Account Summary

Followers Count


Friends Count


Tweets Count


List Count



Beijing, China



Followers Analysis (based on followers sample)


Number of Verified accounts


Percentage of Verified accounts



Number of Protected accounts


Percentage of Protected accounts



Average Age of Twitter accounts

5 years


Number of users without a Bio


Number of users with a Bio


Percentage of users with a Bio


Percentage of users without a Bio


Worldcloud of Bios

List of top 10 keywords used in bios

Word Frequency
love 1851
life 1281
student 1168
world 1088
china 1066
engineer 639
news 585
chinese 562
lover 552
politics 542

List of top 10 hashtags used in bios

Hashtag Frequency
#bitcoin 129
#freepalestine 62
#btc 46
#china 37
#crypto 31
#ai 30
#blm 27
#1 26
#nft 25
#tech 24

Top 10 followers with the highest follower count

Username Followers Count Friends Count Tweet Count
vikramchandra 2870536 356 40640
SkyAlertMx 2434314 631 32748
jaarreaza 1856565 15547 86941
Nimbuzz 1668851 165 10476
zittokabwe 1654141 4586 143579
AbidSherAli 1535145 813 41488
SinghLions 1335545 1432417 33927
RexChapman 1254965 30759 328704
UlrichJvV 1148590 802463 26199
Declaracion 905712 19003 5143

Top 10 followers with the highest following count

Username Friends Count Followers Count Tweet Count
SinghLions 1432417 1335545 33927
UlrichJvV 802463 1148590 26199
AmazesMix 798542 776759 50701
TheBubbleBubble 169884 166431 117552
travisa850 110599 126038 58298
mmasief 94310 101998 259903
geoff_deweaver 85220 367185 545690
franju 78998 71876 376660
Me_Gofficial 74374 102296 138106
KaelahMickelle 74025 67777 138384

Top 10 followers with the highest tweet count

Username Tweets Count Followers Count Friends Count
jondknight 1331623 778 4892
SherBah46958042 887684 2372 4982
ChristineJameis 883234 17370 17083
jdjongumzidenga 847644 9507 10352
Tenji95 842309 2216 2913
robsongfreire 816140 4985 3713
Khuze_Elikhulu 804762 7363 1237
Brianmbunde 781176 223915 7571
NetsiGual 716367 8547 3700
ribrib010 653456 1809 1232

Top 10 followers with the highest listed count

Username Listed Count Friends Count Followers Count
ianbremmer 10662 1633 737592
KFILE 6736 8315 431771
RexChapman 5890 30759 1254965
BernardMarr 4809 56676 137732
COUPSURE 4431 1297 190344
jaarreaza 3673 15547 1856565
geoff_deweaver 3522 85220 367185
SkyAlertMx 3493 631 2434314
dhewlett 3225 3620 112333
lullymiura 3180 875 398628

Tweets Analysis


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

119 days

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1627765533599846406 Members from the Blue Sky Rescue branch in S China's Hainan returned home on Monday. Blue Sky, a Chinese civil relief squad, has sent 103 rescue teams to Türkiye's quake-hit areas, and a total of 145 people, including 8 survivors and 137 victims, were found by them. 703
1640952888091615233 China's first yuan-settled liquefied natural gas (LNG) trade was completed on Tuesday through the Shanghai Petroleum and Natural Gas Exchange, with about 65,000 tonnes of LNG imported from the UAE changing hands in the trade. (file pic) 627
1616602917565526016 Today is the last day of the Year of the Tiger on the Chinese lunar calendar and tomorrow will be the #YearOfTheRabbit. It's time to say goodbye to the past and welcome a fresh start! #SpringFestival2023 364
1645808170990972943 Impressive agility! Two spry grandpas in China exercise in a unique way going down mountain steps. 299
1644366169116389376 This chimp does not monkey around! A chimpanzee wowed onlookers by washing its own dishes at a zoo in SW China's Chongqing, displaying an outstanding sense of cleanliness and self-discipline. 193
1608296882047959041 The world’s first hydrogen-powered city train indigenously developed by China rolled off the production line in Chengdu of Sichuan Province on Wednesday. The zero-carbon train, with a maximum speed of 160 km/h, can run 600 km on one fueling. 166
1621512472971862016 A Chinese airship used for meteorological purposes accidentally entered US airspace due to the Westerlies and its limited self-steering capability, the Chinese FM said. China regrets the unintended entry and will properly handle this unexpected situation caused by force majeure. 153
1644959830791315460 Welcome to the feast for kittens! #CutenessOverload 138
1642346113129693185 Infrastructure "magic"! Monorail management becomes easy and convenient in southwest China's Chongqing thanks to the automatic and seamless track-switching technology. 100
1626700782773862402 Health experts from the 27 EU members agreed to phase out COVID-19 restrictions on travelers from China, ending the requirement for negative pre-departure COVID tests by the end of February, the Swedish presidency of the EU said. 78

Top 10 tweets with highest Reply count

ID Text Reply count
1621512472971862016 A Chinese airship used for meteorological purposes accidentally entered US airspace due to the Westerlies and its limited self-steering capability, the Chinese FM said. China regrets the unintended entry and will properly handle this unexpected situation caused by force majeure. 84
1645808170990972943 Impressive agility! Two spry grandpas in China exercise in a unique way going down mountain steps. 58
1625163586614992902 With skyscrapers piercing through morning fog, Fuzhou in SE China's Fujian seems like a city up in the air. 53
1640952888091615233 China's first yuan-settled liquefied natural gas (LNG) trade was completed on Tuesday through the Shanghai Petroleum and Natural Gas Exchange, with about 65,000 tonnes of LNG imported from the UAE changing hands in the trade. (file pic) 51
1634026525803814915 #XiJinping elected Chinese president #TwoSessions2023 41
1636345331062386689 The French Senate on Thursday voted in favor of President Macron’s pension reform plan and adopted the law to change the retirement age from 62 to 64, despite weeks of protests and strikes that attracted hundreds of thousands of workers. 26
1635096090243661824 China will unswervingly advance high-quality development on the new journey of building a great modern socialist country and advancing the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, President Xi Jinping said Monday. #TwoSessions2023 26
1643428034492637184 China has kicked start the first observational testing at an altitude range of 0-35,000 meters above sea level at the high-altitude synoptic station in Xilinhot, north China's Inner Mongolia for the WMO Integrated Global Observing System. 26
1616602917565526016 Today is the last day of the Year of the Tiger on the Chinese lunar calendar and tomorrow will be the #YearOfTheRabbit. It's time to say goodbye to the past and welcome a fresh start! #SpringFestival2023 25
1608296882047959041 The world’s first hydrogen-powered city train indigenously developed by China rolled off the production line in Chengdu of Sichuan Province on Wednesday. The zero-carbon train, with a maximum speed of 160 km/h, can run 600 km on one fueling. 24

Top 10 tweets with highest Quote count

ID Text Quote count
1626700782773862402 Health experts from the 27 EU members agreed to phase out COVID-19 restrictions on travelers from China, ending the requirement for negative pre-departure COVID tests by the end of February, the Swedish presidency of the EU said. 338
1645808170990972943 Impressive agility! Two spry grandpas in China exercise in a unique way going down mountain steps. 324
1640952888091615233 China's first yuan-settled liquefied natural gas (LNG) trade was completed on Tuesday through the Shanghai Petroleum and Natural Gas Exchange, with about 65,000 tonnes of LNG imported from the UAE changing hands in the trade. (file pic) 218
1644366169116389376 This chimp does not monkey around! A chimpanzee wowed onlookers by washing its own dishes at a zoo in SW China's Chongqing, displaying an outstanding sense of cleanliness and self-discipline. 115
1621512472971862016 A Chinese airship used for meteorological purposes accidentally entered US airspace due to the Westerlies and its limited self-steering capability, the Chinese FM said. China regrets the unintended entry and will properly handle this unexpected situation caused by force majeure. 80
1608296882047959041 The world’s first hydrogen-powered city train indigenously developed by China rolled off the production line in Chengdu of Sichuan Province on Wednesday. The zero-carbon train, with a maximum speed of 160 km/h, can run 600 km on one fueling. 76
1644959830791315460 Welcome to the feast for kittens! #CutenessOverload 73
1616602917565526016 Today is the last day of the Year of the Tiger on the Chinese lunar calendar and tomorrow will be the #YearOfTheRabbit. It's time to say goodbye to the past and welcome a fresh start! #SpringFestival2023 45
1625163586614992902 With skyscrapers piercing through morning fog, Fuzhou in SE China's Fujian seems like a city up in the air. 43
1634026525803814915 #XiJinping elected Chinese president #TwoSessions2023 43

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1645808170990972943 Impressive agility! Two spry grandpas in China exercise in a unique way going down mountain steps. 1931
1640952888091615233 China's first yuan-settled liquefied natural gas (LNG) trade was completed on Tuesday through the Shanghai Petroleum and Natural Gas Exchange, with about 65,000 tonnes of LNG imported from the UAE changing hands in the trade. (file pic) 1484
1644366169116389376 This chimp does not monkey around! A chimpanzee wowed onlookers by washing its own dishes at a zoo in SW China's Chongqing, displaying an outstanding sense of cleanliness and self-discipline. 1099
1616602917565526016 Today is the last day of the Year of the Tiger on the Chinese lunar calendar and tomorrow will be the #YearOfTheRabbit. It's time to say goodbye to the past and welcome a fresh start! #SpringFestival2023 1062
1627765533599846406 Members from the Blue Sky Rescue branch in S China's Hainan returned home on Monday. Blue Sky, a Chinese civil relief squad, has sent 103 rescue teams to Türkiye's quake-hit areas, and a total of 145 people, including 8 survivors and 137 victims, were found by them. 1025
1608296882047959041 The world’s first hydrogen-powered city train indigenously developed by China rolled off the production line in Chengdu of Sichuan Province on Wednesday. The zero-carbon train, with a maximum speed of 160 km/h, can run 600 km on one fueling. 886
1644959830791315460 Welcome to the feast for kittens! #CutenessOverload 670
1621512472971862016 A Chinese airship used for meteorological purposes accidentally entered US airspace due to the Westerlies and its limited self-steering capability, the Chinese FM said. China regrets the unintended entry and will properly handle this unexpected situation caused by force majeure. 500
1641890858680352768 All the world's a stage! A Chinese kid was spotted practicing breakdance moves at a bus stop after school. 419
1644615059497181184 Easy-peasy! See how cute goats leap up and down the wall easily in north China's Inner Mongolia. 356

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#twosessions2023 50
#amazingchina 46
#breaking 45
#chinagottalent 35
#yearoftherabbit 31
#springfestival 25
#latest 17
#onthisday 16
#us 14
#shenzhou15 13

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Hashtag Count
@anhuichina 7
@memphiszoo 1
@un 1
@prcambnepal 1
@nasa 1

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
3 red_heart
❤️ 3 red_heart
3 check_mark
🍵 2 teacup_without_handle
📢 2 loudspeaker
🎉 2 party_popper
🌞 1 sun_with_face
🌺 1 hibiscus
🐻 1 bear
🍾 1 bottle_with_popping_cork

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Smileys & Emotion 6
Activities 5
Food & Drink 3
Symbols 3
Animals & Nature 2
Objects 2
Travel & Places 1