Account Summary
Actor / Law Graduate.
Followers Count
Friends Count
Tweets Count
List Count
Followers Analysis (based on followers sample)
Number of Verified accounts
Percentage of Verified accounts
Number of Protected accounts
Percentage of Protected accounts
Average Age of Twitter accounts
5 years
Number of users without a Bio
Number of users with a Bio
Percentage of users with a Bio
Percentage of users without a Bio
Worldcloud of Bios
Top 10 followers with the highest follower count
Username | Followers Count | Friends Count | Tweet Count |
JohnCena | 14093573 | 592860 | 7485 |
SinghLions | 1328345 | 1428322 | 33980 |
michaeljknowles | 1003239 | 2230 | 53913 |
ARanganathan72 | 910709 | 1625 | 2888 |
ShefVaidya | 706605 | 4610 | 141254 |
Shehzad_Ind | 645908 | 7653 | 53327 |
markcousinsfilm | 389569 | 7151 | 16033 |
jayshetty | 383912 | 11788 | 49306 |
abbas_nighat | 349223 | 1492 | 9122 |
ElvishYadav | 266813 | 285 | 1285 |
Top 10 followers with the highest following count
Username | Friends Count | Followers Count | Tweet Count |
SinghLions | 1428322 | 1328345 | 33980 |
JohnCena | 592860 | 14093573 | 7485 |
Ryanintheus | 190009 | 197735 | 26522 |
chaudhury6 | 113329 | 112137 | 14891 |
kathrynlopez | 40545 | 44247 | 142922 |
JaeyGajeraIndia | 27155 | 49477 | 4561 |
Beenaka | 23445 | 20761 | 397 |
imRohit_IND | 20524 | 27275 | 33073 |
EricPellinen | 13714 | 18638 | 103544 |
santoshDas2020 | 13518 | 17763 | 45181 |
Top 10 followers with the highest tweet count
Username | Tweets Count | Followers Count | Friends Count |
syuu1228 | 1234292 | 10101 | 10224 |
Dewbispeaks | 554436 | 738 | 3837 |
abdeshmukh | 354254 | 801 | 4860 |
vishalpadhiyar1 | 347453 | 1200 | 4961 |
SaranganSrivat1 | 293162 | 654 | 4994 |
umama_younus | 214817 | 2434 | 574 |
vijayprakashu8 | 210164 | 760 | 5000 |
HeadlineZooo | 193003 | 56368 | 2300 |
Shakattack24901 | 174777 | 2694 | 4756 |
Arya_India13 | 168805 | 733 | 2003 |
Top 10 followers with the highest listed count
Username | Listed Count | Friends Count | Followers Count |
JohnCena | 31595 | 592860 | 14093573 |
Ryanintheus | 3327 | 190009 | 197735 |
michaeljknowles | 2819 | 2230 | 1003239 |
SinghLions | 2561 | 1428322 | 1328345 |
PENamerica | 2179 | 9192 | 153096 |
jayshetty | 2042 | 11788 | 383912 |
HeadlineZooo | 1636 | 2300 | 56368 |
ARanganathan72 | 1524 | 1625 | 910709 |
Breathedreamgo | 1114 | 11526 | 30885 |
adalbertoasf | 1058 | 5840 | 96482 |
Tweets Analysis
Total number of tweets analysed
Earliest tweet was on
Latest tweet was on
Tweets covering
1,985 days
Types of Tweets
Number of Retweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of Original tweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Mentions
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Replies
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Quotes
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Hashtags
Percentage of total tweets
Top 5 devices used to tweet
Source | Count |
Twitter for iPhone | 2826 |
Twitter Web App | 235 |
Twitter Web Client | 124 |
16 |
What devices were used to tweet
Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count
ID | Text | Retweet count |
1289632509978787840 | Audience has Spoken ...... No trend of the new Gunjan Saxena trailer on the internet.....Well done India ...... the change will & only come from all of you 👏👏👏👏 | 482 |
1363520939514753031 | So in all honesty had stopped watching #BiggBoss14 the last few weeks just got back home to #Mumbai from Delhi & watching #BiggBoss14Finale Who do you think will win ?? I have a feeling it will be a joint #bigbosswinner this time of #AlyGoni & #RubinaDilaik @ColorsTV #BigBoss ! | 474 |
1579897568972402688 | Mere Veer Mere fellow Sacche Libran Bhai @kkundrra wishing you a very Happy Birthday Love always KK 🥃🥃 | 399 |
950712729710469125 | Yes, we are all friends & have been through thick & thin. Yes, we are all from the same Industry & have been there for each other no matter what the time or place be. May the best Man or Woman Win BUT WE VOTE for our friend ONLY. #SupportVikasGupta #VikasDeservesTheWin #BB11 | 345 |
1302999470703964160 | First time i agree with @sardesairajdeep on a sensible debate about Facts in #SSR its about time to STOP this WitchHunt & Tamasha by #Media Three National agencies have found nothing. She #RheaChakraborthy should SUE for massive #defamation against the Bannana Republic Channels ! | 313 |
956600352207507456 | Just watched #Padmaavat What a Beautiful & Powerful Film #SLB What a shame what all these people did when the film is Filled only with one emotion Rajput Pride all the way. @deepikapadukone You looked like a rajput painting , @RanveerOfficial Deadly BUT @shahidkapoor You Ruled :) | 282 |
1338902727426904065 | The two worst contestants on #BigBoss14 from the New & Old are #ArshiKhan openly horrible & #EjazKhan silently cunning !!! | 219 |
1346539607546949632 | Completely agree with #AlyGoni with what he said the 4 good Solid contestants have got nominated & OLD remaining Headaches of the house Loud Rakhi, Faltu ki Aunty & that Psycho #Arshi have gone MENTAL & now the #BigBoss house has become a MadHouse. Let #AbhinavShukla Win #BB14 | 206 |
1156921278604800001 | All the best team #Sanjivani & my main girl @SurbhiChandna / Dr.Ishani ❤️ | 187 |
1534803254055698432 | Why Japan is Obsessed with this Indian Actor via @YouTube Fascinating Story of this One man & Fan from #Japan of #Rajnikanth | 160 |
Top 10 tweets with highest Like count
ID | Text | Like count |
1302999470703964160 | First time i agree with @sardesairajdeep on a sensible debate about Facts in #SSR its about time to STOP this WitchHunt & Tamasha by #Media Three National agencies have found nothing. She #RheaChakraborthy should SUE for massive #defamation against the Bannana Republic Channels ! | 2644 |
1579897568972402688 | Mere Veer Mere fellow Sacche Libran Bhai @kkundrra wishing you a very Happy Birthday Love always KK 🥃🥃 | 1723 |
956600352207507456 | Just watched #Padmaavat What a Beautiful & Powerful Film #SLB What a shame what all these people did when the film is Filled only with one emotion Rajput Pride all the way. @deepikapadukone You looked like a rajput painting , @RanveerOfficial Deadly BUT @shahidkapoor You Ruled :) | 1458 |
1289632509978787840 | Audience has Spoken ...... No trend of the new Gunjan Saxena trailer on the internet.....Well done India ...... the change will & only come from all of you 👏👏👏👏 | 1255 |
1363520939514753031 | So in all honesty had stopped watching #BiggBoss14 the last few weeks just got back home to #Mumbai from Delhi & watching #BiggBoss14Finale Who do you think will win ?? I have a feeling it will be a joint #bigbosswinner this time of #AlyGoni & #RubinaDilaik @ColorsTV #BigBoss ! | 1237 |
1170201673853296640 | @pallavabagla Your Arrogance & the way you spoke to him a humble scientist calling him a mere junior .... Shame on you. | 993 |
1602749293898903552 | Why was this a Penalty Why ??? There is a serious Bias for #Arg in this #WorldCup is this for #Messi𓃵 …… the game needs to be fair ….. come on #Croatia you can beat them down in this game #ArgentinaVsCroatia | 988 |
1338902727426904065 | The two worst contestants on #BigBoss14 from the New & Old are #ArshiKhan openly horrible & #EjazKhan silently cunning !!! | 984 |
1501792117332480001 | In the wise words of @ARanganathan72 Its beyond comedy watching NDTV 😂😂😂😂 | 854 |
1156921278604800001 | All the best team #Sanjivani & my main girl @SurbhiChandna / Dr.Ishani ❤️ | 837 |
Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets
Top 10 Hashtags used
Hashtag | Count |
#mumbai | 401 |
#india | 233 |
#usa | 61 |
#shotoniphone | 51 |
#himachalpradesh | 25 |
#bobdylan | 25 |
#newyork | 23 |
#indians | 19 |
#apple | 18 |
#ladakh | 18 |
Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets
Top 10 mentions
Hashtag | Count |
@youtube | 90 |
@netflixindia | 70 |
@narendramodi | 41 |
@hitrecordjoe | 31 |
@anuragkashyap72 | 29 |
@primevideo | 24 |
@vikrammotwane | 24 |
@adalbertoasf | 22 |
@shefvaidya | 22 |
@netflix | 21 |
Top 10 mentions
Wordcloud of Tweets
Emojis used in tweets
Emoji | Count | Emoji Text |
❤️ | 421 | red_heart |
🙏 | 274 | folded_hands |
👏 | 176 | clapping_hands |
🙌 | 79 | raising_hands |
💙 | 71 | blue_heart |
🇮🇳 | 69 | India |
💛 | 63 | yellow_heart |
🤍 | 36 | white_heart |
🇺🇸 | 36 | United_States |
😘 | 25 | face_blowing_a_kiss |
Emojis groups
Emoji Group | Count |
Smileys & Emotion | 741 |
People & Body | 550 |
Flags | 113 |
Travel & Places | 70 |
Animals & Nature | 47 |
Food & Drink | 46 |
Activities | 15 |
Objects | 11 |
Symbols | 5 |