Tweets Analysis - Keyword: Patriots
Total number of tweets analysed
Earliest tweet was on
Latest tweet was on
Tweets covering
8 days
Average age of authors' accounts
6 years
Types of Tweets
Number of Retweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of Original tweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Mentions
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Replies
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Quotes
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Hashtags
Percentage of total tweets
Top 5 devices used to tweet
Source | Count |
Twitter for iPhone | 52510 |
Twitter for Android | 30459 |
Twitter Web App | 25266 |
Twitter for iPad | 3063 | v2 | 2129 |
What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count
Username | Name | Followers count |
espn | ESPN | 42,689,249 |
SportsCenter | SportsCenter | 41,133,604 |
NFL | NFL | 31,432,003 |
FoxNews | Fox News | 22,524,670 |
washingtonpost | The Washington Post | 19,958,831 |
Forbes | Forbes | 18,440,400 |
billboard | billboard | 14,030,388 |
AdamSchefter | Adam Schefter | 9,898,470 |
CBSNews | CBS News | 8,824,369 |
DonaldJTrumpJr | Donald Trump Jr. | 8,536,790 |
Top 10 accounts with highest friends count
Username | Name | Followers count |
jilevin | Jeffrey Levin 🇺🇦 | 617,561 |
bdonesem | 💞 Al-Faisal 💞 | 547,668 |
MisterSalesman | M LeMont | 400,607 |
bynsny | Larry Kelly | 327,560 |
thejimjams | James Hirsen | 276,345 |
scottisbell_ | Scott Isbell | 276,216 |
varepall | VRA | 227,441 |
toypilaNews | TOYPILANEWS | 170,791 |
IWF | Independent Women's Forum | 166,205 |
DennisCardiff | 🌊🌊🌊🌊Author Dennis Cardiff💉💉💉💉🌊 | 159,873 |
Most active users
Username | Number of tweets |
PatriotsViews | 1,441 |
PatsFans_News | 854 |
skaimer7 | 518 |
stoprinos117 | 332 |
BearsViews | 277 |
zanupf_patriots | 239 |
patriots_fight1 | 229 |
enigmapi_one | 204 |
CDN_Patriots | 194 |
Mug2155 | 175 |
Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count
ID | Text | Retweet count |
1583421144413376512 | Lara Logan reveals that she spoke to a man who said “he infiltrated the global cabal at the UN,” and had papers to prove they had a plan to “infiltrate 100 million illegal immigrants” to “dilute the pool of patriots” so they could take over the US | 4478 |
1581733377782165507 | Biden motorcade gets AMBUSHED by based man with gigantic “Trump 2024” flag pole as massive crowd of patriots in California chant “Let’s Go Brandon” Wait for it… | 3980 |
1584336407342243840 | I can’t believe what just happened, real heroes are being martyred by mafias. All the corrupt gathered to put down the patriots. My heart is grieving for all the good men Pakistan is losing this year. #ArshadSharif #قوم_کا_ہیرو_ارشد_شریف إنّا لله وإنّا إليهِ رَاجعُون | 3889 |
1583157775957651456 | PATRIOTS! Can we kindly get 1,000 retweets and replies to get this ol' hashtag #HandsOffSocialSecurity trendin' to tell the dang GOP to keep their stinkin' paws off our Social Security? | 3116 |
1582806919252959232 | Republican candidate for AZ school governing board position told the officer he was just trying to relieve stress while masterbating in his truck near a preschool. It’s a stressful time for MAGA patriots fighting groomers and the Marxist woke mob. | 2576 |
1581742989969440771 | Pure Zappeness. #NEvsCLE | #ForeverNE | 2144 |
1582380546231271424 | Good Morning Patriots!!! The man was a “Visionary”.🇺🇸 | 1863 |
1583927391864619008 | I’m At the Trump rally South Texas city of Robstown, I love meeting other patriots #TrumpRally | 1537 |
1583572757203206145 | PATRIOTS: Can we get 1,000 quick replies usin’ the hashtag #SaveMedicareFromRepuclians to get it trendin’ & draw attention to the GOP war on Medicare? | 1465 |
1582920052788981760 | Lara Logan reveals to Newsmax that she spoke to a man who said “he infiltrated the global cabal at the UN,” and had papers to prove they had a plan to “infiltrate 100 million illegal immigrants” to “dilute the pool of patriots” so they could take over the US. | 1456 |
Top 10 tweets with highest Like count
ID | Text | Like count |
1581733377782165507 | Biden motorcade gets AMBUSHED by based man with gigantic “Trump 2024” flag pole as massive crowd of patriots in California chant “Let’s Go Brandon” Wait for it… | 19512 |
1583927391864619008 | I’m At the Trump rally South Texas city of Robstown, I love meeting other patriots #TrumpRally | 12887 |
1582028122370678784 | One New York bettor at @CaesarsSports hit the parlay of a lifetime Sunday $55 ➡️ $397,759.56 Steelers Live ML +200 Vikings Live ML -120 Seahawks ML +115 Colts Live ML +340 Falcons Live ML +120 Patriots Live ML +110 Bengals Live ML +195 Giants Live ML +200 Jets Live ML +240 | 12632 |
1581744558349914114 | #Patriots Bailey Zappe had 597 yards, 4 TD, and 1 INT in 2 games. #ForeverNE This has a Tom Brady feel to it. | 11340 |
1582894344951898112 | Soap is WOKE according to Fox News. True patriots will no longer wash their hands. | 8827 |
1581742989969440771 | Pure Zappeness. #NEvsCLE | #ForeverNE | 8003 |
1582806919252959232 | Republican candidate for AZ school governing board position told the officer he was just trying to relieve stress while masterbating in his truck near a preschool. It’s a stressful time for MAGA patriots fighting groomers and the Marxist woke mob. | 7865 |
1582920052788981760 | Lara Logan reveals to Newsmax that she spoke to a man who said “he infiltrated the global cabal at the UN,” and had papers to prove they had a plan to “infiltrate 100 million illegal immigrants” to “dilute the pool of patriots” so they could take over the US. | 7396 |
1584336407342243840 | I can’t believe what just happened, real heroes are being martyred by mafias. All the corrupt gathered to put down the patriots. My heart is grieving for all the good men Pakistan is losing this year. #ArshadSharif #قوم_کا_ہیرو_ارشد_شریف إنّا لله وإنّا إليهِ رَاجعُون | 7369 |
1581745217689948160 | FINAL: Back-to-back wins for the @Patriots! #NEvsCLE | 6733 |
Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used
Hashtag | Count |
#patriots | 10157 |
#foreverne | 4076 |
#nfl | 3106 |
#bears | 1545 |
#pats | 1536 |
#browns | 1484 |
#mnf | 1332 |
#gopats | 1099 |
#newenglandpatriots | 1073 |
#dabears | 904 |
Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions
Hashtag | Count |
@patriots | 13852 |
@zanupf_patriots | 6686 |
@nfl | 1812 |
@varakashi4ed | 1234 |
@tafadzwamugwadi | 1051 |
@baileyzappe04 | 1048 |
@barakazaire | 994 |
@dereckgoto | 973 |
@mulakazuval | 959 |
@chicagobears | 930 |
Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Average number of emojis used per tweet
Emojis used in tweets
Emoji | Count | Emoji Text |
🇺🇸 | 10687 | United_States |
🏈 | 4017 | american_football |
❤️ | 3544 | red_heart |
😂 | 3207 | face_with_tears_of_joy |
🤣 | 2544 | rolling_on_the_floor_laughing |
🔥 | 2398 | fire |
🙏 | 1876 | folded_hands |
✅ | 1545 | check_mark_button |
🔴 | 1497 | red_circle |
🆚 | 1200 | VS_button |
Emojis groups
Emoji Group | Count |
Smileys & Emotion | 22084 |
Flags | 14300 |
People & Body | 10841 |
Symbols | 9068 |
Travel & Places | 6581 |
Activities | 6349 |
Objects | 3949 |
Animals & Nature | 2011 |
Food & Drink | 1154 |