Tweets Analysis - Keyword: Qatar
Total number of tweets analysed
Earliest tweet was on
Latest tweet was on
Tweets covering
2 days
Average age of authors' accounts
6 years
Types of Tweets
Number of Retweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of Original tweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Mentions
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Replies
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Quotes
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Hashtags
Percentage of total tweets
Top 5 devices used to tweet
Source | Count |
Twitter for Android | 102443 |
Twitter for iPhone | 69187 |
Twitter Web App | 55657 |
TweetDeck | 8045 | | 3726 |
What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count
Username | Name | Followers count |
CNN | CNN | 60,548,091 |
nytimes | The New York Times | 54,682,162 |
FCBarcelona | FC Barcelona | 45,044,640 |
BBCWorld | BBC News (World) | 38,970,773 |
Reuters | Reuters | 25,655,317 |
FoxNews | Fox News | 23,012,136 |
CNNEE | CNN en Español | 22,273,849 |
Arsenal | Arsenal | 20,642,658 |
WSJ | The Wall Street Journal | 20,339,089 |
washingtonpost | The Washington Post | 19,953,640 |
Top 10 accounts with highest friends count
Username | Name | Followers count |
miguelhotero | Miguel H Otero | 1,084,115 |
empireofthekop | Empire of the Kop | 913,558 |
Cooperativa | Cooperativa | 652,221 |
jilevin | Jeffrey Levin 🇺🇦 | 606,757 |
c_5_5 | عبدالعزيز الخالدي .. ܓܛܟܓܛܟ | 594,104 |
iownjd | J.D. 🇨🇩 🇧🇪 🇫🇷 🇺🇸 | 436,190 |
movistar_es | Movistar España | 386,296 |
ElNacionalWeb | El Nacional | 339,930 |
NewsArch | Architecture News | 288,812 |
Nexofin | Nexofin | 241,267 |
Most active users
Username | Number of tweets |
infoitsport | 276 |
AlArab_Qatar | 268 |
StatsFCImages | 164 |
TUDNMEX | 159 |
QATAR_F15 | 155 |
MeridianoTV | 153 |
santos120580 | 148 |
shopeesaleid | 137 |
CaraotaDigital | 131 |
heatherpaterson | 131 |
Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count
ID | Text | Retweet count |
1593054638185463808 | [K-media] 2022 Qatar World Cup has prepared a splendid opening ceremony like the Olympics. The Associated Press said "The opening ceremony is scheduled to last for about 30 minutes with the participation of Jungkook, a member of BTS" | 8548 |
1593075406047154176 | ☁️WELCOME TO THE ROADQATAR - AIRDROP CAMPAIGN☁️ ⚽️Let's accompany ROADQATAR in the real “Road to Qatar" of WORLD CUP 2022⚽️ 🔖Rules: Whitelist participants must follow the tasks here 👉 #Gleam #Giveaway #Airdrop #Airdrops #MEXC #XStarter #WorldCup2022 | 7331 |
1592864888262889473 | 💵Our Airdrop is live! Participate in our Airdrop and earn to 2200 ROAD (~$5) tokens for doing tasks. Airdrop: Airdrop token rewards will be distributed to your wallet address on December 18th. #Airdrop #Giveaway #RoadQatar #Qatar #WolrdCup | 7166 |
1593085038392135680 | 🇶🇦 QATAR 2022 ⚽️ | 7086 |
1592653229921562625 | Para VOS no hay dólares. Para vos, verlo por TV. Para el hijo de Massa, dólares, Qatar, pasaje en primera bancado x AFA, YPF y AA. Vacunas, ellos primero, VIP. Fiestas en pandemia, ellos sí, vos jodete. Patrimonios, ellos millonarios, VOS pobre. Memoria. #NinoNoqui | 6817 |
1592851521070252032 | ¿Por qué le piden a #Shakira que no cante en Qatar por los abusos de los DH y no le piden a #Messi que no juegue el Mundial? | 5822 |
1592611367139565569 | La canción más decostruida que se va a cantar en Qatar: | 5421 |
1592636983251464193 | We now got an apology from Qatar International Media Office and from Qatar Supreme Commitee. This is what happened when we were broadcasting live for @tv2nyhederne from a roundabout today in Doha. But will it happen to other media as well? #FIFAWorldCupQatar2022 | 5358 |
1593281971941163008 | 🇵🇱 | AHORA - QATAR 2022: Tras ganarle a Chile por 1-0 en amistoso, la selección de Polonia está ahora rumbo a Qatar 2022 escoltado por dos cazabombarderos F-16 por motivos de seguridad. | 5288 |
1593306725717008384 | Poland's national football team were escorted by F16 planes to the southern border of Poland on their way to Qatar 😱✈️ (via @LaczyNasPilka) | 5141 |
Top 10 tweets with highest Like count
ID | Text | Like count |
1592893898212651008 | 🚨VEJA: Pantone criou uma bandeira LGBTQIAP+ especial com seus códigos de cores para as autoridades não distingui-las durante a Copa do Mundo do Qatar. | 62966 |
1592950531924062208 | Shakira has reportedly stepped down from performing at the Qatar World Cup. | 58520 |
1593306725717008384 | Poland's national football team were escorted by F16 planes to the southern border of Poland on their way to Qatar 😱✈️ (via @LaczyNasPilka) | 46615 |
1592866533826777088 | 🚨FUTEBOL: Lloris, capitão da França, não usará braçadeira LGBT na Copa: “Quando estrangeiros chegam ao nosso país, gostamos que eles respeitem nossas regras e tradições. Farei o mesmo no Qatar” | 46301 |
1592611367139565569 | La canción más decostruida que se va a cantar en Qatar: | 45652 |
1593001464187613186 | ESPN FC ranked the 50 best footballers at the Qatar World Cup 🏆 | 42196 |
1592628051862769665 | Breaking news: Qatar national football team has arrived in Qatar to participate in the World Cup. | 40899 |
1592881856474927105 | These Qatar hired fans 🤣🤣🤣 | 38173 |
1592851521070252032 | ¿Por qué le piden a #Shakira que no cante en Qatar por los abusos de los DH y no le piden a #Messi que no juegue el Mundial? | 36220 |
1592860898774945793 | USMNT stars played a pickup game with migrant workers in Qatar 🤝 (via @footballdaily) | 34934 |
Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used
Hashtag | Count |
#qatar | 20956 |
#qatar2022 | 14488 |
#worldcup2022 | 6396 |
#qatarworldcup2022 | 4149 |
#fifaworldcup | 4089 |
#fifaworldcupqatar2022 | 3049 |
#worldcup | 2868 |
#fifa | 2454 |
#football | 1778 |
#mundialqatar2022 | 1615 |
Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions
Mention | Count |
@fifaworldcup | 2952 |
@fifacom | 1056 |
@alertanews24 | 932 |
@rasmustantholdt | 932 |
@sportbible | 932 |
@miseleccionmx | 930 |
@youtube | 905 |
@qatar | 832 |
@bts_twt | 792 |
@fifaworldcup_es | 719 |
Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Average number of emojis used per tweet
Emojis used in tweets
Emoji | Count | Emoji Text |
⚽ | 10800 | soccer_ball |
🇶🇦 | 10352 | Qatar |
😂 | 7066 | face_with_tears_of_joy |
🤣 | 5689 | rolling_on_the_floor_laughing |
🏆 | 4657 | trophy |
😭 | 4239 | loudly_crying_face |
🇦🇷 | 3732 | Argentina |
🔥 | 2980 | fire |
💥 | 2643 | collision |
👇 | 2571 | backhand_index_pointing_down |
Emojis groups
Emoji Group | Count |
Smileys & Emotion | 54579 |
Flags | 35654 |
People & Body | 20852 |
Activities | 18302 |
Symbols | 14379 |
Travel & Places | 12855 |
Objects | 12631 |
Animals & Nature | 2110 |
Food & Drink | 1274 |