Tweets Analysis - Keyword: @rafiath_rashid


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

10 days

Average age of authors' accounts

5 years


Rafiath Rashid is raising the issue of unisex bathrooms, followed by discussions about family and zodiac sign, accompanied by images of a girl, a dog and its owner, and a sentiment of shared respect. There is mention of an airport situation in which unisex restrooms may have been a better solution. They finish with a message of congratulations for Mother Language Day.

Topic Modeling

  1. Family
  2. Gender Equality
  3. Zodiac Signs
  4. Animals
  5. Travel

Emotional Analysis

The emotions expressed in these tweets range from love and admiration to anger and frustration. The tweets show expressions of joy and affection, such as "বসন্ত তুমার যৌবনে" and "janu😘😘😘", as well as expressions of annoyance and distress, such as "ফালতুর বাচ্চা। 😡" and "ভাইয়া কে এতো বড় দুখা টা না দিলে ও পারতেন,,, 😔". There are also expressions of admiration, such as "অসাধারণ সুন্দর লাগছে" and "Very nice". The tweets also show expressions of confusion and uncertainty, such as "সৃজিত দাদা না কি?" and "🤔🤔🤔". Overall, the tweets express a wide range of emotions.

Trend Analysis

  1. Family & Social Support
  2. Unisex Bathrooms
  3. Zodiac Signs
  4. Animals/Pets
  5. Mother Tongue

Disclaimer: The text analysis on, powered by OpenAI, does not represent the views of or its affiliates. The analysis is for informational purposes only and not an endorsement of any viewpoint.

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 5 devices used to tweet

Source Count
Twitter for Android 46
Twitter Web App 10
Twitter for iPhone 8

What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count

Username Name Bio Followers count
SuvonkarB Suvonkar Banerjee I am a sample size of one, not statistically significant, nor representative. 20,343
qadeer_zada QADEER HUSSAIN AWAN AWAN ZADA with best Wishes, Love & pray for all & Love Pk Army 2,107
Nawaz_K2 SHELBY 🚬 THOMAS SHELBY FAN ACCOUNT.CALL ME DON.Series Freak 📺 of @iamsrk @beingsalmankhan & @actorvijay 1,922
BeingOvee Md. Asif Iqbal Head of Digital Innovation | Lecturer of Entrepreneurship, LPTC 🇬🇧 | Director of 🇬🇧, @unleashingideas | E’ship Ecosystem Builder | Innovator @GoogleForEdu 1,921
BanerjiSougata Sougata Banerji Work @TCS. Proud to be in @TataCompanies. Alumnus of & Lived @ 🇮🇳🇬🇧🇿🇦🇸🇬🇨🇳Views are personal. 1,735
soumodiptoroyy Soumyadipta Roy Ex-sectary West Bengal State Chhatra Parishad , Law Graduate, Ex - Chairman Media & Communication Department , Paschim Burdwan District Congress Committee , 967
patelchiragsrk ⭐CHIRAG-SRK ⭐ Love Singing, Drawing &True lines from bottom of my Heart ❤ I DO RESPECT N LOVE WOMAN👩& GIRLS👸ALLOVER THE WORLD❤ @iamsrk is like WORLD FOR ME 🙏 863
AbdulWa37903908 Abdul Wahab আমি আল্লাহর কুদরতি হাতের একটি ছোট পেন্সিল যা দ্বারা আল্লাহ পৃথিবীতে ভালবাসার চিঠি লিখছেন 714
Harun97425658 🕋HRB🕋 🇧🇩 BANGLADESH 671
mdibrahim_24 md ibrahim🇧🇩 Bangladesh/i m single/If you can't love the visible people, how can you love the invisible creator?? 564

Top 10 accounts with highest friends count

Username Name Bio Followers count
ranjan_varun VR Love to explore the world/Like to taste different types of cuisines around the globe & try to follow Johnnie walker - KEEP WALKING 5,012
sheikhmujahid83 Sheikh Mujahid +8801325340003… 5,001
tahajul_mondal Poltu Mondal🇮🇳 INDIAN, HUSBAND, Father's to 2 boys Sohan & Sohag, Businessman, Social workers & writer , Proud #INDIAN, GANDHIAN...🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳 4,943
qadeer_zada QADEER HUSSAIN AWAN AWAN ZADA with best Wishes, Love & pray for all & Love Pk Army 4,187
BanerjiSougata Sougata Banerji Work @TCS. Proud to be in @TataCompanies. Alumnus of & Lived @ 🇮🇳🇬🇧🇿🇦🇸🇬🇨🇳Views are personal. 1,782
tushari29124026 M S. Tushar imran i am student of B M barishal college 1,753
Nawaz_K2 SHELBY 🚬 THOMAS SHELBY FAN ACCOUNT.CALL ME DON.Series Freak 📺 of @iamsrk @beingsalmankhan & @actorvijay 1,644
PankajBose11 Pankaj Bose Assistant Manager in LankaBangla Finance Limited. Studying M.B.A. in IBA, Jahangirnagar University.A huge formula 1, cricket, football and tennis fan. 1,632
MdMomin08308568 Md:Mominul Islam Mamun Studies in Dhaka University,M.A(bangla) 1,616
BeingOvee Md. Asif Iqbal Head of Digital Innovation | Lecturer of Entrepreneurship, LPTC 🇬🇧 | Director of 🇬🇧, @unleashingideas | E’ship Ecosystem Builder | Innovator @GoogleForEdu 1,369

Most active users

Username Bio Number of tweets
MdMomin08308568 Studies in Dhaka University,M.A(bangla) 3
JashimU61387244 - 3
Unknwn0icon - 2
ZeusHope2 Kabira bhala hua 2
patelchiragsrk Love Singing, Drawing &True lines from bottom of my Heart ❤ I DO RESPECT N LOVE WOMAN👩& GIRLS👸ALLOVER THE WORLD❤ @iamsrk is like WORLD FOR ME 🙏 2
AbdulWa37903908 আমি আল্লাহর কুদরতি হাতের একটি ছোট পেন্সিল যা দ্বারা আল্লাহ পৃথিবীতে ভালবাসার চিঠি লিখছেন 1
mdibrahim_24 Bangladesh/i m single/If you can't love the visible people, how can you love the invisible creator?? 1
_GulzerAhmed Life is a journey from Allah to Allah. 1
abbaslakdawala9 - 1
anirban35ny FormerAnalyst @ Microsoft Global Delivery | Ex System Engineer at EXL Service | AWS Certified 1

Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1625490854034157568 @ugeetoken @Sah75official @rafiath_rashid @hidoyounggg @Adeel786 @misty 1
1627986318642008064 @rafiath_rashid মাতৃভাষা দিবসের শুভেচ্ছা 0
1626786886986366976 @rafiath_rashid @nourhanbassam12 Just completed two long flights and had to use restroom in three airports. I have to agree with you. 0
1627114288279326720 @rafiath_rashid ফালতু 0
1627065386503139330 @rafiath_rashid Bat girle 0
1627047485142339584 @rafiath_rashid Cool dog and owner ❤️ 0
1627046621765853189 @rafiath_rashid সৃজিত দাদা না কি? 0
1626880698308239360 @rafiath_rashid ২ জনের চেহারার অনেক মিল 0
1626848930708217856 @rafiath_rashid Yes, I am raising the question of « is #unisex bathrooms the solution », because apparently in many cases it is not. 0
1626824083903225858 @rafiath_rashid Nice 0

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1626603988115423232 @rafiath_rashid বসন্ত তুমার যৌবনে 2
1627334061839757313 @rafiath_rashid ফালতুর বাচ্চা। 😡 1
1627922809476485121 @rafiath_rashid janu😘😘😘 1
1627046621765853189 @rafiath_rashid সৃজিত দাদা না কি? 1
1626848930708217856 @rafiath_rashid Yes, I am raising the question of « is #unisex bathrooms the solution », because apparently in many cases it is not. 1
1627364984270503936 @rafiath_rashid অসাধারণ সুন্দর লাগছে 1
1625490854034157568 @ugeetoken @Sah75official @rafiath_rashid @hidoyounggg @Adeel786 @misty 1
1626536128668123137 @rafiath_rashid Howz you and your family Rafia ji ❤️ 1
1627395438042021889 @rafiath_rashid ভাইয়া কে এতো বড় দুখা টা না দিলে ও পারতেন,,, 😔 1
1626821147835908096 @rafiath_rashid Is Leo your zodiac also ? 0

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#unisex 1
#puplove 1
#leo 1
#brac50 1

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Mention Count
@rafiath_rashid 64
@ugeetoken 2
@sah75official 2
@hidoyounggg 2
@adeel786 2
@misty 2
@nourhanbassam12 1
@prothomalo 1
@bbcworld 1
@shykhseraj 1

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets


Average number of emojis used per tweet


Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
❤️ 9 red_heart
💦 5 sweat_droplets
😍 4 smiling_face_with_heart-eyes
😘 3 face_blowing_a_kiss
🤣 3 rolling_on_the_floor_laughing
🤔 3 thinking_face
🌼 2 blossom
☺️ 1 smiling_face
👍 1 thumbs_up
🌷 1 tulip

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Smileys & Emotion 32
Animals & Nature 5
People & Body 3