Tweets Analysis - Keyword: @PresKMJohnson


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

8 days

Average age of authors' accounts

5 years


An inspirational and productive meeting was held by the National Advisory Council on Innovation & Entrepreneurship (#NACIE), which was attended by Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo, Kathi Vidal from the United States Patent Office, National Science Foundation Director Dr. Sethuraman Panch, Steve Case, Ohio State University President Kristina M. Johnson, and other members. The conversation focussed on Jim Jordan, cover-ups, closing and moving a homeless shelter out of the student housing area, evidence of Ohio State University working against victims of Dr. Strauss and the need for action instead of words, Currents, and violent crime on and near campus.

Topic Modeling

  1. National Advisory Council on Innovation & Entrepreneurship (#NACIE)
  2. Jim Jordan Cover Up
  3. OSU Audio Soundtrack
  4. OSU Homeless Shelter and Student Safety
  5. OSU Sexual Abuses Scandal and Cover Up

Emotional Analysis

The majority of these tweets express gratitude, anticipation, and support. The first tweet thanks members of the National Advisory Council on Innovation & Entrepreneurship (#NACIE) for an inspirational and productive meeting. The following tweets express support for the victims of sexual assault, with some expressing anger and frustration towards Ohio State and its president, Kristina Johnson. The final tweets appear to be from OSU haters, expressing disdain and contempt for the university.

Trend Analysis

  1. National Advisory Council on Innovation & Entrepreneurship (#NACIE)
  2. Covering up sexual assault
  3. Protection for students in university district
  4. Jim Jordan controversy
  5. Corruption at Ohio State University

Disclaimer: The text analysis on, powered by OpenAI, does not represent the views of or its affiliates. The analysis is for informational purposes only and not an endorsement of any viewpoint.

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 5 devices used to tweet

Source Count
Twitter for iPhone 23
Twitter for Android 13
Twitter Web App 2
Twitter for iPad 1

What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count

Username Name Bio Followers count
jaxinn (damsaints)⚜️❄️ ⚜WHODAT! RESIST! HAPPILY married! ⚜❄❄❄I Follow Back! N0 DMS unless you want to be unfollowed!🇺🇦 24,961
AmberHolley10 A❌ber Holley (SGAF #2) Proud ❌other of 6. Proud Buckeye for Life. No DMs unless we know each other or your part of My Twitter Family, ⭕️Politics 13,171
deathtocrazy 👨‍🔧Justin Harper👨‍🔧 Mostly political with a little bit of everything else #fucktrump 4,061
MoniqueWingard Monique Wingard Romans 8:37 ♥️ • #ChangeAgent • Proud Auntie • Comms Professor • Journo on Hiatus • OATW • #WOUBProud • ⭕️ 🙌🏾 #GoBucks 2,281
JerryKeirns Jerry Keirns Husband Father Grandfather Great Grandfather Conservative Christian Born a Buckeye Living in Georgia. No PM please 2,237
TEDxOhioStateU TEDxOhioStateUniversity - 2,072
iggystardusty Ode to Joy You had me at “Resist.” Your body your choice/LGBTQ supporter/BLM. Strong supporter of Australian gun laws & affordable housing for all. 🇦🇺🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 1,736
ninecannons Nancy Lover of truth, social justice, a balanced budget. Neither right nor left. Child welfare, family, and God are #1 Haters stay away. 1,501
AutumnPlans Autumn R. Glover, MCRP, MPA Urban planner solving problems at the intersection of race, place + health through community engagement. Community health partnerships leader @OhioHealth 973
AsstSecCastillo Assistant Secretary Alejandra Y. Castillo Proud aunt/mom. U.S. Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Economic Development @US_EDA. Working with @POTUS to build a better America. 753

Top 10 accounts with highest friends count

Username Name Bio Followers count
jaxinn (damsaints)⚜️❄️ ⚜WHODAT! RESIST! HAPPILY married! ⚜❄❄❄I Follow Back! N0 DMS unless you want to be unfollowed!🇺🇦 25,137
AmberHolley10 A❌ber Holley (SGAF #2) Proud ❌other of 6. Proud Buckeye for Life. No DMs unless we know each other or your part of My Twitter Family, ⭕️Politics 13,468
deathtocrazy 👨‍🔧Justin Harper👨‍🔧 Mostly political with a little bit of everything else #fucktrump 4,815
iggystardusty Ode to Joy You had me at “Resist.” Your body your choice/LGBTQ supporter/BLM. Strong supporter of Australian gun laws & affordable housing for all. 🇦🇺🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 2,539
MoniqueWingard Monique Wingard Romans 8:37 ♥️ • #ChangeAgent • Proud Auntie • Comms Professor • Journo on Hiatus • OATW • #WOUBProud • ⭕️ 🙌🏾 #GoBucks 2,183
ninecannons Nancy Lover of truth, social justice, a balanced budget. Neither right nor left. Child welfare, family, and God are #1 Haters stay away. 2,142
AutumnPlans Autumn R. Glover, MCRP, MPA Urban planner solving problems at the intersection of race, place + health through community engagement. Community health partnerships leader @OhioHealth 1,852
SethYocum3 Seth Yocum no dms unless I know you. I won't respond! I have a gf, will not send anyone $ so find another sucker! THAT SAID FLY EAGLES FLY!! WE ARE!! 💯 1,406
JerryKeirns Jerry Keirns Husband Father Grandfather Great Grandfather Conservative Christian Born a Buckeye Living in Georgia. No PM please 1,163
Reedsrebels17 Matt Reed Seeker of TRUTH 988

Most active users

Username Bio Number of tweets
Reedsrebels17 Seeker of TRUTH 8
tc_osumom NEAST Ohio Conservative Mom of Ohio State student. Trying to keep CRT out of Ohio and make University District & OSU safer. HELP #EastPalestine 5
DoctorJake3 2
Really30126959 - 2
AsstSecCastillo Proud aunt/mom. U.S. Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Economic Development @US_EDA. Working with @POTUS to build a better America. 1
TEDxOhioStateU - 1
ninecannons Lover of truth, social justice, a balanced budget. Neither right nor left. Child welfare, family, and God are #1 Haters stay away. 1
kzadnik1 - 1
kevvyroy Husband and father to 3 wonderful boys, including recording artist @joshroyal5. Also check him out at 1
kerr_rolland - 1

Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1624774486934319106 Survivors Of OSU - ⁦⁦@OhioState⁩ ⁦@OhioStateAlumni⁩ ⁦@TheLantern⁩ ⁦@MikeDeWine⁩ ⁦@PresKMJohnson⁩ Evidence of OSU working against victims of Dr. Strauss. Covering up sexual assault makes you complicit 2
1625881152333524997 Why did Ohio State & Wexner fire "resign" President Kristina Johnson ? Could it be the Sexual abuse scandal Ohio State has been covering up for 40+years? @PresKMJohnson @OhioState @StudentLifeOSU 2
1624066571676123136 Thank you @SecRaimondo, @USPTO Director Kathi Vidal, @NSF Director @DrPanch, @SteveCase, @OhioState @PresKMJohnson and all of our National Advisory Council on Innovation & Entrepreneurship (#NACIE) members for an inspirational and productive meeting. 1
1626946838820421633 @Parmedic1986 @NBCNews @ABC @FoxNews @CNN @OSU_AD @PresKMJohnson @nytimes @ColumbusDispBRK @BBCBreaking @Newsweek @OhioStateNews @radioleary @ioncorruption @DanRather Listen to this audio file on the last 4 years of OSU waging war on its own ALUMNI SURVIVORS 1
1626764253335023617 @Reedsrebels17 @NBCNews @ABC @FoxNews @CNN @OSU_AD @PresKMJohnson @nytimes @ColumbusDispBRK @BBCBreaking @Newsweek @OhioStateNews @radioleary @ioncorruption @DanRather To bad #JimJordan did not get what he deserved. Jimmy is a liar and guilty as sin. 1
1624386654017314818 @PresKMJohnson hey President Johnson, respectfully asking, no begging, if you plan to address the problems in the university district? Our children (your students) deserve to be safe! 0
1624453061371473926 @stoiawsyx6 An OSU student was sexually assaulted this past week. Last night someone ran in &stabbed someone at the warming shelter. He was not apprehended. People on street have been threatening students Nothing from @MayorGinther @PresKMJohnson @OSUPOLICE @ScarletGraySLVP 0
1624454604325892098 2 stabbed near OSU campus. Just days after a student was sexually assaulted DURING THE DAY! ⁦@TheLantern⁩ ⁦@BarstoolOSU⁩ ⁦@OSUPOLICE⁩ ⁦@PresKMJohnson⁩ ⁦@OhioStateAlumni⁩ 0
1624494241492742144 @Lisa91553785 @NBCNews @ABC @FoxNews @CNN @OSU_AD @PresKMJohnson @nytimes @ColumbusDispBRK @BBCBreaking @Newsweek @OhioStateNews @radioleary @ioncorruption @DanRather Thank you for the rt 0
1625617881680453643 @Reedsrebels17 @NBCNews @ABC @FoxNews @CNN @OSU_AD @PresKMJohnson @nytimes @ColumbusDispBRK @BBCBreaking @Newsweek @OhioStateNews @radioleary @ioncorruption @DanRather 0

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1624066571676123136 Thank you @SecRaimondo, @USPTO Director Kathi Vidal, @NSF Director @DrPanch, @SteveCase, @OhioState @PresKMJohnson and all of our National Advisory Council on Innovation & Entrepreneurship (#NACIE) members for an inspirational and productive meeting. 7
1626326854201225216 @Reedsrebels17 @NBCNews @ABC @FoxNews @CNN @OSU_AD @PresKMJohnson @nytimes @ColumbusDispBRK @BBCBreaking @Newsweek @OhioStateNews @radioleary @ioncorruption @DanRather I hope Jim Jordans part of this cover up is mentioned here 5
1625893139096514567 @kevvyroy @NBCNews @ABC @FoxNews @CNN @OSU_AD @PresKMJohnson @nytimes @ColumbusDispBRK @BBCBreaking @Newsweek @OhioStateNews @radioleary @ioncorruption @DanRather Listen to our audio soundtrack it's 40 min and very powerful 5
1625883244875882500 @Reedsrebels17 @NBCNews @ABC @FoxNews @CNN @OSU_AD @PresKMJohnson @nytimes @ColumbusDispBRK @BBCBreaking @Newsweek @OhioStateNews @radioleary @ioncorruption @DanRather Does it mention Gym Jordan?! 4
1625564182723629056 @PresKMJohnson Why don’t you start supporting the students by closing & moving the homeless shelter on 16th out of the student housing area? Already 2 stabbings, rape, burglaries, daily verbal harassment as people walk by. Your students need you to actually DO SOMETHING. No more words - ACTION! 4
1624774486934319106 Survivors Of OSU - ⁦⁦@OhioState⁩ ⁦@OhioStateAlumni⁩ ⁦@TheLantern⁩ ⁦@MikeDeWine⁩ ⁦@PresKMJohnson⁩ Evidence of OSU working against victims of Dr. Strauss. Covering up sexual assault makes you complicit 3
1625537832457478145 @rae_michalak @PresKMJohnson Read the room little bro. 3
1625617881680453643 @Reedsrebels17 @NBCNews @ABC @FoxNews @CNN @OSU_AD @PresKMJohnson @nytimes @ColumbusDispBRK @BBCBreaking @Newsweek @OhioStateNews @radioleary @ioncorruption @DanRather 3
1626764253335023617 @Reedsrebels17 @NBCNews @ABC @FoxNews @CNN @OSU_AD @PresKMJohnson @nytimes @ColumbusDispBRK @BBCBreaking @Newsweek @OhioStateNews @radioleary @ioncorruption @DanRather To bad #JimJordan did not get what he deserved. Jimmy is a liar and guilty as sin. 2
1624494241492742144 @Lisa91553785 @NBCNews @ABC @FoxNews @CNN @OSU_AD @PresKMJohnson @nytimes @ColumbusDispBRK @BBCBreaking @Newsweek @OhioStateNews @radioleary @ioncorruption @DanRather Thank you for the rt 2

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#jimjordan 1
#eastpalenstine 1
#ohiostate 1
#nacie 1

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Mention Count
@preskmjohnson 40
@osu_ad 14
@nytimes 14
@columbusdispbrk 14
@newsweek 14
@ohiostatenews 14
@danrather 14
@abc 13
@foxnews 13
@cnn 13

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets


Average number of emojis used per tweet


Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
🙏🏻 4 folded_hands_light_skin_tone
🙏 3 folded_hands

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
People & Body 7