Tweets Analysis - Keyword: Ortega


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

2 days

Average age of authors' accounts

7 years


Jenna Ortega was supposed to return for 'YOU' Season 4 but had to put it off due to filming 'Wednesday.' She discussed the romantic storyline of 'Wednesday', as wanting to avoid a love triangle. Her success has been noted by Penn Badgley and she was seen kissing Vagner Love. There were also tweets about Daniel Ortega in Nicaragua and Amancio Ortega of Zara. Jenna was recently at a 'Wednesday' pre-reception in Hollywood.

Topic Modeling

  1. Jenna Ortega
  2. YOU Season 4
  3. Wednesday
  4. Triangle Romance
  5. Daniel Ortega/Amancio Ortega

Emotional Analysis

The tweets express a range of emotions, from excitement and happiness for Jenna Ortega's success to disappointment and frustration over her inability to return for the fourth season of YOU due to scheduling conflicts. There is also indignation over the imprisonment of Nicaraguan Bishop Rolando Álvarez by Daniel Ortega, and concern about the pay freeze of Zara workers by Amancio Ortega. Finally, there is admiration for Jenna Ortega's talent and enthusiasm for her new show Wandinha.

Trend Analysis

  1. Jenna Ortega
  2. YOU Season 4
  3. Wednesday
  4. Romantic storylines
  5. Scheduling conflicts

Disclaimer: The text analysis on, powered by OpenAI, does not represent the views of or its affiliates. The analysis is for informational purposes only and not an endorsement of any viewpoint.

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 5 devices used to tweet

Source Count
Twitter for Android 14653
Twitter for iPhone 7518
Twitter Web App 5602
TweetDeck 626
Twitter for iPad 419

What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count

Username Name Bio Followers count
Reuters Reuters Top and breaking news, pictures and videos from Reuters. For more breaking business news, follow @ReutersBiz. 25,744,119
CNNEE CNN en Español CNN en Español es tu principal fuente de información y breaking news. Cubrimos las noticias de América Latina y el resto del mundo. Vive la noticia. 22,408,414
WSJ The Wall Street Journal Sign up for our newsletters and alerts: | Got a tip? | For WSJ customer support: 20,483,419
washingtonpost The Washington Post Democracy Dies in Darkness 20,022,367
AP The Associated Press Advancing the power of facts, globally 🌎 16,049,745
cnni CNN International Breaking news from around the world, plus business, style, travel, sport and entertainment. We #gothere. 14,429,721
CGTNOfficial CGTN CGTN is an international media organization. It aims to provide global audiences with accurate and timely news coverage as well as rich audiovisual services. 13,124,319
NoticiasCaracol Noticias Caracol Últimas noticias de Colombia y el mundo en @NoticiasCaracol, primero la gente. Conéctese con #NoticiasCaracolAhora 👇 10,086,560
AristeguiOnline Aristegui Noticias Esta cuenta es administrada por Carmen Aristegui y el equipo de Aristegui Noticias. Los tuits de Carmen se firmarán como “-C. Aristegui” o “-C.”. 9,466,698
business Bloomberg The first word in business news. Our newsletters: Our podcasts: The Big Take podcast: 9,165,812

Top 10 accounts with highest friends count

Username Name Bio Followers count
miguelhotero Miguel H Otero Presidente Editor Diario El Nacional 1,087,865
Cooperativa Cooperativa También en @CooperativaPod, e | Tu nota de voz al WhatsApp +56978880770 648,855
jilevin Jeffrey Levin 🇺🇦 Retired, progressive, human rights, politics, equality, LGBTQ+, anti-racist, anti-fascist (AntiFa), #BLM #Resist co-founder @FreedomWritersc 602,689
ElNacionalWeb El Nacional Te informamos sobre las noticias más recientes de Venezuela y el mundo. Evita la censura y descarga el VPN 📲 339,302
leopoldolopez Leopoldo López Venezolano. Papá, esposo. Activista de @VoluntadPopular. Comprometido con la Libertad de Venezuela. 316,759
etnow Entertainment Tonight Entertainment begins and ends with ET. 290,781
PersonalFlow_At Personal Flow Ayuda Somos la cuenta oficial de soporte a usuarios de Personal y Flow 266,370
Variety Variety The business of entertainment. 227,819
latercera La Tercera Más que un diario 📲📰 216,587
geopolytica George With my feet on earth. No creo en Utopias anacrónicas, fracasadas y otras hierbas totalitarias.....Against the hypocrisy of the left.! Pro-Life NO PORNOGRAPHY 211,219

Most active users

Username Bio Number of tweets
guerra3_ortega Soy morenita 😁 1011
ReporteNi Reporta u opina en temas de interés común. Menciona @ReporteNi o #ReporteNi y citaremos tu tuit. Dudas, preguntas por MD. 164
hiromi_ortega Me gusta la aventura, creyente de un mejor lugar para mis hijos 159
ortega_perfect ギルティメイン。 仕事はクソリプを送ることです。 ネタ、検証をまとめたアカウントはこちら→ 141
enriquez_ortega - 118
mariapaz_ortega El mundo nada puede contra un hombre que canta en la miseria. Ernesto Sabato. Balletómana, lectora. No DM 95
ortega_nevado Licenciado en Derecho. Que todo el mundo haga lo mismo, no significa lo correcto. Hay que luchar contra las injusticias. Instagram: @pedroorteganevado 90
William92073556 - 87
raulc_ortega - 83

Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1623760171418648578 Jenna Ortega was supposed to return for ‘YOU’ Season 4 but couldn’t as she was filming ‘WEDNESDAY’. (Source: 2013
1623813591819333635 Qué vergüenza contigo, Daniel Ortega . Te convertiste en lo que combatiste ! Eres el Somoza del siglo XXI. Desterrar disidentes luego de encierros injustos , y detener sacerdotes que se resisten a tu autoritarismo te retrata de cuerpo entero . 1936
1624431802176733184 ¿Y es que el Papa Francisco no va a decir nada de la condena a 26 años de cárcel impuesta por Daniel Ortega al valiente obispo de Nicaragua Rolando Álvarez? Ya basta de hacerse el loco. Le recuerdo señor Papa, que aunque usted no lo crea, Dios existe. 1689
1623748335679991808 ¿ Tiene la prensa un minutito para informar que Amancio Ortega tiene el sueldo de los trabajadores/as de Zara congelados desde 2012? ¿ O ÚNICAMENTE va a informar de cuando Amancio Ortega hace una donación? 1655
1624209190137876482 ¿Qué dicen @CancilleriaCol de la condena a 26 años al obispo nicaragüense Rolando Álvarez por negarse a ser deportado a USA? El fallo lo emitió el sátrapa Daniel Ortega. Sin juicio. Espero también que se pronuncie el Nuncio de Su Santidad en Colombia. 982
1624226482427133952 Monseñor Álvarez, el obispo preso político del régimen de Ortega, se negó a subir al avión para ser desterrado. Lo volvieron a encarcelar. Ya solo falta que le den el Águila Azteca al dictador Daniel Ortega. - Infobae 970
1623761275678347276 Jenna Ortega was supposed to return for ‘YOU’ Season 4 before ‘Wednesday’ got in the way. 🔗: 955
1624418446946467842 El dictador de Nicaragua, Daniel Ortega, despojó de su nacionalidad a 222 ciudadanos, por el simple hecho de oponerse a su régimen. No he visto a los nuevos "defensores" de la democracia quejándose: @petrogustavo, @LulaOficial, @lopezobrador_, @alferdez: 946
1623801558847700994 This is Gilbert Ortega Jr, during the middle of a performance celebrating native American culture outside his store screaming "this is maga country" along with racist bs. Gilbert owns the store he standing outside of, the store sells native American memorabilia. 879
1623713659275907072 Más Amancios Ortega y menos Podemos. 856

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1623760171418648578 Jenna Ortega was supposed to return for ‘YOU’ Season 4 but couldn’t as she was filming ‘WEDNESDAY’. (Source: 59027
1623761275678347276 Jenna Ortega was supposed to return for ‘YOU’ Season 4 before ‘Wednesday’ got in the way. 🔗: 33889
1623764932670984195 Jenna Ortega iria retornar como Ellie na 4ª temporada de ‘YOU’, mas precisou adiar devido as gravações de ‘Wandinha’. 13661
1624501146663395328 🚨 | Jenna Ortega falou sobre a trama romântica de Wandinha: "Na primeira temporada eles meio que tentaram colocar Wandinha em um triângulo amoroso e eu não acho que isso faça sentido pra ela. Na verdade, na minha opinião, essa é a parte mais chata de toda a série." 11638
1623763389074878464 Jenna Ortega was unable to return for ‘YOU’ Season 4 due to scheduling conflicts with ‘WEDNESDAY.’ ( 8701
1623761761269862406 Jenna Ortega was going to return for Season 4 of ‘YOU’ but was busy filming ‘Wednesday.’ “We wanted to bring Ellie back and we heard, ‘Oh, Jenna is doing some show.’ We have ideas for Ellie if her schedule allows her to visit us again.” 7520
1623762538646147074 🚨SÉRIES: Jenna Ortega voltaria para a 4ª temporada de 'YOU', mas estava ocupada filmando 'Wandinha' 6642
1624045850161778690 🚨NOVO CASAL! Jenna Ortega é vista ao beijos com Vagner Love em restaurante 5560
1623768713240477697 Jenna Ortega aurait dû revenir dans la saison 4 de You mais n'a pas pu à cause du tournage de Mercredi. (via @IndieWire) 4873
1623813591819333635 Qué vergüenza contigo, Daniel Ortega . Te convertiste en lo que combatiste ! Eres el Somoza del siglo XXI. Desterrar disidentes luego de encierros injustos , y detener sacerdotes que se resisten a tu autoritarismo te retrata de cuerpo entero . 4634

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#nicaragua 1484
#somospasióncaribe 333
#ortega 278
#sosnicaragua 278
#sisepuedevzla 235
#seriedelcaribegrancaracas 224
#eeuu 180
#10feb 177
#jennaortega 172
#11feb 162

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Mention Count
@ortega_smith 748
@vox_es 484
@santi_abascal 256
@jorgebuxade 216
@ivanedlm 209
@vladi_villegasp 185
@ortega_gerardo 178
@el_pais 158
@guerra3_ortega 153
@petrogustavo 153

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets


Average number of emojis used per tweet


Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
🇳🇮 734 Nicaragua
🌹 558 rose
🤣 551 rolling_on_the_floor_laughing
🇻🇪 459 Venezuela
😂 431 face_with_tears_of_joy
👏 405 clapping_hands
🔴 359 red_circle
🚨 337 police_car_light
👇 295 backhand_index_pointing_down
289 baseball

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Smileys & Emotion 4859
People & Body 2948
Flags 2292
Symbols 2080
Objects 1511
Animals & Nature 1055
Travel & Places 1026
Activities 827
Food & Drink 235