Tweets Analysis - Keyword: @Rebeccasmt


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

10 days

Average age of authors' accounts

7 years


Rebecca Smt has discussed the progress made by NHS trusts in reducing waiting lists, with the caveat that workforce shortages and rising strike numbers could impede these efforts. Commenters have indicated that the government and unions must engage in conversation, and have criticized an Independent headline implying that strikes lead to backlogs of patients. They have instead suggested that 12 years of Tory mismanagement and underfunding are to blame. Commenters have also voiced disappointment in Smt and The Independent for the headline.

Topic Modeling

  1. Poor management of NHS
  2. Workforce shortages and strikes
  3. Waiting lists
  4. Virtual wards
  5. Impact on children health due to poor policies

Emotional Analysis

The sentiment expressed in these tweets range from disappointment to frustration. There is a general sense of anger towards the government and unions for not taking the necessary steps to resolve the NHS workforce shortages and escalating strikes. There is also a feeling of despair due to the long wait times for surgeries and treatments, and a sense of indignation towards the media for irresponsible and misleading headlines.

Trend Analysis

  1. Escalating Strikes
  2. Shortage of Workforce
  3. NHS Waiting Lists
  4. Government Propaganda
  5. NHS Mismanagement

Disclaimer: The text analysis on, powered by OpenAI, does not represent the views of or its affiliates. The analysis is for informational purposes only and not an endorsement of any viewpoint.

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 5 devices used to tweet

Source Count
Twitter Web App 115
Twitter for iPhone 111
Twitter for Android 66
Twitter for iPad 36
TweetDeck 8

What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count

Username Name Bio Followers count
realBSkylstad Brenda Hill Skylstad WA state's 1989 Whistleblower law is named after me.1st in the USA. Please google Brenda Hill whistleblower stories. 33 states so far. followed by @kevincorke 98,084
PaulaMc007 Paula McGowan OBE #Oliverscampaign Founder of The Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training in Learning Disability & Autism ▪️Public Speaker ▪️Award winning Activist ▪️Fighting Cancer ▪️Trying to be nice 35,101
pash22 Ash Paul Public Hlth Dr,interested in evid-based health services commissioning,clinical leadership & hlth policy.My views are my own,RTs are no endorsements 30,453
AlexJayBrady Alex Jay Brady 27,042
INQUEST_ORG INQUEST ⚖️INQUEST is an independent charity combining specialist support for bereaved people following a state related death, with campaigning for justice and change. 19,706
RichardBurden27 Richard Burden Chair @HWBrum @HealthwatchSol. Vice Chair @LFPME.Trustee @BalfourProject. Was Labour MP Birmingham Northfield & Shadow Transport Minister. Views here mine alone 17,478
NHSwhistleblowr David Drew Dismissed after 37 years as a NHS paediatrician for gross misconduct & insubordination. At 63 I didn't know I had it in me. My account 14,145
RobYeldham Rob Yeldham (he/him) Transforming lives as a director @theCSP FCIPR. Only my views. RTs/likes no endorsement. Also on Mastodon, LinkedIn, Facebook etc. 9,864
ukpapers 𝙵𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚝 𝙿𝚊𝚐𝚎𝚜 𝚃𝚘𝚍𝚊𝚢 📰 Front pages from the UK ... now with Aus & the US. I neither agree or disagree with posts & I'm not responsible for their content. Sσmєtímєѕ í míѕtчpє ⌨ 9,159
Shona_Mu Shona Neurodivergent PhD student. Researching false fabricated and induced illness accusations of autistic parents. Views own. She/her 8,608

Top 10 accounts with highest friends count

Username Name Bio Followers count
realBSkylstad Brenda Hill Skylstad WA state's 1989 Whistleblower law is named after me.1st in the USA. Please google Brenda Hill whistleblower stories. 33 states so far. followed by @kevincorke 103,082
pash22 Ash Paul Public Hlth Dr,interested in evid-based health services commissioning,clinical leadership & hlth policy.My views are my own,RTs are no endorsements 33,480
PaulaMc007 Paula McGowan OBE #Oliverscampaign Founder of The Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training in Learning Disability & Autism ▪️Public Speaker ▪️Award winning Activist ▪️Fighting Cancer ▪️Trying to be nice 11,617
RobYeldham Rob Yeldham (he/him) Transforming lives as a director @theCSP FCIPR. Only my views. RTs/likes no endorsement. Also on Mastodon, LinkedIn, Facebook etc. 10,578
drdrdrh david harding 💙🔶 #RemainerNow #FBNHS #FBPE #NHS #NICU #Science #Hugs not liars. "socialist knobhead" apparently. Be kind. Be able to change your mind- its why you have one. 8,346
clifford0584 Thomas Shanahan ST3 EM | @NIHRresearch ACF @MFT_MRI | @EMTAcommittee Research Rep. Major trauma research. Husband🏳️‍🌈, ex-UN, MUFC 🇮🇪🇬🇧 5,389
FibroidNetwork Fibroid New Research #Fibroids #Patient Advocates Group #EVBM 💜UK @Fibroidsupport #PatientExperience #Fibroid 🌎 Research #Mesh #Events #UroGyn #PatientSafety #QOLY Outcomes #NHS 5,009
ayirpelle priya joseph geek, entrepreneur, 'I strictly color outside the lines!', opinions r my own indeed. @ayirpelle , universal handle at this time 5,003
barbzinsa Belle BTE - 4,994
Cerulean_Man Cerulean Man 🇬🇧 🇲🇫 🏳️‍🌈 🐶 People-whisperer. Executive Coach. Behaviourist. Reader of things between the lines. Challenger-in-Chief. Random streams of consciousness. Northerner. ENFP 4,946

Most active users

Username Bio Number of tweets
Lurvelydays - 46
RCharle63050748 No dog pics but a few good leads 27
TheGerryM Sometimes I am right, but being human, I am sometimes wrong. Even a stopped clock is right twice a day. 23
KenZeroHarm Advocate for Zero Harm Right First Time for Healthcare Worldwide. Proud former member of Cure the NHS 11
DanivonUK British. #FulhamFC. Socialist. Trade Union rep. Business Analyst. #Parkrun. 9
DBDouble Retired consultant psychiatrist. Bank MHA Reviewer for Care Quality Commission. Member of Norfolk & Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust. Opinions expressed are my own. 7
manosnikolousis Clinical Director Haematology / Associate Professor in Haematology views of my own 7
PaulaMc007 Founder of The Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training in Learning Disability & Autism ▪️Public Speaker ▪️Award winning Activist ▪️Fighting Cancer ▪️Trying to be nice 6
FibroidNetwork #Fibroids #Patient Advocates Group #EVBM 💜UK @Fibroidsupport #PatientExperience #Fibroid 🌎 Research #Mesh #Events #UroGyn #PatientSafety #QOLY Outcomes #NHS 5
ukpapers Front pages from the UK ... now with Aus & the US. I neither agree or disagree with posts & I'm not responsible for their content. Sσmєtímєѕ í míѕtчpє ⌨ 5

Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1627224468035899392 🇬🇧 The Sick Children Left To Suffer AS Wait For Care On NHS Soars ▫More than 350,000 in need of urgent operations ▫Girl, 6, has brain surgery cancelled over staff shortage ▫@Rebeccasmt ▫ 🇬🇧 #frontpagestoday #digital #UK @Independent 16
1625833015032127491 I spoke to @Rebeccasmt about the remarkable progress trusts have made to bring down #NHS waiting lists. But the vast workforce shortages and escalating strikes could hamper these efforts. The government and unions need to talk urgently 👇 10
1624102413278773271 Latest from @Rebeccasmt on @uhbtrust culture and bullying claims - another blow for the trust leadership and more vindication for whistleblowers and concerned staff 9
1626290494471917568 🚨 "Watchdogs issue safety warnings after junior doctors left unsupervised on maternity wards" @Rebeccasmt 9
1627242967290314752 Great speaking to @Rebeccasmt on this— Thank you for raising awareness on the big health nequalities gap and recovery needed due to pandemic policies and cost of living crisis impacting kids the most.. 8
1624481592432332800 This thread from @Rebeccasmt is essential reading for anyone who still doubts the magnitude of @uhbtrust’s leadership failings. And there is more… 7
1624176202519912450 @Rebeccasmt @PandasPans @firebug70 @np9000 @LCKIreland @LongCovidKids @dollyjoyner @LCAIreland @CharmingAngelCo @kathryn_gillett @PaulaScottUK @Place2Be 6
1624337641498968066 @RCharle63050748 @uhbtrust @NHSwhistleblowr @Lurvelydays @MichelePaduano @KenZeroHarm @microlabdoc @JaneRockHouse Is it time that @WMPolice investigated the issues around patient safety? @Sean__Clare @Rebeccasmt 6
1624126042125307922 @JaneRockHouse @Rebeccasmt @uhbtrust UHB’s victims-whether staff, former staff or patients-do not require vindication. The question is when will trust leaders @uhbtrust be held to account for the undoubted damage that they have caused all of them? @r1chardf1tzg3r1 @PreetKGillMP @Lurvelydays @manosnikolousis 4
1624126523224559630 @Rebeccasmt @NHSEngland This is not surprising, Rebecca, because chief legal officer , David Burbridge, is part of that same executive, and member of Good Governance Institute! Investigators will only have seen what UHB allowed them to see. A bit like FPPR into CEO!! 4

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1625833015032127491 I spoke to @Rebeccasmt about the remarkable progress trusts have made to bring down #NHS waiting lists. But the vast workforce shortages and escalating strikes could hamper these efforts. The government and unions need to talk urgently 👇 41
1625791268801445888 @Rebeccasmt Why isn’t the headline Government’s failure to negotiate with unions on pay settlement forces thousands to wait 18 months for surgery? 35
1626606690496831489 @bmj_latest @DanLasserson Virtual wards piece with @UKHaHSoc President @danlasserson. "Virtual wards must not distract from the urgent need for long term workforce, clinical, and capacity plans". @lizrob92 @ShaunLintern @katlay @expressgilo @rebeccasmt @RSylvesterTimes 21
1627224468035899392 🇬🇧 The Sick Children Left To Suffer AS Wait For Care On NHS Soars ▫More than 350,000 in need of urgent operations ▫Girl, 6, has brain surgery cancelled over staff shortage ▫@Rebeccasmt ▫ 🇬🇧 #frontpagestoday #digital #UK @Independent 21
1625838449881219073 Very disappointed in @Independent and @Rebeccasmt who I have spoken to and rated previously. Strikes are about retaining and recruiting workforce to do this work that is already hugely delayed from 12 years of underfunding. This headline (no matter the content) is irresponsible 17
1626290494471917568 🚨 "Watchdogs issue safety warnings after junior doctors left unsupervised on maternity wards" @Rebeccasmt 15
1625793530391134209 @Rebeccasmt People don’t read the story as you well know. I have read the story for what it’s worth and I don’t think that distinction is made as clearly as you think it is. 15
1624102413278773271 Latest from @Rebeccasmt on @uhbtrust culture and bullying claims - another blow for the trust leadership and more vindication for whistleblowers and concerned staff 15
1625808924245884928 @Rebeccasmt It's not strikes that caused backlogs for #NHS care! >7 million ppl were waiting for care before any strikes took place. It's 12 yrs of poor stewardship of NHS by Tory Govt, historic underfunding, failure to plan/support NHS workforce & diversion of public £££ to private corps 14
1625811114125582338 @Rebeccasmt Very poor headline. Something I'd expect from the Telegraph. Really disappointed, always considered the Independent a good source of factual reporting. Sad times. 14

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#frontpagestoday 10
#digital 10
#uk 10
#oliverscampaign 6
#nhs 6
#pans 3
#pandas 3
#transformingcaredeaths 2
#caesarean 2
#toryscum 1

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Mention Count
@rebeccasmt 340
@preetkgillmp 68
@michelepaduano 68
@manosnikolousis 66
@rcharle63050748 65
@thegerrym 62
@lurvelydays 58
@uhbtrust 42
@kenzeroharm 40
@independent 28

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets


Average number of emojis used per tweet


Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
33 white_small_square
🇬🇧 20 United_Kingdom
👇 10 backhand_index_pointing_down
➡️ 4 right_arrow
🚨 2 police_car_light
👍 2 thumbs_up
💔 2 broken_heart
👇🏾 2 backhand_index_pointing_down_medium-dark_skin_tone
⬇️ 2 down_arrow
🙌 1 raising_hands

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Symbols 39
Flags 20
People & Body 16
Smileys & Emotion 9
Travel & Places 2