son. He is just a lost son of humanity, Dirty mankind, that makes no noise. He's not your son Marco Leoni 8170
1344198497579511809 On the day of the brexit vote the Oxford vaccine is announced whereupon our health secretary Matt Hancock boasts a great British success story. Pascal Soriot the man behind the oxford vaccine is French. 7956
1605349469842771970 One of the greatest if not the greatest moments in British history was the inspiration to create the #NHS a service for all no matter what our background and it’s served us well. It’s crying for help and it’s workers need help. #SaveOurNHS 6149
1502038355999170560 I guess it seems simple enough if you live in a world that really cares 4487
1538979626785046528 Has to be the ultimate irony of @grantshapps saying the #RailStrikes will only hurt ordinary people when in fact ordinary people have been hurt by the worst government who continuously cause so much hurt to so many 3607
1603047459965603840 The government are doing their utmost to discredit anyone fighting for a living and that includes the Nurses who are understaffed overworked and underpaid. The motives are clear #privatisation but we must save our #NHS 3566
1620726959822245889 neonicotinoids banned in the EU for its harmful effects on bees has been approved by the UK!!!! Another benefit of #Brexit ? Didn’t they just announce how they were going to improve our health in the countryside 3475
1544758786778284032 Well I never thought I’d say this but “come the moment come the man” 2844

Top 10 tweets with highest Reply count

ID Text Reply count
1436362321652289537 The level of inhumanity to send this child back on the perilous journey 2790
1500384431558864899 Finally succumbed to Covid and it’s hit me pretty hard. Twitter is not actually a comfort zone at the moment so I’m going to look after my health and family Take care everyone 1442
1344198497579511809 On the day of the brexit vote the Oxford vaccine is announced whereupon our health secretary Matt Hancock boasts a great British success story. Pascal Soriot the man behind the oxford vaccine is French. 1427
1637220728637456385 A warrant for Putins arrest Donald Trump being arrested hopefully Boris Johnson should be arrested Anyone else? 1162
1506374523003838468 Anyone else feeling post covid knackered and disorientated? 1155
1567929806242840576 Why oh why do I feel I’ve lost my parents again? 1089
1251494342738485248 Well 22 but near enough 995
1575113397003489281 Maybe the Conservatives might consider cancelling their #ConservativePartyconference and recall parliament to help get us out of this mess? 919
1558793182225252352 See you all soon x 813
1544758786778284032 Well I never thought I’d say this but “come the moment come the man” 805

Top 10 tweets with highest Quote count

ID Text Quote count
1436362321652289537 The level of inhumanity to send this child back on the perilous journey 928
1344198497579511809 On the day of the brexit vote the Oxford vaccine is announced whereupon our health secretary Matt Hancock boasts a great British success story. Pascal Soriot the man behind the oxford vaccine is French. 619
1428274803824332801 If this was your son you would fill the sea with ships of any flag. But don't worry. He is not your son. You can sleep peacefully. And above all of course, He is not your son. He is just a lost son of humanity, Dirty mankind, that makes no noise. He's not your son Marco Leoni 485
1484130450612310022 Couldn’t this man be our leader please? 463
1544758786778284032 Well I never thought I’d say this but “come the moment come the man” 242
1322228090819518465 I can’t help feeling @jeremycorbyn has been severely maligned. His political views in contrast to the current trend and his struggle with the media were never going to make him the PM but in comparison to the voices we are hearing now he certainly isn’t racist 202
1605349469842771970 One of the greatest if not the greatest moments in British history was the inspiration to create the #NHS a service for all no matter what our background and it’s served us well. It’s crying for help and it’s workers need help. #SaveOurNHS 171
1502038355999170560 I guess it seems simple enough if you live in a world that really cares 165
1251494342738485248 Well 22 but near enough 164
1567929806242840576 Why oh why do I feel I’ve lost my parents again? 141

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1436362321652289537 The level of inhumanity to send this child back on the perilous journey 50437
1344198497579511809 On the day of the brexit vote the Oxford vaccine is announced whereupon our health secretary Matt Hancock boasts a great British success story. Pascal Soriot the man behind the oxford vaccine is French. 43658
1484130450612310022 Couldn’t this man be our leader please? 42870
1428274803824332801 If this was your son you would fill the sea with ships of any flag. But don't worry. He is not your son. You can sleep peacefully. And above all of course, He is not your son. He is just a lost son of humanity, Dirty mankind, that makes no noise. He's not your son Marco Leoni 29053
1605349469842771970 One of the greatest if not the greatest moments in British history was the inspiration to create the #NHS a service for all no matter what our background and it’s served us well. It’s crying for help and it’s workers need help. #SaveOurNHS 28703
1544758786778284032 Well I never thought I’d say this but “come the moment come the man” 26208
1435520451950882817 I miss my parents so much. I miss their love their honesty their sense of fun and their simple and uncomplicated view on life but I wonder how they would have dealt with a world that has been turned upside down by liars cheats and the me first brigade. 24914
1580972224856526849 Now I’m in shock at the death of my dear pal Robbie Coltrane We shared a Hollywood journey that will live with me forever ❤️Another great star to light the heavens 24757
1502038355999170560 I guess it seems simple enough if you live in a world that really cares 23731
1567929806242840576 Why oh why do I feel I’ve lost my parents again? 22814

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#nhs 9
#hs2 9
#climatecrisis 5
#brexit 4
#colnevalley 3
#climateemergency 3
#greatexpectations 2
#saveournhs 2
#brexitshambles 2
#railstrikes 2

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Hashtag Count
@dcfcofficial 8
@nhs 5
@hamps_theatre 4
@anythingguk 4
@youtube 3
@borisjohnson 3
@richmondtheatre 3
@bbc 2
@sophiegreenart 2
@grantshapps 2

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
💚 55 green_heart
❤️ 50 red_heart
🌺 26 hibiscus
🎄 23 Christmas_tree
🇺🇦 16 Ukraine
👏 14 clapping_hands
😡 4 enraged_face
😂 3 face_with_tears_of_joy
🐕 3 dog
🌹 2 rose

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Smileys & Emotion 114
Animals & Nature 33
Activities 24
Flags 19
People & Body 16
Travel & Places 3
Symbols 2