Tweets Analysis - Keyword: @Railajunior


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

9 days

Average age of authors' accounts

4 years


A variety of conversational tweets are discussed about Raila Odinga and other Peoples Assembly members. Tweets talk about a masterpiece drawing of Raila Odinga done 9 months ago, that people struggle to believe some of his protests, and Raila Odinga giving a press conference on behalf of KANU. Other tweets discuss Musa Juma, unity, and various other topics. People talk about the masterpiece utilizing various mediums and supply words of wisdom. The last tweet confirms that it is a masterpiece.

Topic Modeling

  1. Drawing/Art Work: Drawing as a gift, charcoal and colored pencils, masterpiece drawing
  2. Political Support: Raila Odinga, Baba supporter, ODM supporters, KANU, press conference
  3. Robust Discussion: Watu sio wajinga kama zamani, You will struggle a lot to convince anyone, In the end, it will hurt Baba, anatufuta kazi, tuombe saa zile tumefunga
  4. RIP Musa Juma: Luor mana tiji, jok mano rito
  5. Unity of People: Embrace Unity, wise words, prophet in his hometown, stooping too low

Emotional Analysis

The emotions expressed in these tweets range from admiration, respect, and appreciation to frustration, disappointment, and disbelief. The tweets celebrate a drawing of Hon. @RailaOdinga and praise the artist for their talent, while others express frustration and disbelief in the lies and propaganda surrounding the politician. Some tweets also express sadness at the death of Musa Juma and a sense of unity in the face of adversity. Finally, there is admiration and appreciation for Raila Odinga and Railajunior's work.

Trend Analysis

  1. Drawing and artwork depicting politicians
  2. When and where political press conferences are held
  3. Unity among political leaders and the people
  4. Democratic reforms and issues
  5. Respect for political leaders

Disclaimer: The text analysis on, powered by OpenAI, does not represent the views of or its affiliates. The analysis is for informational purposes only and not an endorsement of any viewpoint.

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 5 devices used to tweet

Source Count
Twitter for Android 58
Twitter Web App 13
Twitter for iPhone 3

What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count

Username Name Bio Followers count
CNairobian1_ LATE CUMMER™✳️ Cars♥️ || Broke || Emotionally Unavailable || 20,173
ItsMJ254 RealTalkWithMJ 5,888
caleblimo01 Inevitable Artist CEO at INEVITABLE ARTS.find more of my arts on the link 👇proud of my talent,💥artist by naturewant a portrait,any Art? phone: 4,662
Dennydwaine marshmeløw🏋 grinder🏋‍♂️🏋‍♂️💪💪 2,614
ErelWama Erel (I will see God) Thinker•Believer•Dreamer•Wish me on 27th August• Exceptionally disciplined, always willing to give up short-term comfort for attaining long term goals. 2,556
OmwambuKE OmwambaKE🇰🇪 Accountant | Internal Auditor | Consultant | Father | B.Econ (UoN) | CPA -KParody Account - Not affiliated to @OmwambaKe 2,374
yottwoar11 @yottwoar Businessman/Entrepreneurs mentor and a ardent UDA supporter. 2,056
lemuel254 ManglaSingh Creative & tech enthusiast 1,777
bountyedu OGW:Edwards Thããi Ngãi wà Kìrinyàgã 🗻//MauMau1923//Computer Electronics Specialist🌐//GGMU🛑//Traveller🌍//Protect your freedom✊🏾✊🏾 1,432
ngeywo_elvis Duke of Elgon🦁7️⃣ Ambitious farmer, London is Red,Ac Milan,FC Barcelona,sofapaka 1,397

Top 10 accounts with highest friends count

Username Name Bio Followers count
OmwambuKE OmwambaKE🇰🇪 Accountant | Internal Auditor | Consultant | Father | B.Econ (UoN) | CPA -KParody Account - Not affiliated to @OmwambaKe 4,974
lemuel254 ManglaSingh Creative & tech enthusiast 4,591
MintoRealEstate Minto Real Estate Mortgage Brokers, Real Estate Consultants, Estate Agents, Property Managers, Projects and Sales 4,071
CNairobian1_ LATE CUMMER™✳️ Cars♥️ || Broke || Emotionally Unavailable || 3,353
caleblimo01 Inevitable Artist CEO at INEVITABLE ARTS.find more of my arts on the link 👇proud of my talent,💥artist by naturewant a portrait,any Art? phone: 2,918
Dennydwaine marshmeløw🏋 grinder🏋‍♂️🏋‍♂️💪💪 2,765
yottwoar11 @yottwoar Businessman/Entrepreneurs mentor and a ardent UDA supporter. 2,567
Fredrickongalo FREDRICK OTI ONGALO 2022 PUMWANI WARD MCA ASPIRANT.Salus Populai Suprema Lex 2,561
dhambe_fred DHAMBE FRED Join the fight against pollution! We raise awareness, share solutions and hold those responsible accountable. #BeatPollution #SustainableFuture 2,182
KivaiOne Alfredo Mechanical Engineer, Projects Consultant and management. Hilley Consultants ltd. www: 1,915

Most active users

Username Bio Number of tweets
OmwambuKE Accountant | Internal Auditor | Consultant | Father | B.Econ (UoN) | CPA -KParody Account - Not affiliated to @OmwambaKe 8
OtyArts 📲0713756212artistcharcoal artworkpencil artworkoil painting 7
kazungumuramba - 2
Kenya_Landscape #Landscaping| Gardening| #SocialSciences| #PeaceAmbassador| Lawn Grass| #Environmentalist| Research| #MentalHealth| #EndFGM| #EndGBV| 0729223329| #Karen, Kenya| 2
ErelWama Thinker•Believer•Dreamer•Wish me on 27th August• Exceptionally disciplined, always willing to give up short-term comfort for attaining long term goals. 2
NiceJoh98925052 Kufa uache kumbukumbu wala sio historia 2
CalllowayK Creative designer, Art critique, collector, Just Doing simple things correctly 2
wambugulinks Ambitious and focused. 2
ngeywo_elvis Ambitious farmer, London is Red,Ac Milan,FC Barcelona,sofapaka 1
Tinega_lv INDUSTRIAL ENGINEER. (I.E)Degree in ITA father, A loving husband and a family member. 1

Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1625367300986527745 Drawing is one of the best gift I ever had in my life💯,here is a masterpiece drawing of Hon. @RailaOdinga that I did 9 months ago. I used charcoal black and coloured pencilRate this! @RobertAlai @RodgersKipembe @kilundeezy @Leroy_254 @Tuko_co_ke @Railajunior 46
1626121790064820225 RIP Musa JumaLuor mana tiji e pinyka, jok mano rito tich jo mwandu tinde, baba@HEBabuOwino @gpdkaluma @OpiyoWandayi @RailaOdinga @Railajunior @gladyswanga @otienoc @OAmollo @orengo_james @AnyangNyongo @RobertAlai @gabrieloguda @TrevorOmbija @WillisRaburu @SethOlale @MikeOkinyi 4
1625473345889218561 Watu sio wajinga kama zamani @RailaOdinga @Railajunior. You will struggle a lot to convince anyone to believe this lie. Unless a few loyal Baba supporter (Not even loyal ODM supporters). In the end, it will hurt Baba than he was before the LIE/Propaganda 3
1623988213017894914 @OmwambuKE @cbs_ke @CisNyakundy @Wakabando @HonKioni @Railajunior @WMutunga And you know who some of the biggest beneficiaries to these are? Spectre Int. is one. They have a monopoly and owned by non other than baba mwenyewe- @RailaOdinga. They then cannot mention that in their rallies, but of course utasikia unga na mafuta ya kupika...Hypocrisy! 1
1623983151138701313 @OmwambuKE @cbs_ke @CisNyakundy @Wakabando @HonKioni @Railajunior @WMutunga Uligongwa hapo. 1
1626967313529307137 @austintexanone @WilliamsRuto Ruto antuambia tuombe saa zile tumefunga macho anatufuta kazi anapea kabila yake @Railajunior @HEBabuOwino 1
1626189722535043073 @Kenya_Landscape @Gumoclintone @HEBabuOwino @gpdkaluma @OpiyoWandayi @RailaOdinga @Railajunior @gladyswanga @otienoc @OAmollo @orengo_james @AnyangNyongo @RobertAlai @gabrieloguda @TrevorOmbija @WillisRaburu @SethOlale @MikeOkinyi @CaptainDominicO @FerdyOmondi @OdhiamboBilly @Rees_o71 @OchiengOdongoKE @rochieng @JacobsOSeaman @AkinyiEOdongo @CarolRadull Limpopo Jazz was something else...muziki bila jasho 1
1626728133842837504 When is Raila Odinga giving a press conference on behalf of KANU? @RailaOdinga @abuga_makori @Railajunior Mzee amechelewa kidogo hapa. 1
1623738430969589760 @cheruNyiganet @Railajunior Don't forget Chebukati led IEBC will conduct this election, the same Chebukati Raila is insulting day in day out, btw Ruto said no to political office inheritance 0
1625150994593071104 @Railajunior 0719359187 call me pliz 0

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1625367300986527745 Drawing is one of the best gift I ever had in my life💯,here is a masterpiece drawing of Hon. @RailaOdinga that I did 9 months ago. I used charcoal black and coloured pencilRate this! @RobertAlai @RodgersKipembe @kilundeezy @Leroy_254 @Tuko_co_ke @Railajunior 287
1625473345889218561 Watu sio wajinga kama zamani @RailaOdinga @Railajunior. You will struggle a lot to convince anyone to believe this lie. Unless a few loyal Baba supporter (Not even loyal ODM supporters). In the end, it will hurt Baba than he was before the LIE/Propaganda 18
1626728133842837504 When is Raila Odinga giving a press conference on behalf of KANU? @RailaOdinga @abuga_makori @Railajunior Mzee amechelewa kidogo hapa. 15
1626121790064820225 RIP Musa JumaLuor mana tiji e pinyka, jok mano rito tich jo mwandu tinde, baba@HEBabuOwino @gpdkaluma @OpiyoWandayi @RailaOdinga @Railajunior @gladyswanga @otienoc @OAmollo @orengo_james @AnyangNyongo @RobertAlai @gabrieloguda @TrevorOmbija @WillisRaburu @SethOlale @MikeOkinyi 8
1626967313529307137 @austintexanone @WilliamsRuto Ruto antuambia tuombe saa zile tumefunga macho anatufuta kazi anapea kabila yake @Railajunior @HEBabuOwino 7
1626456319413682177 @MigunaMiguna @Railajunior rao& uhunye have ignored muguna he's gone for salasya kindly reply to his tweets 7
1625761622806433793 @Shee01_ @iam_frankoh @CNairobian1_ @dishon_hesbon @drastic_roy @askofu_ke @OnikaLove16 @Railajunior @TrevyLord @NduruuMan @Ja__Migori Done 3
1625426370883993603 @OtyArts @LordessJohjoh @RailaOdinga @RobertAlai @RodgersKipembe @kilundeezy @Leroy_254 @Tuko_co_ke @Railajunior @SakajaJohnson @OCHI_RAS Nicee work brow 3
1626189722535043073 @Kenya_Landscape @Gumoclintone @HEBabuOwino @gpdkaluma @OpiyoWandayi @RailaOdinga @Railajunior @gladyswanga @otienoc @OAmollo @orengo_james @AnyangNyongo @RobertAlai @gabrieloguda @TrevorOmbija @WillisRaburu @SethOlale @MikeOkinyi @CaptainDominicO @FerdyOmondi @OdhiamboBilly @Rees_o71 @OchiengOdongoKE @rochieng @JacobsOSeaman @AkinyiEOdongo @CarolRadull Limpopo Jazz was something else...muziki bila jasho 3
1625781134498975745 @blinker047 @CNairobian1_ @dishon_hesbon @drastic_roy @askofu_ke @iam_frankoh @OnikaLove16 @Railajunior @TrevyLord @NduruuMan @Ja__Migori A prophet is never welcomed in his hometown.....relate to that 2

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#bringmiguna 1

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Mention Count
@railajunior 74
@railaodinga 46
@robertalai 24
@rodgerskipembe 19
@kilundeezy 19
@leroy_254 19
@tuko_co_ke 19
@sakajajohnson 17
@ochi_ras 17
@cbs_ke 14

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets


Average number of emojis used per tweet


Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
👏 4 clapping_hands
😂 3 face_with_tears_of_joy
💯 3 hundred_points
😢 1 crying_face
🔥 1 fire

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Smileys & Emotion 7
People & Body 4
Travel & Places 1