Tweets Analysis - Keyword: @PeteSouza


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

10 days

Average age of authors' accounts

8 years


This conversation and series of tweets discusses the life of Jimmy Carter and his journey to becoming president. It also discusses President-elect Barack Obama joining five other presidents in the Oval Office. The tweet thread also includes Pete Souza's photographs, including one of Obama's hand on a child's face. Finally, the conversation references how Ted Nugent's net worth of 10 million dollars is significantly less than Rihanna's net worth of 1.5 billion dollars and talks about how unpopular Nugent is.

Topic Modeling

  1. Jimmy Carter- Honoring his life and legacy, five presidents, Oval Office, Prez-elect Barack Obama joining, Pete Souza's photos
  2. Fox News- criticism, Tucker Carlson
  3. Dominion Voting- people's opinions, private company
  4. United States Presidents Club- Living ex-presidents, issued by Pete Souza
  5. Pete Souza- photos, Savage, Instagram post, little suggested reading, comment, line between fiction and journalism

Emotional Analysis

The overall sentiment expressed in these tweets is one of admiration and respect for former president Jimmy Carter, as well as appreciation for the work of Pete Souza. Additionally, there is a feeling of amusement and humor in some of the tweets, as well as some anger and annoyance towards Fox News, Ted Nugent, and other figures.

Trend Analysis

  1. Honoring Former President Jimmy Carter
  2. Critique of Fox News
  3. Celebration of Pete Souza's photos and captions
  4. Comparing the popularity of Ted Nugent to Rihanna
  5. Exploring the latest books by various authors

Disclaimer: The text analysis on, powered by OpenAI, does not represent the views of or its affiliates. The analysis is for informational purposes only and not an endorsement of any viewpoint.

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 5 devices used to tweet

Source Count
Twitter for iPhone 414
Twitter Web App 292
Twitter for Android 193
Twitter for iPad 114
TweetDeck 4

What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count

Username Name Bio Followers count
arishapiro Ari Shapiro Host of @npratc. Author of "The Best Strangers in the World," out 3/21/23. Singer with @pinkmartiniband & Alan Cumming. Repped by He/him 224,452
TrueFactsStated Claude Taylor @ClaudeTaylor @ Post Mad Dog Pac. Clinton WH 218,729
ArlanWasHere Arlan 👊🏾 Proud founder of @Backstage_Cap💯 + @HireRunner💜🏃🏾‍♀️, Author IT’S ABOUT DAMN TIME, Host YOUR FIRST MILLION, @QueerGermanGirl’s WIFEY😍@generalhospital fan📺 126,415
DavidLat David Lat Lawyer turned legal writer and podcaster: Original Jurisdiction, Author, @SCOTUSambitions. Founder, AboveTheLaw/@ATLblog.🏳️‍🌈 97,193
carriecordero Carrie Cordero Senior Fellow & General Counsel @CNASdc | Legal & National Security Analyst @CNN | Advisory Board @TechLawSec | Occasionally obsessed sports fan | My views only 56,755
Sabrina_McDa Sabrina McDaniel American - World Traveler - Global Citizen #BlueCrew 🌊🌊 49,300
wcbuecker William Buecker Democrat, doesn’t look like we will be here much longer I’m on Post at @ Wcbuecker 37,629
ChuckCjmmn cjmmn Husband, Dad, Irishman ☘. Retired with pets🐶🐶🐱🐢 BidenHarris, BLM, LGBTQIA, Science over Q Nuts, 🙏Ukraine🇺🇦, Trump = PAB, MAGA = Traitors 34,491
drkatraphael Rev Dr Kathleen Raphael DD LPN Don't hurt humans or animals. Let's live together & pool resources. #DisabilitiesHappen #NoViolence 🌿 LonelyNoMore 🌱 #Resist 🌊 #YoureGonnaGetOldToo ❤#Love❤ 27,416
afro_candombera Claudia Yurley Quintero Speaker | Premio Mujer CAFAM 2022 | Empoderamiento | Resiliencia | Trabajo social con mujeres | Enfoque diferencial 23,225

Top 10 accounts with highest friends count

Username Name Bio Followers count
Sabrina_McDa Sabrina McDaniel American - World Traveler - Global Citizen #BlueCrew 🌊🌊 48,976
wcbuecker William Buecker Democrat, doesn’t look like we will be here much longer I’m on Post at @ Wcbuecker 37,147
drkatraphael Rev Dr Kathleen Raphael DD LPN Don't hurt humans or animals. Let's live together & pool resources. #DisabilitiesHappen #NoViolence 🌿 LonelyNoMore 🌱 #Resist 🌊 #YoureGonnaGetOldToo ❤#Love❤ 28,901
ChuckCjmmn cjmmn Husband, Dad, Irishman ☘. Retired with pets🐶🐶🐱🐢 BidenHarris, BLM, LGBTQIA, Science over Q Nuts, 🙏Ukraine🇺🇦, Trump = PAB, MAGA = Traitors 27,985
ArlanWasHere Arlan 👊🏾 Proud founder of @Backstage_Cap💯 + @HireRunner💜🏃🏾‍♀️, Author IT’S ABOUT DAMN TIME, Host YOUR FIRST MILLION, @QueerGermanGirl’s WIFEY😍@generalhospital fan📺 19,580
petermaer PETER MAER Retired White House Corr. Edward R. Murrow Award, Merriman Smith Award for Presidential Coverage. Interfaith Alliance Walter Cronkite Faith & Freedom Award. 15,470
lflorepolitics voteblue2020🇺🇦🌻🇺🇸 Passion~ Politics💙🌵Proud DEMOCRAT. Pro choice. Lifelong News junkie...Foodie🍴🍕Wine 🍷Cat owner🐾 All opinions are my own. 15,068
FabulousLVNV Paula🐝🐾 🖖🏼Trekkie X Files Fringe 🇺🇸 🇲🇽 🇨🇦 🇵🇷 🇺🇦#FightInjustice #LGBTQally #Science #Education #BLM #BeKind #RideTheWave 💉💉💉💉💉 14,891
murrayb560sl 🕉️ murray b 🍁🇺🇦 Rocket Scientist, retired. 🇨🇦🌎🌊🕵️‍♂️#TheResistance 14,293
omunderdal Olav Mitchell Underdal Lawyer, Reg. Patent Attorney, Systems Engineer. @ezpatent: Affordable Patent Applications #EqualRights #EqualAccess #EqualJustice ⚖️🦅🗽🇱🇷🇩🇰🇺🇦🇪🇺🇺🇳 14,182

Most active users

Username Bio Number of tweets
beebow2 So Good To Be Alive! 16
AvengingAngel94 - 12
notarob98255627 *Sapiosexual. Not in it for the likes. RT might imply endorsement, but then again might not. Pronouns: another, many, some, whence, both, each 11
dof1971 - 10
CathleenGonzale - 10
radseg_cs Detroiter who retired to Alabama. What was I thinking... 10
PNWNative57 Family/ELCA Lutheran/Politics/Bourbon & Cigars. USMC Veteran, Father and Son of Marines. 9
Bazinga2011 Even in the broken places, the light shines that light and make the world a better place. 9
MullinBarb - 8
JoniS585 - 8

Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1627786868774572032 Honoring Jimmy Carter who stands apart in a crowd. He is in the final stretch of a life well-lived. Five presidents, Oval Office, 1/7/2009. Prez-elect @BarackObama joins Pres. Bush 43 and former presidents Bush 41, Clinton & Carter. @jaketapper @BeschlossDC @JoeNBC @PeteSouza 210
1627714067313086464 .@PeteSouza is so savage😂 (and of course, right). 48
1627789635693993984 Great picture of the four still living former President’s of the United States; taken by @PeteSouza. 36
1626950684779184129 One of my favorite @PeteSouza photos of @BarackObama . It's just his hand on that child's beautiful face ❤️❤️❤️❤️ 25
1628156480833699841 Hey, @PeteSouza. He’s drunk again. @RonnyJacksonTX 25
1628150802828374024 Ohhh burns so good! 😎Thank you, @PeteSouza 20
1627716757782659089 I love @PeteSouza 18
1627912758133129216 Read the caption on this wonderful Instagram post by @PeteSouza 🕶 🕶 🕶 18
1627730105307959310 @DonaldJTrumpJr “🇺🇸 On this Presidents’ Day here are the current members of the Presidents’ Club. It is a very exclusive club. It includes all the living former presidents except those that have incited an insurrection and abused his powers to attempt to overturn an election.” @PeteSouza 17
1627735520108285962 A little suggested (and signed!) reading for #PresidentsDay: #presidentsday2023 @PeteSouza @troy_senik @eleanorherman @Jay__Cost @APrudhommeWords @AmityShlaes @jmeacham @agordonreed 13

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1627786868774572032 Honoring Jimmy Carter who stands apart in a crowd. He is in the final stretch of a life well-lived. Five presidents, Oval Office, 1/7/2009. Prez-elect @BarackObama joins Pres. Bush 43 and former presidents Bush 41, Clinton & Carter. @jaketapper @BeschlossDC @JoeNBC @PeteSouza 1578
1627714067313086464 .@PeteSouza is so savage😂 (and of course, right). 264
1627789635693993984 Great picture of the four still living former President’s of the United States; taken by @PeteSouza. 117
1626950684779184129 One of my favorite @PeteSouza photos of @BarackObama . It's just his hand on that child's beautiful face ❤️❤️❤️❤️ 110
1625643729074651137 Los días ministeriales. Sigo soñando algún día registar imágenes tan contundentes como las de @PeteSouza @agaviriau 78
1626997503500627968 Those @FoxNews f---ers had no credibility to begin with, particularly @TuckerCarlson Too bad @dominionvoting is private, I'd buy their stock... @JoeNBC @CNNSotu @PeteSouza @ImprovAmbassadr 78
1627730105307959310 @DonaldJTrumpJr “🇺🇸 On this Presidents’ Day here are the current members of the Presidents’ Club. It is a very exclusive club. It includes all the living former presidents except those that have incited an insurrection and abused his powers to attempt to overturn an election.” @PeteSouza 72
1628150802828374024 Ohhh burns so good! 😎Thank you, @PeteSouza 67
1628156480833699841 Hey, @PeteSouza. He’s drunk again. @RonnyJacksonTX 65
1627735520108285962 A little suggested (and signed!) reading for #PresidentsDay: #presidentsday2023 @PeteSouza @troy_senik @eleanorherman @Jay__Cost @APrudhommeWords @AmityShlaes @jmeacham @agordonreed 55

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#presidentsday 20
#presidentsday2023 7
#obama 4
#whitehouse 2
#history 2
#carter 2
#bush 2
#clinton 2
#reagan 2
#jimmycarter 2

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Mention Count
@petesouza 1029
@ronnyjacksontx 132
@elonmusk 73
@barackobama 62
@kennerly 28
@beschlossdc 28
@jaketapper 27
@joenbc 25
@obamafoundation 22
@pnwnative57 19

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets


Average number of emojis used per tweet


Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
🟩 1630 green_square
1164 white_large_square
🟨 460 yellow_square
271 black_large_square
😂 28 face_with_tears_of_joy
❤️ 27 red_heart
👏 26 clapping_hands
🤣 23 rolling_on_the_floor_laughing
🤬 20 face_with_symbols_on_mouth
🇺🇸 13 United_States

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Symbols 3533
Smileys & Emotion 189
People & Body 82
Objects 19
Flags 13
Activities 3
Food & Drink 3
Animals & Nature 1
Travel & Places 1