Account Summary

Followers Count


Friends Count


Tweets Count


List Count



New Delhi, India



Followers Analysis (based on followers sample)


Number of Verified accounts


Percentage of Verified accounts



Number of Protected accounts


Percentage of Protected accounts



Average Age of Twitter accounts

6 years


Number of users without a Bio


Number of users with a Bio


Percentage of users with a Bio


Percentage of users without a Bio


Worldcloud of Bios

List of top 10 keywords used in bios

Word Frequency
love 1191
student 1024
life 948
social 920
indian 913
music 885
india 868
news 757
women 699
sports 662

List of top 10 hashtags used in bios

Hashtag Frequency
#ज 32
#humanrights 26
#iran 23
#india 23
#education 21
#sdgs 19
#freeiran 19
#genderequality 18
#indian 18
#gender 16

Top 10 followers with the highest follower count

Username Followers Count Friends Count Tweet Count
JohnCena 14104512 572006 7448
FarOutAkhtar 12542137 398 9456
BDUTT 7130061 3998 151952
Suhelseth 4663342 2799 57603
GulPanag 2790640 2513 117234
SinghLions 1334857 1431907 33928
CybersmileHQ 1157541 19138 45631
fayedsouza 1103774 1293 10811
gunsnrosesgirl3 936782 5892 15223
rogerhamilton 928881 652403 22736

Top 10 followers with the highest following count

Username Friends Count Followers Count Tweet Count
SinghLions 1431907 1334857 33928
rogerhamilton 652403 928881 22736
JohnCena 572006 14104512 7448
StephenCaggiano 330837 342621 101142
EvanKirstel 310838 344189 1130980
DrEricGrabowsky 216985 160941 15001
Pla_voluntario 183997 155031 36325
natalieben 144401 184412 111556
Dr_Rafizadeh 125779 122308 9931
chaudhury6 113472 111301 14742

Top 10 followers with the highest tweet count

Username Tweets Count Followers Count Friends Count
GeorgekurianINC 1755142 102267 27922
EvanKirstel 1130980 344189 310838
Dev_Discourse 1025096 218856 598
Nikhil_P_B 807107 1755 4989
Al_Maldives 698892 7769 8480
FardinHH 675353 8446 5173
monaeltahawy 542734 365867 4511
SarahTitus0306 529451 2543 2691
gandhiincindia 484367 4398 2631
RizviSalim 462802 3063 5000

Top 10 followers with the highest listed count

Username Listed Count Friends Count Followers Count
JohnCena 31680 572006 14104512
EvanKirstel 12976 310838 344189
BDUTT 10438 3998 7130061
FarOutAkhtar 8504 398 12542137
PadmaLakshmi 6178 2371 808505
monaeltahawy 5777 4511 365867
MadalynSklar 5043 54071 106979
GulPanag 5024 2513 2790640
teedubya 4911 60153 190029
gunsnrosesgirl3 4658 5892 936782

Tweets Analysis


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

802 days

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1412632099908063237 National Capital Delhi has witnessed a 40% rise in rape cases this year. In the first six months of 2021, a total of 833 rape cases were filed @ArvindKejriwal what happened to your promise of making Delhi safe for Women? 312
1413560799545548802 It will be interesting to participate in #FreeIran2021 World Summit from July 10, 2021 - July 12, 2021. See you soon at the Global gathering of struggling women of Iran. 170
1414588854741307396 Oppressive regime in Iran is anti- women’s Rights and Gender Equality .Mrs. Rajavi’s ten-point plan on women's freedom inequality is tomorrow's Iran, which I fully support. It is a plan against the 40yrs of old misogynist laws that rule Iran . #FreeIran2021 134
1402540518265872388 Why Women last and least priority even for Vaccination? “India has partly or fully vaccinated about 101 million men, nearly 17% more than women. Men account for 54% of the total number of people inoculated, according to the data. Wire.#womenlifematters @CNN @sardesairajdeep 38
1391042832647942147 Vaccine should be made available to underprivileged people through “walk in” system. Many have no idea of online registration specially in the villages. Vaccine Justice is when everyone will get equal access to Vaccine.@drharshvardhan 37
1611312932213882880 Many are asking me what has changed since 2012 or Women’s safety. Well We do have the Law but no effective Law enforcement. Police is negligent apathetic towards crime against women . Civil society is silence and society continues to blame women Victims.Nothing has changed. 29
1442364546564255747 We appreciate Chief Justice of India asking us to shout to get 50% in Judiciary. We Women are Shouting, struggling, got arrested protesting for 25 years but Parliament @PMOIndia has not cared to pass women reservation bill. Political Equality is key to ending discrimination. 21
1588418391613636608 Is this a Joke ?”The AAP government spent Rs 488 crore on ads in 2021-22 – approximately Rs 1.34 crore a day on ads.”and only Rs.68 lakh on stubble decomposer. People of Delhi will not look at your faces any more as you are chocking them in this gas chamber. @ArvindKejriwal 15
1554701878230786048 Women of India are ready to follow their dreams by getting educated and opting for a career. Men must understand this and accept this emerging reality. Don’t stop them from following their careers after marriage . 15
1604783232008212480 We shall fight we shall win . Zero tolerance for Domestic Violence. 14

Top 10 tweets with highest Reply count

ID Text Reply count
1412632099908063237 National Capital Delhi has witnessed a 40% rise in rape cases this year. In the first six months of 2021, a total of 833 rape cases were filed @ArvindKejriwal what happened to your promise of making Delhi safe for Women? 175
1595665945539751936 Study titled Gender-related killings of women and girls(femicide) shows that around 45,000 women & girls worldwide were killed by their intimate partners or other family members last year. In India we need accurate data on violence by intimate partner to prevent it.@smritiirani 70
1559425158015696896 Good to hear “patriachy” and “discrimination”against Women in PM’s adress to the Nation.We welcomes PM's assertion on 'gender equality', but we need concrete measures to bridge inequalities. 42
1611312932213882880 Many are asking me what has changed since 2012 or Women’s safety. Well We do have the Law but no effective Law enforcement. Police is negligent apathetic towards crime against women . Civil society is silence and society continues to blame women Victims.Nothing has changed. 30
1598154898872631296 What is happening to #MeToo ? 26
1638249526359363585 This data troubles me but I am not surprised.India ranks low in global happiness index. I am sure Disaggregated data will suggest women may be even unhappier. Let's work towards changing this! #HappinessMatters #GenderEquality #India 24
1402540518265872388 Why Women last and least priority even for Vaccination? “India has partly or fully vaccinated about 101 million men, nearly 17% more than women. Men account for 54% of the total number of people inoculated, according to the data. Wire.#womenlifematters @CNN @sardesairajdeep 21
1603670347819417601 20
1589631550525964289 Why are we failing to deliver Justice to Rape victims? In Chhawla Rape case the Rapist were given death penalty on the basis of evidence. It was upheld by high Court so what happened in Supreme Court ?Why should women believe in Justice system?Rapist are at large. 18
1598153976129933312 In 2021,India recorded 17539 cases of sexual harassment and 418 cases at work or office premises. It is ironical that in a country where female goddesses are worshiped,women do not have safe work places. It’s time to act and ask questions. Let’s break our silence.Power to women. 17

Top 10 tweets with highest Quote count

ID Text Quote count
1412632099908063237 National Capital Delhi has witnessed a 40% rise in rape cases this year. In the first six months of 2021, a total of 833 rape cases were filed @ArvindKejriwal what happened to your promise of making Delhi safe for Women? 49
1598154898872631296 What is happening to #MeToo ? 7
1414588854741307396 Oppressive regime in Iran is anti- women’s Rights and Gender Equality .Mrs. Rajavi’s ten-point plan on women's freedom inequality is tomorrow's Iran, which I fully support. It is a plan against the 40yrs of old misogynist laws that rule Iran . #FreeIran2021 7
1413560799545548802 It will be interesting to participate in #FreeIran2021 World Summit from July 10, 2021 - July 12, 2021. See you soon at the Global gathering of struggling women of Iran. 6
1391042832647942147 Vaccine should be made available to underprivileged people through “walk in” system. Many have no idea of online registration specially in the villages. Vaccine Justice is when everyone will get equal access to Vaccine.@drharshvardhan 5
1559425158015696896 Good to hear “patriachy” and “discrimination”against Women in PM’s adress to the Nation.We welcomes PM's assertion on 'gender equality', but we need concrete measures to bridge inequalities. 5
1603670347819417601 5
1638249526359363585 This data troubles me but I am not surprised.India ranks low in global happiness index. I am sure Disaggregated data will suggest women may be even unhappier. Let's work towards changing this! #HappinessMatters #GenderEquality #India 5
1611312932213882880 Many are asking me what has changed since 2012 or Women’s safety. Well We do have the Law but no effective Law enforcement. Police is negligent apathetic towards crime against women . Civil society is silence and society continues to blame women Victims.Nothing has changed. 4
1605400382058164224 “Like so many women in India, Sunita has been groped in public. Her experience is a common one: she was sexually assaulted on a bus as she travelled to work in Delhi.” Who is responsible for this culture? 3

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1412632099908063237 National Capital Delhi has witnessed a 40% rise in rape cases this year. In the first six months of 2021, a total of 833 rape cases were filed @ArvindKejriwal what happened to your promise of making Delhi safe for Women? 1301
1413560799545548802 It will be interesting to participate in #FreeIran2021 World Summit from July 10, 2021 - July 12, 2021. See you soon at the Global gathering of struggling women of Iran. 208
1481879119788797956 India Journalism has lost one of its most committed,sober,analytical voice who never failed the viewer in telling honest forthright news.We will miss you Kamal Khan. RIP 190
1402540518265872388 Why Women last and least priority even for Vaccination? “India has partly or fully vaccinated about 101 million men, nearly 17% more than women. Men account for 54% of the total number of people inoculated, according to the data. Wire.#womenlifematters @CNN @sardesairajdeep 162
1414588854741307396 Oppressive regime in Iran is anti- women’s Rights and Gender Equality .Mrs. Rajavi’s ten-point plan on women's freedom inequality is tomorrow's Iran, which I fully support. It is a plan against the 40yrs of old misogynist laws that rule Iran . #FreeIran2021 150
1391042832647942147 Vaccine should be made available to underprivileged people through “walk in” system. Many have no idea of online registration specially in the villages. Vaccine Justice is when everyone will get equal access to Vaccine.@drharshvardhan 120
1604783232008212480 We shall fight we shall win . Zero tolerance for Domestic Violence. 89
1554701878230786048 Women of India are ready to follow their dreams by getting educated and opting for a career. Men must understand this and accept this emerging reality. Don’t stop them from following their careers after marriage . 84
1611312932213882880 Many are asking me what has changed since 2012 or Women’s safety. Well We do have the Law but no effective Law enforcement. Police is negligent apathetic towards crime against women . Civil society is silence and society continues to blame women Victims.Nothing has changed. 78
1630275469181587456 Interesting meeting with @DrSJaishankar as I presented our report on feminist foreign policy and gender mainstreaming in India's foreign policy. Our findings provide key insights on how India can promote gender equality and advance the rights of Women .#IndiaForeignPolicy 55

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#india 4
#women 4
#freevaccinationforall 3
#csr_india 2
#genderequality 2
#womenempowerment 2
#empowerwomen 2
#lotusleadershipaward 2
#metoo 2
#foreignpolicy 2

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Hashtag Count
@pmoindia 24
@csr_india 21
@narendramodi 13
@drsjaishankar 12
@smritiirani 11
@drharshvardhan 9
@arvindkejriwal 8
@mohfw_india 8
@twitter 7
@un_women 6

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
🟩 22 green_square
10 white_large_square
😡 4 enraged_face
🟨 3 yellow_square
🏝 1 desert_island
🇮🇳 1 India
🎄 1 Christmas_tree
🌍 1 globe_showing_Europe-Africa

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Symbols 35
Smileys & Emotion 4
Travel & Places 2
Flags 1
Activities 1