Account Summary

Followers Count


Friends Count


Tweets Count


List Count



Golden, CO



Followers Analysis (based on followers sample)


Number of Verified accounts


Percentage of Verified accounts



Number of Protected accounts


Percentage of Protected accounts



Average Age of Twitter accounts

6 years


Number of users without a Bio


Number of users with a Bio


Percentage of users with a Bio


Percentage of users without a Bio


Worldcloud of Bios

List of top 10 keywords used in bios

Word Frequency
love 3265
life 2147
mom 1931
lover 1561
weather 1540
husband 1523
wife 1462
sports 1362
father 1236
god 1165

List of top 10 hashtags used in bios

Hashtag Frequency
#maga 162
#billsmafia 150
#blm 147
#resist 115
#2a 94
#1 85
#blacklivesmatter 82
#bitcoin 60
#voteblue 57
#fjb 49

Top 10 followers with the highest follower count

Username Followers Count Friends Count Tweet Count
hodgetwins 1922139 2177 16011
katiecouric 1687967 4470 49852
hasanthehun 1390401 2176 33634
JoyceWhiteVance 1019530 1893 52920
NOH8Campaign 801885 345168 13960
JoeTrippi 783033 7519 76901
blessed_213 725785 360 19414
JorgePontual 622871 6437 38892
1yl 622359 46448 1148515
IamMzilikazi 546055 375943 130400

Top 10 followers with the highest following count

Username Friends Count Followers Count Tweet Count
Moreno 387150 430286 64794
IamMzilikazi 375943 546055 130400
NOH8Campaign 345168 801885 13960
robtswthrayguns 285468 259508 86234
SlimJim 140683 492293 68376
SteveGutzler 113062 142423 82855
AmyTaylorNYC 112457 118362 31653
heatherpaterson 112333 118524 56006
Octopusintell 106680 143612 19059
Chicago_History 94403 120285 47033

Top 10 followers with the highest tweet count

Username Tweets Count Followers Count Friends Count
TomthunkitsMind 3451184 86408 68530
bmurphypointman 2462442 84481 28954
JanRomes 1248287 71330 19818
ChrisBrey1 1244612 2208 4995
1yl 1148515 622359 46448
CMargaronis 790504 23700 18237
GHofmar 698750 2991 4179
SouthernGemGal 695453 2983 2317
JDjwhite54 672476 19751 20919
lulu82824 635271 3255 3950

Top 10 followers with the highest listed count

Username Listed Count Friends Count Followers Count
katiecouric 11115 4470 1687967
NOH8Campaign 7563 345168 801885
JoyceWhiteVance 7118 1893 1019530
lisabriercliffe 5690 47531 50019
OABlanchard 5070 24393 43854
Anthony 4347 8063 103511
smoothsale 4122 53053 56394
JoeTrippi 3997 7519 783033
JimMarous 3716 10668 98311
nancyrubin 3458 6910 9849

Tweets Analysis


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

139 days

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1640415796601004033 I am very concerned about the overall pattern for tornado outbreaks this early spring as we finish March and into April. Long-range models show a pattern we see every 10 years or so - massive high amplitude storm system after storm system. Time is now to mentally and physically… 1859
1606506758054334464 Peak #blizzard Downtown Buffalo as lake effect plume has solidified again. Bigtime winds. Deadly conditions 1451
1639454893902647296 Extensive damage path in Rolling Fork, MS @accuweather 1207
1606478909427843074 Extreme #blizzard stranding motorists Downtown Buffalo. Family here stranded 7 hours a block from shelter. @bclemms and I escorted to shelter. Seems like survival situations playing out a block or two away in whiteout. Worst blizzard I have ever covered 1149
1641055279876825089 The Storm Prediction Center has issued a massive enhanced risk with 30% hatch area for significant severe weather on FRIDAY stretching from northern Louisiana through Iowa. It has been a few years since we have witnessed an tornado event this widespread. Stay tuned 1126
1639447485453090817 Heading to Vicksburg hospital with injured residents of Rolling Fork MS they need emergency personnel NOw 1110
1639454058221121537 Here are some frame captures of the destructive #tornado as a wedge on approach to Rolling Fork, MS. We are heading back to assist in transport 1033
1639456062943252489 Nocturnal wedge #tornado interpret in Rolling Fork, MS @accuweather 830
1618005242859388928 Extensive #tornado damage in Deer Park, TX after search and rescue mode @accuweather 719
1612231455786115072 Hey @Discovery let’s bring back Storm Chasers. There are a lot of knock off series out there. Only Team Dominator can do this right. Let’s do this. 699

Top 10 tweets with highest Reply count

ID Text Reply count
1646655538237784064 Guess the number between 1 and 3300 880
1612231455786115072 Hey @Discovery let’s bring back Storm Chasers. There are a lot of knock off series out there. Only Team Dominator can do this right. Let’s do this. 480
1608540461429301249 Gizmo needs your thoughts and prayers. I believe she has a severe case of pancreatitis. Heading to the emergency vet. Fluids and rest, and lots of love is needed. 394
1640415796601004033 I am very concerned about the overall pattern for tornado outbreaks this early spring as we finish March and into April. Long-range models show a pattern we see every 10 years or so - massive high amplitude storm system after storm system. Time is now to mentally and physically… 353
1645910272497029120 I am looking in to human growth hormone (HGH) injections to boost energy, reduce pain and improve recovery after storm chases now that I am getting a bit older. Does anyone have any experience with this? Never stop chasing 322
1642214654440099840 I would like to officially announce my retirement from storm chasing. Just too much riff raff 270
1599799741096656897 Trying to decide if I should keep growing my hair to become a longhair or get a nice, short professional haircut. It is always a constant battle in my head between these energies 226
1632923468562931712 @ryanhallyall I officially challenge you to a boxing match. All proceeds go to storm recovery. Let’s dance 215
1606506758054334464 Peak #blizzard Downtown Buffalo as lake effect plume has solidified again. Bigtime winds. Deadly conditions 215
1603474297674207250 What do you think about my new storm chasing suit 212

Top 10 tweets with highest Quote count

ID Text Quote count
1606506758054334464 Peak #blizzard Downtown Buffalo as lake effect plume has solidified again. Bigtime winds. Deadly conditions 320
1640415796601004033 I am very concerned about the overall pattern for tornado outbreaks this early spring as we finish March and into April. Long-range models show a pattern we see every 10 years or so - massive high amplitude storm system after storm system. Time is now to mentally and physically… 244
1641055279876825089 The Storm Prediction Center has issued a massive enhanced risk with 30% hatch area for significant severe weather on FRIDAY stretching from northern Louisiana through Iowa. It has been a few years since we have witnessed an tornado event this widespread. Stay tuned 185
1612231455786115072 Hey @Discovery let’s bring back Storm Chasers. There are a lot of knock off series out there. Only Team Dominator can do this right. Let’s do this. 150
1606478909427843074 Extreme #blizzard stranding motorists Downtown Buffalo. Family here stranded 7 hours a block from shelter. @bclemms and I escorted to shelter. Seems like survival situations playing out a block or two away in whiteout. Worst blizzard I have ever covered 130
1606321386976415744 BIG-TIME SEICHE storm surge flooding at Buffalo Naval Park with winds over 60 mph. Dangerous #blizzard conditions 127
1639454893902647296 Extensive damage path in Rolling Fork, MS @accuweather 107
1618005242859388928 Extensive #tornado damage in Deer Park, TX after search and rescue mode @accuweather 84
1612087079680315395 Tornado intercept by high plains hook slice maneuver, Wray, Colorado. Never stop chasing #weather #stormchasing 82
1614655773979643909 FLYING COW captured with this #tornado in Federal, Wyoming, May 27, 2018! 80

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1640415796601004033 I am very concerned about the overall pattern for tornado outbreaks this early spring as we finish March and into April. Long-range models show a pattern we see every 10 years or so - massive high amplitude storm system after storm system. Time is now to mentally and physically… 7281
1612231455786115072 Hey @Discovery let’s bring back Storm Chasers. There are a lot of knock off series out there. Only Team Dominator can do this right. Let’s do this. 7264
1606506758054334464 Peak #blizzard Downtown Buffalo as lake effect plume has solidified again. Bigtime winds. Deadly conditions 6090
1606478909427843074 Extreme #blizzard stranding motorists Downtown Buffalo. Family here stranded 7 hours a block from shelter. @bclemms and I escorted to shelter. Seems like survival situations playing out a block or two away in whiteout. Worst blizzard I have ever covered 5340
1639447485453090817 Heading to Vicksburg hospital with injured residents of Rolling Fork MS they need emergency personnel NOw 4940
1642257150050279430 I miss Joel deeply. We should be chasing this. Miss his balance. Friendship. RIP Joel Taylor 4570
1608540461429301249 Gizmo needs your thoughts and prayers. I believe she has a severe case of pancreatitis. Heading to the emergency vet. Fluids and rest, and lots of love is needed. 4196
1641055279876825089 The Storm Prediction Center has issued a massive enhanced risk with 30% hatch area for significant severe weather on FRIDAY stretching from northern Louisiana through Iowa. It has been a few years since we have witnessed an tornado event this widespread. Stay tuned 3931
1639454058221121537 Here are some frame captures of the destructive #tornado as a wedge on approach to Rolling Fork, MS. We are heading back to assist in transport 3776
1639454893902647296 Extensive damage path in Rolling Fork, MS @accuweather 3644

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#tornado 131
#blizzard 36
#flood 8
#hail 6
#1 5
#stormchasing 5
#snow 4
#weather 3
#spring 2
#icestorm 2

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Hashtag Count
@accuweather 128
@getflexseal 43
@windycom 15
@bobmenery 8
@chaser_summit 7
@chasinspin 6
@youtube 5
@captainvanover 4
@makeawish 4
@nwsbirmingham 4

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
❤️ 10 red_heart
😵‍💫 1 face_with_spiral_eyes

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Smileys & Emotion 11