Tweets Analysis - Keyword: @PromoteUkraine
Total number of tweets analysed
Earliest tweet was on
Latest tweet was on
Tweets covering
10 days
Average age of authors' accounts
6 years
Ukrainians showed strong support for President Zelenskyy in Brussels. A few months ago, Ukraine was receiving the European Citizen's Award 2022. The same tribune that Zelenskyy spoke on is symbolic for the country and the people on the team. An exhibition called "Sleepless Ukraine" that celebrates Ukraine's resilience and display's digital art is opening in Brussels. People discussed boycotting Lukoil, in relation to the war in Ukraine, and the need to defend liberty and democracy in Ukraine. There were also debates about refugees from Ukraine and how the book "Heroes Cry Too" helps them feel supported. Putin is seen by some as a war criminal, and it was suggested people need to whitewash the idea of war.
Topic Modeling
- Support for Ukraine and Ukrainian President ZelenskyyUa
- European Citizens Award 2022
- Demonstrations in Brussels
- Boycott of Russian companies such as Lukoil
- Culture and Digital Art of Ukraine
Emotional Analysis
The emotions expressed in these tweets are primarily of pride, enthusiasm, and joy. Ukrainians are proud of their President @ZelenskyyUa and the support he is receiving in Brussels. They feel honored to be part of the European Way of Life and are excited to celebrate Ukraine's resilience and dynamic culture. There is also a sense of solidarity with Ukraine, with many people advocating for peace and justice. Finally, there is a sense of anger and frustration towards Russia and their involvement in the war in Ukraine.
Trend Analysis
- Ukrainian President ZelenskyyUa's visit to Brussels
- European Way of Life
- Ukraine resilience
- Defending democracy in Ukraine
- Boycott of Lukoil by Ukrainians
Types of Tweets
Number of Retweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of Original tweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Mentions
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Replies
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Quotes
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Hashtags
Percentage of total tweets
Top 5 devices used to tweet
Source | Count |
Twitter for Android | 97 |
Twitter Web App | 78 |
Twitter for iPhone | 70 |
Twitter for iPad | 5 |
TweetDeck | 1 |
What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count
Username | Name | Bio | Followers count |
MFA_Ukraine | MFA of Ukraine 🇺🇦 | Welcome to 🇺🇦 MFA Twitter account! We Represent, Protect, Promote Ukraine and its highest value – People. Our Foreign Minister – @DmytroKuleba. | 456,154 |
PebbleNewsCAN | Pebble News | The lovechild of CBC and Rebel News. YouTube and Website Coming Soon! | 63,193 |
GLBouchez | Georges-L BOUCHEZ | Président @MR_officiel | Sénateur @SenaatSenat | Chef de file @MonsenMieux | Président @Sparkoh_be | Président @FrancsBorains | Ex Député-Echevin | Avocat | | 45,371 |
BX1_Actu | BX1 - Actu | Suivez l'actu de Bruxelles📺BX1 en TV ➡️…🎙BX1 en radio ➡️🍎 iOS ➡️ 📱 Android ➡️ | 34,054 |
StollmeyerEU | Alice St⭕️llmeyer | Executive Director @DefendDemocracy. Busy to #DefendDemocracy against hybrid & technological threats. Mastodon: | 33,153 |
UmlandAndreas | Andreas Umland | Analyst @SCEEUS_UI @UISweden: Docent @NaUKMA. Editing @ibidem11 book series SPPS & Ukrainian Voices | 32,524 |
PromoteUkraine | Promote Ukraine | Voice of Ukrainian Civil Society in Brussels. European Citizen's Prize 2022 Awardee. | 19,523 |
DefendDemocracy | Defend Democracy | We #DefendDemocracy against hybrid & technological threats. Independent, nonpartisan, transatlantic. Exec Director @StollmeyerEU. Join our @DemocracyDrinks! | 12,608 |
smilingoutloud2 | Jayne on Mastodon, The Post and Counter Social. | “Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s learning to dance in the rain” Adjunct📚Humor😂Music🎼Potty mouth😱BlueCrew🌊 Woke AF 😘 #FBR | 11,745 |
droblo | Droblo 🇺🇦 | Escritor y trader Rankia Thinknomics Amazon | 10,887 |
Top 10 accounts with highest friends count
Username | Name | Bio | Followers count |
UmlandAndreas | Andreas Umland | Analyst @SCEEUS_UI @UISweden: Docent @NaUKMA. Editing @ibidem11 book series SPPS & Ukrainian Voices | 17,321 |
smilingoutloud2 | Jayne on Mastodon, The Post and Counter Social. | “Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s learning to dance in the rain” Adjunct📚Humor😂Music🎼Potty mouth😱BlueCrew🌊 Woke AF 😘 #FBR | 12,400 |
coppolacorneh | christian coppola. | combats les extrêmes gauche ou droite ou religieux. Pour le vrai libéralisme, ouvert et non ultra. Pas d'esprit partisan. | 6,757 |
noriesun | のりえ | 日本の大地に産まれ、日本の季節に育てられ、日本の自然に生きて、日本の伝統に時を超え、ご先祖様に護られて、今の私が力強く生かされている。日本の八百万の神様に感謝して、日本が未来永劫、平和で子孫繁栄できますように、日本人として誇りを持って精進して参ります。 | 5,581 |
millerinanne | Anne Miller 🇫🇮 🇺🇦 | - | 5,005 |
berard_mike | Michael Bérard 🇪🇺🇦🇫🇺🇦 | The Battlefield's On Line I Afghanistan #IEA Taliban #NRF #ISKP I Syria Iraq #InherentResolve @CJTFOIR #Chammal I Sahel I Ukraine Russia war I #TOAW RT≠endors. | 5,000 |
SchreyeDe | Armel De Schreye | Voorzitter bij De Liberale Wereld kernwaarden: Vrijheid, vooruitgang, burgerinspraak. | 4,999 |
EuropeanWith | European Network in Solidarity with Ukraine | Russia out of Ukraine!Solidarity with the left and social movements in Ukraine and the Russian peace movements. | 4,999 |
GEliseMenendez | NoName🆘🇪🇺🇺🇦 🌻 | Mom.P.R.expat living in Romania via Spain. Fathers family escaped Cuba during Castro.Searching for the truth can be very snarky. | 4,996 |
HOLTKAMPNL | RIEKS HOLTKAMP | Dichter. Poëzie in o.m. KRÖDDE, Kreuze, Oader, Toal &Taiken. Co-auteur met Hanne Wilzing van 'Zied aan zied. Gedichten' En nog altijd Journalist. | 4,989 |
Most active users
Username | Bio | Number of tweets |
operatorborz | you came to my profile to search for something to make fun of which means you lost the argument. you’re shit out of luck:) | 8 |
JohnRMoore1 | Daddy, Video Content Producer, Editor/Compositor/Colorist & Graphics maker. | 6 |
ChillLillith | Russia state - affiliated media🔥 Anti Ministry of Truth 🔥✌🏼 Right side of history ✌🏼🌍 Anti-globalism 🌍 | 6 |
jonacinage | Catalán, Antifascista, Comunista, Feminista, Antitaurino e Independentista. 2023🎗, en España siguen habiendo presos políticos. | 5 |
SinMim94 | - | 4 |
FluiterFliere | - | 4 |
SchreyeDe | Voorzitter bij De Liberale Wereld kernwaarden: Vrijheid, vooruitgang, burgerinspraak. | 4 |
fortsamano | Revolucionario mexicano, lugarteniente de Zapata, falsificador de moneda ante un pelotón de ejecución, 1917. Fumaba tabaco de liar Pueblo. | 4 |
MartaBarandiy | Founding chair @PromoteUkraine, European Citizen's Award Winner 2022. Preparing EU future of Ukraine together with societal leaders of today! | 4 |
Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count
ID | Text | Retweet count |
1624726850055331843 | 👏🏼 This is how Ukrainians greeted 🇺🇦President @ZelenskyyUa in #Brussels this Thursday! This support is so strong, our brave defenders definitely may also feel it! #Ukraine will win! 💙💛 📸Photos: Anastasia Varvarina/ @PromoteUkraine | 226 |
1626524969025912832 | IT'S TODAY!! The exhibition "Sleepless Ukraine" opens this evening at KULT XL ateliers in #Brussels. Join us to celebrate #Ukraine resilience, its talented artists and dynamic digital developers with @PromoteUkraine @boell_eu @ua_boell @Meta_History_UA & @Ixelles_Elsene 🇺🇦 | 11 |
1625440761977118723 | An overview of #Ukraine dynamic culture, #NFT and digital #art. Explore more during the Exhibition "Sleepless Ukraine" at Kult XL from 17/02 with @PromoteUkraine @ua_boell @boell_eu @Meta_History_UA @Ixelles_Elsene @sofia_oliynyk @Oli_Baumard @Maxpeniguet | 9 |
1626884227907325953 | Les Belges sont-ils toujours enthousiastes pour accueillir les réfugiés ukrainiens ? La réponse de @MartaBarandiy, de l'association @PromoteUkraine #StationEurope 🇪🇺, présenté par @paulgermaintv5, c'est ce dimanche à 12h00 sur BX1 👉 | 8 |
1623658155577118720 | At the same tribune where @ZelenskyyUa pronounced his historic speech on the Ukrainian European Way of Life, few months ago @PromoteUkraine was receiving European Citizen’s Award 2022. Symbolic for 🇺🇦 , symbolic for my team, symbolic for me personally. | 7 |
1626595863257845762 | 📢Today is the day ! The exhibition "Sleepless Ukraine" is opening Discover the war in Ukraine through the eyes, emotions & talent of Ukrainian artists📆17-26 February📌Kult XL Ateliers & Expo, Rue Wiertz 23, BrusselsBy @PromoteUkraine | @HeinrichBoellUA | @Ixelles_Elsene | 5 |
1625746351903367169 | Несемося з новим сезоном і з новими випусками. Цього разу ми поговоримо з @MartaBarandiy про діяспору як одн з чинників🇺🇦 суверенітету, а також важливість у розбудові ідентичности, державности й незалежности. #УкрТві Про це і багато іншого @PromoteUkraine за посиланням ↩️ | 5 |
1623824617000382464 | Don't know about other Ukrainians who held their speeches there but I feel honoured, now with an even higher sense of fulfilment, both for me and for my country! #EuropeanWayofLife #VictoryforUkraine @ZelenskyyUa @RobertaMetsola @PromoteUkraine @BenoitLutgen | 3 |
1626261511655026689 | One year ago, @DefendDemocracy convened roundtable with former ambassador to Ukraine @K_Klompenhouwer & NGO @PromoteUkraine. Sadly, what we discussed became reality... We still #StandWithUkraine & urge all to be on the right side of history: Help defend liberty & democracy✌️🇺🇦 | 3 |
1625822988586065921 | It was great to share thoughts and @PromoteUkraine insights about @Lukoil boycott in Belgium, very important to keep spreading the info about russian bloody business in Europe. #boycottlukoil | 3 |
Top 10 tweets with highest Like count
ID | Text | Like count |
1624726850055331843 | 👏🏼 This is how Ukrainians greeted 🇺🇦President @ZelenskyyUa in #Brussels this Thursday! This support is so strong, our brave defenders definitely may also feel it! #Ukraine will win! 💙💛 📸Photos: Anastasia Varvarina/ @PromoteUkraine | 1606 |
1623658155577118720 | At the same tribune where @ZelenskyyUa pronounced his historic speech on the Ukrainian European Way of Life, few months ago @PromoteUkraine was receiving European Citizen’s Award 2022. Symbolic for 🇺🇦 , symbolic for my team, symbolic for me personally. | 47 |
1623824617000382464 | Don't know about other Ukrainians who held their speeches there but I feel honoured, now with an even higher sense of fulfilment, both for me and for my country! #EuropeanWayofLife #VictoryforUkraine @ZelenskyyUa @RobertaMetsola @PromoteUkraine @BenoitLutgen | 26 |
1626652179707662349 | @PromoteUkraine Poster advertising the demonstration in Brussels on the 25th February, organised by ENSU, @PromoteUkraine and @UAWomen_In_BE. | 14 |
1624485989216387072 | @liberalewereld @PromoteoM @PromoteUkraine @MartaBarandiy Hebben jullie ook hulp geboden aan de mensen in de Ardennen na de overstromingen in de Vesdervallei?? | 11 |
1625440761977118723 | An overview of #Ukraine dynamic culture, #NFT and digital #art. Explore more during the Exhibition "Sleepless Ukraine" at Kult XL from 17/02 with @PromoteUkraine @ua_boell @boell_eu @Meta_History_UA @Ixelles_Elsene @sofia_oliynyk @Oli_Baumard @Maxpeniguet | 11 |
1626524969025912832 | IT'S TODAY!! The exhibition "Sleepless Ukraine" opens this evening at KULT XL ateliers in #Brussels. Join us to celebrate #Ukraine resilience, its talented artists and dynamic digital developers with @PromoteUkraine @boell_eu @ua_boell @Meta_History_UA & @Ixelles_Elsene 🇺🇦 | 11 |
1626261511655026689 | One year ago, @DefendDemocracy convened roundtable with former ambassador to Ukraine @K_Klompenhouwer & NGO @PromoteUkraine. Sadly, what we discussed became reality... We still #StandWithUkraine & urge all to be on the right side of history: Help defend liberty & democracy✌️🇺🇦 | 9 |
1626565174806061057 | @PromoteUkraine Ukraine used to be part of Russia and belongs to Russia. The war in Ukraine is not my war, it's the war of the US administration. | 9 |
1625822988586065921 | It was great to share thoughts and @PromoteUkraine insights about @Lukoil boycott in Belgium, very important to keep spreading the info about russian bloody business in Europe. #boycottlukoil | 9 |
Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used
Hashtag | Count |
#ukraine | 16 |
#standwithukraine | 14 |
#brussels | 8 |
#irgcterrorists | 5 |
#nft | 4 |
#mahsaamini | 3 |
#stationeurope | 2 |
#eutoday | 2 |
#укртві | 2 |
#україна | 2 |
Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions
Mention | Count |
@promoteukraine | 256 |
@idoiavr | 50 |
@mazellilith | 48 |
@ionebelarra | 48 |
@botengam | 48 |
@giul_granato | 48 |
@enriquesantiago | 48 |
@mariavillellas | 48 |
@julio_rodr_ | 48 |
@pedrofgsoares | 48 |
Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Average number of emojis used per tweet
Emojis used in tweets
Emoji | Count | Emoji Text |
🇺🇦 | 28 | Ukraine |
💙 | 22 | blue_heart |
💛 | 22 | yellow_heart |
✌ | 16 | victory_hand |
🤮 | 13 | face_vomiting |
😅 | 13 | grinning_face_with_sweat |
👍 | 12 | thumbs_up |
🇪🇺 | 11 | European_Union |
🌻 | 10 | sunflower |
🤡 | 8 | clown_face |
Emojis groups
Emoji Group | Count |
Smileys & Emotion | 110 |
People & Body | 57 |
Flags | 45 |
Objects | 11 |
Animals & Nature | 10 |
Symbols | 3 |
Activities | 1 |