Account Summary

Followers Count


Friends Count


Tweets Count


List Count






Followers Analysis (based on followers sample)


Number of Verified accounts


Percentage of Verified accounts



Number of Protected accounts


Percentage of Protected accounts



Average Age of Twitter accounts

2 years


Number of users without a Bio


Number of users with a Bio


Percentage of users with a Bio


Percentage of users without a Bio


Worldcloud of Bios

List of top 10 keywords used in bios

Word Frequency
god 5084
love 4520
life 2552
lover 2398
simple 2219
music 2170
easy 1927
fun 1768
person 1572
cool 1488

List of top 10 hashtags used in bios

Hashtag Frequency
#mufc 51
#30bg 46
#obidient 35
#god 33
#chelsea 33
#wizkidfc 27
#ynwa 24
#i 23
#a 22
#ggmu 22

Top 10 followers with the highest follower count

Username Followers Count Friends Count Tweet Count
thenanaaba 2005040 246 197330
AishaYesufu 1867579 781 328470
Serwaa_Amihere 1387076 501 19497
Jessejagz 737687 139 10759
noelitoflow 472929 238590 12496
AsieduMends 370004 13587 342910
conquerer1 237655 39245 27097
TheRealLilEdd 168453 116033 48848
BombaAfrika 122118 15551 2023
thedailymanc 85183 53657 36270

Top 10 followers with the highest following count

Username Friends Count Followers Count Tweet Count
noelitoflow 238590 472929 12496
TheRealLilEdd 116033 168453 48848
tedkardas 55188 50134 15475
thedailymanc 53657 85183 36270
conquerer1 39245 237655 27097
AndyonthebeatSA 21949 20132 20579
Xpressgists 21218 21168 32415
kalebrashad 15914 15566 23848
Hlayisanisono 15584 33002 19067
BombaAfrika 15551 122118 2023

Top 10 followers with the highest tweet count

Username Tweets Count Followers Count Friends Count
mayor1012003 368726 3165 2577
tripdarlyn 361857 867 4924
AsieduMends 342910 370004 13587
AishaYesufu 328470 1867579 781
GraceSmartsBlog 259680 99 616
BraJayy_ 242463 2888 4797
omolexy 211838 2129 484
bunaray01 205763 1223 1790
AnupamkPandey 201264 43934 3668
thenanaaba 197330 2005040 246

Top 10 followers with the highest listed count

Username Listed Count Friends Count Followers Count
kristileilani 4174 1809 48034
Jessejagz 786 139 737687
AishaYesufu 762 781 1867579
kalebrashad 566 15914 15566
MacJordaN 529 5028 28562
thenanaaba 436 246 2005040
noelitoflow 434 238590 472929
birgitomo 277 4588 58662
TheRealLilEdd 218 116033 168453
AnupamkPandey 198 3668 43934

Tweets Analysis


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

1,758 days

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1318594301077708803 Hello @jidesanwoolu @followlasg Are you seeing these videos? @UN (I have worked tirelessly for you,I need you)! @TheAcademy (your member needs you)! @amnesty ( I have worked for you now I need you) @TheWJP ( I answered when you needed me I need you) #StandWithNigeria #PlsSpeakUp 15107
1315975557436387330 This is the first time in my Aldult life and as An Activist that I have seen the Nigerian Citizens LEADING a protest of this magnitude!Totally Encouraging and Empowering.I feel No celebrity Need lead just Ginger . The people Lead Now! Be very Afraid. #PoliceBrutalityMustEnd 11973
1316312640822685696 Many of us will and have gotten zoom links to join meetings.Pls be careful. Ask the one sending it to you in a private message( Not call,write) : 1. Pls Who set up this zoom 2.Who are the participants 3.What is the main Goal/purpose. A word is enough... #PoliceBrutalityMustEnd 6472
1117484563738050561 The Country Under your watch is Hellish! @ProfOsinbajo @MBuhari @NGRPresident The lack of Money in circulation,Now coupled with the Continuous Assault n Killings by Uniformed men’ll make this Country implode!!!It’s Unbearable! Do something!Insecurity!Fear n Desperation everywhere 6411
1315246796130725889 “Most” police Officers in Nigeria and indeed SARS are uneducated. The system and Culture of Abuse needs to be dismantled ! It’s in every fabric of the system as a result,with a little power, Incredible Abuse! Suffering is not Noble or Humility! No. suffering is Evil. #Endsars 4390
1317435638891892737 God told the Israelites to walk around the walls of Jericho 7 times and It fell ! How great would it be for all the church to march Around all the city tomorrow forming a Ring of Fire! If it is his will . #Endsars #EndPoliceBrutality #EndImpunity #RECONSTRUCTNIGERIA 3824
1358190069065121792 Happy birthday to me 🧡💛 3600
1138501118571556865 Hello Twitter, Tell me how you doing... 💚 2706
1315636449962790913 Its not a sprint . Its a marathon! This is the Wakeup Nigeria has needed. Now that its here, we must use it to its fullest potential ! Do you want to help? We need to galvanize for things to ease the suffering of our footsoldiers ! Protests can be safe #togetherwecan #SARSMUSTEND 2228
1317075772746702850 To be Honest, @jack You are doing well. ✊🏾 1983

Top 10 tweets with highest Reply count

ID Text Reply count
1358190069065121792 Happy birthday to me 🧡💛 2563
1261607729870897152 Following Everyone that follows Today! 🥰😍😅😜🥳🥂🍇🍑🍭🧡 1962
1117484563738050561 The Country Under your watch is Hellish! @ProfOsinbajo @MBuhari @NGRPresident The lack of Money in circulation,Now coupled with the Continuous Assault n Killings by Uniformed men’ll make this Country implode!!!It’s Unbearable! Do something!Insecurity!Fear n Desperation everywhere 1501
1138501118571556865 Hello Twitter, Tell me how you doing... 💚 1304
1261633899098181633 Ha!Had to take a call... now twitter took me to the Top.Been scrolling down to get to where I stopped since more than 10 mins ... I’m still scrolling . Ha! Temi bami Leni.People... pls if I don’t reach yours Now just drop your comments trust me! I’ll respond and follow back Today 1130
1490582581015842817 Happy Birthday to Me . Grateful for another Year . 🥂🥰 942
1248973412644597761 I lost a Dear Cousin Yesterday in London. I am hurting . He didn’t get Covi-19. He died from a kidney transplant complication, couldn’t get proper healthcare because the Hospitals were focused on covid and help didn’t get to him fast Enough. How sad. 778
1078697434434408450 So all of you that I have responded to . What network do you use? I'll be sending you seasons greetings recharge cards! #Osexyfriday 676
1374254543144378368 25 years Strong . #Silverjubilee 554
1622881565062692865 + 1 . 💜 Joyful . #HappybirthdayOmotola 485

Top 10 tweets with highest Quote count

ID Text Quote count
1138501118571556865 Hello Twitter, Tell me how you doing... 💚 768
1117484563738050561 The Country Under your watch is Hellish! @ProfOsinbajo @MBuhari @NGRPresident The lack of Money in circulation,Now coupled with the Continuous Assault n Killings by Uniformed men’ll make this Country implode!!!It’s Unbearable! Do something!Insecurity!Fear n Desperation everywhere 754
1318594301077708803 Hello @jidesanwoolu @followlasg Are you seeing these videos? @UN (I have worked tirelessly for you,I need you)! @TheAcademy (your member needs you)! @amnesty ( I have worked for you now I need you) @TheWJP ( I answered when you needed me I need you) #StandWithNigeria #PlsSpeakUp 639
1358190069065121792 Happy birthday to me 🧡💛 508
1138588111246675969 Just for you... yes you... Goodnight... 💋 421
1459291490836832261 You’ve Asked Continuously! Alter-Ego is Coming to Netflix . Nov 13. 💥☄️💥 304
1361784917382860803 “OMOTOLA” is now Trademarked. 🎯 179
1339331074829262850 Michael made me do it ! #YNWA #Liverpool 178
1490582581015842817 Happy Birthday to Me . Grateful for another Year . 🥂🥰 174
1319654539973300224 Peaceful Protesters were Attacked at the Lekki Toll gate . Who gave the Orders and Why? #EndPoliceBrutalityinNigeraNOW #EndImpunityinNigeria #EndBadGovernanceinNIGERIA #NewNigeria 172

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1358190069065121792 Happy birthday to me 🧡💛 53406
1138501118571556865 Hello Twitter, Tell me how you doing... 💚 21096
1374254543144378368 25 years Strong . #Silverjubilee 18529
1315975557436387330 This is the first time in my Aldult life and as An Activist that I have seen the Nigerian Citizens LEADING a protest of this magnitude!Totally Encouraging and Empowering.I feel No celebrity Need lead just Ginger . The people Lead Now! Be very Afraid. #PoliceBrutalityMustEnd 12691
1490582581015842817 Happy Birthday to Me . Grateful for another Year . 🥂🥰 12377
1566527475370565632 Hello Twitterland #Osexynationals… Been a minute … yeah I know… but No pressure. 😜 How are you ? 💋 11722
1622881565062692865 + 1 . 💜 Joyful . #HappybirthdayOmotola 11283
1318594301077708803 Hello @jidesanwoolu @followlasg Are you seeing these videos? @UN (I have worked tirelessly for you,I need you)! @TheAcademy (your member needs you)! @amnesty ( I have worked for you now I need you) @TheWJP ( I answered when you needed me I need you) #StandWithNigeria #PlsSpeakUp 10542
1117484563738050561 The Country Under your watch is Hellish! @ProfOsinbajo @MBuhari @NGRPresident The lack of Money in circulation,Now coupled with the Continuous Assault n Killings by Uniformed men’ll make this Country implode!!!It’s Unbearable! Do something!Insecurity!Fear n Desperation everywhere 10500
1339331074829262850 Michael made me do it ! #YNWA #Liverpool 6321

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#osexyfriday 311
#teffest2020 41
#osexynationals 10
#godisdoingit 9
#humanrights 9
#osexynational 8
#endsars 7
#doubledoorsstudios 5
#endimpunityinnigeria 5
#policebrutalitymustend 5

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Hashtag Count
@teffest 18
@iamcaptaine 15
@peterpsquare 10
@theacademy 6
@covidhqafrica 6
@ojyokpe 6
@mastercardfdn 5
@bizzleosikoya 5
@realomosexy 4
@marcbyers 4

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
💋 81 kiss_mark
🎊 57 confetti_ball
🚀 54 rocket
😂 40 face_with_tears_of_joy
🎈 32 balloon
🥂 25 clinking_glasses
🥰 21 smiling_face_with_hearts
🙏🏽 20 folded_hands_medium_skin_tone
😜 17 winking_face_with_tongue
😁 16 beaming_face_with_smiling_eyes

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Smileys & Emotion 349
Activities 139
People & Body 86
Travel & Places 78
Food & Drink 32
Objects 13
Symbols 13
Animals & Nature 11
Flags 3