Account Summary

Followers Count


Friends Count


Tweets Count


List Count






Followers Analysis (based on followers sample)


Number of Verified accounts


Percentage of Verified accounts



Number of Protected accounts


Percentage of Protected accounts



Average Age of Twitter accounts

8 years


Number of users without a Bio


Number of users with a Bio


Percentage of users with a Bio


Percentage of users without a Bio


Worldcloud of Bios

List of top 10 keywords used in bios

Word Frequency
love 5446
life 3851
mum 2900
family 1949
music 1891
live 1683
views 1583
wife 1572
lover 1359
proud 1301

List of top 10 hashtags used in bios

Hashtag Frequency
#bekind 58
#ynwa 46
#mufc 37
#nhs 33
#mentalhealth 32
#music 31
#lfc 31
#family 29
#gtto 28
#blacklivesmatter 26

Top 10 followers with the highest follower count

Username Followers Count Friends Count Tweet Count
JohnCena 14099646 571858 7452
wossy 4889757 9662 26796
KatiePrice 1841397 1742 7736
LouisePentland 1827004 827 32024
VickyPattison 1808568 3395 54576
RobbieSavage8 1679377 2093 71822
professorgreen 1666310 2323 68250
SinghLions 1334120 1431328 33936
MTVMusicUK 1272710 5943 48300
bbuk 1247451 740 60719

Top 10 followers with the highest following count

Username Friends Count Followers Count Tweet Count
SinghLions 1431328 1334120 33936
KevinandTrevor 687782 696793 31807
JohnCena 571858 14099646 7452
DanielNewman 570581 812175 85908
fayez_alshmmari 437113 598175 16367
2thank 364302 395000 60840
PierceLilholt 315895 170092 94517
Sadenss 293062 269454 13489
peterndoro 272199 359208 12874
Yubbie007 255880 256458 101066

Top 10 followers with the highest tweet count

Username Tweets Count Followers Count Friends Count
CelebrainLTD 1111135 74760 49727
007Dufour007 889878 3353 4999
Stingraytwo 783492 4083 953
NatsluckyBlyth 756830 10949 26807
Aaronrutter9 742798 663 5014
elizabethtoni 623044 2412 4984
LesleyannIrvin1 622276 20135 8967
chesilradio 620808 1820 5000
MOVIESTVMAD 560697 1661 3776
profesortbaker 550835 16734 18411

Top 10 followers with the highest listed count

Username Listed Count Friends Count Followers Count
JohnCena 31663 571858 14099646
wossy 10986 9662 4889757
paul_steele 9871 158020 647333
campbellclaret 6454 9440 1009376
journalismnews 5259 84649 134700
donwinslow 4939 36302 933337
KatiePrice 4604 1742 1841397
RobbieSavage8 4446 2093 1679377
CelebrainLTD 4005 49727 74760
PalmerReport 3788 109573 508786

Tweets Analysis


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

2,185 days

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1052982865598779392 Tomorrow @GMB - @LittleMix chat #WomanLikeMe from 6am. That, and men, music and rings on their fingers #LittleMix #gmb #itv #littlemixers 194
863813481316986880 The best of British #clairefoy #BenedictCumberbatch - nominees at #baftatvawards .@GMB from 6am with @piersmorgan & @susannareid100 112
866877562349342720 There are no words. Who targets children like this? They shall not prevail. See how Manchester rises up against this unspeakable act. 95
1130732473393061890 🙏🏻🙌😂 91
1082232111149576192 The early bird always gets the worm #morgansmeat #gmb - back from 6am tomorrow @piersmorgan @susannareid100 @CharlotteHawkns 91
1260991339266793474 Heartbreaking news from our Clemmie’s home @LortonCockapoos. Please help if you can... anyone in the Tarleton area and beyond.. 78
860493280991215616 Mum, 80, of sound mind but hard of hearing: 'Where's the year gone?' Me: 'I know. You'll be 85 before you know it.' Mum: What barbecue?' 72
1246803888310796290 Meanwhile, I can’t visit my 82 year old mother. 71
905690573151105025 We all have a part to play in creating a world where everyone, everywhere can be themselves. So #ComeOutForLGBT with me and @StonewallUK! 69
898576169410449409 Dim all the lights; we shall never see the likes again #RIPBrucie - thanks for the memories @bbcstrictly Class of 2012 60

Top 10 tweets with highest Reply count

ID Text Reply count
1367366701977894913 BREAKING: Fruit should not go on a pizza. Amen @susannareid100 384
1246803888310796290 Meanwhile, I can’t visit my 82 year old mother. 224
1525581719042150401 .@SamRyderMusic - what a talent… what an ambassador… what spirit, what heart… #Eurovision #SamRyder 75
1328089303424135169 Care to make it interesting? Your top three by end of show @imacelebrity #ImACeleb #imacelebrity 74
1082232111149576192 The early bird always gets the worm #morgansmeat #gmb - back from 6am tomorrow @piersmorgan @susannareid100 @CharlotteHawkns 70
1331124038115094529 When the lighting department has your back. Good morning 51. Who’s joining me in a lockdown birthday? Popping a cork later - do you prefer a big bang or a little puff? #bubbles #birthday #lockdown #gmb 60
1235460789676490752 Celebrating 25 years to the day since my network telly debut as Soapy Dick on BBC2’s The Sunday Show back in 1995. Or as @susannareid100 put it: ‘Still stealing a living!’ #25 #25years #anniversary #gmb @ Television… 58
1125122363551563776 The struggle is real. Staying sober enough to make sense of the imminent @Line_of_duty finale when you have a lie in on Monday #LineofDutyFinale #drinkresponsibly 52
1341779678374354946 It’s possible I’m watching The Polar Express for the first time. Magical. What price a ticket from 2020 on this magnificent rattler? #Christmas #ChristmasMovies 46
923079547955941376 And I have to wake up to myself every morning. Pity my poor mother. Have a lovely day. 46

Top 10 tweets with highest Quote count

ID Text Quote count
1246803888310796290 Meanwhile, I can’t visit my 82 year old mother. 21
1082232111149576192 The early bird always gets the worm #morgansmeat #gmb - back from 6am tomorrow @piersmorgan @susannareid100 @CharlotteHawkns 20
1367366701977894913 BREAKING: Fruit should not go on a pizza. Amen @susannareid100 20
860493280991215616 Mum, 80, of sound mind but hard of hearing: 'Where's the year gone?' Me: 'I know. You'll be 85 before you know it.' Mum: What barbecue?' 13
1130732473393061890 🙏🏻🙌😂 12
863813481316986880 The best of British #clairefoy #BenedictCumberbatch - nominees at #baftatvawards .@GMB from 6am with @piersmorgan & @susannareid100 10
1008429645979639809 I’ll break it to @piersmorgan & @susannareid100 tomorrow @gmb 9
1432398053974155267 Dolly Parton on @GMB tomorrow chatting tattoos, Mr Parton, 9 to 5 the Musical Touring the UK and a whole lot more.. .@DollyParton  @9to5themusicaluk 7
1052982865598779392 Tomorrow @GMB - @LittleMix chat #WomanLikeMe from 6am. That, and men, music and rings on their fingers #LittleMix #gmb #itv #littlemixers 7
1004825834652397569 That moment watching .@LoveIsland when you realise @gmb bosses will be making you mash a melon with your bum on air in the morning #LoveIsland #GMB #dayjob 7

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1525581719042150401 .@SamRyderMusic - what a talent… what an ambassador… what spirit, what heart… #Eurovision #SamRyder 5839
1383101704611192838 Not a single frame wasted, or a board untrodden. At the @bafta TV awards after doing my usual shift, the bar was shut. Without a beat, Helen McCory handed me her bubbles with a twinkle in her eye: ‘You look like you need this.’ Love to all she held dear. #HelenMcCrory 2855
1246803888310796290 Meanwhile, I can’t visit my 82 year old mother. 2225
1367366701977894913 BREAKING: Fruit should not go on a pizza. Amen @susannareid100 1833
898576169410449409 Dim all the lights; we shall never see the likes again #RIPBrucie - thanks for the memories @bbcstrictly Class of 2012 1820
1228936955813126144 So desperately sad. Last night was spent with friends at home, breaking bread and talking about loss, the nature of grief and how this all too short, precious a life we live can turn on you like a weather vane for… 1609
1327908495157497861 Des O’Connor. Veteran twinkler. An absolute joy to meet over the years. Snapped here - where else - but the @LondonPalladium Condolences to Jodie and family #RIPDes 1314
1525607118899920897 STOP COUNTING! 😅 #Eurovision 1231
1125122363551563776 The struggle is real. Staying sober enough to make sense of the imminent @Line_of_duty finale when you have a lie in on Monday #LineofDutyFinale #drinkresponsibly 1203
860493280991215616 Mum, 80, of sound mind but hard of hearing: 'Where's the year gone?' Me: 'I know. You'll be 85 before you know it.' Mum: What barbecue?' 1198

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#gmb 295
#itv 159
#eurovision 34
#friyay 27
#awards 20
#loveisland 19
#christmas 18
#redcarpet 15
#friday 14
#imacelebrity 14

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Hashtag Count
@gmb 378
@itv 37
@piersmorgan 34
@susannareid100 29
@kategarraway 27
@benshephard 22
@imacelebrity 19
@bbcstrictly 19
@officialntas 18
@eurovision 18

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
😉 25 winking_face
🙌 14 raising_hands
🙏🏻 11 folded_hands_light_skin_tone
🤦🏼‍♂️ 7 man_facepalming_medium-light_skin_tone
🌈 5 rainbow
🙄 5 face_with_rolling_eyes
🤗 5 smiling_face_with_open_hands
😳 4 flushed_face
😂 3 face_with_tears_of_joy
😬 3 grimacing_face

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Smileys & Emotion 57
People & Body 36
Travel & Places 5
Flags 2
Food & Drink 2
Symbols 1
Activities 1