Tweets Analysis - Keyword: @RashadWeaver


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

10 days

Average age of authors' accounts

6 years


Two individuals caught up in Pittsburgh, praising the work of one of the individuals as an coach of defensive line. Additionally, one individual made a joke about the other's age and the other responded with a joke about the first individuals future career. Lastly, a group of individuals are reforming the crypto industry.

Topic Modeling

  1. Pitt Football
  2. Coach Partridge
  3. Rashad Weaver
  4. Crypto Industry
  5. Tennessee Titans

Emotional Analysis

The sentiment expressed in these tweets is overwhelmingly positive. There is a sense of camaraderie and admiration among the people mentioned, with words of encouragement and appreciation being shared. The tweet about Rashad Weaver looking both 12 and 40 at the same time is lighthearted and humorous. There is also a sense of excitement about the potential of reforming the crypto industry. Finally, there is a feeling of enthusiasm and admiration for Rashad Weaver from the Titans tweet.

Trend Analysis

  1. H2P Team pride
  2. Positive interactions between coaches, players, and fans
  3. Reforming the crypto industry
  4. Positive feedback for coaching
  5. Humorous Jokes about players

Disclaimer: The text analysis on, powered by OpenAI, does not represent the views of or its affiliates. The analysis is for informational purposes only and not an endorsement of any viewpoint.

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 5 devices used to tweet

Source Count
Twitter for iPhone 5
Twitter Web App 3
Twitter for Android 2

What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count

Username Name Bio Followers count
CoachPartridge Charlie Partridge Official Twitter Account - Football Coach - Pitt Football #H2P 31,424
yyssoD D $$$ sometimes I stream, but mostly I tweet nonsense. 1,079
Tyler_Summers Tyler Summers - 423
Tucson_Titan_92 Ryan Name is Ryan. I follow Football, Fantasy Football, and Sports Betting I am mostly here to keep up with my #Titans #TitanUp #ForTheBoys 402
phittisit Mike Butor My passion for Pitt is greater than Yours. 15001|Pitt #H2P #PittIsIt My old account was just unbanned after 3yrs (@m_a_b_37).💙💛 IG: phittisit 263
bj_gray BJ Gray Nash native living a basic life, playing with exotic animals daily, and trying not to take my skates off and stab someone like Happy Gilmore. 252
AnarchistMitch Mitch the Anarchist - 33
JayPark78862798 Jay Parks - 24
Larry_jay305 The Michelson Group A Miami OG. Organizer and Activist. Husband, Father and Son 20
CryptoD29071626 Crypto Dictator Discord - malenok#1199 0

Top 10 accounts with highest friends count

Username Name Bio Followers count
CoachPartridge Charlie Partridge Official Twitter Account - Football Coach - Pitt Football #H2P 2,981
Tyler_Summers Tyler Summers - 1,098
phittisit Mike Butor My passion for Pitt is greater than Yours. 15001|Pitt #H2P #PittIsIt My old account was just unbanned after 3yrs (@m_a_b_37).💙💛 IG: phittisit 993
Tucson_Titan_92 Ryan Name is Ryan. I follow Football, Fantasy Football, and Sports Betting I am mostly here to keep up with my #Titans #TitanUp #ForTheBoys 712
yyssoD D $$$ sometimes I stream, but mostly I tweet nonsense. 636
JayPark78862798 Jay Parks - 544
bj_gray BJ Gray Nash native living a basic life, playing with exotic animals daily, and trying not to take my skates off and stab someone like Happy Gilmore. 419
AnarchistMitch Mitch the Anarchist - 306
Larry_jay305 The Michelson Group A Miami OG. Organizer and Activist. Husband, Father and Son 57
CryptoD29071626 Crypto Dictator Discord - malenok#1199 2

Most active users

Username Bio Number of tweets
AnarchistMitch - 1
CoachPartridge Official Twitter Account - Football Coach - Pitt Football #H2P 1
CryptoD29071626 Discord - malenok#1199 1
JayPark78862798 - 1
Larry_jay305 A Miami OG. Organizer and Activist. Husband, Father and Son 1
Tucson_Titan_92 Name is Ryan. I follow Football, Fantasy Football, and Sports Betting I am mostly here to keep up with my #Titans #TitanUp #ForTheBoys 1
Tyler_Summers - 1
bj_gray Nash native living a basic life, playing with exotic animals daily, and trying not to take my skates off and stab someone like Happy Gilmore. 1
phittisit My passion for Pitt is greater than Yours. 15001|Pitt #H2P #PittIsIt My old account was just unbanned after 3yrs (@m_a_b_37).💙💛 IG: phittisit 1
yyssoD sometimes I stream, but mostly I tweet nonsense. 1

Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1628127469441060874 Great catching up with this guy on his turf!! #H2P @RashadWeaver @Pitt_FB 18
1628137906379362335 @CoachPartridge @RashadWeaver @Pitt_FB You do a great job with the guys you coach along the defensive line. Glad to have you at Pitt!!! 0
1628132227853783056 @CoachPartridge @RashadWeaver @Pitt_FB H2P! 0
1627246281835048962 @RashadWeaver Dude looks 12 and 40 at the same time. 0
1626225081004494853 Reforming THE CRYPTO industry! Nice! @LigawaOluoch @mcjlondon @balynonline @ACTilson @NFTPETE_DEGEN @fiveMP4 @GoliRajendher @JustBenMusic @GamerRobin2016 @2140Pro_S @RashadWeaver 0
1624973287527788551 @RashadWeaver Bro has a career after this 😂😂😂 0
1624634704220520448 @Titans @RashadWeaver 😎 0

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1628127469441060874 Great catching up with this guy on his turf!! #H2P @RashadWeaver @Pitt_FB 238
1628137906379362335 @CoachPartridge @RashadWeaver @Pitt_FB You do a great job with the guys you coach along the defensive line. Glad to have you at Pitt!!! 1
1628132227853783056 @CoachPartridge @RashadWeaver @Pitt_FB H2P! 1
1627246281835048962 @RashadWeaver Dude looks 12 and 40 at the same time. 1
1624973287527788551 @RashadWeaver Bro has a career after this 😂😂😂 1
1626225081004494853 Reforming THE CRYPTO industry! Nice! @LigawaOluoch @mcjlondon @balynonline @ACTilson @NFTPETE_DEGEN @fiveMP4 @GoliRajendher @JustBenMusic @GamerRobin2016 @2140Pro_S @RashadWeaver 0
1624634704220520448 @Titans @RashadWeaver 😎 0

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#h2p 2

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Mention Count
@rashadweaver 10
@pitt_fb 4
@coachpartridge 3
@ligawaoluoch 1
@mcjlondon 1
@balynonline 1
@actilson 1
@nftpete_degen 1
@fivemp4 1
@golirajendher 1

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets


Average number of emojis used per tweet


Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
😂 3 face_with_tears_of_joy
1 red_exclamation_mark
😎 1 smiling_face_with_sunglasses

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Smileys & Emotion 4
Symbols 1